
"Teacher, I will never let any assassin escape unscathed."

Along with the aroma gradually wafting out, a freshly made takoyaki was stuffed into the mouth of Akabane Ye who looked surprised, but he spat it out the next second.

“So hot!!”

"Eh hee hee, looking at your face, I guess classmate Biye hasn't had breakfast yet, right? I made some octopus balls quickly with Mach."

"After eating these, your physique should be closer to that of a healthy teenager."

Akabane wiped his mouth vigorously and looked warily at the grinning octopus-headed teacher in front of him.

It opened its arms and danced its tentacles, "Classmate Ye, teacher, I am very good at polishing the rusty and dull assassin's blades until they are as sharp as new."

"Today, you can use all your strength to assassinate my master. I will help you polish your rusty self."

Once the cracked teeth are opened, you can see the takoyaki stuffed inside.

Faced with such a provocation, Ye's face looked extremely ugly, and the tit-for-tat atmosphere between the two seemed to stir up an invisible whirlwind in the classroom.

"Before school is over, my teacher will polish your body and mind to sparkle!"

There was silence in the classroom for a moment. Even Xiao Mo carefully put the steaming octopus balls on the fork into his mouth and chewed them slowly.

...So when did you grab the octopus balls? ! Also, you are not allowed to eat in class, classmate Cheng Xiaomo!


In the next few classes, Akabane, who was being watched with all his strength, had no chance to carry out a decent assassination.

In math class, while Koro-sensei was writing on the blackboard, he wanted to pull out a pistol and shoot. But the slain teacher's tentacles, which seemed to have eyes on his back, grabbed the gun.

"Classmate Ye, you spend too much time between drawing the gun and firing it. Because you are very free, I will help you make your armor look a little better~"

Staring at his shining nails, the corners of Akabane Ye's mouth twitched imperceptibly.

It was the same in the fourth family class, and the attempt to knock over the hot pot of soup to gain an opportunity to take action also failed completely.

In just an instant, he was put on a pink lace apron, and even the spilled soup was sucked back with a dropper, and even seasoning was done.

The fifth class, the sixth class...

Watching the constant assassinations fail,

Nagisa thought silently about Karma who had made a fool of himself in front of his classmates, and some even started to get angry.

No... Koro-sensei does have many weaknesses. Simple mistakes are often made. Once you are in a panic, your reaction speed will become no different from that of ordinary people.

However, no matter how good the graduate students are at surprise attacks - in front of Koro-sensei who is on full alert, such an assassination operation is 100% impossible to succeed.

The last period - physical education class.

This is Teacher Cheng’s class.

Everyone was divided into several groups to practice skills and physical endurance. Because Teacher Cheng feels that many students in the class lack exercise and their physical fitness cannot keep up with their bodies.

"You guys, even if you stab a dagger during an assassination, your arms will cramp... First, get some exercise!"

Cheng Rang looked around the playground and found that someone seemed to be missing.

"Akabanye! Where did Akabane go?"

A girl ran over and gave way to Cheng: "Classmate Ye is on the other side of the cliff. He said he wants to talk to Teacher Cheng and you have something to discuss alone."

"Are you alone?" Cheng Rang raised the whistle on his chest and blew it.

"Continue to move. Students who have completed their training tasks can move freely." Then he walked towards the woods. When Nagisa saw this, he quickly followed him because he was worried about his old friend.

The wind between the cliffs is very strong, and it even makes a whooshing sound when blowing over it.

Cheng Rang saw the red-haired boy sitting on the edge of the cliff with his head down and gnawing his fingers.

"It's very dangerous to sit there, classmate Ye. If you have anything you can't think of, you can talk to the teacher about it!"

Ye raised his head and murmured expressionlessly.


A smile suddenly appeared on his lips, "No, I just want to kill the teacher with my own hands. It would be my biggest regret if he couldn't let her die in a weird way!"

I... was betrayed by the teacher I once trusted the most.

He said that although he was always the one to take action in fights, as long as he did the right thing, he would always be on his side.

But when he took action against the [bully] who had excellent grades and helped the so-called classmates in Class E.

But he showed a completely different side.

It was very false. At that moment, it seemed as if the hidden green-faced fangs were revealed and he bit himself into pieces.

Obviously I trust the teacher so much - but in the end...

But he is still just a clown who cannot overcome the pathetically thick wall of prejudice.

"Each one of them said something nice and high-sounding that made me want to vomit!" Ye suddenly stood up and raised his pistol towards Cheng Rang.

"There are some things I want to confirm again. It's physical education class now, and it's a time [when you can assassinate Teacher Cheng], right?"


"If I succeed, as long as I hit you, any wish will come true?"

"Yes." Cheng Rang nodded.

Akabane smiled.

"The so-called teacher is someone who wants to protect his students even if he puts his life on the line, right? Do you think you are a qualified teacher, Teacher Cheng?"

