I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 399 What is her crime? She just wants to find a good man!

"I don't trust the Dark Lord either, but he is still useful now!" Fake Umbridge said bluntly.

Voldemort clearly understood that the Malfoy family was duplicitous.

But - they are useful.

And very useful.

Not only is it huge wealth, but also Lucius's information and data. His insurance business now covers the entire Europe.

Since [The Battle of Poseidon].

Especially Aurors from various countries, everyone is willing to spend some gold Galleons to get themselves wizard accident insurance.

Today's world is becoming more and more chaotic, and they may lose their lives one day.

At least then—his family would be able to receive a huge amount of compensation.

And this means that almost all personal information of Aurors in Europe is open to the Malfoy family's wizarding insurance company.

Voldemort could easily find the weak points of his Aurors, their families, and their basic information.

Lucius Malfoy also knew his worth. But he has a way out.

The two sides are now locked in this ghostly game.

"It's useful! This is the greatest trust." Owen smiled faintly, "As long as it's useful, so what if he's an enemy? He has to keep cooperating with you.

So the key is to keep yourself useful. "

"Are you warning me?" Fake Umbridge said coldly.

"No, no, no," Owen waved.

"Don't be so worldly - I think the emotional connection can be stronger than interests." He said and took out another thing from his pocket, which was a roll of parchment.

"Here is what you need. It is very complete. If you act quickly, you will be able to achieve your goal in a few days.

I know that you will never trust me. You may have your own means of resurrection, but what I want to pass on is that the means you have have fatal flaws.

Only my method can prevent him from making the same mistakes again.

You don’t want him to start losing his hair within a few days after being resurrected! "

"What do you want?"

"I have to put a small time limit on this 'cooperation'."

"Time limit?" She looked at Owen doubtfully.

"Two years - within two years, your whereabouts, purpose, and everything you know must be informed to me. I can't create an enemy for myself, right?"

"Hmph - don't you think the conditions you proposed are too harsh? Do you want to put a leash on us?" Fake Umbridge said in a cold tone, even colder than the surrounding cold.

"Hey - this is what you said, but - you can think of it as rough or unreasonable." Owen looked directly at her, then walked slowly towards the fake Umbridge, his voice sounded like Relaxed, but with a hint of undoubted dominance in his demeanor. "In fact, you don't have the right to choose. The plan has reached this point, and you need to continue no matter what.

Second - although you may not admit it, you have actually betrayed the current Voldemort.

Third - I gave him a lot of things. Do you think it is easy to turn a disabled soul into a normal one? "

He continued to circle the woman.

His expression was frivolous and casual, and his movements conveyed a sense of knowing that everything was under control.

"Fourth - I want to kill the outer god - although this is not helping you, you do get benefits, especially the one with the diary."

Owen's words caused the woman to fall into silence.

She had to admit that what the person in front of her said was right.

It continued that he had dug a big hole for himself, but now he was weak and had no possibility of resisting and fighting for it.

And - what Owen didn't know was that someone had already noticed her.

Although his disguise is perfect.

The cold wind continued to blow.

When the wind passes through the platform, it makes a "whooshing" sound.

Like some kind of call.

The call from the deepest and most primitive desires in the heart.

Owen looked at the woman in front of him.

Her cheeks loosened gradually.

His eyes were not as cold as before.

He knew - she finally lost to her desire.

It is an obsession distorted by the desire for a better future.

Maybe she will succeed - Owen even hopes that her wish will come true, because then he will have one less enemy.

"Why two years."

About two or three minutes passed.

The woman spoke again.

Owen chuckled, and then explained rather arrogantly, "In two years, the god who supports the magical existence of Horcrux will die.

After that, no one will be able to use this magic. After losing this magic, our senior Tom will be just an ordinary wizard, no matter how powerful he is. Miss Granger will be able to control him easily. "

"Granger?" Fake Umbridge looked past Owen and landed on Hermione.

If it had been in the past - she would have opened her mouth and said, it's just a mudblood.

But now - she had to admit that the girl had grown to a terrible point.

