Cheng Rang quickly looked away from Shinoda's chest, coughed twice awkwardly and said, "Cheng Rang... just call me Cheng."

Shinoda's loose clothes looked like he had just taken a shower. After all, it was quite late and he seemed to be getting ready to rest. The long brown hair, which is still slightly moist, is neatly tied on the back of the head, revealing a fair and rosy neck. Even loose home clothes cannot conceal a good figure that squeezes out an alluring arc, as if it can attract people's attention. Just suck it in tightly.

Not to mention that delicate face and thin-framed glasses full of intellectuality, which elevate Shinoda's overall temperament by several levels.

Shinoda seemed to be used to being stared at like this. He just tightened his collar silently, responded and continued to focus on Lina.

On the other side, in the hospital bed, Rentaro woke up suddenly.

Chapter 16 You deserve to be wanted by the whole city for this kind of behavior


His nose was filled with the hospital's unique smell of disinfectant. Rentaro took a deep breath of air and felt his hand being held tightly, and a familiar voice came from beside him.

"I'm here, Rentaro."

"Yenjoo, are you okay?"

The girl shook her head vigorously and said with a complicated expression: "After he knocked you unconscious, he let us go."

"Let go?"

"I even took the initiative to attack him, but he just defended himself unilaterally and had no intention of attacking me... He even said that he would not attack the initiate."

"....What's the reason?"

Lying on the bed, Rentaro listened to Enju's narration beside him, silently thinking about what the man did.

In this world...there is such a guy?

"Anything else?"

Yanzhu concealed Cheng Rang's asking for directions from Rentaro, and shook her head: "No more...I will send you here after that."

Rentaro raised his eyes and looked around at the surrounding environment, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "Does Kisara-san know about this?"


It seemed that there was no need for Yanzhu to answer. The heavy footsteps coming from the corridor made Rentaro almost able to predict what would happen in a few seconds.

The door to the ward was opened, and a black-haired girl with a proud figure burst in vigorously.

"Satomi Rentaro! What on earth are you thinking about!?"

"Ah...I knew it..." When Rentaro saw the person coming, he raised his hand to cover his forehead as if he had a headache.

"I was suddenly knocked unconscious and sent to the hospital in the middle of the night. The weapon was completely damaged and could not be repaired. Not to mention that the mission failed and I almost lost my life. How much do you want me to worry before you give up!"

"But if the mission is successful, you won't have to worry about food and clothing for the next three months—"

Rentaro's defense seemed particularly pale when he came out of his mouth lying on the hospital bed at this moment.

"The problem is that they failed! Not only you, but also many police combinations with high-ranking IPs have failed, so do you dare to challenge that guy in a hotheaded way?" The young man whom Rentaro calls Kisara-san has failed. The beautiful girl put her hands on her hips and scolded him on the bed.

Then she sighed heavily as if she was out of breath and looked at Yanzhu aside.

"Yeonju-chan, are you okay?"


"Don't do such dangerous things again in the future, do you hear me!?" After venting his grievances, Kisara, who seemed to have a sharp mouth and a soft heart, took out his wallet with pursed lips and looked at the few bills inside with pain.

"The supermarket specials this time didn't even catch up... I'm afraid I won't even be able to afford instant noodles after this."

"Ah, about this...Kizara-san——"

Kigeng's eyes widened when he learned from Yanzhu that the medical bills had been paid.

Where did you get the money?

Such a question was answered - it was the guy who was fighting Rentaro, and he stuffed the cash into his pocket at some point.

"That guy knocked someone unconscious and had to pay for medical expenses in advance? I've never heard of it at all!" Kisara searched the news and his memory of the information he knew. "As far as I know, there were many policemen who went to hunt him down. on them

Their belongings were looted..."

Kisara seemed to suddenly react to these things.

"Rentaro! I'm afraid you didn't use -" The raised voice was forcibly suppressed by Mu Guang. She leaned close to Rentaro's ear and said in a voice that was afraid of being heard: "Stolen money...?"

Yanzhu's cute face suddenly changed several expressions. She was stiff and slowly squeezed out sentences from her mouth: "This... I really don't know this..."

"I thought that guy was a good guy."

Mu Gao raised his shoulders and said: "You don't think the guy wanted by the police is a good person... he is an assault criminal!"

"But, he is really very strong."

"Didn't the guys who were knocked unconscious have said this many times, Rentaro..."

"No..." Rentaro shook his head and said: "Only by fighting him personally can you know the strength that can even be called [frightening]."

It is impossible to connect it with the identity of human beings, but it is indeed...


Rentaro lay on the bed, raised his right hand and looked at it for himself. The shocking image was still in his mind as if it was engraved in his memory.

The full blow of this hand hit the tip of the knife was not even able to cause the long knife he held flat with one hand to shake or even vibrate...and what he did after that The action makes the process of "cognition" no longer exist.

"I hope someone can recognize this. That guy is definitely not someone with evil intentions... not yet."

Otherwise, I'm afraid no one in this world will be able to stop whatever he wants to do...


Shinoda took the completed report read by the instrument and looked at it for a long time. Finally, he even narrowed his eyes and looked back and forth in front of the paper, and couldn't help but make a confused sound.


Although Lina's last test was three months ago, Shinoda believed that his memory should not have such errors.

