
"Leave the rest to me!"

The wound pierced by the spear on the giant's back could already be seen. Chisaki Mori held Ryo Yilan's hand and threw it downwards with the help of rotation.

During this period, Noretti did not pause at all, chanting various buff magic and applying it to Mori Chisaki and Ryo Yilan from a distance.

Chisaki Mori's instant acceleration just now was her result.

Liang Yilan shook her hand with the word "Nine Characters" and "Nine Words", and the scabbard was thrown away with the inertia, revealing the sharp blade with the word "Nine Words" engraved on it. She tapped her toes and landed on the end of the crossbow inserted into the giant's back. She continued to move forward with the help of her rolling posture, stood up and charged with strode.

Stepping on the rusty ballista arrow body, Liang Yilan sprinted toward the wound on the giant's back at the ultimate speed he could reach.

However, after realizing that Liang Yilan had successfully invaded the blind spot, the giant immediately gave up chasing the others and curled up directly and fell backwards, intending to use its huge body advantage to smash Liang Yilan into the ground.

"Captain, stop it quickly! Lan will be crushed to death!"

Chisaki Mori gathered strength with both hands, and a column of jet-black flames burst out, shooting towards the giant's head. Although it hit the giant's head directly, it had little effect.

Its size is too big! Such an attack is almost like being stabbed with a needle.

The arrow tail of the ballista had already poked into the ground, and the arrow directly pierced Godevisa's chest under Noretti's disbelieving gaze!

The arrow tails were getting shorter and shorter, and the pierced arrows were getting longer and longer. What everyone didn't expect was that Godwitha, without his hands, actually used his curled up feet to clamp the crossbow arrow!

If it is pulled out like this, Liang Yilan who is still on top will be squeezed to death by the giant's body!

But the same thing...

Liang Yi Lan will also get to where she wants to get to more quickly.

The giant suddenly showed a surprised expression, looking up at the sky shrouded in the light of the red moon with disbelief.

It was "death" that was stared at by the evil eyes of death, and its origin was revealed. It was a pure feeling of death.

As the crossbow arrow penetrated the chest, the stinking blood burst out all over Liang Yilan's body, and even contained heat that could burn through the skin. However, all this pain only made Liang Yilan's eyes open and burst out with more determination. of light.

Without a trace of trembling in her hands, she held the Nine Characters Kaneda tightly, and Liang Yilan roared with all her strength, aiming it at the inside of the wound, at the dark "dead spot" that shone brightly at the giant's original heart.

Run through it! Then welcome death without regrets...

"As long as it is alive...even if it is a god, I will kill it for you!!!"

The moment before he was crushed by the huge body, the tip of the knife in Liang Yilan's hand penetrated the only dead center and reached the source!

The giant's body fell downwards and froze for a brief moment as if time stopped. A blue-red lightning suddenly burst out from the wound on his chest, and a huge amount of blood appeared as the muscles and bones of the giant Godwissa's body collapsed irreversibly. Erupting like a volcano.

The wailing sounds were decomposed and dissipated by the broken flesh. As the [Direct Death] effect was achieved, the remaining 10 trillion health bars evaporated instantly, shattering into cruel streams of light and flying away.

boom! ! !

【——The powerful enemy has been killed——】

The demigod giant guarding the royal city of Ai Fogel declared his death, and his originally heavy and majestic body fell like this, no longer carrying any weight.

In the scarlet gleam cast by the red moon, it turned into floating ashes in the blink of an eye, flying one after another.

The ground is floating in the air. The fog lingering in the forest seems to be a little thicker...

[Conquered area: King Aifoghar is now open! 】

[Earned 1,000 team points for killing a powerful enemy: Giant Godwissa]

A bright golden font appeared in the center of everyone's field of vision, as if they were celebrating for defeating this impossible enemy, and the huge fog barrier covering the entire royal city also disappeared.

Liang Yilan, covered in blood, knelt on the ground holding the knife in her hand, breathing in the sweet air belonging to the survivors, her whole body trembling slightly, she raised her head to the people who showed admiration to her, and raised a winner's smile.

Chapter 127 King Ai Fogel

Chapter 1317 Chapter 127 King Aifoghar

On the ground where the giant died, a red stream of light slowly spread, drawing a dark red red moon emblem on the ground.

The moment he reached out to touch it, the dim emblem lit up, and the warm waves dispelled the wounds and cold.

[The red moon emblem has been lit up! 】

All health points were restored, and the negative status accumulated during the fierce battle with the giant was also lifted.

However, the effect of refreshing area monsters does not seem to resurrect strong enemies that have been defeated. Think about it, if strong enemies that can be defeated will be refreshed, wouldn't it be possible to increase points infinitely in one place?

Cheng Rang patted Liang Yilan on the shoulder and said, "Well done."

