There was still an attractive blush on Isabella's cheeks. She punched Cheng Rang on the chest dissatisfiedly and whispered: "You know the result, why don't you work hard? You've been struggling like this all morning!"

"I can't help it, who made my wife so cute! No matter how you think about it, it's all this fault..."

Cheng Rang smiled evilly, turned over and hugged the screaming girl in his arms. It seemed that the battle between the two was far from over.

Harmonious and beautiful pictures and melodious songs praising the affection and love between people filled the room. Based on the principle that writing more than one sentence will not pass the review, the following five thousand words will be skipped for now.

after one day.

Scranton Foundation Special Training Site No. 1.

The messy look from last time has completely disappeared, and the shiny metal floor that has been repaired can even reflect blurry figures, brightly illuminated by the ceiling lights.

At this time, a huge fireball was shooting towards the translucent shield wall erected not far away.

"Seventy-one Mantras: Eternal Fire!"

As Cheng Rang chanted the spell, the fireball collided with the shield wall. The blocked fireball on the contact surface did not spread to the surroundings and disappear. Instead, it surged like a smoke ring and turned into a continuous ring of fire that continuously impacted the shield. The wall made a rumble.

After maintaining this offensive for dozens of seconds, the indestructible shield wall still showed no intention of breaking into pieces. The surging ring of fire gradually dissipated as Cheng Rang's spell output was cancelled.

"How is it?" Cheng Rang looked at Isabella beside him.

"There is still some distance from the limit of endurance, but your method is also feasible." Isabella nodded.

Because in the last battle, Isabella used her proficient knowledge and mastery of mantras to repeatedly use the restraint process to let the mantras defuse her offensive. This made Cheng Rang feel uncomfortable and also came up with an idea.

Even if it is a counter-spell, there is a limit to what it can withstand, but the defense corresponding to the attack can absorb more energy for a specific attack. If the energy exceeding the absorption limit is released at once, can the suppression ability of the counter-spell be broken? ?

"This idea has been proposed by someone, but it is very difficult to implement... It is better to say that no one has ever succeeded." Isabella continued: "If the person who just released the eternal fire was Master Leticia, It is possible that my defense will be broken, but since it is a counter-spell after all, Master will have to spend a lot of effort to do it, and she usually won't do this."

"Yes, after all, she can switch attack methods more freely. After achieving the ultimate intention of the curse, she can even stand there and do nothing, and the mantra can shoot out like a machine gun..."

Cheng Rang's unique advantages in the field of conjuration are his strongest physical fitness, unlimited spell power, and existence like a perpetual motion machine, but his method is relatively crude.

"Then let's try casting the spell silently next. Omitting the chanting of the incantation is very helpful in improving the power and concealment of the incantation."

Isabella organized her thoughts and explained the techniques and feelings of silent spell casting to Cheng Rang in as much detail as possible.

"The pronunciation of a spell is essentially a part of the spoken spirit. Although speaking the spell loudly and clearly is more powerful than silent spellcasting, these can actually be compensated for by additional spell power."

Isabella's hands faced each other, forming a hollow triangle.

"The power of the spell engraves the incantation, the gestures guide the flow of its energy, and the incantation serves as inspiration. However, it is always your strong belief and will that implements the infinite possibilities of Brisac's incantation. If you want to transcend the category of 'words are law' , we must realize that 'the law is the heart'."

For example, Isabella's strong belief in wanting to protect others can support her escape from spells and some of the spells compiled to quickly release the charm.

A giant crystal wall like before rose from the ground, shining like a beautiful diamond.

"So, you need to be firm in your ultimate purpose and belief in releasing this incantation. As long as it is strong enough, you can easily omit the steps of the incantation and achieve 'the law is the heart'."

Mantras are reflections of inner energy, and using spirit guidance only deepens this.

Cheng Rang nodded in understanding and looked at his hands.

"Uh... If I can omit the mantra to release the mantra, the only one I can do is Starfire."

With a snap of his fingers, brilliant streams of light flew out and were controlled by Cheng Rang to float towards the shield wall of the curse condensed by Isabella.


The moment the star contacted the shield wall, it turned into a prairie fire, and it was wrapped in it with a bang. In less than ten seconds, the shield wall was burned to pieces by the intense high temperature.

Cheng Rang waved his hand with hesitation: "My spark is very powerful... but it floats too slowly. It's okay if you're dealing with an enemy you see for the first time, but as long as you are dodged, you can use it a second time." Then there will be no more chances to hit."

Unexpectedly, Isabella smiled and said mischievously: "Of course this can be made up for. In order to win the battle, I hid it and didn't say anything -"

"Eh? What!?"

"The protection of the Lin Curse is relatively simple, because after all, they are all spells mainly composed of defense, but haven't you noticed that the Lin Curse I used in front of you before... is not all used for defense. .”