In the column of the report, the erosion rate clearly shows: 5%

This number simply cannot exist.

You must know that the corrosion rate of a newborn Cursed Child infected by the gastroenterovirus is only about 5%, but Lina is almost ten years old, and such a result cannot be considered normal.

Seeing Miss Shinoda holding up the report with a puzzled look on her face, Cheng Rang couldn't help but stepped forward and asked, "Is there something wrong, Miss Shinoda?"

"Well, the problem is indeed big..."

Such an answer made Cheng Rang's heart sink first, and then——

"But it doesn't seem to be Lina..." Her next words seemed to make Cheng Rang go through another roller coaster. She pressed her brows in distress: "Maybe the machine is broken."

"The machine is broken? What's the result?"

Shinoda folded the report in his hand and did not hand it out.

"The reports that have no reference value will be left here for now...I may need to confirm them tomorrow. You can rest here today."

Lina's little eyes suddenly lit up and she asked: "Lina, can you stay at Aunt Shinoda's house this time?!"

"Yeah." Shinoda nodded, "There's nothing we can do about it... After all, you know the situation outside. It's impossible to stay in a hotel. If you're sleeping on the street..."

Shinoda accidentally glanced at Lina, who was looking around happily at this not-so-big home - how could he possibly bear to let Lina sleep on the street again?

"Thank you so much! Cheng will definitely remember this kindness."

"Just forget's just a piece of cake. It's embarrassing to say." Shinoda smiled and waved his hand, motioning to the room next to him: "That's an empty guest room, you can sleep there. side."

At this time, Lina jumped up and said: "Lina will sleep with her brother tonight!"


The smile on Cheng Rang's face gradually stiffened under Shinoda's gaze. He quickly caught Lina who was rushing towards him, turned around and returned it to Shinoda's arms, and quickly explained: "Don't make trouble...Lina, tonight you Sleep with Shinoda-nee.”

"No, no, obviously I always slept with my brother in my arms before! My brother's arms are very warm and his movements are very gentle, which makes Lina very comfortable...Lina likes to sleep with her brother very much!"

Shinoda seemed to look at him even more strangely, and pulled Lina forcefully into his arms.

"Don't say words that can easily be misunderstood, Lina! Miss Shinoda, please listen to me..."


The forcefully closed door seemed to answer Cheng Rang's attitude towards Shinoda, causing Cheng Rang's mouth to twitch hard.

"The relationship between Lina and me is just pure——"

"There are no extra quilts at home. Mr. Cheng, please stay on the floor for one night." Shinoda's seemingly disgusted voice came from the door, interrupting Cheng Rang's explanation.



Chapter 17 Simple but never-experienced happiness

However, despite what Miss Shinoda said at the time, she did not let Cheng Rang sleep in her clothes in the end. Instead, she brought a bedding from the bedroom.

And the next day


"Stay in the house and don't run around."

After leaving such instructions, Shinoda pushed out the door with the blood sample taken from Lina's body.

"Please wait a moment, Miss Shinoda! Can I borrow the kitchen?"

"what ever!"

As the apartment door slammed shut, only Cheng Rang, who was hesitant to speak, and Lina, who looked confused, were left in the Shinoda family.

"Good morning~haha~~"

Lina yawned and greeted Cheng Rang.

"Good morning, Lina. It seems that we will have to stay here temporarily until Miss Shinoda comes back." Cheng Rang looked at the kitchen and said, "Go and wash up first. Breakfast will be ready soon."


But Lina tilted her head, as if she didn't understand what Cheng Rang said.

"Wash? Do you still have to do this kind of thing when you get up in the morning?"

Cheng Rang suddenly realized that no matter whether they were wandering in the city or going to the outer areas and being taken in by the old man Matsuzaki, the environment the children faced could not provide enough clean water. They could only provide enough food, let alone luxury. Can be used to cleanse the body.

" long has it been since you took a shower..."

She counted the numbers with her little fingers, and then replied with some uncertainty: "Three days?"

"...Three days ago, wasn't that the time it rained just now?"


Cheng Rang helplessly covered his forehead, trying his best not to think about their miserable experience, and then pushed Lina into the bathroom.

"You are not allowed to eat until you are clean."


With Lina's unwillingness, Cheng Rang closed the door and began to take things out of his backpack.

"I left a change of clothes outside and a new towel...Don't be lazy and just flush the water! You need to wash well with shower gel and keep your body clean so you won't get sick easily——"


"Did you hear that?"

"Listen, I heard it..." Lina responded quietly from inside the door.

Cursed children cannot get sick, but Cheng Rang obviously doesn't know this and just keeps nagging like a worried old woman.

And Lina simply responded until there was no more movement outside the bathroom, and the sound of the range hood came from the kitchen.


The flames gently licked the bottom of the pot, the hot oil mixed with the fried eggs, making a pleasant sizzling sound, and the aroma of food gradually filled the room.

While Cheng Rang was preparing breakfast for the two of them, he was also paying attention to the movement in the bathroom, where the clear sound of water from the shower had begun to come. Turning over the fried eggs in the pot, Cheng Rang suddenly felt that he seemed to have the talent to take care of children.

But this is thanks to Lina being a very obedient child. Compared to the frightening "naughty child" who knows where to be, she is able to make herself so "handy".

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