I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 427 Silence is the greatest contempt (Happy New Year!!!)

The orange light illuminates the snowflakes slowly floating down from the night sky like fine powder, just like the sudden but gentle beam of light shining into the dark stage in a silent theater.

The streets shrouded in the swirling snow look so quiet and beautiful that they are unreal, more like a shot specially taken from a certain frame in a movie. The color is dark blue, but it is dyed hazy and gentle by the street lights.

The city of steel makes people indifferent and alienated. However, due to the instinct of human beings as biological survival, they need groups and communities. Therefore, there are few pedestrians on the street, but the bars on the street are still brightly lit.

This is New York!

One of the largest cities in the Western Hemisphere.

It is also the leading trade center in the wizarding world.

More than two hundred thousand wizards from all over the world visit here every year.

The level of prosperity far exceeds that of any country in Europe.

At this time, a middle-aged man was sitting in front of the bar of an unknown bar.

He was wearing a black windbreaker with a dark green scarf tied around his neck, and his heterochromatic eyes revealed the contrast between vigorous youth and strange old age. His loneliness blends in with the bar, yet appears soft but not cold.

The people around looked at him curiously, and some of them were more enthusiastic and raised their glasses to toast him, and he responded happily.

Jazz was playing in the noisy bar. It was music from decades ago, but the man was older than this music.

His long fingers tapped on the table.

Suddenly, a piece of white paper floated like a postcard and landed in his hand.

The man looked down and a smile appeared on his lips.

Then, he happily put the card into his pocket and stood up.

Others in the bar seemed to have been watching this man, and even the noise seemed fainter at this time, when he opened the door to leave.

Suddenly there was a mocking laugh from someone behind him, "Hey! Wizard, show us your skills!"

The man didn't hesitate and left as if he didn't hear him.

These people are Muggles.

They don't know what a wizard is.

It's just that [War of Poseidon] has affected this place. People drew inspiration from previous cultures and reorganized new meanings. To put it simply, it is a joke.

The original meaning is: That American, British, or French guy, give them some fun, but now the middle noun is replaced by wizard.

The streets outside were deserted.

After a moment of space distortion, the man disappeared.

When he appeared again, he was already in a wilderness.

He took the card out of his pocket.

There is a golden pointer on the card, guiding him in the next direction.

The man walked deeper.

About ten minutes later, he saw a tent in the wilderness.

It was dilapidated and the cloth on it was in tatters.

But he knew that this was just a cover-up. In fact, the tent was intact.

"I can't believe that they actually sent me a great god."

Suddenly a head popped out of the tent.

It was a wizard in his forties or fifties, wearing a windbreaker and a suit. He has a rectangular face, and you can tell that he is an old-fashioned person.

He has gray hair and brown eyes, and white hair has grown on his temples. Life is not an easy life to think about.

"Okay, Mr. Grindelwald, we have to hurry up." The man said in a very strange tone.

He looked like an old-fashioned man, but there was a hint of resentment in his tone. This contrast looks very strange against this face.

"I'm also surprised." Grindelwald said calmly, "Your ability is really rare."

"It's not uncommon, there will be one every few decades." The man said easily, then waved his wand, and the tent automatically shrank and turned into a box.

Then he took out another item from the box. It was a wine glass, but it was a bit big, as big as a basin.

Grindelwald was not touched in any way, and he also had that ability.

"So now, your identity is."

"It makes no sense." The man replied, "I change my identity every once in a while. Only some important identities will be fixed."

He raised his glass.

The wine glass only had these two handles, one for him and Grindelwald.

The next second, the world was spinning again.

This is a portkey.

Being able to use a portkey instead of apparating directly meant that the place they were going to would be very far away.

At least cross-border, or across continents.

Portkeys are only required for travel this distance.

After a period of time and space distortion, the two appeared on a reef.

"This is Guyana. The coast of French Guiana. In front is the territorial waters of Brazil. Damn the purgers, they hid the entire area and can't mark it on the map. It took me a lot of effort to find it."

The howling sea breeze drove away the sudden heat from the two of them.