Maybe she didn't even notice it. Even the Dark Lord never had such strength when he was a student.

Perhaps the only difference between her and the Dark Lord is her fighting experience and cruel heart.

Owen did not explain, but he knew that she could understand Miss Granger's energy.

So he continued, "From a political perspective, the magical world needs a long-lasting 'enemy'. Only with external force can this complicated magical world have the possibility of reform, otherwise it will be revolution."

"How do I know if you will go back on your word?" Fake Umbridge withdrew her gaze and stared at Owen.

Faced with her doubts, Owen directly extended his hand.

The other party seemed to understand what he meant.

He also extended his hand.

The two held each other tightly.

Then, Owen's wand slowly spit out a thin, dazzling tongue of fire, like a red and hot metal wire, wrapped around the two hands they held.

"You can't hurt me or the new Tom for two years."

Under the influence of strange magic, the person in front of him revealed part of his true appearance.

Bellatrix Lestrange stared at Owen and said.


"Within two years, you must do your best to help me and the new student Tom." She added.


"Within two years, we will never harm you and your friends, and we will not make any plans that may harm you. And we will provide information about the current Dark Lord and our location."


"Then - the oath is fulfilled."

Then, the heated metal wire fell into Owen's and Bella's arms.

Everything is settled.

Getting closer - both sides immediately let go in disgust.

Bella took the parchment prepared by Owen and looked at him silently.

After a long time, he said, "I sometimes doubt your purpose for doing this - you are more evil than any dark wizard I have ever seen, because you are more unscrupulous than them."

"This is called uniting everyone who can be united, instead of your stupid enemies all over the world." Owen said contemptuously.

"How do terrorists like you know how to truly reshape the world? What I want to see is a better tomorrow."

"Maybe!" Bella, who turned back into Umbridge, said noncommittally, "Finally, there is one thing you need to pay attention to, don't kill this idiot." She pointed at the body and said.

"Maybe it will come in handy."

"Then I'm afraid I can't help it," Owen said.

"Whatever." Bella's voice was a little more impatient, "Then - goodbye!"

"Goodbye!" Owen waved.

Then, this loyal servant of the Dark Lord quietly hid at the top of the stairs.

As she came silently.

Finally left quietly.

"You actually let that female devil betray the Dark Lord?"

After Bella's figure completely disappeared.

Hermione couldn't wait to speak.

In fact, she wanted to ask why Owen would make a deal with such a person, but she was more curious than that. He could actually let Voldemort's most loyal servant betray him.

"Who told you that Bella cheated on Senior Tom?"

"What about her?"

"I just want to replace Senior Tom - has she betrayed you?" Owen said with a half-smile.

"Change?" Hermione's eyes widened. What did this mean?

"You know about Horcruxes, right."

"Yeah!" Hermione nodded.

"Since the other Toms are all Toms, why can't they be allowed to choose one to be loyal to? Choose a young and handsome man who can be used as a husband?"

"Huh?" The little witch's eyes were dull, could she still be like this?

Wait—what does it mean to be a husband?

Shouldn't it be.

Voldemort is old enough to be Bella's father. They are not from the same era at all.

This - okay!

Hermione swallowed. As expected, dark wizards are quite perverted.

“What a fuss.

She just changed from a madman before to a yandere now. "Owen grabbed Hermione's hand, and the two walked towards the stairs, preparing to leave here.

As he walked, he explained, "Now Senior Tom, I mean the one who has come back to life.

His soul was just like the stew that Justin had stewed in the iron pot at noon. In addition to his own soul, there were also the souls of other animals and other gods that the priest had mixed in to repair his soul. All mixed together.

In the eyes of the yandere Bellatrix Lestrange, this was unclean and had tarnished the great Dark Lord.

How could she allow this chaotic furnace soul to be her master?



"She wants to create a true, pure, complete Dark Lord, preferably only hers. The last point is very important."

"So—I gave her sixteen-year-old Senior Tom."

"Maybe they will give birth to a daughter named Delphi in the future."


Hermione's head was already stuck in the mud at this time, and the rusty parts creaked and stopped moving. She had to take time to think carefully and understand the huge secret that Owen just said.

