Isabella caught up with Fushiguro and put the two light green priority coupons for the final high-speed car project into his hand.

"Okay, we'll meet there later."

Knotweed, who had already arrived at the ticket gate, was already waving his hand, "Hey~ Fushiguro, hurry up, it's our turn!"

"Then I'll go first." Fushiguro nodded to Isabella

head, and then ran towards the knotweed.

Chapter 124: Horror Dream Parade (5)

The method of priority tickets is similar to another very short team. For example, in a 24-person facility, 22 people enter from the regular team, and the last two people enter from the priority ticket team. The specific number of priority tickets released depends on the length of the priority ticket team. .

However, the only ones who had priority tickets at this time were Fushiguro and Kizuna, so they quickly took the facility seats.

"Can we only sit side by side..."

Fushiguro sat on the outside of the knotweed and buckled the safety lever for himself.

"There's nothing I can do about it. This facility is very popular, so I don't have to choose a seat. I just need to focus more." Kizweed smiled mischievously: "Is this the first time Fushiguro rides here?"



"I won't scream." Fushiguro looked over calmly.

"Eh... wouldn't it be half the fun if I didn't scream?"

"...Is there this kind of saying?"

The staff who checked whether the passengers' seat belts were fastened came to Fushiguro's side.

"Guest, this buckle needs to be screwed on, please pay attention."

After twisting the mechanism on Fushiguro's seat belt, the staff looked at the knotweed and he fixed it in the same way.

"Hey Goto, someone's looking for your phone number!" A staff member walked in from outside the fence again and waved to the man in front of Fushiguro.

"It's your seems there's something urgent. Leave it to me here."

"Ah, please, the passenger seat belts over there haven't been checked yet."

The young man known as Goto left in a hurry, and the man who had just arrived took over.

"Has the buckle been screwed on?"

"'s already screwed." Fushiguro pointed to the buckle on his leg, which was connected to the safety belt and could secure him to the chair.

Then the staff nodded and continued to check others.

"OK, no problem!"

After the inspection, the staff left the venue and gave a thumbs up to the console, and the bell rang.

"By the way, does Fushiguro often fly through the sky with your shikigami?"

"Of course not often...after all, it doesn't feel good to be pulled by claws."

"Haha, that's right." Hezhi smiled and swung his feet.

You have to take off your shoes before entering the facility, so when you slowly lift into the air with the sound of the motor running, you will feel a different sense of liberation than before.

There are only two thin steel wires connecting the seat and the cantilever, as if they are integrated with the sky.

"How tall is this?"

Some of the tourists around him had already begun to scream. Hezhuang looked at the smaller and smaller group of people below and asked in a somewhat expectant tone.

"Didn't I say it was at least fifty meters away..."

The speed of rotation was relatively slow at first, but as the height increased, the speed of rotation around the tower became faster and faster. Both of them could already feel the strong airflow coming from the ground, whistling past their ears.

There is some palpitation in the heart as the centrifugal force pulls at high altitude, which makes people want to laugh for some reason.

The knotweed on the side had already begun to shout loudly, and even raised his elbow to poke Fushiguro.

"Hey, try shouting it out too. It will be hard to keep some things in your heart, right?!"

"Don't... I can't scream at all." Fushiguro's expression seemed to be a little distorted by the air flow.

It's better to say that I don't want to scream.

"Haha - Wu~hu~!"

The speed was getting faster and faster, and Fushiguro had to hold on to the steel rope at hand to control his body. At such a height, nothing could block his sight.

Looking around, everything is blue sky.

As if he was flying, coupled with the loud shouts of Japanese knotweed and other passengers around him, under such an atmosphere, the corners of Fushiguro's mouth finally rose.

It seems like this feeling... is pretty good.

In fact, it was not only the first time for Fushiguro to ride the various facilities here, it was also the first time for him to come to an amusement park with his friends.

As a child who was taken out of the Zen monastery home by Teacher Gojo at a very young age, Fushiguro inherited the ten types of shadow magic. He had excellent grades and made progress at an astonishing rate. He always lived by his credo of "saving others without equal treatment". youth.

The basic scope of activities is the Conjuration College, going out on missions, returning to the Conjuration College, attending classes... such behaviors.

When Kugizaki Knotweed didn't come, only Zenyuan senior sister and Panda could chat with him.

In other words...hard training.

Staring at the sky passing in front of him, Fushiguro gradually became lost in thought.

He began to enjoy the feeling of being so close to the sky, feeling the cool autumn wind blowing against his face and hair, and then being left behind.

