I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 425 Let me come

The blue magic meteorite streaked through the air, and a sharp whine came from the darkness.

Three of them hit the heads of three goblins accurately.

Like a stone hitting an egg, the goblin's brain exploded all over the place in the next second.

Ron controlled the last piece and galloped towards the still living wizard.

As the only person present who reacted.

He subconsciously cast the Iron Armor Curse and successfully resisted the meteorite for a moment.

But the situation is not clear yet. The next moment, his eyes were occupied by a green light, so bright - the only thought left in his head at the end of his life.

Then, the green light of the Killing Curse engulfed him completely.

Koatl lowered his wand.

Then he walked quickly towards the depths of the cave.

Although there was surprise on Ron's face, Owen often used this trick, so he didn't say anything and quickly followed.

In just a few steps, the two of them arrived under the rows of wooden piles.

To be honest, the dead people on the ground and the goblins with their brains splattered are scary enough.

But compared to the above, it's nothing.

Vaguely, Ron wasn't even sure whether he was having a nightmare or facing reality.

His thoughts stopped completely.

Like a permanent glacier that has been frozen for millions of years.

He just stared blankly at the carved heretical false gods, whose bodies were covered with densely packed ancient runes like scriptures.

For a moment, he could see the strange statue from the top of the wooden pile, which seemed to be countless tentacles, ferociously intertwined. It's like I noticed a strange sense of familiarity in the messy bushes.

A low murmur sounded in his ears.

The timbre is neutral, indistinguishable from male to female, and he is led to want to speak, to shout, or to scream.

Ron thought he must have lost his mind.

Because he heard his name among those murmurs.

"wake up."

Suddenly there was a low growl and severe pain in the abdomen.

Ron's pupils moved again.

"Uh-" He held his stomach in pain and half-knelt on the ground.

Tears and snot flowed out together.

Coatl tried her best with this punch, and it was hard to tell that she didn't have malicious revenge in mind.

But at this critical moment, she probably didn't have such thoughts.


In fact, after punching Ron, her legs were shaking and she collapsed to the ground with a severe headache.

The mental invasion is coming like crazy.

She had to clear her mind quickly and used Occlumency at full strength to barely resist.

Normally she would not be so vulnerable.

But - spiritual invasion is related to the wizard's current mental state. If he is suddenly hit and his will is at its lowest point, then the invasion will be easier.

And it made her lose her mind.

There is no doubt that he is the disgraceful person under the wooden pile.

Koyatel put her hands on the ground, barely supporting her upper body.

The great fear made her hands tremble uncontrollably.

For a long time, part of her body still refused to obey her orders.

Foul smell - a strong stench spread to the tip of her nose.

Subconsciously, Koyatel raised his head again.

Oh my God!

With just one glance, she closed her eyes completely.

She. She saw four people.

She wasn't sure if the other person was still alive.

That's because each of their bodies has been beaten, squeezed, twisted and torn to varying degrees.

And what is really going to kill them is a spore-like [bud] covered with countless tentacles.

[Flower buds] grow in the mouths of poor people.

The resulting tiny, hair-like tentacles cling to their faces, darting in and out of their eyes, noses, and ears.

There were so many - she couldn't tell them apart.

She just saw that those hairy tentacles had wrapped most of the flesh and blood body.

All that's left - probably - is the face.

"What is this - what is it!" Ron said in confusion.

Then he stood up staggeringly.

"I don't know." Koyatel held on to the stone milk beside him and stood up, "Maybe - it's the rebirth ceremony of the [Pretender]? I only have a certain fragment in the Purifier's secret library. Saw it before."

"Rebirth?" Ron's pupils narrowed.

With Hermione as an eyewitness and the intensive reporting of the Daily Prophet during this period, it was impossible for him not to know what it was.

"Mandy Broghe

Stephen Kornfort

Tracey Davis

Kevin Entwistle"

He held the wand tightly, unable to calm down.

It turns out that Voldemort didn't kill them - he just wanted to take over their bodies and sneak into Hogwarts?

That's for sure!

This is the only possibility.

"Kill them." Koyatel gritted his teeth and tensed his body, "We can't let the monsters be reborn successfully."

She took out her wand and pointed it at the poor man under the stake.

And just as she was about to cast the spell, a pair of hands suddenly interrupted her.

The girl was stunned for a moment.

He looked at the owner of that hand.

It's Ron.

The repeated blows over the past few days have turned this boy, who was once lively and energetic, into a sallow skin and dim eyes, like a dusty wax figure placed in the basement.

At this moment, Ron was staring at her with a look that had never appeared in his eyes before.

It was a look of anger mixed with sadness and pain.

Fear, anxiety, and anger as if he wanted to eat people were hidden under his gloomy face.

The girl has seen that look before.

That's exactly who she was before.

But then she became numb.

Learned to disguise.

"This is my classmate."