"Everyone's help is also indispensable." Liang Yilan breathed a sigh of relief, "The royal city in front seems to be a neutral conquered area that can be occupied. Without further delay, let's go and have a look."

"Want to avoid being taken advantage of by others?" Mori Chisaki asked.

Cheng Rang nodded: "That's fine. Anyway, the emblem has restored everyone's condition. Let's go into the city."

Passing through the already messy road in front of the Royal City, we came to the closed city gate. Unlike the various ruins and relics weathered by time that we had seen along the way, the Royal City of Alfogel still stood firmly here. No trace of decay can be seen anywhere.

Even the iron sheets and rivets wrapped around the city gate were not rusty. Cheng Rang pushed open the heavy door with all his strength, as if to reveal its mystery buried by history. The scene inside the King's City of Alfogel was accompanied by the sound of heavy metal friction. Show it to everyone bit by bit.

Inside the towering city walls, there is a dilapidated and devastated look. The old bluestone buildings are basically Victorian-style spire buildings, with roof tiles that appear to be stained by dark red bloodstains and are paved in a messy manner. It is obvious that no one has maintained it for a long time.

There was silence all around, and a few people went together to explore the interior of the royal city. Here, haggard corpses could be seen everywhere on the roadside, wrapped in rotting tattered linen clothes.

At this moment, the sudden sound of armor coming from the corner aroused Noretti's vigilance.

"There's someone ahead!"

The orange light of flames came from the alley between buildings, and the sound of heavy steel armor coming closer was heard.

A shielded knight holding a torch walked out of a corner not far away, and immediately spotted Cheng Rang and his party.

Just when Cheng Rang was about to draw his sword and chop off his head, the man suddenly spoke.

"Are you... the favored ones?"

"The favored one?" Several people looked at each other after hearing the unfamiliar words spoken by the heavily armored knight.

"what is that?"

The knight was carrying a shield behind him and the sword was still in the scabbard at his waist. He seemed to be not hostile for the time being.

He raised the torch and came closer. After seeing clearly the costumes and faces of Cheng Rang and others, he said in a more determined tone: "Yes, it's you! I saw you defeat the crazy Godwissa on the castle, oh …Bless the King!”

The knight bowed to the four men and said, "I am Buck, the deputy commander of the Royal Guards of King Aifoghar. Lord Beloved, I know your purpose of coming, please follow me."

With that, Buck raised his torch and turned to lead them.

Following Buck as they walked through the deserted residential area of ​​the royal city, it was easy to get lost in the dim environment and complicated roads, but fortunately with him leading the way, Cheng Rang and his group soon arrived in front of the king's castle in the central area.

Under the dim red moonlight, the dark king's castle looked like a dying giant beast, entrenched under the dark sky without any movement. The rubble diffused a faint luster like scales.

[Flag of the conquered area has been discovered: King Evogel's Castle - currently unowned]

A white system prompt appeared. Buck, who led everyone here, signaled them to wait a moment, then opened the castle door and walked in.

After a while, the castle door reopened, and Buck's figure appeared at the end of the upward steps, waving to this side.

"Please come in, favored ones, King Avoghar is waiting for you inside."

King Evergal is still alive?

It seems that this news is a bit unbelievable. In this gloomy world where everything seems to be going crazy to meet death, can anyone really survive...?

With the idea of ​​​​finding out, Cheng Rang climbed up the steps and walked into the castle.

When passing by Buck, who was standing by the door holding a torch, everyone looked wary. However, Buck remained motionless. His face and expression were obscured by the full-coverage steel helmet. The gaps in the helmet were pitch black, and nothing could be seen. No invitation.

The red carpet in the main hall of the castle is already a little tattered. Looking around, you can still see the remains of various gorgeous decorations from the past.

With no traces left, the shine of gold will never fade in any time.

There are torches lit on both sides of the hall, which can slightly illuminate the environment here. You can see a figure wearing a gorgeous robe sitting crookedly on the throne above the end of the road.

Wearing a golden crown and studded with precious stones, he must be the King of Evogel in Buck's mouth.

But the king's face had obviously lost its elasticity and luster like a mummy. In the deep-set eye sockets, the gray eyes were covered with turbid light. He raised his eyes slightly and saw Cheng Rang and his group of four people walking towards him. There was a frightening sound of air flow.

The old and hoarse voice said: "Ah, the people blessed by the red moon have finally arrived... I heard that you defeated the giant in front of the city gate?"


"It's been too long... It's been too long... You are the first batch of favored ones to walk through the gate of the royal city alive. Godwitha has devoured too many people who want to enter here, and this will only make him more and more powerful."

Cheng Rang asked: "Excuse me, what do you mean by favored person?"

The king's sunken, dry eyes cast an incredible light. He sat up slightly and said, "You are not the favored ones who have come here for the first time, are you?"

Then he smiled weakly in relief: "Haha, that's true. If it wasn't the first time, why would you approach Godwissa rashly?"