Whether it was Hilder's wall of refraction that shot Cheng Rang back and forth into the wall, or the spherical field composed of hexagonal prism shields.

Lin Curse Fifty-one Crystal Box, which withstood Cheng Rang's first wave of sparks, even exploded after shrinking the sparks' large-scale attack and turned into smaller individuals like scales to pursue him.

With the same speed and unimaginable hardness as the cannonball, even if it is only used to hit people, the damage will not be low.

"Spells need to be flexibly changed and applied. If you just follow the effects in the book, there won't be much difference even if it varies from person to person. The most important thing is how you understand it."

Isabella continued: "Do you still remember that actual combat training where I was beaten badly? The spells that Master Leticia used to break my defensive weaknesses - those fireballs that sometimes scattered and exploded, and sometimes formed a small bombardment. , all are mantra sparks!"

Cheng Rang then remembered and slammed his palm: "Damn, that's right! I didn't know how to spell at that time, but now that I think about it, the mantras Leticia cast at that time were just sparks! Why? Can she change into so many types?!"

Isabella jumped in front of Cheng Rang with her hands behind her back, poked the center of his chest and said, "This is also the most difficult part of Brisac's spell - it is idealistic! It has many different possibilities. , back to what I hid and didn’t say just now..."

"Why not try to combine different mantras to make up for each other's shortcomings? After all - even when witches cast magic, no one stipulates that they can only hold one wand at a time!"

Use different spells to make up for the shortcomings...

"Isabella, what do you mean - cast two spells at the same time?"

"As long as you firmly believe that you can do it, there's nothing wrong with casting three or four at the same time. Don't be limited by things like 'common sense' or 'this is how it should be'. Because this is... ..represents the [infinite] school of conjuration.”

Chapter 69: A fateful showdown

Isabella's words seemed to wake up the dreamer. Cheng Rang had always subconsciously believed that the casting of spells and magic was just like in the games he had always loved to play. He could only read one item at a time and cast them in order.

Substituting this subconscious thought into the casting of the spell, no wonder Isabella was able to beat herself up so easily...

Because compared to herself, Isabella, who has mastered moving spells, silent spells, and even "plural combination spells" that she doesn't know, is not using a single defense to deal with her offense.

Instead, they continuously launch counterattacks while defending, or use more comprehensive and stronger defenses to contain those who hinder them.

If you have a fireball and collide with two or three other people's shields, isn't it obvious which side will lose? !

"No wonder! You didn't panic at all when you saw my sudden appearance. Instead, you were smiling proudly. Could it be that it was inevitable that you would win?"

Isabella waved her hands quickly and said innocently: "No, no, I just saw that your face is so handsome, husband, and I couldn't help laughing!"

"Hey... although I'm very happy when you praise me, it's obviously a coward. You lie without drafting it - who did you learn this from?"

As soon as Cheng Rang reached out his hand, he grabbed the ticklish flesh under Isabella's armpit and launched an attack, making the girl laugh and run away.

Just as the two of them were chasing each other and laughing happily in the training ground, a few embarrassing coughs came from the speakers above their heads.

"Ahem! Boss, boss lady, please pay attention to the corporate image. Your good employees are still here to watch."

In the monitoring room, Elaine, who was holding a microphone, stuffed a potato chip into her mouth and chewed it. The picture on the screen was of the two people whose movements suddenly stiffened. Through the 4K ultra-clear pixel camera, you could zoom in and zoom out, and you could clearly see Isabella's blushing face.

Hehe, the sweets of secretly knocking on the boss are so delicious! The potato chips in my mouth are almost turning into sweet taste.

But the tasks assigned by the boss cannot be neglected. He is here to supervise their fishing!

It is said that it is to avoid "practicing" in bed when practicing spells at home...

After regaining his composure, Cheng Rang suddenly became curious about the magic that Isabella had mentioned before.

"By the way, Isabella, since you followed Leticia to her hometown to learn magic and came back, I haven't seen what you look like when you cast magic..."

"Want to try?" Isabella said and pulled out the wand from the leather bag on her waist.

"It doesn't hurt to give it a try. It just lets me see it.

The power of magic. "

According to Leticia, the purpose of taking her to learn magic is to make up for her deficiencies in offense. The strength of Isabella's curse is already very high. Will it be even more powerful if magic is added to the offense? More powerful?

So, the two decided to start a practical exercise.

Cheng Rang will try to use the "multiple combinations of spells" technique, and Isabella is no longer limited to simply using Lin spells for offense and defense.

As for the's just Elaine, it's just watching anyway.

The two of them were separated by the center line of the training ground, about ten meters apart, and were ready.

Elaine's countdown came from the loudspeaker.

"The time limit is fifteen minutes, everyone is on your place..."

The shoes under Isabella's feet spread out light cyan light wings, and a whirlwind suddenly rolled up in the closed training ground.

"Three, two, one...go!"

