I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 419 Reconnection, North American Incident

In the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Umbridge had obviously lost interest in teaching the young wizards.

She simply gave each person a special piece of parchment and asked them to copy the text.

No number limit, no time limit.

In her words, it means copying it until you remember it thoroughly.

And that parchment.

Whenever they fill up, they dilute all the ink and become a blank again.

Of course Owen has a way to crack this low-level magic item.

But - why?

Anyway, she didn't ask for it. He only had ten minutes to write a word, and he spent all his time wandering around.

When the bell rang for get out of class, Umbridge was in a hurry than they were.

But the little wizard doesn't care about this. To them, as long as this woman doesn't get sick, that's better than anything else.

The afternoon was devoted to herbal medicine, and Professor Sprout was still so warm and gentle.

She introduced the little wizards to a new variety that came from the Ming Dynasty and was improved by her twice.

This magical plant is called Quyicao.

She still doesn't know what this kind of grass does, but when someone passes by, its stems and leaves will twist, which is very interesting. Professor Sprout asked each of them to cultivate one and put it in the dormitory. Decoration.

At the end of class, each little wizard held a flower pot in his hand.

Saturday and Sunday are normal holidays.

Although they have only been in class for two days.

In his free time, Owen focused on D.A. The little wizard's progress in learning spells was too slow. It's really annoying how some idiots can't teach and learn.

Two annoying days later.

A new week has arrived.

After the Care of Magical Creatures course ended in the afternoon, everyone huddled together, wrapped in clothes and walked back to the castle with frozen steps.

Others might be because of the weather, but Harry, who was with Ginny, was not. He was worried and looked very ugly. Tonight was his first lesson with Snape.

Looking at the castle, he suddenly had the idea of ​​​​escape, anywhere as long as he was not allowed to go to Snape's office!

Unfortunately, this could not alleviate his ominous premonition, even if Hermione and Ginny on the side kept comforting him, it had no effect.

That's it, after dinner.

Harry headed to the basement still feeling apprehensive.

He paused outside the door for a moment, catching his breath and soothing himself.

Then he took a deep breath, knocked on the door and entered.

This is a dark room with hundreds of glass bottles on the shelves, and slimy animal and plant specimens floating in colorful potions.

A cabinet in the corner is filled with all kinds of precious medicinal materials - Owen and Hermione once visited here.

Harry even knew that there was a secret room in this office, and the way to open it was

As he thought about it, his attention was suddenly attracted to the desk in front of him. There was a shallow stone basin engraved with mysterious symbols in the candlelight. Harry recognized it at once, it was Dumbledore's pensieve.

He was wondering what it was doing here when Snape's cold voice came from the shadows, startling him.

"Close the door, Potter."

Harry did so, feeling horrified that he had locked himself away.

He turned around. Snape had stepped into the light and silently pointed to the chair opposite the desk.

Harry went over and sat down, and so did Nap.

His cold black eyes stared unblinkingly at Harry, disgust etched in every line of his face.

"You know what you're doing here," he said softly. "The Headmaster wants me to teach you Occlumency. I can only hope that you are a little smarter than in Potions class."

"Yes." Harry replied without saying anything.

In fact, he is quite talented in potions. Owen has said more than once that her mother and the Potter family have outstanding achievements in potions. It is impossible for him to really be as interested in potions as Snape said. Know nothing.

He just didn't have a good teacher.

Harry had always felt that way.

"This may not be an ordinary class, Potter." Snape's eyes narrowed sinisterly, "But I am still your teacher. You must call me sir or professor at any time. This is the most basic respect."

"Okay Professor." Harry said calmly.

"Very good." Snape looked at him coldly, "Perhaps the great saint Sanchez has explained to you the function of this spell and why you should learn this magic. So I don't want to hear anything more from you. Hear why, such stupid words.”

"I see."

"Hmph." Snape snorted coldly.

Then he pulled his wand out of his robes, and Harry tensed.

But he just raised the tip of the stick to his temple and stuck it into the greasy roots of his hair.

When he took the wand away, there was a strand of silver attached to the tip, like thick spider silk.

He tore it off and let it fall softly into the Pensieve, where it swirled silvery white, neither gas nor liquid.

Snape raised his wand to his temple twice more and added the silver substance to the basin.

He didn't explain, but carefully lifted the pensieve to a nearby shelf.

Then he turned and pointed his wand at Harry.

"Stand up and take out your wand, Potter."

Harry stood up nervously, and the two faced each other across the table.

"You can disarm me with your wand, or defend yourself in any other way you can think of," Snape said.

"What are you going to do?" Harry asked, looking at Snape's wand warily.

"No manners, Potter! Is this what your godfather taught you? Talk to the professor like this?"

"Sirius is not a lost dog, he is a hero! He also has an Order of Merlin, First Class! Now my godfather, he is busy saving the world! Professor!" Harry was a little annoyed. He could tolerate Snape's taunts towards him, but if it was towards his friends or relatives, then he couldn't remain silent.