A crazy voice sounded in Ron's head.

Countless noisy sounds, like water being poured into hot oil, causing a pot to explode.

An uncontrollable torrent broke through his inner defenses and drowned him in endless pain and anger.

"let me."

That was an unquestionable voice that gave Koyatel absolutely no power to choose.

And the latter had no intention of overstepping.

Instead, she takes a back seat to the boy.

The tip of the wand exhaled a faint smoke.

"Safe guard."

"Protect everything."

"Close your ears and listen."

Three protective spells support a transparent screen.

Wrap them up inside.

No matter what sound is made inside, it cannot be transmitted outside.

Ron did not notice Koyatel's subtle assistance.

He had very little sanity left at the moment, and it was already difficult to tell who was who from the faces wrapped in [flower buds] and the exposed half of the face.

Everything else, including the weird and strange buildings around him and the spell cast by Koatl behind him, were too far away for him.

Too far away.

"I'm very sorry."

A kind of compassion.

A primal desire to destroy.

An uncontrollable anger and karma broke out at this moment.

A bright, eerie flame appeared at the tip of his wand.

The orange-red halo spread instantly like ripples in water.

That's a fire spell.

But at this moment, the power of the spell is much more powerful than the ordinary fire spell.

Ron didn't realize this.

His fiery red hair seemed to come alive under the blazing fire, stretching the ends of his hair.

The rising heat ruffled his clothes.

Koyatel observed quietly, and for a moment, she only felt familiar.

The figure in front of me seems to be merged with a statue from hundreds of years ago.

That was something the goblins dug up in another place.

They were full of hatred and disdain for that statue.

Their mixed emotions led them to completely destroy the statue the day after it was discovered.

But the photos were left behind.

Probably to show off, to show off his trophies.

And she had seen that photo.

She remembered investigating the statue's identity.

She is interested in anyone who can be hated by goblins.

What's that person's name?

It's been so long that she forgot.

It seems to be called Shani Weasley!


The huge flames swallowed up the four poor people in an instant, and from their mouths, a shrill, tragic, painful scream belonging to multiple people - eight people sounded out.

The sound lingered, gaining blessing in the empty cave, and sounded louder and louder in Ron's ears.

He staggered.

But still standing.

The figure is heart-stopping.

No one knows what he is enduring at this time.

The only thing he could be sure of was that this weird thing, the screams that would never go away, would become his eternal nightmare.


The flames burn and go out.

All that remains is the remains that make one swoon to look at them.

He put the remains away.

Koyatel provided some cloth bags.

He restrained it and put it in the girl's pocket.

——The burial coffin must have something in it.

At least not the clothes.

Coatl removed many protective spells.

Ron was silent, and suddenly his face showed a fierce look.

Because he saw two wizard corpses lying on the ground with no scars on their bodies.

He stared angrily at the corpses, seemingly wondering why they were intact.

Why are they intact.

They are obviously the bad guys.

Obviously they were the ones who deserved to be burned at the stake.

Anger and unwillingness erupted under the influence of some strange force, and he was almost ready to raise the wand and recite the magic spell.

Just then, Koyatel stopped him.

"They're still useful," she said.

and grabbed the boy's hand.

"You were affected - a little too deeply."

Everyone in this obelisk is affected by that damn, blasphemous power.

And one person's anger, resentment, these soul-stirring emotions will accelerate this process.

Speed ​​up the process of turning people into lunatics.

Coatl sighed. There were no more energy boosters or energy tonics in her fanny pack.

She did know the happy spell, but that spell only pretended to make people happy, and the sadness and anger in her heart could not be concealed.

The boy in front of him has reached the end of the sea of ​​sanity, and if he takes another step forward, he will reach the endless abyss of madness.

At this time, it’s a competition of willpower.

In a daze, she unexpectedly came up with the ridiculous idea of ​​whether Granger would have a better solution if he were here.

Facing the severely injured boy, she couldn't even say words of comfort. She had never comforted anyone before, and she didn't have this ability.

In the end, Koyatel could only give Ron a hug like those men and women in his memory.


Although the boy in front of him was on the verge of collapse, he was still sane after all.

At least he wouldn't cast the killing curse on himself.

Ron looked at her with hatred.

The girl turned a deaf ear.

After the hug, she knelt down and pulled a few hairs from the two wizards' heads.

He took out two bottles of magic potion from his pocket.

He looked at the pocket watch wrapped around his left hand.

The current time is determined.

Then he opened the bottle cap, added hair to the potion, and handed one to Ron.

"Do you know what this is?" she asked.

"Polyjuice Potion," Ron said ferociously.

"Correct answer." Koatl looked at him, "Gryffindor should get ten points, right."

She tried to lighten the mood, but Ron didn't respond. He swallowed all the potion in one gulp without even looking at her.

The girl sighed softly, held up the potion and said, "I wish you good health."

