Because any cheating is not cheating as long as it is not discovered.

"[5] Ignore those guys' rules."

If we stand on the same stage, we will definitely lose. Let those guys who kill each other eat their shit!

"[6] Any violation of the above will be deemed as defeat."

Because rules that cannot be thoroughly enforced are meaningless.

Rick's inner thought is: the victory obtained by violating these rules does not feel valuable.

"The above - you can do whatever you want..."

The answer derived from Rick's heart was as he looked around at the one hundred and seventy-eight people surrounding the round table.

"We are [Ghosts]. All races, including the gods, do not kill anyone, and are not even detected. We just guide the war to the end - to end this war."

Such rules that focus on sensibility can be said to be equivalent to the willfulness of children. But at the same time, if you want to end the war as a human being, this itself is already the willfulness of a child.

"It goes without saying that failure will lead to total destruction, so all the insurance measures will probably be in vain. There are talking monkeys inducing the war - as long as those guys know this fact, everything will be over."

It's either an end to the war or destruction; it's a gamble where everything is gained or lost. There is neither a draw nor an abstention.

Isn't this exactly the opposite situation from when Hubi and Cheng Rang played chess? Rick thought, an arrogant smile appeared on his lips, showing his true nature that no one here had seen.

He opened his arms and shouted: "The enemy is [God]! It is the embodiment of violence and despair that burns the world. The odds of victory are far away in the void. Since the victory condition is the success of all secret actions, even if we win, we will not stay It will not remain in anyone’s memory, let alone be talked about!”

Cheng Rang finally understood the meaning of the few explanations given by the system before coming to this world.

"The first myth that leads to the latest myth leaves no record or memory, no story told to anyone...?"

Cheng Rang looked at the last main task on the task list - [The Praise of the Epic]

This can be accomplished as long as there is no interference in the development of this world.

Witness the epic of the birth of the sixteenth race: the "human race", until "Disbord" was created. In other words, this is the direction in which the world will originally develop. As long as you live, it will be completed. The simplest main mission.

Does this mean that humans will definitely win? Will Rick and Hubby definitely win?

Cheng Rang couldn't help but feel a little relaxed because of this, leaning against the rock wall and staring at the two figures surrounded by everyone in the center.

As expected of you...Rick, you can even do such a thing.

Just with the human body and the one hundred and seventy-seven people present except myself...

Rick was there, with his best smile, explaining his motivations for deciding that this world was a game and taking on the challenge.

"We are ghosts, ghosts can't speak, but... if, if we really win through this [game]..."

He declared categorically: "We can tell ourselves that we lived a very handsome life and then died proudly! Don't you think so?"

"Then, only those who want to start that [game] stay here."

Tell everyone everything, it's time to choose.

Upon seeing this, Cheng Rang closed his eyes with Rick and waited for the person who was leaving to leave.

Rick smiled bitterly in his heart. There were not many fools who would participate in this kind of game.

The members you choose are, without exception, people with superior intelligence and skills.

He has been on the verge of death several times, survived several times, and is just insignificant dust in the eyes of other races.

But as dust, they possess outstanding abilities - because of this, Rick smiled bitterly in his heart.

I'm afraid no one will stay except Cheng. This is not sane

What a fool would do is enough for him and that guy.

If it really comes to that, there's nothing we can do about it. In the worst case scenario, even if there are only three of himself, Cheng and Hubi - Rick still has to achieve his goal.

The difference in winning rate is only from the other side of the void, far away from the other side of Nirvana and silence.

Although to be honest, Rick could hardly think of a strategy that could succeed with just three people.

Even so - Rick thought this, and after ten minutes, he opened his eyes.

"...Ah~ I want to tell the truth?"

Everyone looked like they couldn't bear it, as if they were asking: How long are you going to keep your eyes closed?

Except for Cheng, who informed him of his crazy plan from the beginning and believed in him without hesitation and chose to join, the number of other 177 members who left was zero.

Regarding this acceptance, Rick smiled bitterly and said: "Hey, hey, I thought you should be smarter."

Hearing what Rick said, the ghosts laughed and said:

"Boss, don't make a mistake in your first step. This will cause people to worry in the future."

"Rick, do you think there are still smart people in this world now?"

"Crazy behavior? Is there anything crazier than this world in today's world?"

"The people here, the people who have survived to this day, are all the people you chose, Rick!"

Cheng Rang joined the team, crossed the path everyone made for him, came to Rick, patted him on the shoulder and said:

"——Isn't that just a fool's representative selection?"

Everyone burst into laughter, and Rick laughed too.

Yes, that's right.

Humans are stupid. Because you are stupid, you will hone your wisdom, knowledge, and skills so that you will not be killed by stupidity.

Survive until the end - even in this world where there is no value in survival, but still survive.

People who put all their knowledge, wisdom and technology on the line for this.

