"Well, it's better not to use it!"

Chapter 185 The Ghost Elaine

"Huh? Fantou isn't here today."

Cheng Rang, who was usually late and missed the morning meeting, sneaked into the club hall and looked around. He didn't see Stephen, who usually always leaned in front of the table with a cup of coffee to catch his attendance. Later, he learned from Jet on the side that Stephen It seems like something happened today.

"That's it, then can't we have fun fishing again today?!" Cheng Rang threw himself into the fluffy sofa with brisk steps, took out his laptop from the system backpack and turned it on.

"As expected, the network here is the fastest and most stable. It's so cool!"

After skillfully clicking the mouse to find the WIFI here, Cheng Rang immediately opened the game.

The network in the apartments rented outside is always intermittent due to various bad things that happen in HL every day. Cheng Rang has been disconnected several times due to network fluctuations when he was about to get the first place. My blood pressure skyrocketed, and I wanted to grab a knife and cut all the way to my luck.

The business side should question them carefully.

"I'm holding the crown in my hand. You gave me the Internet connection interruption. Do you know how difficult it is for me to stand out among this group of gatekeepers?! No, you don't care. You only care that today's network cable was hacked again. Ersha Remzlot’s lunatics blew up several of them!”

Of course, this kind of problem will not occur here at the Lebra headquarters. Elaine has specially laid a high-speed dedicated line network covering the entire building. After the main line is affected, it can even seamlessly switch to the backup line within a few milliseconds. Avoid interruptions in network communications.

But these important logistical resources, which were clearly set up for the smooth execution of important tasks, are now being used by Cheng Rang to play games without being disconnected... Well, how should we evaluate them?

Making the best use of everything?

"You little bastards who are 1.83 meters tall, your father and I are here! I will crush you today!"

"Senior Cheng, you've started again!"

Leo stood behind Cheng Rang and looked at the game screen on his screen and shouted: "I obviously played Fall Bean Man all night yesterday, and I just started playing it again today when I came to the company? There must be a limit to laziness. Hello!"


Cheng Rang also took out another laptop from his arms and placed it on the table.

"Fan Tou is not here today, why don't we form a team together?"

"pull me."

Leo sat down next to Cheng Rang and quickly turned on the computer.

Without the supervision of a boss, fishing is really fun.

At the desk, our dear boss, Mr. Claus, an avid fan of Demon War Chess, is immersed in the computer screen and clicking the mouse quickly. In the reflection of his eyes, the black and white chessboard is rapidly unfolding. .

"Do these guys...really want to save the world?"

In the Scranton Secret Research Institute, Elaine bit her nails and stared angrily at the picture on the monitor, where an older child and two younger children were immersed in the happy world of the game.

Moving the mouse, Elaine clicked to save the video, and then packaged it and sent it to Stephen's mailbox.

Email title: Look at those fishermen at your house!

Consciously acting as the second-in-command to supervise everyone's hard work, Elaine has a full sense of responsibility.

But after his evidence email was successfully sent, he still didn't wait for Stephen's reply.

"It's probably a meeting. I remember he said last time... Is Mr. Staffis the only one working hard to protect the world today?" Elaine held her forehead and sighed softly, grabbing the table. The snack on the side was put into his mouth.


"Mmm~ It's delicious!"

Elaine held her cheeks in her hands and showed a happy expression due to the intake of sweets.

After all, she herself is just peeping at others fishing for nothing. Hey, don’t be assimilated by them, Miss Scranton, cheer up!

The little Elaines in my head have already started fighting. Little Elaine, who is wearing an angelic halo, said to herself with a righteous expression: "Even if the recent research project has come to an end, you can't relax. There is a lot of unknown knowledge to learn!”

The demon little Elaine with small horns put the snack with the alluring aroma in her hand to the angel little Elaine's mouth, and said only one word: "Eat."

The little angel was so greedy that Elaine was really obsessed with the strange desserts in this city recently.

Not only will you not gain weight after eating it, but your energy level will also improve a lot. Needless to say, it tastes like a deadly bait specially prepared to lure humans into taking the bait. You have to queue up for several hours every day to buy it. .

Of course, these are no big deal in front of Boss Cheng, who has great hands and eyes. As long as you want to eat, a dedicated delivery person will deliver it to you immediately!

