I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 431 Explosion and Return

"You must have mistaken the person, young man."

A soft voice came from 'Ron''s mouth. The voice was still his, but the tone was completely different from before.

"You -" Voldemort didn't understand what was going on. He just subconsciously raised his hand and wanted to use the death curse on 'Ron'.

Just didn't wait for him to attack.

Three more chains flew out of the hole.

His limbs were tied up.

He still wanted to struggle.

But the power of the chain seemed to be increased a hundred times.

Quetzalcoatl, high in the sky, swung its tail, shattering the magic ring in the air with one twitch, and then again, breaking the golden curtain.

The reinforcements from the outside Aurors had arrived a long time ago, but were blocked from the outside. At this moment, they were pouring in all at once.

The Death Eaters and Purifiers who were still watching the show suddenly felt like they were facing a formidable enemy. In just a moment, they were at a disadvantage.

This is disastrous, because of their stupidity, they did not add insult to injury when they first gained power. This was not out of any noble sentiment, but just stupid conceit.

This resulted in the Federation Aurors led by Moody suffering casualties, but not many. Coupled with the influx of reinforcements, they soon regrouped and joined the ranks to encircle and suppress them.

Compared to the attacks suffered by his own men, Voldemort was already in a dilemma.

On the one hand, the magic power of the alien gods filled his body, but on the other hand, he also noticed that there was another magic power that blended with the magic power of the alien gods, but one provided him with strength, and the other gave him restraints.

Of course he knew that the source of that power belonged to Quetzalcoatl.

After countless years of confrontation, the two magical wills in this divinely empowered tower have long been entangled with each other.

Now the power of the iron chain keeps pulling him into the hole.

Unless - unless he gives up his unparalleled power, a tenth of the power he has yet to master, otherwise the chains will drag him into the abyss.

He was not willing to give in - he used the power gained from the talents of a small town.

Voldemort's face became ferocious, and he stared at Ron fiercely. He knew that all the variables that were happening in so many things now came from this little wizard.

I should have killed him long ago.

"Damn it! Damn it!!!"

Just when he was about to sink into the hole, a trace of panic flashed across Voldemort's snake face, but he turned around and suddenly reached out his hand and pulled hard, and the disappeared wand reappeared in his hand.

Then his snake eyes showed a fierce light, "Since I can't get it."

There was a cold expression on Voldemort's lips.

He raised his wand high, and then a huge, unimaginable power emerged around him.

He pointed his wand sharply at a hollow beneath him.

The huge magic power was like a river flowing into the sea, instantly breaking down all the shackles and pouring into the ground.


After regaining his mortal body, he looked at Ron and Grindelwald coldly, and then a black mist surged around him, and he suddenly rose into the sky in the black mist.

Away from here at an extremely fast speed.

The other Death Eaters also showed cruel smiles, and black smoke surged around them as they flew away from the reef.

The next second, the three cavities on the island opened like bloody mouths, and a huge attraction exploded.

Stones, corpses, altars, everything was devoured.

There seemed to be three storms around, and the wind was howling in, probably as strong as ten levels.

The surrounding seawater was also affected by this attraction and rushed in crazily.

"Get out of here." Grindelwald said solemnly.

He knew that the gravity in front of him was just the tide before the waves came. When the gravity ended, the raging waves would follow.

Unfortunately, although the obelisk had collapsed, the restriction here had not yet dissipated, and he was still unable to directly disapparate. Voldemort had calculated this accurately, so he did not hesitate to detonate the entire ruins.

Coatl on the edge of the cliff was also captured by this huge gravity, losing his wand, pocket, and the power of Quetzalcoatl.

She suddenly seemed to become an ordinary girl.

His own magic spell was simply not enough to counteract the gravitational pull of this star, and he drove uncontrollably towards the center of the hollow.

It's too late.

She thought to herself.

But this concern disappeared in just a moment.