Snape's face became even more ugly.

He heard something beneath Harry's words.

Sirius was a hero, had the Order of Merlin, and was still saving the world, but he, his self-proclaimed nemesis, had accomplished nothing.

"Saving the world?" Snape sneered, "What a great reputation. Defeating a few brainless monsters can be regarded as merit, so this honor is really cheap."

"Okay." He growled. "That's enough for the boring topic. I'm not you, and I don't have that much leisurely free time."

After that, he raised his wand, "Now enter your brain, I want to see your resistance, prepare, Legilimency!"

Harry had seen Owen cast this spell before, but Snape's sudden attack gave him no time to prepare.

The next second. The scenery in front of Harry suddenly changed drastically.

The office disappeared, pictures flashed through his mind like a movie, and he could no longer see what was around him.

When he was five years old he watched Dudley ride on his new red bicycle and he was filled with jealousy.

When he was nine years old, he was driven into a tree by the guard dog Lippi, and the Dursleys laughed on the lawn. He was lonely and helpless.

He saw himself eating Dudley's chocolates and cutting his trousers.

Deliberately smashed Vernon's car window.

He wore the Sorting Hat and heard it say he could go to Slytherin.

In the first grade, he and a group of young wizards faced Professor Quirrell, who was controlled by Voldemort.

He will always remember the pinnacle battle under the dark moon in the second grade.

The Battle of Hogsmeade in the third year.

Fourth year at the top of Azkaban Tower. Fleur's scream, Owen's fire shield spell, the timely arrival of members of the Order of the Phoenix, and Dumbledore's duel with Voldemort.

He saw the road to the afterlife that he had glimpsed in a hazy dream.

It was the young Voldemort who spoke rudely to them, and it was death that was so close to him.

He saw Owen telling him about the Potter family's property a few days ago, and telling him that the most important thing in learning Occlumency is to empty your mind and not think about anything.

He heard a voice, "I don't know what you are afraid of? Snape will not eat you, a person who can leave you an inheritance after death, so what are you afraid of?"

Wait—Harry suddenly forced himself to focus.

He understood that the caster could only see those images when he recalled them, as long as he could stop.

He felt a sharp pain in his knee, and Snape's office returned.

Harry found himself on the floor, banging one knee hard on the table leg.

He looked up at Snape and saw that he was rubbing his wrist. There was a red and swollen whip mark there, like a brand.

"Do you want to use the stinging curse?" Snape asked coldly.

"No." Harry got up at a loss and tried his best not to look into Snape's eyes.

He was afraid that what Owen said would be seen by the man in front of him.

"I suppose so," Snape said scornfully. "You let me go too far. You lost control."

"Did you see everything?" Harry didn't know if he wanted to hear the answer.

"Partly." Snape spat out these words coldly. "I had no idea Mr. Sanchez was so interested in my property."

"Uh-" Suddenly, Harry became very embarrassed. He was angry again. Snape had completely disregarded his personal privacy and saw his secret, and he felt inexplicably sad. Regarding the grievances between his father's generation, Harry had already learned from Owen.

Suddenly an idea popped into his head unconsciously.

Could it be that Snape would really give him the inheritance?

"What are you thinking about Potter!" Snape said fiercely with a straight face.

"No-no professor."

"Humph - I think I will know." He said coldly, "Now throw away all emotions, concentrate your thoughts, and restrain your memories and thoughts."

"Come again, I'll count to three-two—Legilimency!"

Harry felt as if someone was messing with his head with a stick.

The intense pain and powerlessness were like waves that instantly overwhelmed him.

"A ridiculous idea." In the midst of nothingness, Snape's voice seemed particularly ferocious. "Do you think I care about you?"

He said, "If it weren't for Dumbledore's orders, Potter, we wouldn't have anything to do with each other."

Harry gritted his teeth and raised his eyes crazily.

Maybe he was being controlled.

But some kind of force still supported him and shouted: "Me too!"

"Bang -" Harry returned to the office again and collapsed on the ground soaked.

His heart was pounding wildly.

Some of the complicated emotions that had arisen towards Snape just now disappeared without a trace.

"Get rid of distracting thoughts, Potter." Snape said in a cold voice, "Throw away all emotions."

Harry tried to do so, but the anger at Snape still coursed like venom through his veins.

Throwing away anger is easier than throwing away a leg.

"Get up," snapped Snape, "get up, you didn't do it, you didn't try hard."

"I tried my best," Harry said through gritted teeth.

"No, you didn't. I told you to put aside your feelings."

"Really? I'm finding it hard to do right now," he yelled.

"Then you will be easily exploited by the Dark Lord," Snape said cruelly. "Proud, emotional fools will not control their emotions, indulge in terrible and sad memories, and make themselves so easily stimulated. . In a word, Potter, you are a weak person. They are vulnerable to his magic. You are like this. It is easy for him to invade your mind."

