After waking up, only such a cruel situation awaits me.

Ai Xueer, who was always in a state of unease, could no longer rely on her own strength to fall into freezing sleep. Time passed like this day by day, and Ai Xueer was so hungry that she even felt that she was about to be unable to hold on.

The sound of falling water tore a hole in the silent darkness, and this sound came——

"Ahem, cough, bah! What the hell, it's so salty that it tastes bitter!"


Although she didn't understand what the voice was saying, Ai Xueer couldn't restrain her curiosity and carefully opened the shell and swam out.

It was too difficult for me to live in a dark and silent environment.

Aixueer swims lightly in the water. The sea-dwelling species that is favored by water elves will not be easily noticed by others due to its actions in the sea, let alone in a completely dark environment.

Just when she was about to approach the location where the sound of falling into the water came from, a white light instantly illuminated the water, and then the sound of treading water like cannonballs quickly disappeared in a series.



A sound like something crashing into a stone startled Ai Xueer.

What followed happened just as Cheng Rang saw it. The furious movement of the lottery chief attracted Ai Xueer. Relying on the weak light of the white gashapon, the sea-dwelling species with night vision was able to see clearly the person sitting on the shore. figure.

The exquisite fish feed kicked into the water for the second time was simply the biggest temptation in the world for the hungry Ai Xueer, and she couldn't help but get out of the water...

The purple ball of light, guaranteed for the third time, illuminated the surrounding sea surface, and then the two of them bumped into each other eye to eye.

No wonder she still screams hungry even if a knife is held to her neck... If she doesn't eat, she will starve to death if left alone for a few days.

After hearing Ai Xueer's experience from beginning to end, Cheng Rang couldn't help but sigh softly when he thought about it.

Apart from humans, sea-dwelling species are also the "weakest" among the fifteen races. Not long after she was born, Ai Xueer lost her loved ones due to the war, but she knew nothing about it and fell into eternal sleep. .

It seems that this big hole is connected to the bottom of the sea somewhere.

Otherwise, the water would not be salty and bitter. The cause is unknown, but it just woke up Ai Xueer who was in a frozen sleep state.

So now this question stood in front of Cheng Rang, and Ai Xueer asked herself——

What is war?

Under the purple light, the beautiful girl in the water was staring at him with confusion.

Those eyes as pure and innocent as amber, ignorant of the world and spotless, made Cheng Rang hesitate to speak several times.

"War is...a terrible thing, and it's not good."

For Ai Xueer, who had never witnessed the cruelty of the current world, Cheng Rang was completely at a loss for words. In the end, he could only use such a vague explanation to explain the past, and apologized to Ai Xueer for his initial rough treatment:


"Why apologize...?"

"Just now I was thinking about whether to kill you...were you scared?"

Ai Xueer blinked: "Kill me? What will happen if you are killed?"

“When a person is killed, he dies.”

"Death? What is death?"

Cheng Rang pondered for a long time about the girl's probing question. Finally, as if giving up, he scratched his hair hard and sighed: "What is death? ...I can't explain this. I probably just can't feel anything." When I arrive, I can’t see anything, and I’ll stay like that forever.”

"Like freezing sleep?"

"Uh...the two seem to be quite different."

"But this is obviously the same as what you said, I can't feel anything, I can't see anything..."

Being pestered and asked by the sea-dwelling girl who knew nothing and was as blank as a piece of paper, Cheng Rang felt that the frequency of his sighs today was about to catch up with that of the past week.

Chapter 32 Love...what is it?

Because all members of the sea-dwelling species are female and all have extremely beautiful looks, the charming effect caused by this is a subconscious act.

As long as a male of other races falls into the sea and encounters a sea-dwelling species, he will be disturbed by the strong charm, and his soul will be drained out of the instinctive reproduction behavior of the sea-dwelling species.

This also explains why Ai Xueer subconsciously releases her charm towards Cheng Rang when she is threatened, and is invalidated by her willpower strengthening skills.

Being ignorant when asked, complaining about hunger when meeting, and not being able to tear the packaging of food does not prove that the sea-dwelling guys are idiots, but that Ai Xueer herself did not know all this, and she was about to starve to death at the time.

Even with the help of systematic translation, Ai Xueer couldn't understand the meaning of some vocabulary words in the sea-dwelling species.

Cheng Rang was surprised that in such a desperate and chaotic [war] environment, there was still such a pure soul, who did not know what death was, nor what war was.

She has a child-like original intention for hope and beautiful things, without any false smiles. Just the satisfaction she gets after eating is enough to make her happy.

In Cheng Rang's opinion, all of these are things that are more precious than gold in this special era.


During the conversation, I had already learned the name of the person in front of me. Seeing that he had lowered his head and meditated for a long time without speaking, Ai Xueer, who was lying beside the water, softly called out.

"I am here."

"Can you accompany me to find my mother...?" she asked in an expectant tone.


Cheng Rang couldn't bear to look directly at Ai Xueer's amber eyes that seemed to be able to see through the heart at a glance. He looked away and said in a deep voice: "Although I'm sorry to say this, Ai Xueer... your mother Probably dead."