Because she saw that the already shattered Quetzalcoatl cast his gaze on her again.

In just an instant, the gravity around her was greatly weakened.

Then a figure walked through the gravel, moving very quickly.

"Ron?" Koyatel could tell at a glance which fool was back.

His eyes no longer held the tenderness imprinted on him, but instead were filled with impatience.

"What's wrong with you? Aren't you affected by gravity?" She was confused, but Ron didn't intend to explain at this time. He picked up the girl by the waist.

Then he quickly ran towards the outside of the sea reef far away from the hollow.

Behind him - the ancient magic left infinite traces like a veil. It was this magic that offset part of the gravity.

But this didn't last long, and the magic left behind by Shani could only last for a dozen seconds at most.

Under normal circumstances, ten seconds - they couldn't even escape from the island where the hole was located.

But Grindelwald clearly had a better idea.

He followed Ron, using the magic traces left by Ron, to quickly approach the two of them.

When he reached behind the two of them, he stretched out his hand, grabbed one with one hand, lifted them up directly, and then cast flying magic.

Ten seconds were enough for them to fly away from the reef.

Then, a deafening explosion sounded, as if the whole world was shaking at this moment.

The loud noise was like the sun falling into the sea, and for a moment, a dazzling pure white fireball suddenly rose from the dark sea level.

The fireball instantly tore apart the surrounding void, releasing a huge light that illuminated the entire sea area.

This light contains the power of destruction, shooting out in all directions, involving everything around it.

The waves became furious and chaotic under this force, as if they were about to overturn the entire ocean. The rocks on the reef instantly shattered under the impact and turned into countless fragments flying into the air.

"Boom~~~" As the fireball spread, the entire sea area seemed to be boiling, and the huge explosion echoed on the sea surface and lingered for a long time. This destructive force not only swept across the sea, but also made the entire sky become gloomy and depressing.

Everyone is running away.

However, their speed cannot match the speed of the fireball's expansion.

But fortunately, when the fireball rose, it also meant that the remaining spell in the obelisk that restricted the wizard from apparating was instantly dissipated.

The Aurors all used Disapparation and then managed to escape from the area.

No one knows what impact the explosion had on the local environment.

It is nothing more than the disappearance of a reef.

The death of a relic.

These things seem to happen all the time on this planet.

When the first ray of sunshine in the morning hits this land, everything seems to be back to the past.

It seems like nothing has changed.

The sea breeze blew the tips of Koyatel's hair, and they playfully stirred up the uncontrollable broken hair.

Her scarlet eyes looked far away at the other side of the sea.

There stands a statue of a goddess. Holding a torch in one hand and a book in the other.

About forty meters high.

This allows him to see the silhouette of the goddess even if the yacht he is on is far away.

"Everything is over. No matter who you worked for before, you should think about yourself now."

A middle-aged man came from the other side of the yacht.

A pair of strange-colored eyes fell on the girl.

Then he said casually.

"Myself?" Koyatel was stunned.

In the first half of her life, she was controlled by the outside gods, and later worked for Quetzalcoatl.

It's all over now.

But what could she do? What should she do?

"You are a student at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Maybe you should go back to your own school to complete your studies. Or join the Federation. Based on your resume, I believe they will give you a job that requires an adventurous spirit."

"I don't want to go back." Koatl said coldly, "I hate this land."

"I don't want to join the Federation either. I don't want someone to be ordering me around."

"I have many mysteries, about my family, about gods, about successors, about love.

I wanted to go to a place where I could get answers. "


Suddenly there was a coughing sound in the cabin.

It was Ron, he was walking over.

He should have been very tired.

After everything was over, he wouldn't be surprised even if he fell asleep for two or three days.

But in fact, both his body and spirit were surprisingly good.

It's like I just got up after a good sleep.

This may be the magical effect of ancient magic!

Ron guessed.

"Maybe you should go to Hogwarts and have a good chat with Owen." He said calmly.