Then he drank the polyjuice potion in his hand as well.

The next second, a rush of heat came from their abdomens, and the skin all over their bodies seemed to come alive, gaining an independent consciousness of its own.

They squirm crazily, driving fat and organs.

Using his facial features, he began to change his position.

Soon - this change became violent, lasting about five or six seconds, and the skin became silent again.

The two men's bodies had undergone tremendous changes.

A short, bald man with gray hair, a mouse-like face and a pointed nose.

His right hand is missing an index finger and the other hand is wearing a glove.

The other one turned into a lean man, tall and gloomy, with a face that remained cold and cruel all year round.

There was a long scar on his face, which must have been caused by dark magic, otherwise it would have been healed long ago.

"What bad luck." The short bald man said.

Only then did he notice that one of the dead bodies on the ground actually belonged to Peter Pettigrew.

This traitor actually escaped from the top battle in Azkaban.

Really worthy of being a mouse.

The other one - he didn't recognize it, but Harry did.

After the Battle of Azkaban, the "Daily Prophet" published photos of several dark wizards, including this one.

"Durant." Ron said.

Voldemort had a loyal dog.

The scar on his face was carved by Sirius. Harry talked about it often.

"Just remember who you are." Koyatel said gloomily against Durant's face.

She waved her wand.

The ground under its feet suddenly became alive. It opened its dark and deep mouth and swallowed the two corpses and the corpse of the goblin in one bite.

Then he controlled a few stones to transform into the reborn appearance of [The Pretender].

After doing all this, he turned to look at Ron, who was disguised as Peter Pettigrew, "If my childhood memory is correct, then the next step is the core area of ​​the obelisk."

She pointed to the arch in the distance.

"We may encounter countless Death Eaters, Purifiers and Dementors, so we have to adapt accordingly."

"Understood." Ron said expressionlessly.

Somber and terrifying.

When Coatl saw this, she stopped talking. She hid her wand in the long sleeve of her right hand so that she could respond quickly to any emergency.

Ron also hid his wand.

Just like that, the two fell silent and walked into the arch that looked like the mouth of an abyss one after another.

Although the two of them were prepared for the worst.

But when they actually stepped into the arch and saw the abyss less than ten feet on both sides of the stone bridge under their feet, they still felt uncontrollable and felt chills all over their bodies.

In an instant, the fear coming towards him came into his sight without any warning, and he could see the abyss at the bottom of the valley, where countless bones were piled up.

No - that's not a skeleton, it's a mummy.

They don't want to admit it, but the flesh, flesh, and even souls of those mummies may have been eaten by some higher-level evil monster.

Although there are no wounds on the bodies of the mummies, their desperate expressions and the ferocious and terrifying screams that look like abstract paintings are enough to break anyone's inner defenses.

The two people in disguise could only hold on and not bow their heads.

But in the distance - the vestibule of hell with a faint green light and the howling ghosts still made their hearts agitated.

If possible, fainting would be the kindest relief.

At the end of the shimmering stone bridge, countless human mummies were piled densely.

They have become one with the huge cave island.

It's like a dark painting by a certain artist, or - this is hell.

A terrifying hell that can eat people up and wipe them clean.

Whether it's Koyatel or Ron.

They all clenched their fists tightly.

It is to restrain the fear in my heart and to suppress the unspeakable anger.

The steps under my feet became heavier and heavier.

There are stone bridges leading to the island from all directions, from other places, and even from the collapsed parts of the obelisk.

There, there were countless Muggles, numbly being driven like lambs to the slaughter by about a hundred dementors in the sky.

Force them to go to hell.

Each life, just like a late autumn maple tree in front of them, has countless leaves falling with just a gust of wind.

A sad mood arose spontaneously.

But they know that they cannot be exposed, they have more important things to do.

"Why did you come here?"

There are countless ancient architectural ruins standing on the island. Maybe there were people who lived here many years ago.

But time has passed, and even the granite buildings have been partially turned into powder under the erosion of time, and the guardians have long since disappeared into history.

In front of an early medieval building ruins, Bellatrix Lestrange walked over with a dull expression.

She opened her mouth to ask, her tone mixed with an indescribable majesty.

"It will take some time for their bodies to adapt after rebirth, and they no longer need us." Durant, disguised as Koyatel, told a casual lie in an attempt to fool him.

"Really?" Bellatrix looked at the two people in front of her with a pair of gray eyes, "The sacrifice is about to end. If you are here to witness the master's ultimate sublimation, then this is the right time."

She said something incomprehensible.

It seems to be reminding something.

Koyatel's pupils tightened, is the sacrifice about to end?

Time is running out.

"Okay - you two useless losers, get out of the way and don't disturb the elegance of the Dark Lord at this time." Bellatrix suddenly changed her face, scolded angrily, then turned around and disappeared among those ancient in the building.

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