Like a flash in the pan, the girl's figure turned into brilliance and dissipated, exuding fatal beauty, which struck Gresta's heart hard.

Only the word "shocked" can describe her current mood.

With a human body, he wounded a god! ?

--How can it be! ?

After that sword strike, the barrier was restarted for the second time.

Gresta turned her attention back to Isabella until three years later, when she was eighteen years old, a strange illness appeared.

As a person in the game on Earth, it may not be obvious, but Gresta can see it clearly.

"The Divine Advent Spell...The Embrace of Beauty."

The sophisticated and complicated array is written by the power that contains laws, which is the power of the devil.

Through the extreme perception of pain, it destroys people's hearts and makes them hate and sin. The timeline clearly shows that Isabella Campbell's life will be interrupted here, which means that at the age of 18, she will Because of an accidental death.

This is a method that hell always likes to attract people, giving extra pain to those who died unexpectedly and prematurely, causing them to fall into hell and become powerful devils - provided they have good potential to become devils.

Combined with Isabella's dark magic talent, this does not seem to surprise Gresta. If she goes to hell after death, she does have the potential to become a high-level demon and control the cause and effect of evil in the world.

"The question is why are those guys so anxious?"

As a divine being, it is never a good choice to interfere with individuals who have not yet escaped the shackles of cause and effect. This is the reason why those guys who have no emotions and only follow rational actions are so anxious...

"Oh shit....are you kidding me?"

Glasta looked at the door to heaven that slowly opened to the girl, and finally understood why the devils were so eager to mark Isabella's passage to hell even if they broke the rules.

This one from an ordinary home on earth

A girl born into a family actually has the potential to become a devil and an angel?

——And ridiculously high? !

The devils of chaos and disorder often like to break the rules, just like this, to snatch people from the clutches of heaven.

Generally speaking, it comes down to the fact that in this world for tens of thousands of years, fewer and fewer people have become gods and demons, and every injection of new blood is a rare opportunity.

The guys in hell saw that the law-abiding angels above (in heaven) would not take action in advance, so they wanted to take away Isabella who would have died in an accident when she was 18 years old.

But the appearance of a mysterious man seems to have made the devil's efforts come to nothing.

The man's name was Cheng Rang. He first slashed to death the cause of Isabella's life: the King of Desire, and then slashed to death the divine spell cast by the devils...

"Cheng Rang...why is he another guy who can't see the timeline? Is this place called Helsalem Zlot so talented?!"

It was truly a sight that she had never seen in eight hundred years of life. It was a great pleasure for Gresta to see it today.

A contradictory collection of angels and devils... Possessing dark magic talents that are coveted by hell, but at the same time there are pure souls who are qualified to enter heaven.

And the man with the long knife in his hand easily chopped the spell compiled by the divine being into pieces... Are you kidding me?

Even the eyes of the witch cannot see through the two existences in the timeline. If there is anything in common between them, it is that both of them are good with knives, and they both caused damage with just one cut. The consequences were outrageous enough to change the historical direction of the world line.

The man offended the whole hell with one blow, just to save a girl, but he also received the favor of an angel...

The girl slashed the body of the Chaos Godhead with a knife, forcing the world that was about to be destroyed to be corrected again.

What Gresta couldn't understand was that even if she did such a thing, the huge cause and effect that could be called [karma] was absorbed by an unknown existence.

I won’t mention the girl’s death because of this, but that man...

As Gresta continued to sort out Isabella's subsequent experiences, she couldn't help but feel a sharp pain in her head.

Ah, how come they are still in love? That’s ridiculous!

"FikaBarikado!" (Esperanto expletive: Fuck you)

——Gresta couldn't help but cursed.

Chapter 33 The person chosen by the world

The witch's eyes closed again and were sealed by forbidden magic. Gresta took a deep breath and put down her bangs on her forehead, only to find that her back was soaked with cold sweat.

Only less than half an hour has passed.