"I'm not weak," Harry whispered, furious and feeling like he was about to punch Snape.

"Then prove that it controls itself," Snape scolded, "Control your anger and take care of your brain. Let's come again and prepare for Legilimency!"

This time, Harry felt no pain.

In fact, a burst of white light suddenly lit up in front of his eyes.

Under Snape's resentful spell, his soul seemed to obey his wishes.


Yes, he escaped.

Everything in the office disappeared again.

He seemed to be in a dream, and suddenly, Harry found himself in a dimly lit hall.

There were many people tied up in front of him.

Those people were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, each one twitching and imprisoned in iron cages due to torture.

There were many short wizards standing around him, as well as many mysterious people wearing black robes.

"So, you failed again." 'Harry' said cruelly. At his feet lay the corpses of several strange wizards.

It was obvious that these people had just died, and Harry might be extracting their souls or something.

That's why he came here.

Yes - Harry had realized that he had once again gotten into Voldemort's mind.

"Master - I didn't expect that, I - I will reorganize the manpower immediately." The man headed by the little wizard looked tighter, and there were a few drops of sweat hanging on his cheeks.

"No need." Voldemort lowered his head and looked at the man. He raised his hand, and a dazzling green light shot out from the top of the wand, "You don't need it!"

The wizards around him knelt down in shock.

No one dared to look him in the eyes again.

Voldemort, on the other hand, held his wand and cast a spell on the poor wizards in the iron cage not far away.


next moment.

The wizard who was hit by the curse began to scream.

This made Harry collapse, because the wizard, the wizard who could no longer see his limbs and appearance, when her memory appeared in his mind, Harry found that he recognized her.

Mandy Broghe.

A Ravenclaw witch of the same level as him.

She was known to him for her constant troubles with Luna. But she is also not as evil as Slytherin, she is just - a little jealous.

He saw Mandy Broghe first as a child, then her days at Hogwarts.

Voldemort didn't seem to care about any of this.

Only when she or Owen and Hermione appeared in Mandy Bloch's memory did she become interested and start testing them inch by inch.

But he didn't seem to find anything of value.

Eventually, Voldemort was extracted from her mind.

Harry heard the girl's scream still echoing, and after a long time the scream turned into a faint wail, her vocal cords almost breaking.

Her chest was twitching due to severe pain, and her whole body seemed pitiful and weird.

At this time, Voldemort had already walked to the other iron cages.

As Legilimency struck again and again, Harry could only watch, watching himself torture his classmates over and over again.

Stephen Kornfort

Tracey Davis

Kevin Entwistle

Finally - Harry's spirit could not bear the intrusion of countless memories.

His will began to falter.

Eventually everyone fainted.


Owen and the others didn't know anything about what happened in Snape's office last night.

Early in the morning, he and Hannah Justin went to the auditorium to have breakfast.

Entering the foyer, Owen felt that something was not right about the atmosphere in the auditorium.

Many little wizards gathered together, lowering their heads to discuss something.

Most people had ugly looks on their faces.

Like something big happened.

"What's wrong?" He walked in quickly.

In the crowd, Hermione was surrounded by the most young wizards.

When everyone saw Owen, they all wisely moved out of the way.

"Look at this!" said Hermione.

Then he handed over the newspaper in his hand.

She spread the newspaper on the table and pointed to the headlines.

Owen and the little wizards who came late all turned their attention to the newspaper.

They saw a city burning with fire.

No - it's a small town.

All kinds of magical creatures are flying all over the sky.

The sky was full of black smoke. They were very familiar with this. The Death Eaters' flying magic was like this.

They are attacking this muggle town.

Burning, killing and looting everywhere.

The most worrying thing is that in the photo, there seems to be a group of wizards surrounded by Death Eaters.

Because of the shooting distance, they couldn't see the wizard's face clearly.

Under the photo, there is a bold and widened title.

——Death Eaters launched a massive attack on Port Isabel.

——A large number of wizards are trapped in the United States.

"Oh my God!" Justin exclaimed, "Ernie is still in the United States!"

"Shh! Keep it down!" Hannah said anxiously, "Look down!"

——According to the International Federation of Wizards’ announcement yesterday, the wizarding port town of Port Isabella, Texas, USA, was suddenly attacked by a large number of Death Eaters a week ago.

——The vice president of the federation, Babajide Akinbad, has confirmed that dozens of felons have appeared in Isabela and many wizards have been killed. The specific number is still being counted.

——"It is a pity that we are trapped in the continuation of the Wizarding War more than ten years ago." Secretary-General of the Federation, Serphis Kama, said, "There is no distinction between violations of the "Secrecy Act" on such a large scale. The killings are unique in the history of wizards. The mysterious man - no - Voldemort, yes - we have to admit that the most powerful dark wizard in history has risen again, and it is a bloody rise!

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