If they are not ambitious fools and respectable weaklings, then what are they?

“Being born into this world without intention.”

"There is no point in living a life of humiliation."

“But dying meaningfully and handsomely—wouldn’t that be nice?”

"Is there any better freedom than this, Chief?"

"In order to live handsomely until the end, our lives will be handed over to you - please, boss!"

Everyone said one sentence after another, and Rick lowered his head, as if he had been defeated by them from the bottom of his heart.

"You're all going crazy. You're so reliable...then."

Rick said this with a smile from the bottom of his heart, and then unfolded the map on the desktop.

Chapter 50 Swearing to Consent (Part 2)

Five years.

No, this was something that humans continued to update in order to survive much earlier - the game board.

The game board, which was made up of countless corpses, was under the gaze of one hundred and eighty [Ghosts] including Rick, Cheng Rang and Hubi.

Rick began to explain the specific plan——

"Okay, let's start the game."

"....Swear to your will."

Just like this, everyone answered as usual, but Rick said: "It is forbidden to say that sentence again. We do not swear action to the will, but to the rules we agreed to."


Rick raised his palms, palms facing outward, and said, "Say [Oath to Consent]."

Everyone in the crowd had a look of surprise, and then they slowly raised their hands together and said in unison: "Swear to consent!"

Of course, Cheng Rang is also included.

It is true that there is no need for him to abide by the rules set by Rick. After all, if he cannot kill anyone, the restrictions on him will not be the slightest.

But so what?

Even if you can't kill people, can't you win the game? Just like when playing a game of demon war chess, you are restricted from capturing the opponent's pieces, or if the opponent captures the pieces, you will definitely not be able to win.

The possibility is extremely slim, but not impossible.

Besides, there are others.

Don't let anyone die, don't let anyone find out...

Any means is not cheating.

Don't bother with those guys' rules.

Violation of all of the above is considered defeat.

I like games with a bit of challenge, otherwise how boring would it be to crush them one-sidedly?

This is a [game], a [game] with the world as a chessboard, and it is not a game for oneself - it is a weak race of "human beings", caught between despair, the pursuit of hope, and the struggle to resist the gods. Injustice...a hymn composed.


In this way, non-existent people quietly began to act secretly.

The future and hope were taken away, and I even despaired of despair. Finally, I got tired of that despair.

Not to wait, but to seek.

One hundred and eighty ghost ships are about to set sail.


After the meeting, Cheng Rang, Hubie and Rick were playing card games at the entrance of the secret base.

Hubi looked serious and suddenly said: "...Rick, Cheng... Hubi... still doesn't understand the 'heart'..."

Hubby saw it, everyone present

It touches Rick's heart and resonates.

There was only one person except himself. Hubie couldn't help but lower his head.

Only she herself could not understand that feeling - she continued very sadly: "...Rick, each of your strategies...the probability of success is less than one percent..."

What's more, the probability of all strategies being successful, according to logical thinking, is approximately zero.

"I mean Hubie..." Rick said as if to interrupt Hubie's thinking: "The thing you mentioned called probability, can you explain it this way?"

Rick did not have as vast and sophisticated mathematical knowledge as the Machina. After explaining it based on Hubie's words and deeds, he asked: "The probability of a six in rolling a dice is one-sixth, and the probability of two sixes in a row is two." One-sixth of the times, so it’s one-thirty-sixth - I don’t know what percent is... but is this the way to calculate it?”

"...That's right, so-"

Hubie could assert that she had never underestimated Rick, but Hubie still couldn't hide her surprise at how easily he had solved the mathematical theory of Ex-Machina. Because of this, she planned to explain the success rate to Rick.

"Well let me tell you a good thing, that calculation was wrong."

Hubie's body stiffened.

Cheng Rang took out a wood-carved dice from his arms, took over Rick's words with a smile, and demonstrated it to Hubi.

"The chance of getting a six when rolling the dice is one in six, but in this game, it is not calculated that way. Because a six is ​​a win, and everything else is a loss. In other words - the probability of winning is [two points] one】."

The dice was thrown into the sky by Cheng Rang, spinning irregularly, attracting Hubi's attention.

——That is a fallacy, but as far as probability is concerned, the perspective from which it is calculated and the conditions under which it is calculated are also important factors.

Either everyone wins or everyone loses. If calculated from the perspective of Rick and Cheng, such a fallacy can be established without contradiction.


Cheng Rang's hand reached out like lightning, hitting the falling dice on the ground at an incomprehensible speed and covering it with his hand.

"Are you losing or winning?" he asked Hubie, who was keeping an eye on the trajectory of the dice the whole time.

"...Four o'clock, lose."

But Cheng Rang did not lift the palm from the dice.

Rick smiled and raised his finger, looked at each other and said, "There is a second point."

"It could come up six once in a roll of the dice - or it could come up 10,000 times in a row, so that calculation is wrong."

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