His eyes flashed with the tenderness that belonged to his ancestors from time to time.

"He knows a lot of things. Whenever Harry and Hermione and I are confused, he always knows something."

"And Harry's mother used the magic of love to protect him. Maybe you can find the answers to some questions in him."

Ron didn't know why he said these words?

There was an urgency in his heart.

"." Koyatel was silent for a long time.

He spoke after a while.

"Maybe this is a good place to go? I was too quick to see things before."

See Koyatel agree.

Ron's heart felt as relieved as if a stone he had been holding fell to the ground.

This was before he learned a few hours ago that Bill, Ernie and the others were being held prisoner by traitors from the Magic Congress.

The Aurors of the Federation had just rescued them, and they were still happy.

"Well, it seems Albus has another outstanding student."

Grindelwald said calmly.

Then turned and left.

Some troublesome traitors still need him to suppress.


On the other side, Hogwarts is far away in the Scottish Highlands.

In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight shines on the windows of the little wizards' dormitory.

When they woke up one by one and went to the auditorium for breakfast in twos and threes, everyone noticed that there was something strange in front of the door today.

Filch was standing in front of the oak door, with many suitcases at his feet.

And he was still moving more boxes from the stairs.

"What happened?" Owen came forward with the Hufflepuff wizards.

From a distance, he saw Harry, Neville, Hermione, Luna and other young wizards crowding in front of the door and on both sides.

"It's Professor Trelawney!" Hermione glanced at him, and then said in disgust, "Just now, that woman announced in front of everyone that she was fired."

Only then did Owen notice that Professor Trelawney was standing alone in the middle of the courtyard outside the oak door.

He held a wand in one hand and an empty wine bottle in the other.

She looked completely crazy, her hair was down and her glasses were crooked, making one eye appear much larger than the other.

Her countless scarves and shawls were hung messily, giving the impression that she was in tatters.

Filch was constantly throwing her boxes at her.

"No," she screamed, "No! This can't be happening...it can't be...I refuse to accept it!"

"You didn't expect this?" a high-pitched little girl-like voice said, seeming to be amused. Owen didn't even turn his head, knowing that the voice must be from Umbridge. She was the only one in Hogwarts who could use that tone.

"Although you can't even predict tomorrow's weather, you should realize that your poor performance during my class and your lack of improvement since then will inevitably lead to your dismissal, right?"

"You-you can't!" Professor Trelawney howled, tears welling up from behind her large glasses, "You-you can't fire me! I've been here-I've been here sixteen years! Hogwart Ci is me. My home!”

"It used to be your home," Professor Umbridge said, seeing Professor Trelawney sitting on a box and crying bitterly, with a proud smile on her toad face, "Until yesterday, the Minister of Magic signed Until I get your dismissal order, oh! I was very kind enough to take you in for one night and let you leave on your own. The current situation is entirely your own fault." She stood there, watching Terry with gloating. Professor Lawney trembled.

"Now please leave Hogwarts immediately and don't embarrass us!"

Professor Trelawney choked, her body shaking, rocking back and forth on the box with waves of grief.

Professor McGonagall squeezed out of the crowd and walked straight to Professor Trelawney.

She patted Professor Trelawney firmly on the back and pulled a bandana from her robes.

Many students in the crowd were holding fire in their hearts.

Although Professor Trelawney's reputation at Hogwarts was not good, she was also a professor at Hogwarts. This old witch was treating her like this, which made the young wizard feel sincerely ashamed and angry.

Someone has secretly taken out the wand.

As long as Umbridge dares to force herself again, they will let her know what it feels like to be beaten by hundreds of magicians.

On the other side, Professor McGonagall was still comforting Professor Trelawney, "Okay, okay, Sybil, calm down." She said.

"It's not as bad as you think. You're not leaving Hogwarts."

"Oh, really, Professor McGonagall?" Umbridge took a few steps forward and said viciously, "Who approved this?"

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