Rick's hand gently wrapped Hubi's cheek and raised her head.

"That's why Hubie is interested in me, right?"

With a child-like smile, Rick finished saying this and waited for Hubie's reaction.

Seeing the fearful expression reflected in Rick's eyes, even Hubie himself was extremely surprised.

As if to comfort her, Rick continued in a calm voice:

"I won't deny the past."

"Hubby's past, your present by my side, and my desire to have you by my side in the future are all what I love."

"You should also abandon your guilt. I'm sorry, human - no, it's just me who is stupid. Anyway, I don't have time to care about anything else except now. Looking forward to tomorrow and having hope for the next time are all based on Let’s build on the past.”

Rick took Hubi's left hand: "As long as Hubi is here, even in this world, I want to live."

Gently put the ring on her ring finger——

"As long as Hubi is here, I will never lose heart no matter what difficulties I encounter."

The ring is like a gemstone cut with a reflective surface by the highest precision machinery, reflecting intoxicating brilliance, with tiny spots of light shining like stars.

"As long as Hubie is here, I will never lose my smile again."

Then Rick said as if troubled: "If you don't hate me."

"I don't hate it! There's nothing like that!"

Hubie immediately interrupted Rick's words and shook his head sharply. The pause in his voice and the calm tone he used to imitate his personality were also broken, and his tone was excited.

Rick stretched out his hand to her, and then asked: "Then regardless of the reason, are you willing to follow the same path as me? As my wife..."


Suddenly, Hubie discovered something.

Before I knew it, the storm covering up my thinking errors had stopped.

"So, that's it..."

——The machine type is

Races that correspond to the environment will, if necessary, transform themselves to suit the needs.

Although she didn't know when such a function came into being, a tear streaked across her cheek made her understand.

The storm of errors, those that contradicted logic, were all consolidated and given names.

That is - feelings.



"As you can see, I'm an immature person—"

"For a fool like me, you are already too good a wife."

Rick said with a wry smile.

However, for the "feelings" that he didn't know how to express, Hubie could only rely on his subconscious behavior, tightly holding the hand that Rick had been holding on to, and said in a moist voice:

"Please let me always, always - be by your side..."

【Ding! 】

[Main mission - Witness: Witness the birth of "heart", mission progress: 100% (in progress → completed!)]

[Players have completed the main mission "Witness" and can choose to return to the main world and settle the mission rewards, or they can continue to complete other main missions and obtain more generous rewards. 】

Cheng Rang silently closed the task panel, ignoring the "Return" button that had turned from gray to bright gold, and looked at the girl not far away who was happy and crying because she had found her "heart", and kept caressing her. Behind her, there is a young man who is finally out of singlehood and has successfully proposed.

Ah...yes, Rick is only nineteen years old this year, he is really just a teenager.

Thinking of this, Cheng Rang couldn't help but smile and sincerely offered his blessings for the two of them to reach this point.

The girl who was supposed to be composed of inorganic objects and machines gained "life" because of all this. She has found what "heart" is, and she should be able to live happily with Rick.

They will definitely win this game.

After all, even the mission of the system has been revealed to him in advance. Even without any intervention, the "human species" will be born, and the world where only games exist and determine everything - Disbord will also be created.

Use a human body to deceive the gods and end the war. Such a method must not be known to any other race, even after the war is over. Is that why it is called the original myth that no one knows about?

Only you can witness everything, because after leaving here, no one can remember that you existed, so the only person who can pass on this epic is Cheng Rang.

But that was enough, thinking like this, Cheng Rang looked back.

"When are you going to see us again, Kelon?"

Cheng Rang hid the secret from Rick and secretly told Ke Long the address of the secret base where her group was going before leaving. Therefore, she who followed her accidentally witnessed this series of events with Cheng Rang.

"Is there anything you can do, because I missed the opportunity to show up~"

Watching Rick caressing the back of Hubie who was still crying in the darkness, Ke Long smiled and whispered to Cheng Rang with a relieved expression: "I knew it a long time ago... What the child needs is not to stop him. Sister, but someone who can walk on the same path.”

He, Rick, will go to a very far place, very far away, a place that he can’t follow——

What he can do is to help Rick get away from the things in the settlement and no longer have any worries.

There are so few things that I can do... She couldn't help but want to complain.

Ke Long, who wanted to be with the person he liked but couldn't, wanted to follow in his younger brother's footsteps but couldn't do it, and wanted to move forward with everyone, finally found that he could only look at the backs of Rick, Hubie and Cheng Getting farther and farther away from myself.

"Cheng..." Ke Long seemed to have to use all his strength to squeeze the name out of his mouth.

"What's wrong?" In his deep black eyes, there seemed to be a brilliance that could only shine in the stars in the sky, which stung his heart with dull pain.

I like you.

In this case, even if you confess like this again, you can excuse it with a reason that fits the atmosphere, right?


