I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 429 In the Illusion

The two motionless bodies seemed as if the fire of life had been extinguished.

But even so, it still aroused the disgust of others.

"How touching." Voldemort mocked.

"But - you can go and die."

His face turned cold instantly, he raised his wand, and a life-threatening light shot out.

"Avada Kedavra--"

The scythe of death was raised high, and the invisible blade had been chosen on the two wizards.

And at the moment he swung the knife.

An intense white light lit up.

Then a voice full of anger sounded.

"Sanchez Force Field."

Magic like petals appeared out of thin air.

Death was deflected in an instant and headed elsewhere.

"Who!" Voldemort roared.

Staring fiercely at the gravel in the distance.


The stones seemed to be lifted up by someone, and they were flying toward Voldemort like meteors falling to the ground.

He angrily turned his wand into a long sword and violently split the stones that could not do any harm to him.

"It's you!"

Finally he saw the person clearly.

The man standing on a rock with his left hand holding the neck of a certain unlucky Death Eater, wearing a black windbreaker and with stern eyes, was looking at him.

"Kill like this, Tom!" Grindelwald said arrogantly.

Then use your left hand slightly.

Just listen to a 'click' sound.

He actually broke the unfortunate Death Eater's neck.

Then, the body like a dead dog was thrown aside by Grindelwald.

Just now - the obelisk suddenly collapsed, burying him in the rubble. This took some time, but he finally caught up.

"Humph——" Voldemort's face trembled, which was a sign of extreme anger.

The next moment he was waving his wand.

A ball of fierce fire emerged out of thin air.

In just an instant, it enveloped the entire island.

The cold sea breeze on Sunday had a milder temperature at this moment.

After gaining the power of an alien god, he became even more powerful.

The fierce fire spell he cast was like hot gold water splashing into the sky, terrifying - and crazy.

Grindelwald also used fire as a defense.

The blue and white fire dragon flew close to the ground, wrapping him and the two little wizards whose bodies were getting colder.

Protect each other together.

Compared to Voldemort's powerful fire, Grindelwald's fire shield was much weaker in terms of range and power.

Coupled with the golden sword rain falling from the sky.

After just one encounter, he fell into a disadvantage.

Voldemort fired another deadly spell while using the snake-shaped fire.

But the spell missed the mark.

Hit the stone on the side.

Grindelwald waved his wand lightly.

Immediately afterwards, a trace of whether it was Li Huo or his Fire Release appeared - because at that moment, the flame disappeared.

Voldemort immediately conjured a silver shield from the thin air to resist.

But the magic spell did not fully act on the shield. After a low sound like a gong sounded, part of the spell attacked his body.

A corner of Voldemort's cheek was cut off like a knife or an ax.

A very inconspicuous corner.

In just two or three breaths, the wound healed.

But Voldemort felt an unprecedented shame.

"Is this your magic? Do you want to kill me with this?" Voldemort shouted crazily. His ferocious face did not match the golden glow emanating from his body at all. At this moment, he looked like some kind of beast or something. Evil god.

"Kill you?" Grindelwald smiled arrogantly.

"You think too highly of yourself."

"The only opponents for a guy like you are the little wizards around me."

He walked leisurely and elegantly, and his body outline outlined a unique style.

"Haha——" Voldemort let out a burst of terrifying laughter.

Then he raised his wand.

The magic ring high in the sky is falling at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At a critical point, it stopped.

Then the golden light shines brightly.

At some point, a small magic ring appeared under Grindelwald's feet.

He immediately took evasive action.

But the magic ring seemed to be stuck to him, and no matter how hard he tried to dodge, he couldn't escape.

Faced with such an attack, the gorgeous force field flowers bloomed again, and deflection was the most effective defense.

This magic is originally a ring magic used to deal with foreign gods.

Many years ago, when he faced the partial essence of the gods in other obelisks alone, he was tricked. Later, when he was hunting with Owen as a child, he accidentally mentioned that he wanted to develop a fully capable person. The curse to defend against all magic was listened to by the child.

Within a few days, he had a wonderful idea.

It took Grindelwald a long time to invent the current force field magic from the Infinite Stretch Spell and the Apparition Spell.

And this magic did realize his idea - to defend against all spells.

As expected, Huanghuang Gaotian's sharp sword was deflected, and there was no trace of emotion on Grindelwald's face.

This book is used to restrain it. It has such an effect, which is very reasonable.

However, the magic power required to deflect the gods' magic is huge. If he cannot persist in this process, the infinitely extending space will immediately collapse, and he will also be swallowed up by the chaotic space. In this case, the wizard will be instantly Tear into pieces.

Not everyone is Owen. With the blessing of ancient magic, he can use this spell unscrupulously, but others cannot.

but now.

Voldemort seemed to have expected it.

The next rain of magic swords is already on its way.

With nowhere to hide, Grindelwald could only wave his staff again, and the blue petals appeared for the third time.


A world of pure white.

Ron lay face down, listening to the silence.

He is completely alone. No one was looking at him, no one else was around.

He wasn't even sure he existed.

A long time passed - maybe there was no time at all. During this time, he was just aware of his existence, as if his thoughts had left his body and were just thoughts.

He is aware of his surroundings, but cannot see himself.

He tried to move his body. It was easy, and soon he felt his perspective shift.

I seem to exist in some mist.

But it is different from the fog of reality.

It's not that the surrounding scenery is shrouded in fog, but that the surrounding scenery seems to be composed of fog, but now they have not formed a specific scenery.

The ground on which he lay seemed white, neither hot nor cold, just a presence, a flat, empty thing.

Suddenly - it seemed like the wind was blowing.

Some smoke was blown away.

They outline.

Ron suddenly felt that the scenery in front of him became familiar.