Boss Cheng definitely didn’t treat her to snacks just to bribe the supervisor. This is completely an employee benefit of our Scranton Foundation!

Yes, that's right....

Tieguzhengzheng Elaine Yes!

But how could she not report the evidence of the fish boys playing games at work to Mr. Staffis who entrusted her because of these snacks?

Before leaving, Stephen said: "Miss Scranton, I have a lot of papers and analytical intelligence data on top-secret research facilities here. You have never seen them. So supervise their affairs..."

Elaine took a small USB flash drive from Stephen's hand with bright eyes, patted her chest and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Staffis, I promise to complete the task!"

A spy within a spy!

When will the intrigue in this secret society come to an end... Are you filming the Lebra version of Infernal Affairs? !

If there is a mole, stop fishing!

"Ah...I'm done eating..."

When Elaine's hand reached into the paper bag aside again, she found that the snack had been eaten by herself without even realizing it.

A slight sense of loss lingered in my heart.

"No, no! I can't continue to degenerate!" Elaine suddenly straightened up and patted her face. She got up and ran to the bathroom to wipe her face with cold water.

When she sat back down in her seat, the research-mad lady who looked like she was "dedicated to justice" was back...


At the same time, the Lebra Field Operations Branch conference room.

"No way." After listening to his colleagues,

After the mission briefing, KK's expression suddenly stiffened, "I have something to do that day."

Stephen put down his phone after seeing the title of the email sent by Elaine, sighed and looked at KK beside him: "Is there anything more important than stopping the transaction of a vicious criminal organization?"

KK blushed and squirmed, then rubbed his hands and muttered in a low voice: "...School visit day?"

"Are you an idiot?! There is an abnormal situation here that could lead to tens of thousands more drug addicts!" Graham, the squad leader on the side, roared angrily.

KK: “But I didn’t go last time, last time, last time, and more times before!”

"If this continues, my reputation as a mother will be completely discredited in front of the children!"

"Sweeping the floor has to be something big or small, right?!"

"Wait a minute, wait a minute Graham..." Stephen smiled bitterly and raised his hand to stop the hot-tempered squad leader in front of him, "...I understand very well that although it is difficult, there is no way, right? ?”

KK looked at Stephen with eyes suddenly filled with hope: "Does that mean I can go...?"

Stephen closed his eyes and nodded: "Yes."

KK quickly smiled apologetically and began to bend down and bow to his colleagues: "Oh, I'm really sorry, everyone, so I'll go first..."

"Although..." Stephen began to speak as if talking to himself at this time, the volume was just enough for KK to hear, "Although this may cost several lives..."

"But don't mind, just go ahead and protect the growth of your sons...K·K."

Following Stephen's words, KK's face began to darken, showing an expression of struggle.

Stephen's expression was even more resentful, and he continued: "This is all our fault for failing to make up for your absence. They may never attend their children's class visits again... and it is also possible, This is the last time you'll see us."

"I'm just going to join the mission!! Shut up now, or I'll kill you now!" KK lifted up Stephen's collar with a ferocious look on his face, with some crystals still hanging from the corners of his eyes.

Chapter 186 The "Hero" Not Understood by Those Who Love Him

The time came in the afternoon of the next day.

There seemed to be quite a lot of people in the hall today, but maybe there was a reason for that...

"You guys, obediently delete all the things that are and are not in the work report." Stephen held up the tablet computer, which played the video of Leo and Cheng Rang happily teaming up to fish here yesterday. Monitor screen.

Cheng Rang and Leo lowered their heads in embarrassment and remained silent. When the evidence was solid, it was better not to get in trouble with the scheming gangster in front of them.

"And you Zabu, the reason for asking for leave is not valid. Can you go to the casino to drink wine even if you are sick?" Stephen swiped the screen and saw a photo of Zabu laughing with several hostesses in his arms. It was obviously a candid shot from the same angle. , but the resolution even reaches the 2K level.

"Uh...who is spying on my life?!" Zabu bit his lip and his fists couldn't help but harden.

"Yesterday's wages have been deducted." Stephen put down the tablet. Although his tone was gentle and smiling, the meaning of his words was very clear, making the few fishermen unable to feel any disobedience.


The fishing trio all became a lot more honest after accepting the punishment.