Grindelwald waved his wand, and the magic instantly transformed his thick clothes into single clothes.

February is the time of summer and autumn in Brazil.

It's still winter in the northern hemisphere.

"The current situation?" he asked.

"The Death Eaters sent the captured Muggles and some wizards to the ruins on the coast of Brazil."

"I guess that ruins require some kind of blood sacrifice to open. Evil ancient ruins are like this," the man explained.

"Didn't that group of goblins do this kind of thing before?"

"It's very possible." Grindelwald said calmly.

He glanced at the man next to him and said quietly, "Can you sneak into the Death Eaters' ranks?"

"It's difficult." The man rubbed his head and said angrily, "Most Death Eaters are monsters in human skin. I can't pretend to be one. I can't meet a few core members at all."

"Now, the few identities I keep are all officials of the Magic Congress."

"[Pretender]?" Grindelwald said clearly, "Sure enough, there is that thing here too."

"They are all over the world." The man said seriously, "Then, the Federation plans to attack here?"

"Almost!" he said, "Do what you should do, and don't participate in the next battle."

"Hey - I'm very strong, okay? What do you mean, do you think I'm holding you back?" the man said angrily.

But this has no effect.

The moment he uttered the last word, Grindelwald beside him had already disappeared.

He disapparated.

"Hmph - damn old antique." The man cursed, "But - well - it's so cool! No wonder so many people like it."

After muttering a few words, she also disapparated.


Only a few minutes later, Grindelwald arrived at the reef the man pointed to.

It is said to be a reef, but it should actually be an island.

Because its area is not small, the longest point is five hundred feet.

It's just that except for the obelisk, the rest of the place is full of sharp rocks, and most of them are only exposed to the water for a few inches.

Ordinary people don't even have a place to stay, so it's understandable that it's a reef.


Grindelwald made a low, confused sound.

He was standing on the water five hundred feet away from the reef.

In the distance, half of the obelisk tilted severely, and thick smoke rose.

There were explosions everywhere.

The smell of gunpowder in the wind was quite strong.

"Someone blew up the obelisk?"

"Are they Death Eaters? Or -" He was wondering, did the Death Eaters want to release the thing in the tower?

If so - then it's possible that they blew up the tower.

But Grindelwald soon gave up this idea.

Because from a distance, he saw a group of black-robed wizards rushing out from the half-ruined obelisk.

They were in a hurry and looking for something around them in an aggressive manner.

The fire was also put out by them.

He saw a dark wizard finding a large number of unexploded bombs from the rocks.

"Someone attacked here?" He said solemnly.

It was obvious that these explosions were meant to distract the Death Eaters.

And he didn't observe anyone else outside.

So - excluding all answers, there is only one possibility.

Someone had sneaked into the obelisk, and he or they had buried these explosions here in advance to lure the snake out of its hole.

After understanding everything.

Grindelwald looked with his right hand, and a golden card appeared in his hand.

The nameless fire burned it away.

Three minutes later.

The surrounding space began to undergo obvious distortions. After a slight crackling sound, as if a car backfired, many wizards appeared in the surrounding sea.

There were about dozens of people.

Most of them wore dark robes and hats.

Wearing a badge on the chest symbolizing the federation.

The leading wizard is Mad-Eye Moody.

Standing swaying on a piece of ice floating on the sea, it was transformed by the transformation technique he had just cast.

"Is this here?"

He raised his eyes and looked at the obelisk in the distance. His magic eyes kept expanding and contracting, as if he wanted to understand everything here.

"It seems so." Sirius was right behind him.

Many of the Death Eaters who were putting out first aid in the distance were his old acquaintances.

"What are we waiting for? Rush up." He said excitedly, although his eyes could not hide his fatigue, but he was in high spirits.

Grindelwald glanced at the wizards around him, with a slightly worried look on his face. In his sight, all the wizards who came over could not hide their fatigue. This was not caused by long hours of work, it was more like some kind of mental invasion. Caused.

He pursed his lips as he thought about it, and then opened his mouth and said, "You are responsible for containing and suppressing the Death Eaters on the outside. As for the battle inside the obelisk, it has nothing to do with you."