Not long after Elaine started shouting, Cheng Rang felt a little regretful.

What he originally wanted to do was to use the wind-type mantra to roll up the spark that could be cast instantly, and in fact, Cheng Rang's first combined spell casting attempt was considered a success.

But Isabella's figure jumped up into the air flexibly in an instant. The shining cyan light wings pulled out of the trajectory and flew in and out of the roaring starlight, easily throwing away all Cheng Rang's long-planned attacks. Behind him.

"Should I quickly?!"

Although Cheng Rang could keep up with Isabella, there was a natural height advantage in the air versus the ground. Cheng Rang, who could only dodge on the ground, was obviously not as calm as Isabella.

But fortunately, the magic released by Isabella requires chanting spells... Dark attribute magic cannot be stored in the wand because it cannot be formed without a target, and the sacred attribute cannot be stored in the wand because Isabella The reason for "Chanting Omission" is that the release speed is too fast and it cannot be stored well, but...


With only two syllables, she can release a series of dizzying and dazzling sacred magic. Isabella, who is moving around the field at high speed in the air, is like a spell machine gun, banging, banging, banging at Cheng Rang in the center of the field. Large area attack.

The sixth level magic starts, and the tenth level magic reaches the top. Although Isabella did not easily release the tenth-level advanced magic spell that could turn the training field upside down on the spot, the large-scale eighth-level sacred spell still made Cheng Rang run away with his head covered.

"Fuck, fuck, this is too fierce!"

Originally... Cheng Rang was quite confident in his "hard" practice, but later he discovered that Isabella was really not good at conjuration and magic.

It's like, Cheng let this guy wake up and be able to use combined spells to attack, but his wife is even more awesome... She has started to use modifiers blatantly!

Under the "meticulous" care of Gristavia, the holder of special-level flying qualifications and the strongest root witch in the Durunoi continent, Isabella already has a massive amount of practical experience that is difficult for ordinary people to achieve.

Once you engage in unrestricted combat, facing someone like Isabella who can fly at extremely fast speeds to dodge attacks, can also hold up a strong Lin curse shield defense at all times, and use large-scale attack magic one after another as if it is free. The "Super Magic War Fortress" that was dumped down would be uncomfortable for anyone to replace it with.

After all...he is not only a hard-working genius, but also has two of the best teachers in the world.

The Curse God Leticia, the Quasi-Dharma God Glesta...

So Cheng Rang was beaten up by his wife again. Elaine behind the surveillance screen almost got wet on the spot. He almost rushed out, picked up Isabella and kissed her fiercely, while shouting: "Isabella" Sister Sha is so amazing, she was able to beat Boss Cheng like this! Mua~"

From now on, you no longer have to worry about domestic violence and being bullied by Boss Cheng!

Although Cheng Rang believed that it was impossible for him to domestically abuse Isabella, he couldn't say for sure.

The few times Cheng Rang used the combined mantra to counterattack, the timing was very precise. On the one hand, he relied on his long-standing fighting intuition, and on the other hand, he relied on his strong physical fitness and reaction ability.

But it's of no use. As long as you, the sword god, don't get impatient, you draw your sword to resist the tenth-level curse and smash the shield wall with your head to kill people. As an apprentice of Sanskrit spells who has not graduated, he will only be killed by Isa. Bella pressed her to the ground and rubbed this result.

All the attacks were either easily dodged by Isabella or blocked by the Curse Shield. They only needed to maintain the most basic defense and flew gracefully in the sky. With a flick of the wand, there was an overwhelming amount of Holy Light Bullets and Judgment Hammer. It makes you unable to take care of yourself.

What's more, even if Cheng Rang wanted to rely on his own mobility to jump between walls, he would be blocked by cages and transparent walls that appeared out of thin air halfway through the jump, and he would rush forward and hit himself.

Damn...not to mention how miserable it is.

"I give up! Stop fighting, my wife, stop fighting!"

After persisting like this for eight minutes and forty-nine seconds, Cheng Rang raised his hands and surrendered on the spot, saying that no one could beat him, but I couldn't beat him anyway.

——It’s just a joke!

But Isabella didn't seem satisfied with her performance. After landing, her expression was much more serious than before.

Isabella knew clearly that in this actual combat exercise, she had undoubtedly tried her best, but in addition to being able to beat Cheng Rang

Apart from howling, not even a hair could hurt him.

There's no way it can really cause him any trouble...

This level... is totally not enough!

Isabella came to Cheng Rang as if she was angry and kicked his eyes hard.

In fact, Cheng Rang is already very serious. But this only limits his use of spells to counterattack.

If we really become enemies...

Isabella clenched the wand in her hand tightly, raised her head and said to Cheng Rang word by word:

"Again, this time, you are allowed to use weapons."

Cheng Rang was stunned for a moment, then blinked.

"What did you say?"

"I said... pull out your knife and do it again."

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