Cheng Rang slumped down on the sofa and said, "Oh, there's a mole... I didn't expect it..."

"It must be Elaine... It must be her..." Zabu gritted his teeth, "I thought the gadgets she studied were quite convenient, but I didn't expect that they were all to satisfy her. Is that voyeur’s desire so damnable?”

"So you idiots don't even have the consciousness to be caught for being lazy, and you still want to avoid punishment by bribing the inspectors. It's really funny." Leticia turned the pages of the book in her hands. He complained without looking up.

Zabu said this was extremely unbalanced: "You little silver-haired kid is obviously doing nothing every day, why won't you be criticized?"

"Because I'm not afraid of being deducted from my wages." Leticia half-opened her eyes and glanced at Zabu with a look of disdain. "There is no such thing as fishing, so I just skipped work."

Zabu: "..."

"So you are used to being called a silver-haired brat by Zabu?" Cheng Rang was a little surprised by Leticia's calm reaction this time.

“Would you react to trash talk from a monkey?”

Cheng Rang was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Indeed."

"Chirp, chirp! chirp—"

Sonic on Leo's shoulder suddenly jumped in front of Leticia and waved his little hands in protest.

Leticia smiled slightly at this: "Ah, I'm sorry, that guy Zabu is not of the same breed as you, how offensive it is."

"Huh?!" Zabu tilted his head, his expression a little stiff.

"Miss Letitia probably meant to apologize to Sonic. After all, she is the only one who can communicate with Sonic." Leo waved his hand with a wry smile.

Zabu jumped up from the sofa and shouted, "Do you mean I'm one level lower than this monkey?!"

"It's two.

Letitia corrected her without changing her expression.

When Zabu heard this, his face almost turned purple with anger, but for someone he couldn't beat, he could only swallow his anger and secretly cursed Leticia hundreds of times in his heart.

"Go to death, swallow a thousand needles, be struck by lightning, and have a dozen big guys take turns (silence) to kill you." Letitia repeated what Zabu was thinking under the horrified expression on his face, and then looked indifferent. He said to him in a tone of voice: "Sorry, I'm too sensitive about curses, so I probably know what you're thinking."

"How should I put it? It's really childish..." Leticia didn't show any anger at all. The book in her hand slowly turned a page again and commented: "It's not even looking for trouble."

Cheng Rang couldn't help but laugh at this. He shook his head and patted Zabu, who had a dull look on his face: "I think you should give up, otherwise Leticia really launches a vicious attack on you, and you will probably bury your head in the ground. went."

After a slight pause, Cheng Rang added: "Probably a few levels better than your master..."

The white-haired baboon in front of him trembled all over, as if he was shuddering several times. Then he muttered something unknown and silently stood up and walked aside.

Cheng Rang and Leo looked at each other, smiled sarcastically at the same time, lowered their heads and revised yesterday's work report, while Leticia also returned her gaze to the book in her hand.

The rumble of thunder sounded from outside the window, and the heavy rain washed down this strange city filled with gunpowder smoke and dense fog.

Although it was afternoon, the sky was very gloomy because of the rain, so warm yellow lights were turned on in the association hall for lighting. The sound of pattering rain drifted into the room along with the smell of earth and a slight coolness, and I felt the nature. The unique white noise, coupled with the rhythmic tapping of the keyboard on the desk, gave the slightly quiet hall a leisurely atmosphere.

The black and gold carved door was suddenly pushed open at this time, and the sound of the hinges rubbing was particularly clear in the quiet hall.

The sound of the soles of high heels hitting the ground came rhythmically, and the visitor's steps were firm and windy.

The person who reacted the most to this was Leticia, who was sitting and reading a book.

These familiar footsteps...are the one-eyed woman!

Closing the book in her hand with a snap, Leticia quickly stood up and prepared to slip away.

The only thing I can't handle is that guy...

But today, KK didn't seem to be interested in Letitia. He walked straight towards Stephen who was standing aside, flipping through documents, with a very serious expression.

Cheng Rang raised his head and glanced at the person who walked in, then looked a little surprised: "Sister KK?"

Then he also noticed KK's blond hair, which was completely wet from the rain and stuck to her cheeks, and the red leather windbreaker that was still dripping with water as it lay down.

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