The species will be transferred to the location of the battlefield [Endgame], and weapons will be deployed to destroy them.

Rick and Hubie must activate the [Canon Star Destroyer Sword] at the precise time to penetrate the star core and make the star cup appear.

The only variable is that if Cheng Rang, who goes to challenge Artexu, does not defeat Artexiu and strip him of his marrow within the next hundred seconds.

Then there will be more than half a chance that the Star Cup will not appear on Rick's side.

It was obviously like gambling, but at this moment, Rick firmly believed that he could win.


"That guy said, [Leave it to me]."


"Then, this unit is about to head to the battle line, Rick the Willer——"

Einshizu left a line that was completely unlike an Ex-Machina: "I wish you good luck..."

Then he jumped away.


[——This is, the full-connection commander, Einxitz——]

【Julius, Kafuma, Louis, Martha, Nolte, Ott, Ekon, Yuba...】

[——Announcement of the existing full connection, all 10095 machines. 】

[There is only one order, to support Rick the Willer, Hubi the Oathkeeper, and Cheng Rang the Instructor—to eliminate and eliminate the uncertain factors in front of us. We must overcome all difficulties and accomplish this mission regardless of damage. 】

[Life can only be called life if it shines. As long as you are willing to take a step towards the light, you have not declared defeat]

[Dedicate your loyalty to the being who gave us life and heart—complete! 】

【【【【learn! 】】】】

Soaring in the sky, Einxitz stood at the front of the 1,094 mechas spread out in an array. As a leader, he raised his arms and shouted to the incandescent terminal in front of him:

"All units, lift restrictions on weapon usage——!"

"——[Dictionary Opening]...[True Dictionary·Star Destroyer Sword]——!!"

The army of machines that seemed to cover the sky, accompanied by the bright blue light of the entire formation, became the second azure supernova above the battlefield.

Opposite to the incandescent dazzling "End" is the light that represents hope.

The energy flow surged, and a huge blue lightsaber that penetrated the sky was assembled from the bottom of the connector upwards, and gradually took shape under the incredible gaze of all the camps.

Countless Ex-Machines that were overloaded and scrapped due to the infinite increase in central pressure were burning and falling from the sky like dust that had lost their light.

But as a large number of Ex-Machines were sacrificed, the huge lightsaber extending upwards from mid-air began to gradually solidify, until it emitted a dazzling light just like the [Endgame] in front of them.

Of course Rick could see all this.

"The Ex-Machina... actually told such a 'lie' without changing his face?"


No, that's not a lie.

Einschitz never said that Ex-Machina would not be sacrificed. What he described was that the 10% missing power would be "compensated" by using the Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine Ex-Machina, using - "Stacking".

All Mecha species burn their entire lives without hesitation for a promise.

only for.....


"——This is not a victory at all!"

Obviously, I don't want anyone to die...

Ex-machines have no life, and there is no concept of 'death'. It’s a prop—

There is no such thing as trying to persuade yourself with such a reason.

Hey, did you see it?

Those guys are no longer cold machines at all!

Whether it's Hubi, Einxitz, or any other Ex-Machina...

They all already have "hearts" and are living beings!

——Far away, the bright blue shining giant sword was held by one hand, that was Einxitz.

With the support of countless Ex-Machines who sacrificed themselves, the [True Code Star Destroyer Sword] was achieved with 100% power.

"They...are shining...bastard..."

The sword cuts towards [Final Yan]

Between that and the incomprehensible millimeter, that huge "star" that can destroy everything——

It was cut into two halves by a sword, and shattered into a shower of light that filled the sky, falling one after another under the illuminated gray sky.

Even in the path of the lightsaber, the sky, which was covered by dark clouds and thick dust, was severely torn into two halves. The same color as the dazzling sword of life - the blue sky appeared in front of everyone watching. In front of the people there.

Chapter 86: The [Strongest] who only prays for one person

The way to defeat the God of War is to defeat "human beings" who can defeat "themselves".

This is how the [weakest] defeats the [strongest].

The scattered rain of light illuminated the battlefield. Instead of the terrifying heat that could burn everything, the warmth of "Endgame" made people feel comfortable.