During this half hour, Gresta observed at least decades of time, especially focusing on wanting to see the man named Cheng Rang. But it seems that he can't do what he wants. There is something that has been blocking the peek of his witch's eyes. Just like the existence that helps him block the karma, it has transcended the [box] that wraps the world, and is more divine than this world. Something more mysterious, incomprehensible.

Until recently... the barrier that helped that man block the cause and effect seemed to have weakened a lot, but the amazing intuition set off the alarm in Gresta's mind at that time, and only conveyed one meaning—— If I could use my witch's eyes to peer into that man's first half of his life...

I guess I will never come back in this life.

People can't seek death, at least they shouldn't...

"you are back."

Listening to the gentle greetings in front of her, Gresta could no longer look directly at the human girl in front of her.

"Miss Isabella..."

"Hey, why are you suddenly using honorifics on me...?"

"Yes, please listen to me." Gresta sorted out her words and emotions and signaled Isabella not to interrupt her for the time being.

"You are a healthy girl who was born normally on the earth. There are no problems...but it seems that you also have potential that is difficult to see in thousands, no, tens of thousands of years."

Gresta used the simplest and clearest words to explain to Isabella what happened and the people she met when she was eighteen years old. And the outcome that should have occurred in her timeline.

"Your cause and effect will only be disconnected when you are 18 years old..."

"Because I'm going to die that year?"

"Yes, that's right... To be more detailed, it is not much different from what you have experienced before. You were captured by the King of Desire, and then tortured to death in pain. The body became his collection, and the soul will Fighting over between hell and heaven.”

"What Miss Gresta I have the dual potential to become an angel and a devil?" Isabella blinked in disbelief and pointed at herself with her finger.


Gresta suddenly recalled what Leticia once said to her - "If you can teach Isabella, you will find out what real [jealousy] is."

She is the child chosen by [the world]...

"In other words, it was my current lover who saved me?"

"Save? That can't be said to have saved you at all. He just changed your cause and effect." Gresta waved her hand quickly. "That guy is definitely a huge trouble. My witch eyes can't see clearly his past and future. Staying with that kind of person

It will do you no good at all! "

"I do not care."

"This is not a matter of not caring at all! That guy is changing the cause and effect of countless people without consciously. Even if I really despise Miss Gesebrisak's theory of cause and effect, I have to admit that the man named Cheng Rang The things he carries on his body are enough to be called terrifying! He is definitely not a normal person... Do you understand? He is the kind of evil star that even gods and demons want to avoid when they see him! God knows how many people he has killed, and the destruction Several worlds——"

"Miss Gresta!"

Isabella interrupted the chattering Gresta loudly and looked directly at her.

"I'm here to learn magic from you."

It was a very tactful way of conveying a meaning to Gresta: Please don’t say such things again, I don’t care about those things.

"Everyone has their own secrets and past. I feel that if he doesn't want to tell me those things, it's wrong to pursue him secretly behind his back. I just need to accept him as he is now and love him as he is now. ....”

"Oh, you don't even know if he really loves you! He saved you in the beginning just because you were good-looking. He confirmed the relationship with you in an ambiguous way just because he didn't want to be rejected and didn't dare to He's just expressing his feelings. From the first time he saw your photo, he was thinking about what it would be like to go to bed with you..."

Isabella pursed her lips tightly and listened quietly to Gresta talking about Cheng Rang's shortcomings. She kept emphasizing how dangerous that man was, both to the people around him and to others. world.

"He is too powerful, so powerful that nothing can stop him. As long as he is overwhelmed by the entangled cause and effect that day, he will become a madman more terrifying than the devil. Do you understand? ah?"

"Then I'll be the one who can stop him."

"Ha, why, because of your cute face? Because of your love for him? To be honest, you have only known that guy for how long, and the only time you two are tired of being together is when you go to bed. !”

"How can you say that? Miss Gresta has never even met him."

"See? There is no need to see him at all. The witch's eyes can see through the past and the future. I have already seen everything he has done!"

"Can that eye see clearly?"


"Then can you tell me, did I succeed in stopping him?"

Gresta was speechless as if her throat had been violently strangled. She stared in surprise at the girl in front of her who was suppressing her anger and speaking calmly.