But Ke Long just bit his lower lip and fell into silence.

Next time, next time it must be...?

Tears wanted to roll back, but she endured them.

Kelon gave up.

I don't have the confidence that I will win next time like Rick.

Ke Long, who had been clearly rejected, recalled the past year's interactions with Cheng Rang. Although those memories were so beautiful that one couldn't help but want to curl up the corners of his mouth, but now he could only make himself feel sad.

Maybe, given my level, I'm still far from worthy of him.

I really want to meet that girl who is worthy of Cheng...

Then, the expression of unwillingness and reluctance was swept away from Ke Long's face. She put on her iconic hopeful smile again and shook her head: "No, it's nothing! Now it's time for me to My sister is here!"

Cheng Rang smiled when he saw this and said, "Be gentle."

"Well...I'll try my best~" Ke Long, who had agreed in this way, rushed out with a loud shout and punched Rick in the abdomen:

"So how long are you going to keep Xiaoxiu crying! You useless husband~~!"



Ling Rick issued

A cry of surprise and pain.

Chapter 54: Does the Sword God also work part-time as a part-time carver of diamond wedding rings and officiating weddings?

What happened? !

Rick, who was hit hard for no reason, couldn't turn his head around for a while. After thinking like this, he raised his head and found that Kelong was standing in front of him carelessly. Not far away, there was a helpless expression on his face, and he walked out of the shadows with his hands spread out. Cheng Rang.

"Anyway, as a sister, I want to say it first - congratulations on your marriage!"

Well, wait a minute....Rick held his abdomen and stood up.

"Kelong - Hey, let me tell you, why do you know... no, I should say why are you here?"

Looking at Cheng Rang who started to whistle silently, Rick immediately understood the reason why Ke Long was able to find this place and sighed helplessly.

Ke Long didn't feel guilty at all, and said with an expression as if he had no other choice: "Ah? I arrived at the secret base and saw that you guys were in a good atmosphere. How could I not spy on you?"

——What does this person who calls herself sister want? Rick scratched his head and thought in distress.

"Congratulations on the marriage! Rick, Hubby..." Cheng Rang also offered his congratulations to the two of them at the right time, and with a change of expression, he said with a bad smile: "Although Rick can only It’s a virgin.”

"Hey!!" He slapped away the elbow that Cheng Rang poked him, and Rick rolled his eyes: "You're enough!"

Smiling and backing away, Cheng Rang looked at Hubie and said, "How about it? Do you like the ring? I've been looking for it for a long time for this love token of yours."

Hubie lowered his head and touched the ring gently with his fingertips.

"I like it." She used human emotions to express her thoughts and feelings, "...thank you."

"I didn't expect you would actually use 'wife' to carve a wedding ring for me, thank you." Rick also used such language to fight back, poking Cheng Rang with his elbow with a smile.

"Little things!" Cheng Rang didn't take it to heart at all and waved his hand.

But I guess this is the only one in the universe - a wedding ring carved by a genuine "Sword God" with his own sword.

Cheng Rang couldn't help but chuckle as he thought about it.

I really don’t know how much the businessmen from other worlds will be frightened when they hear this.

Well, but this can be regarded as the best gift I can give to you two in an honest way.

The names of the two people are engraved on the inside of the ring, but such details are basically not noticed, because the thousands of facets on the gemstone, which is less than a few millimeters in size, are reflecting the colorful brilliance like stars.

Even in this world where gods exist, it is a work of art.

At this time, Rick seemed to have made some decision, and took a deep breath and said: "Ah~! Now that it's like this, it's not good to continue to hide the matter of Ke Long, so..."

"Oh, I already know that Xiaoxiu is not a human being. Do you want to say something else?"


--What? !

Rick looked surprised.

"Wait, wait a minute, when did you realize..."

"When you brought her back to the settlement, because of the feeling of holding her, she was obviously not human."

Ke Long's attitude seemed to be saying, why do you think I didn't notice?

Suddenly, Hubie remembered something and then understood.

"What part of Rick are you attracted to?" This was my feeling when I was asked this question that day.

This person... Ke Long actually wanted to ask this question.

——What is your purpose in approaching Rick?

Because of this, there must be an incredible sense of tension.

"Since you already knew it, why didn't you say anything?" Rick said as if he was defeated by her.

If you find out that she is not human when you meet her for the first time, then you don't understand the meaning of her clamoring that Rick is a lolicon.

There are other races being brought into the settlement. It should be a warning or a warning action.

However, Ke Long said with a smile like a real sister without caring:

"Because she is the girl Rick chose!"


"There must be a reason, right? When Rick brought Xiao Xiu back, he was very nervous at first, as if his sanity would break at any time, so I cooperated with your statement."

So, she guessed that Rick had something hidden. If she wanted to deliberately show that she didn't realize it, she could only do this.

And the reason for doing this-simply because she believed in Rick.

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