It's almost over.

"Is that so? Cheng Rang...are you going to give up [the strongest] and use the concept of [the weakest] to defeat me?" Artexu also stared at the shattered end in the distance, with a tone that was almost a sigh. , said very disappointedly:

"While this is indeed the right approach, -"

"Who said that I would defeat you with the [weakest] concept, Artex?


What! ?

Cheng Rang interrupted Artexu's words and held the unsheathed sword in both hands.

"That's what Rick and the others need to achieve to defeat you, and I don't need it!"

The sea dweller girl who is as pure as a blank sheet of paper firmly believes in that thing.

She doesn't understand death, but she knows the cruelty of war and doesn't want anyone to die.

Believe...the person she likes...


He finally learned why he could hear Ai Xueer calling his name.

Because it is the purest, not mixed with any other distracting thoughts...just one person's prayer.

And only an existence that can be called [God] has the power to listen to the prayers of believers.

"...Divine Essence?!" Artexu's golden eyes widened angrily, his tone full of disbelief.

On this planet, the birth of a god species requires the power of "prayer".

No matter what kind of prayer, as long as there is such a concept, it can be born.

Aixueer, what she firmly believes in is that the person who can definitely end the war is right in front of her.

His name is Cheng Rang.

With such faith, pray with the purest heart.

The [Strongest] achieved by just praying for Ai Xueer alone.

It can probably be said to be the [weakest] and the [strongest], right?

"Death, departure, loneliness, and war are all terrible things for Ai Xueer. So these are also terrible things for them, for other races caught in the war, and for Hubie, right?"

In the nearly eternally dark cave, the sea-dwelling girl holding a faint light in her hand prayed like this——

"Don't let anyone die again."

Promise Ai Xueer...

"Let the war end, okay?"

Because if it’s Cheng, he can definitely do it.

Because Cheng is in Ai Xueer's heart——

is the strongest.


"give it to me."

[The strongest] is unparalleled.

But the "strongest" under different concepts will not conflict with it.

Artosh, the God of War, has the strongest concept, and he is the strongest based on the opponent he wants to defeat.

Cheng Rang, on the other hand, relied on the person in the world that Ai Xueer understood to be the strongest in her heart who could end the war.

The "strongest" recognized by the three thousand worlds, and the "strongest" that one person prays for to be transformed into

The momentum that erupts from the tit-for-tat confrontation can actually make the world tremble.

"Come on, Artosh... let's use our full strength to decide the outcome."

The mass increased out of thin air, and the figure in front of him continued to grow larger, until it stood on the earth as if connecting the heaven and the earth.

Get the concept of self, possess the law of will.

"No need to worry. The so-called strong one is me, and the weak one is everything except me."

Wrapping his arms around the horizon, Artho smiled ferociously: "Come on..."

"Come and defeat me!"

"My [Divine Essence] - tell the world the true essence of war, my poor 'weakest' -!"

He made such a joyful declaration.

Floating in mid-air, Cheng Rang felt for the first time the power from the Elf Corridor on the planet flowing around him. He slowly took away the edge of the blade in his hand and put it into the scabbard.

It's probably time to use that trick.

Previously, due to the crushing of Arteshu [Divine Essence] and the race, it was impossible to infuse the power of the law and the ultimate intention of the sword into the blade.

But things are different now.

【personal information】

Name: Cheng Rang

Occupation: Supreme Master

Title: Sword God

Race: Godly race (limited to the current world)

Level: Lv300 (waiting for breakthrough)

Blood volume: 300 billion (limited to the current world)

The white instant-death light beam shot towards Cheng Rang in mid-air.

In the case of [God War], even the power of carrying damage effects is no longer worth mentioning.

【immunity! 】

The moment the white beam of light shot by Altesu hit Cheng Rang, it shot out like scattered water, unable to even stop any of Cheng Rang's movements.

The original heart that was sheathed was shining with dazzling white light, and the astonishing momentum turned into a substantial wave that rippled through the surrounding space, twisting it as if it was being roasted.

The nameless sword that kills with one strike.

Carrying the law that belongs only to Cheng Rang, he wields it towards the [strongest].

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