Gresta couldn't answer her question, and she was completely overwhelmed by the question.

Isabella Campbell...she didn't think about it at all, and she didn't care about what Gresta said.

She just kept moving forward until the end of the beam of light, standing on the other side of despair and thinking about what would happen in the end.

Gresta concluded that she, who had learned spells from Leticia, definitely knew how serious the consequences of what she said were, but she still asked herself without any hesitation: "Did I succeed in stopping him?" ?”

In other words, she clearly recognized this, and she would stay by that person's side no matter what, and walk with him until the end of the world.

She has already made such a realization?

"If you really tried to stop him, I mean if... you really had the power to stop him... would you kill him?"

"I can."

There was no hesitation in the answer.

Isabella said slowly under Gresta's disbelieving gaze: "Because I know that he is a hero."

"He is working hard to become the light in people's eyes, taking steps towards hope without hesitation and never giving up... He once cried confusedly in my arms. He said he was afraid that he would become a monster. ... He doesn't know how to deal with his own unstoppable power... Of course I know that."

"So when he who brought light to others entered confusion and could no longer see the light..."

In that dark world——

“Then I will stand before him and be his light.”


The conversation between the two ended in Gresta's long silence. It was not until Leticia returned that Gresta handed her wand to Isabella.

The last test of magical attributes - holiness. Before Isabella finished reciting the spell, the entire forest was illuminated by the healing light. At this, Gresta could only cover her dizzy head and sigh. : "There are indeed differences between people."

"What an amazing child... In the name of Gristavia, the Witch of the Origin, I approve of you becoming my disciple. So as a meeting gift, I will give you this."

Leticia glanced at the wand in Isabella's hand and said in a slightly sour tone: "Are you really willing to give this wand to her? What on earth were you two talking about in the room?"

"It's nothing, right?" Gresta winked at Isabella mischievously, and the two agreed that this was a secret they would not tell Letitia.


Isabella looked at the wand in her hand that still smelled faintly of tobacco, and looked at it carefully.

"So, this is not from the tobacco pole

An ordinary wand that can be easily removed? "

Leticia suddenly rolled her eyes and shouted: "Of course not! This is a wand made from the roots of the World Tree and the soul of the Elf Queen. The core of the wand is the nerves of the Chaos Dragon and the Sacred Dragon! Because Glesta's dark magic and holy magic talents are not as high as the other five, this wand was used to make up for it."

"Eh?! In other this wand actually super expensive?"

"Not only is it expensive... this is the wand she used before she became the Witch of the Origin. I dare say that if it were placed thousands of years ago, it would still be measured in units of [tens of billions] of magic crystal coins (the highest level of currency in the mainland). , who would dare to use the roots of the world tree and dragon nerves to make a wand in peaceful times? Out of print, the strongest, invincible - this is the only one!"

Isabella suddenly felt that the wand in her hand was surprisingly heavy and extremely hot. She quickly wanted to return the wand to Gresta, but was rejected.

"There is no reason for the teacher to get back what he gave to his disciples, let alone...this wand that can increase both holy and dark magic at the same time is the most suitable for you compared to me who has mediocre qualifications."

"Mediocre qualifications?!" Isabella seemed to be frightened by Gresta's words, "How can... I..."

"Okay, just keep it. By the way, your master really wanted this wand in your hand back then. Even if you take it away and collect it, it will be the best of the best. Be careful not to let her steal it~ "

"I won't steal Isa's things, you old woman, be careful what you say!"

"Ah, is that right? I remember you took action a few hundred years ago——"

"That's the act of collecting treasures, how can it be called stealing?!"

"Although I haven't succeeded even once~" Gresta shrugged her shoulders exaggeratedly, and the majestic peaks on her chest made Leticia dizzy.

"Huh?! It seems that I was wrong in keeping my hands on you. How about trying my true skills this time?"

"Please, I don't have a magic wand right now. Are you going to bully a weak woman who has no power to bind a chicken?"

"Bah! Weak woman? Stop saying such disgusting words. Don't I know your virtues?"

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