Cheng Rang stared quietly at Chi Yuye's eyes, which looked like a young wolf cub huddled on the edge of the cliff, wildly baring its fangs at the pursuing enemy, exuding grief and anger.

Having been deeply hurt, I chose to fight in the end, but was powerless...

"I'm working hard." Cheng Rang replied seriously with a solemn tone.

"Really? That's great. In that case, let's work hard."

[I have thought of a way to succeed, 100% possible. 】

Holding the muzzle toward Cheng Rang, Ye jumped backwards off the cliff.

Nagisa, who followed from the side, widened his eyes and shouted in disbelief.

Come and save me. As long as you come to save me, you will be shot while saving me.

If you don't save me, as a teacher, you are already dead!

"My wish is to kill all those teachers who are like scum."

The scenery quickly recedes in front of my eyes, leaving only the distant sky in front of me.

...It’s not good, he’s going to die.

The teacher in my heart is going to die!

"Classmate Ye..."

With Nagisa's eyes widened and his expression at a loss, Cheng Rang watched helplessly as Ye jumped off the cliff.

"So, the troubled boys in your adolescence... are trouble."


A long knife that looked very ordinary appeared on Cheng Rang's waist.

Hold the handle of the sword, draw the sword, unsheath it, and slash.

In a flash of sword light, Cheng Rang stepped hard on the ground, and the mountain suddenly collapsed!

The entire clifftop was cut off by its roots. With his one step, it slid down at high speed, and even caught up with the falling industry in the blink of an eye, and brought him back to the "ground".

The flying sand, gravel and dust covered the sky and the sun, and the feeling of weightlessness disappeared instantly. Akabane's eyes widened when his back came into contact with the soft soil and grass again.

He actually...cut down the entire mountain without moving and caught me? !

"Are you kidding...?"

Nagisa lay on the edge of the severed cliff and looked down, shouting in disbelief. He even forgot to take out a notepad to record it because the scene was so outrageous.

Ye lay on the ground blankly, and Teacher Cheng's face appeared in his field of vision.

"Silly boy, how could I not save you?"


"Teacher, I'll give it to you

Even if the mountain splits, I will keep my promise. Are you looking down on me a little too much? "

Cheng Rang effortlessly pulled the gun out of Akabane Ye's hand, who had stopped thinking, and pointed it at Akabane Ye's chest.

He pulled the trigger loudly, and the BB ejected into Ye's chest. It was blocked by his clothes, but he could still feel the pain.

"Biu~ You're dead. Look, the so-called assassination is just such a simple matter. Why go over the top?"

"Next time, please come with a refreshing killing intent and be more frank with yourself~"

Maybe, I won’t hide next time?

Chapter 19 Time for shopping

Akabane looked into the eyes that were staring at him and smiled helplessly.

"So strong...like a monster."

"Well~ I've been evaluated like this more than once. Why... do you want to back down because you're afraid?"

"No way." Chi Yuye stretched out his hand and was pulled up from the ground by Cheng Rang.

"I will take some time to think about a new assassination plan. Maybe cooperating with my classmates is also a good way."

I thought I could solve the target with my own strength, but the mountains in front of me were easily flattened under my feet.

Let alone a close-quarters assassination, Teacher Cheng probably wouldn't move even if he faced armed siege from all over the world alone, or wouldn't he bother to move at all?

Karma swiped his thumb in front of his throat, "So I will continue to kill you tomorrow, so take the move."

"Happy to accompany you."

At this point, the bell rang, and all today's classes ended.

"Let's go home, Nagisa-san. How about something to eat on the way home?" Akabane suggested to Shiota Nagisa by throwing up the wallet in his hand.

Cheng Rang saw that the wallet looked familiar. When he took a closer look, he couldn't laugh or cry.

"Hey, that's your Koro-sensei's wallet, he'll cry if you take it away like this."

"So I have reminded him a long time ago that valuables cannot be left unprepared in the office~"

"Stealing is a crime, Mr. Ye."

Cheng Rang touched his arms, took out his wallet and shook it, "Teacher invites you to have barbecue today, how about it?"


"——The premise is that you return Koro-sensei's wallet and apologize to him properly, or you can kill him next time or something. After all, he doesn't have much money in his wallet anymore."

Akabane opened the wallet in his hand and found that there was nothing in it except a few hundred-yuan coins.

"If Mr. Cheng is treating you, can you order whatever you want?"

"Of course, I'm not a stingy person."

Passing by Ye and Nagisa, Cheng Rang raised his hand and lightly hit Ye on the back of the head as punishment, and then lifted up the back collars of their clothes one by one.

"Teacher, what do you want to do?"

"We are at the bottom of the cliff now. Do you plan to climb up by yourself?"

Nagisa looked up at the cliff in front of him, his face tightening, "Of course... no."

"So grit your teeth, you two."

"What? Wait..."

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