"Mom, dead? Why?"

Her eyes widened, still puzzled by this.

To save you, I died in the war.

The answer was stuck in Cheng Rang's throat and he couldn't say it out.

These were all too cruel to her, and she even couldn't bear to tell them.

"Ai Xueer, will you never see your mother again?"

The girl stretched out her hand and grabbed the corner of Cheng Rang's clothes, pulling gently and asking.

" mean, Ai Xueer...there is nothing left?"


Cheng Rang never thought that he would apologize to other races as a human being in this world.

And more than once.

Ai Xueer, who had not received an answer for a long time, finally let go of the hand holding Cheng Rang's clothes and slowly retracted into the water, leaving only half of her face exposed and spitting bubbles.

The conversation was interrupted and the atmosphere fell into silence. Only the sound of the underground water waterfall in the distance is still gurgling, echoing in the endless hollow.

After a while, Ai Xueer suddenly took the initiative to speak and broke the silence:

"Ai Xueer... you must listen to your mother and live."


It was as if a distant cry echoed in Ai Xueer's ears through time and space. She suddenly thought of something, pushed herself up from the water with a splash, and came close to Cheng Rang's face, startling him.

"Uh, what's wrong?"

She stared straight at herself, the crystal water drops slowly sliding down her alluring body and white and tender skin, making Cheng Rang's heart beat faster.

"last question!"

" say."

The girl's cherry lips parted slightly, and she said slowly——

"what is love?"


The two of them stared at each other in a stalemate for a long time. Cheng Rang said with a helpless tone: "First came war, then death...and finally love?"

With a wry smile, Cheng Rang scratched his hair: "I don't know anything yet, but the questions you asked are surprisingly tricky."

"Mom, when pushing me into the shell...the last words were..."

"I love you, don't you?"

"Well...Ai Xue'er, I don't know what that means, mother always tells me that every time I makes me feel very comfortable here." Ai Xue'er She gently pressed her hand on her chest and smiled, "Ai Xue'er is thinking... if she never sees her mother again, after knowing what 'love' is, she can be like she was with her before, Are you happy?"

"So, can Cheng tell Ai Xueer... what is love?"

That was a memory that was already blurry in Cheng Rang's mind. It was the sound of TV commercials that had been turned down, and it was the sound of a keychain ringing outside the door.

It is the sound of the range hood in the kitchen under the warm yellow light and the beautiful music played by the spatula and pot bottom.

It was the aroma of food that made me move my fingers, and a gentle call——

"Son, it's time to eat."

If you know what love is, can you be as happy as you were with your mother before?

As if he was standing on the other side of the long river called time, he looked back and saw the figure of the important person who had given him life and taught him everything. Even though his face was blurring, there was never any trace of it. erase.

"If you know what love is...if you have ever felt what it feels like to be surrounded by love..."


"Who wants to leave?"

How many times have you thought about how great it would be if you weren't selected by the system?

He just wants to live in a boring and ordinary life, and every time he is hungry, someone can prepare a steaming meal, put it on the table, and then call himself: Son, dinner is ready.

There is no need to know what love is, just indulge in it and spend your life in an ordinary way...

The strong emotion called longing was awakened by the girl as pure as white paper in front of her, and Cheng Rang's voice choked up.

"That's the stupidest question and the smartest question."

"Love is the strongest and most beautiful thing in an emotion. It refers to the feeling of liking to a very deep level and then paying for it. It refers to the sense of satisfaction and happiness that people actively give or consciously expect.... ..”

"In general, it is a very complicated thing that cannot be explained by words."

Thinking of the Mecha girl who had been following Rick, Cheng Rang pointed to his chest and said slowly:

“It’s something that needs to be felt with the ‘heart’.”


In the settlement, Rick and Hubie are waiting for him to go back, but the current situation puts Cheng Rang in a dilemma.

Even if they came down to investigate, they still couldn't solve the problem of the water source being cut off, and leaving Ai Xueer here alone would not be reassuring.

Cheng Rang is still unable to let go of the few hopes in the desperate world into the abyss. Even as a foreigner, he still pursues peace and beautiful things.

Although they are locked in an endless war because their respective creator gods want to get the Star Cup, as an intelligent race, they can still feel what "love" is.

Even a lifeless machine wants to analyze the existence of 'heart'.

Would such a situation be called an exception here?

Chapter 33 Method

Ai Xueer stared at Cheng Rang's movements and imitated them, put her hands on her chest, and murmured: "Heart?"

"Yes, 'heart'." Cheng Rang patted his pants and stood up from the ground, "That's a very complicated thing."

"Cheng, does Ai Xueer... also have a 'heart'?"

"...Of course." Cheng Rang paused and smiled: "When your mother said she loved you, her chest felt warm. She was very happy, wasn't she?"


"That's the joy from the heart."

"From the heart...?"

"Yes, that is the language reflected in the 'heart', and only you can understand it."

Want to be together forever.

If we are together, we will feel very happy.

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