"Do you want to be alone?" Moody turned to look at the tall man, "This is impossible, you can't deal with it."

"Hmph -" Grandeward snorted, and a smile appeared on his lips, "Young man," he said, "Nothing is impossible."

"Leading you will only cause trouble for me."

The faces of the other wizards suddenly turned ugly, but Grindelwald didn't care.

After saying these words, he took the lead and used a unique flying magic to fly to the reef.

The Death Eaters around the obelisk had already discovered the sudden appearance of a strange wizard on the other side of the sea.

When Grindelwald was alone, the small target might not be noticed for a while, but when dozens of Aurors arrived at the same time, how could they not notice it as long as they were not blind?

The next second, dozens of magic spells flew out of the wand like fireworks, flying high in the sky and exploding in the dark night sky.


Green, red, black, gray.

Various colors are colorful.

What a dazzling fireworks show.

"what happened?"

The dark wizards, including some of the Purifiers, collectively showed puzzled expressions.

Their spell was deflected by an unknown force.

It was obvious that they were targeting the man in the black trench coat.


While thinking, Grindelwald had already arrived on the reef.

The Death Eaters looked at him in surprise, and some of them couldn't help but take a step back.

What's left is that his will to fight is still strong. They all continued to use the most powerful spells in their lives on the first-generation Dark Lord.

But - with little success.

All the magic spells were deflected upward and turned into fireworks in the night sky.

The light shone on every dark wizard's face.

Every time it lights up, their faces become gloomier and more frightened.

And what about Mr. Grindelwald?

He never said a word.

Like fallen leaves in autumn, they were falling everywhere, breaking into the obelisk lightly.

Silence is the greatest contempt.

Especially those who were despised were Death Eaters who had done harm to one party.

Which of them doesn't have hands stained with blood, is arrogant, cruel and crazy.

Grindelwald's attitude instantly made these guys furious.

But when they were about to pursue him and cast a more powerful spell.

The army of wizards from the Federation came like a tide. Their appearance broke the moment of tranquility caused by contempt, and also announced that this destined war had officially broken out.


On the other side, inside the obelisk, there was also an island where fighting was breaking out.

Ron was barely holding on to the Iron Armor Curse.

Most of the surrounding smoke and dust has dissipated, and the remaining ones can no longer block the view.

One of the two magic stone statues has also been damaged.

The only one left was also scarred.

It was covered with cracks, and I thought it wouldn't take long before it collapsed.

On the island, the remaining Death Eaters and Purifiers were frantically attacking them.

Ron was the last line of defense against them.

On the altar, Koyatel fell in a pool of blood.

Her back - black robe was cut open. A large area of ​​snow-white skin was exposed. And above this is a wound that cannot be healed and is bleeding.

That was the damage caused by Shen Feng Wuying.

The wound will be cursed by magic, and any treatment effect will be ineffective. Only the counter-curse can heal the wound.


The massive loss of blood causes the body to rapidly lose body temperature.

This is the only feeling Koyatel feels now.

Blood watered the path.

It flowed out from both sides of the girl's body like a butterfly spreading its wings.

Eventually they gathered into a stream and flowed along the steps of the altar into the three holes where the silver substance was about to overflow.

The dark clouds in the sky have not yet dispersed, and that was the last one.

It is also her last magic power.

The next second, thousands of thunders gathered in one place, and silver lightning gathered into a giant dragon head.

The dragon roared.

Open your bloody mouth. Fangs are made entirely of lightning.

In one gulp, he swallowed the silver staff engraved with the outer god on the altar.

Happy New Year! ! ! Happy New Year! ! ! Happy New Year! ! ! Happy New Year! ! ! Happy New Year! ! ! Happy New Year! ! ! Happy New Year! ! ! Happy New Year! ! ! Happy New Year! ! ! Happy New Year! ! ! Happy New Year! ! ! Happy New Year! ! ! Happy New Year! ! ! Happy New Year! ! ! Happy New Year! ! ! Happy New Year! ! ! Happy New Year! ! ! Happy New Year! ! !

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