The boy smiled heartily...until——


Knotweed's loud shout instantly woke Fushiguro back up. He shook his shoulders vigorously and pointed forward.

Looking in the direction pointed by the knotweed, two young girls were sitting on the seat in front of them. One of them pulled the other's arm tightly and screamed.

Riding on such an exciting entertainment facility, it is understandable that the girls would scream, after all, almost everyone was screaming at the top of their lungs.

But...the scream was obviously filled with panic.


Bring it all! ! ” Knotweed reminded loudly.

The roar of the wind and the screams of other passengers made the tiger stick have to shout loudly before Fushiguro could hear it clearly. Fushiguro's pupils shrank suddenly and he found that the belt that should have been buckled upright on the safety bar was now on the girl's side. It was dancing wildly below.

——Only her seat belt came off!


But... I obviously didn't feel the breath!

At this time, the high-altitude centrifuge is at its highest point. During the fastest rotation, all seats are almost at a parallel angle with the ground. In this case, the safety belt is detached. If you do not hold on tightly, it will undoubtedly be the most dangerous. Condition.

"Damn! It's too far away!"

"Do you want to use a shikigami?!" Tiger Stick yelled.

"The speed is too fast, the people are too dense! And it's all covered with steel cables!"

"Didn't you say you could save me?" Hidden Sticks grabbed Fushiguro's arm and roared.

"If it falls, I can catch it."

"What if she didn't catch it! So why not let her fall in the first place!"

The two girls on the seats in front have limited physical strength after all. If they continue like this, they may be thrown out and cannot hold up the facility to slow down and stop!

--what to do? !

"There is no curse, I can't feel it!" Fushiguro turned his head and glared at Kizweed, his eyes fixed on the girl in front of him.

"I have a way." Hu Zhi suddenly said, "Although I have memorized the Lin Curse sequence of Brisac Curse, I have never tried to use it."

"If it fails, Fushiguro... I believe you can save her, please." Hu Zhi turned his head and looked at Fushiguro, his eyes full of determination.

Fushiguro was startled for a moment, then said seriously: "We don't have time. Use any method as soon as possible. If she falls, I will catch her even if I die!"

【Nue! 】

The moment the seal was formed, Nue burst out of the air and began to circle around the facility.

The operation time of the facility is actually only a few minutes, but fear and loud screaming will consume physical strength very quickly. The girl on the outer seat who has come off with her seat belt is obviously unable to scream. She is just holding the sides of her body with pale hands. The thin steel cable on his side and even the palm of his hand were worn out.

"Do it quickly, knotweed!"

Amidst Fushiguro's shouts, Hezhuang quickly formed seals with his hands with a serious expression, and the energy of the spell began to surge in his body.

Now I don't have to worry about using two instruments to maintain the energy balance. I have to fully mobilize the energy of the spell...surging in the circuit!

Light up the incantation, inject faith, and then - say it and follow it.

【Brisac Conjuration】

"Lin Curse Seventeen...Satin White!"

The pure white light flickered violently in the palm of the hand with the knotweed seal. Although the energy of the spell continued to surge, the spell still had no intention of taking shape.

"Damn it...Damn it!!! Come out!!"

Faced with the situation where the spell could not be formed, Huzhang was extremely anxious.

How can I save her! ?

The knotweed has not released Lin Curse Seventeen, nor has Isabella used it.

He had no idea what the sequence of the Lin curse that he had inadvertently memorized should look like.

"When I was on the subway, I used the Lin Curse Seventeen·Satin White. The spell was like this -"

"Saved a man who was about to be affected by the curse and jump off the track."

That was what Isabella once told herself. It was her first mission after being discharged from the hospital.

“It even made it into the next day’s newspaper~”

Lin Curse Seventeen·Satin White, what does it look like?

have no idea.

But Knotweed knows that this spell can save others.

that's enough!

【You have to save others. 】

So how to save it? !

The fallen seat belt danced wildly in the air. The moment Huzhang stared at it, inspiration burst into his mind.

Combined to look like a seat belt!

Brisac Conjuration, doesn’t it have infinite possibilities?

【Satin·White! 】

Forms begin to materialize in my mind.

"Come out!"


Finally, under the strong imagination of the knotweed with specific properties and shapes, the white flexible belt broke out of the air and flew straight towards the girl who was about to faint from strength!


Amidst the exclamations of her companions, the girl who was about to be thrown out of her seat was suddenly tied tightly to the seat by a white ribbon shot from behind and pulled back.

It can be said that there is no danger.


The centrifuge's motor finally began to slow down and its height gradually dropped.

Only then did Fushiguro realize that his clasped hands were covered in sweat, sticky and cold.

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