Perhaps to verify his will, the surrounding scenery immediately became clearer.

He saw rolling hills and fertile grasslands all over the mountains and plains.

He saw a dilapidated, crooked house that looked like it might fall down at any moment.

He saw four or five chimneys on the top of the house.

He saw a large garden overgrown with weeds behind the house, and a large green pond with many frogs in it.

"Where is this?"

Ron turned around suddenly, and a young woman appeared behind him.

She has long fiery red hair, dots of freckles on her face, and wears a medieval, exquisite and gorgeous sky blue dress with an obvious rococo style.

"This is my home." Ron said naturally.

I don't know why, but the witch in front of me, who looks somewhat similar to Ginny, felt infinite warmth in my heart when I saw her for the first time, like a mother or an elder.

"Your home?" The witch took Ron's arm and said, "Take me to see it."

They walked through the winding hilly road, passed Mr. Arthur's parking shed, and opened the oak door.

"ding dong"

The bell rings.

This was deliberately placed in front of the door by Mrs. Weasley so that she could always know whether George and Fred had sneaked out.

What comes into view is the living room.

It was a room that looked very comfortable.

There is a sofa and some chairs. There is also a large fireplace, a large wooden radio and a special clock in the living room.

Ron stared at the clock curiously and found that everyone's hands were at "home".

Next to the living room is the kitchen, which has a huge window facing the endless hills in the distance.

Everything is so green.

There is also a wall clock with only one hand, with words like "make tea", "feed the chickens", "you're going to be late" written on the clock.

The front door of the kitchen leads to the front yard, and the back door opens to the garden, which is the 'social hub' of the Weasley family.

The witch walked to the living room. She stared at the clock that showed home for a long time, "I didn't expect you still kept this."

she says.

Then he walked to the kitchen and leaned in front of the huge window sill.

Looking at Ron with eyes full of smiles.

Ron moved a chair and sat in the middle of the living room and kitchen.

"Are you——Ms. Shani Maeve Weasley?" He was not stupid. He racked his brains and thought about it. After thinking about it, it seemed that the Weasley member who could appear here could only be the legendary one. wizard hero.

Others don't have that strength.

"Yes." Shani said lightly.

"So... am I dead?"

"Haha -" the smile on Shani's face became more obvious, "This is a problem, but I think - you haven't yet."

The two looked at each other, his ancestral grandmother still smiling.

"No?" Ron expressed surprise. He had lost so much blood, there was no way he was still alive.

"No." Shani said firmly.

"But..." Ron wanted to argue, but he instinctively reached out to touch his abdomen.

But it was as flat as usual, there were even some bulges, and the hole was gone.

And just when he was doubting.

The Burrow's doorbell rang again.

"This is the second time I've been to this place."

Koyatel looked around, looking away from the items full of life.

"Death has become a luxury for me."

"Oh - you can't think like that, kid." Shani happily walked over and pulled the girl to Ron's side.

Then his eyes kept looking at the two people.

"The fate is so wonderful," she said.

"So - what's going on?" The appearance of Koyatel deepened Ron's confusion.

He didn't realize at all the profound meaning of his ancestor's grandmother at this moment.

"Okay - today's little wizards are all impatient." Shani said gently, "Where to start?"

"Oh - that divine tower in Brazil."

Her emerald eyes evoked past memories, and she took the two little wizards back to the past.

"The Divine Grant Tower - of course you call it an obelisk now, but it actually means the same thing."

"In the distant past, that tower belonged to a witch named Quetzalcoatl."

"Quezal Coatl?" Ron was startled, "Isn't that the name of Quetzalcoatl?"

"Oh - I'm glad you know Quetzalcoatl." Shani said, "It's just a rather complicated story. I don't know it all myself. I wonder if you would like to hear it?"

"Please elaborate." Ron and Koyatel said in unison.

"Okay." Shani raised the corner of her mouth and continued, "In ancient times, wizards who mastered ancient magic would be considered gods. Of course, wizards at that time would not call them that, but later wizards would never arrive again. After reaching that height, Wang Yang sighed and called those wizards gods.

No one knows where ancient magic came from. It may be as old as the world itself, but there is also another theory that the magic came from a star called amber. After it fell to the ground, nearby creatures became magical. "

Ron and Koatl nodded, their thoughts drifting away. Following Shani's melodious tone, we returned to the ancient times.

"A long time passed, about five or six thousand years ago, a wizard who mastered ancient magic became the most powerful wizard in the world. At a certain time, he wanted to seize the ancient magic of other wizards and combine them into one.

What followed was what you know as the War of the Gods. "

"I don't know what happened in the meantime, but judging from the results, the outer gods were expelled from our world, and most of the gods themselves were killed or injured."

"However, the Outer God has not stopped. He is still trying to resurrect in this world through spiritual invasion."

"The Divine Grant Tower is a place where part of the essence of the outer gods is imprisoned. You can probably understand what it means."

"Later, people defeated him, and Quetzalcoatl defeated him and imprisoned some of the essence of the outer gods?" Koatl answered immediately.

"No - the outer gods are so powerful that it's unimaginable." Shani shook her head, "They are imprisoned together, just like one person is dragging the other in place."

"." Koyatel couldn't believe it. Only part of the power of an outer god could be so powerful?

"The struggle between them is endless. Some are still fighting, some have failed, and some are still existing, just like the one you are in."

"Then I haven't survived before" Koyatel then asked.

Shani responded with a smile, “You are very strange.

This may be related to your birth. You have to find the specific reason yourself. What I can see is that after the erosion of the external gods is removed from your body, the magic power belonging to Quetzalcoatl is repairing your soul and body.

This consumes your magic power and may be one of the reasons for your failure now. "

"Quatalcoatl saved me?" Koatl said, staring at Shani.

"It's obvious."

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