
Is your broken skull a minor injury?

"I have to thank Kugizaki-san for not passing away on the spot." Cheng Rang said with a smile on his face.

Hu Zhi found Xiao Mo curled up in a ball on the bed with her knees in her arms, and then turned around to question Kugisaki, but found that she had already silently ran to face the wall.

"Kugizaki, what are you doing? Kugizaki, what's wrong?

What about you? "

Cheng Rang laughed and took out his mobile phone, "Don't you know this? Good things must be shared with everyone. Come and show it to you?"

The sixth sense of the knotweed is strongly reminding him that although what Brother Cheng is about to show on his phone may be very exciting, now is definitely not a good time to watch it.

Because huge resentment was bursting out from Xiao Mo's body, which was huddled on the bed at the side, and it was about to break the ceiling.

"Well... let's forget it! We are in a hurry to go to the toilet, right! Toilet!"

"Let's go Fushiguro!" Huzhang did not forget to grab Fushiguro, who was only busy checking his mobile phone, and pulled him out of the door.

"Huh? Hey-!"

With a bang, the door of the infirmary was closed again. The four of them pushed each other to the ground and fled, and the space returned to silence.

Listening to the footsteps retreating in the corridor, Cheng Rang shook his head, took back his phone, and sat back in his chair.

He picked up the teapot in front of him and took a sip, looking quite like a veteran cadre who was about to retire.

"Today's young people are all very busy..."


It seems that there are many things in the past that Cheng can recall, and he is quite happy to sit here and drink tea.

Rather, this is the life he likes now.

He reached into his arms and took out a strange-looking pot and wine cup. The azure liquid flashing like a starry sky flew through the air and hit the cup. Cheng Rang drank it all in one gulp, showing a contented expression.

Just when Cheng Rang was enjoying the feeling brought to him by the resonance blue, Xiao Mo was also attracted and came behind Cheng Rang.

Sensing the corner of his clothes being tugged twice by Xiao Mo, Cheng Rang turned his head and cast a questioning look.

"This..." Xiao Mo pointed at the blue resonance in Cheng Rang's hand.

"People want to drink too."

"Children can't drink."

"I'm not young anymore!"

Cheng Rang was stunned after hearing this.


And thinking of the efficacy of Resonance Blue, what would Xiao Mo see if he drank it?

Maybe I can think of something.

Cheng Rang nodded to himself, then filled a small cup for Xiao Mo and handed it to her hand.

"Okay, you can try it."

Xiao Mo took the cup with both hands, stared at the shimmering liquid in it, and swallowed.

"You have to drink it all in one gulp."


"Then, it's best to talk about your feelings after drinking."

Xiao Mo glanced at Cheng Rang, picked up the wine cup and drank it all in one gulp.

After she put down the cup, she tasted it carefully for a while, as if nothing had happened.

Cheng Rang was curious and asked quickly: "How is it? What does it smell like?"

The girl was silent for a long time. She raised her eyes in despair and stared at the heavy crystal wine cup in a daze.

"Do you want more?" Cheng Rang shook the wine bottle.

She shook her head.


"Huh?" Cheng Rang raised his eyes expectantly.

"no taste."

Cheng Rang was surprised by Xiao Mo's words and opened his eyes slightly.

"What did you say?"

"This...has no taste."

Xiao Mo returned the wine cup to Cheng Rang, who was in a daze.

"Impossible~ Something went wrong?"

Cheng Rang looked back and forth at the Resonance Blue in his hand in disbelief. He had just had a drink. It was normal!

Everyone will get the most satisfying taste from Resonance Blue, including but not limited to the beauty and happiness they have experienced or have not experienced but yearn for.

Under the influence of its special ingredients, you can even see the scene in the illusion that reaches the human heart like a magic mirror.

But Xiao Mo said that the resonance blue had no taste in her mouth.

It's as bland as water, or... it doesn't even taste like water at all.

"Xiao Mo...haven't you experienced anything happy?"

"Happy thing?"

"Yes!" Cheng Rang nodded, "Like playing with everyone or something. Don't you like sweets? You can taste the sweetness or chocolate flavor with this, right..."

"Happiness, happiness, those things, Xiao Mo doesn't know." Her tone was calm, as if she was telling a formulaic answer, "It's just that others say that this thing should be happy, so they will feel happy."

That's all.

"Xiao Mo, you don't know anything." Although his tone was very calm, it was so calm that it shouldn't be, which made people feel distressed.

Isn't she a completely blank piece of paper?

"So you like to play, too?"

Xiao Mo looked up, but Cheng Rang couldn't see anything in her clear black eyes.

"I like to play just because when I play with others, I can ignore the bad things."

"The bad thing refers to-" Cheng Rang seemed to have some clues and cautiously probed.

"that is..."

Xiao Mo's brows frowned slightly. She seemed to not know how to describe her feelings to Cheng Rang, and was stuck for a moment.

Finally, she shook her head.

"have no idea?"

"I don't know how to put it, but in short, it's a bad thing."

She suddenly raised her head as if she remembered something, "Ah... the field expands, yes. If it is that time, bad things will come out... one after another."


Cheng Rang sank several times

Mo, I don’t know what to say.

He has seen Xiao Mo's field before.

It was a [negative] ocean composed of hundreds of millions of undead souls, tearing apart everything in mourning and turning everything around it into an endless hell.

【The Tomb of Wuyuan Wujian】

Cheng Rang was in a daze.

He seemed to begin to understand and understand why Xiao Mo couldn't taste the Resonance Blue.

That was the pain that Mo carried for himself.

Carrying it in obscurity, even because it is innate, we don’t think it is [pain].

He even takes it for granted, but vaguely knows that it is a "bad thing".

Filling his heart, he arbitrarily takes away all the places left for beauty.

Xiaomo is not a "blank slate".


It is an [ink paper] that was plunged into the dark sea of ​​ink, and then taken out and dried, with no trace of blank left.

The so-called "happiness" is like using a colored pen to draw beautiful patterns on white paper.

But this piece of paper has been soaked and soaked with ink... No matter how beautiful the happiness is, it can't leave any trace on it.

Therefore, Xiao Mo can't taste anything about the resonance blue.

That was the hero who walked through the dark mud and shouldered everything for Cheng Rang.

It was the shadow behind the light that allowed him to see hope.

Although it also took away the beauty mixed in it, but.


Xiao Mo took a step back slightly, eyes widening in surprise.

She had to step back because Cheng Rang had already hugged her.


Cheng Rang's instant change in attitude made Xiao Mo unable to accept it.

"I'm sorry...Xiao Mo, I didn't understand until now." He said.

"Huh? What do you understand?"

At this moment, Cheng Rang had the whole universe he wanted to talk about, but he couldn't spit out any dust when he opened his mouth. He could only hold the girl's body in his arms tighter.

Thousands of words, finally turned into one sentence——

"No...it's nothing."


Cheng Rang gradually felt the hot heat on his shoulders. Xiao Mo's eyes widened. She didn't understand why she suddenly couldn't control the tears and kept falling.

"Brother... this is the first time I have said... the word thank you to someone."

"It's so strange, why do people want to cry all the time?"

"totally do not understand....."

The girl's tone was trembling slightly along with her petite body, and she was choked with sobs.

Cheng Rang held Xiao Mo's shoulders and wiped away her tears.

As if it had happened before, he said softly:


"Because you shed these tears for me."

Chapter 181: Post it, you can post it on anything

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