"Listening to what you said...could it be possible that there are others who have been here many times?"

"Rather than saying it many times, it's more like an experienced favored one. Oh, just now you asked what the favored one means..."

Ai Fogel wiped the white beard on his chin: "The nights in this world are very long. You have also seen that there has been no sign of the sun here for a long time. Ever since the red moon rose, it has been maddening. The long night will never end. Life needs radiance, but it needs golden radiance, not red like blood..."

Through the mouth of King Ai Fogel, Cheng Rang and his party learned about the background and origin of this world. However, it seems that these stories should have been heard from the mouth of the great hero Gran from the beginning. Unfortunately, he has been chopped down by Cheng Rang. Turned to ashes.

Three years ago, the bright moon that originally emitted golden light was stained with a scarlet and broken color when a blazing red meteor tore through the sky hit it.

The sun that could illuminate the world has since disappeared. Except for the red moon that seems to hang in the sky forever, no other stars have flickered around it.

The long dark night and the light of the red moon can bring great power to the creatures in this world, but they can also swallow up their sanity and drive them into madness.

After being crazy for a long time, they gradually lost the shape of their original souls. They began to mutate and turned into terrifying monsters with no humanity.

Even the plants in the forest changed due to the light of the red moon. The whole world fell into doomsday, as if a death knell sounded. Everything turned scarlet, and everywhere was filled with madness and destruction.

This originally prosperous continent has since had a desperate name: the place where the red moon died.

And like people like Cheng Rang, the strangers who came to this world were not affected by the light of the red moon, but were happy to do so. As if being favored by it, those who fight with those crazy monsters and receive blessings will be called "people favored by the red moon".

"There are not many normal people left..." King Evogel said in a regretful tone, "Only poor ghosts like us, hiding in the castle, are still lingering, oh, and maybe there are some great heroes."

Chapter 128: The knight bathing in the afterglow and the end

Chapter 1318 Chapter 128 The knight bathing in the afterglow and the end

"big hero?"

"The great heroes are the gods who once protected their people. Now with the loss of the sun and the golden moon, they have lost part of their original power, but in contrast, they have gained the power of the red moon."

The strong men who were once worshiped as gods by the people in the mainland believed that the Red Moon would completely destroy the continent sooner or later, and the favored ones were enemies sent by the Red Moon forces specifically to regain the land here, so they The heroes fight against the Favored to save the land.

Along with them are the Holy Church forces who once followed them. Many of those forces will use holy magic to resist the influence of the Red Moon.

But unlike the great heroes, many of them cannot freely walk on the land illuminated by the light of the red moon. Most of them hide in churches or occupy huge castles and towers without people.

"But, after all, there are still too few real gods. Many great heroes walked on the land illuminated by the red moon, fighting with monsters. Gradually, they fell into inhuman madness and lost their minds. They even began to kill each other. ." King Aivogel showed a look of regret and sighed: "The Godwissa you saw at the city gate was also a great hero in King Aivogel's city."


Godwissa has the blood of giants and demigods. He was once the supreme commander of the army of Eforger. After retiring, he did not choose to enjoy his old age. Instead, he stationed here as a general guarding the gate of the royal city. He once asked Eforger Your king has sworn in blood that he will protect the majesty of the royal city of Alfogel for the rest of his life.

After the birth of the Red Moon, Godwissa gained more powerful power from the Red Moon, fighting day after day against the Beloved who tried to conquer this place, as well as against those in the forest.

Monsters emerged from the forest and fought... Day after day, Godwissa, who devoured the flesh and blood of monsters and the favored ones, finally lost his mind and became a guardian who only stayed in front of the royal city gate.

He would only block everything that wanted to enter the royal city, trample them to pieces, devour them, and then become more powerful and crazy with the nourishment of the red moon and festering flesh.

"He used to be so loyal, but now, he doesn't even recognize me, the king he once served... Whenever I sit here and hear Godwitha's crazy roar outside the city, my heart is like a flame extinguished. shattered like ashes."

Ai Fogel smiled bitterly and raised his hand to touch the golden crown on his head.

"Now, Godwitha has finally been defeated, and the last obsession to protect the royal city has been shattered. We can't wait for the light of the golden moon to come again, and the end of Evogel has come..."

He finally took off the golden crown on his head, called Buck who was waiting at the door, and threw the golden crown at his feet.

"Buck, my last advocate, will you take the crown, or return with me to the embrace of the golden moon?"

The heavy armor collided with the ground, making a clanging sound. Buck knelt on his knees in front of King Evogel, and kowtowed deeply to his king. He didn't even glance at the golden crown that fell to the ground.

"Buck Elfogel, you are willing to follow my king forever!"

"How can I still be called a king when I don't even have any people?"

"Then Buck is your last subject!"

Ai Fogel smiled bitterly at this, and after sighing, his face was full of helplessness.

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