"This can be done in exchange for a traitor placed next to Voldemort, and it can also divide the Death Eaters and provide us with intelligence.

As for the danger - like I said, there may be some within two years, but after that, when the outer gods are solved, the illusion will completely collapse, the Horcrux magic will become ineffective, and Voldemort's soul will change from the primary to secondary relationship. To become an independent individual, just kill them one by one.

But that's Harry's business, he is the savior, why do I do all the work. "

Owen continued ramblingly.

But what he didn't say was that Harry had to kill the part of Voldemort's soul in his body before the Outer God was finished, otherwise - he didn't know what might happen - but it would definitely not be a good thing.

"Now - we have almost destroyed Voldemort's Horcruxes. His current soul is simply not enough to divide the soul again, unless he wants to become a complete madman.

As for the resurrected sixteen-year-old Tom? That's up to you. "

Owen patted Hermione on the shoulder and said.

"give it to me?"

"Of course? He is sixteen, and you are sixteen too. He doesn't know more magic than you. Besides, when Riddle was sixteen, he was just doing conspiracies in school. You were already involved in the war with the alien gods when you were sixteen. .

So - no matter how you put it - the advantage is yours! "

Owen looked at Hermione seriously, "Don't say you don't have the confidence to defeat a school bully?"


The little witch thought about it carefully, and it seemed right - Voldemort was only sixteen years old, no matter how powerful he was, what else could he do?

The competitions and wars he has participated in in the past two years are beyond his imagination. Why should he lose? She does seem to have a great advantage!

"Then leave it to me!" Hermione, who was full of information, said decisively.

"Okay, now we have a clear division of labor." Owen said cheerfully, "Harry is in charge of Voldemort, you are in charge of Senior Tom, and I mainly deal with that little god."

They walked across the suspension bridge and parted at the entrance of the spiral staircase.

When parting, he quickly kissed the girl on the cheek.

Then with Hermione's crimson cheeks and eyes full of love, the two parted.

A dreamless night.


In December, Hogwarts has already entered the snow season for a month.

A violent blizzard swept through.

At this time, Owen is willing to stay in the greenhouse.

The greenhouse of Hogwarts - the spiritual home of every child from Ming Dynasty - has the feeling of growing a vegetable greenhouse.

You can also grow vegetables, and of course you can also grow some herbs.

Hufflepuff has no Defense Against the Dark Arts classes on Thursday and Friday.

So Owen never met Umbridge again.

As Christmas approaches, everyone seems to be more tolerant of Umbridge's dislike - the holidays will be coming soon, so please bear with it a little longer!

Many people think so.

Hermione was busy again.

She has been preparing her own secret organization. Owen figured she'd have the fake gold galleons around Christmas time.

However, Owen felt that some of her plans were inappropriate.

Why do it in secret?

To stop it, it should be done openly and openly!

On Sunday, Owen, who was sheltering from the cold in the greenhouse (in solitary confinement), received a letter from the elf.

The letter was delivered to the auditorium, but the owl did not find Owen. The cleaning elf saw this and delivered it on his behalf.

"damn it--"

Owen tore open the letter in a few seconds.

This is sent from Paris, France.

From - Rozier's Magical Hospital for the Invalid.

Family members who manage the complex hospital reported that on the 8th, a group of patients infected with the [Evil Omen Curse] arrived at the hospital from North America.

This is a highly unusual signal.

The North American Aurors who participated in the [Poseidon War] should have been treated and died a few months ago.

The United States is so far away from the Mediterranean Sea, and it is impossible for the [Son of Omen] to have escaped to the United States.

Then there is only one truth - that is, there are "Pretenders" in North America, and these people spread the "Evil Omen".

"Damn, this priest has a wide range of business!" Owen said through gritted teeth.

After the battle with the outer god-Ionia.

Coupled with the golden disk sacrificial ceremony in Ionia City.

All show that the outer gods draw out the soul power from these people who are infected with [Evil Omen].

If the [bad omen] really spreads, the consequences will be disastrous and everyone will be finished!

Afterwards, Owen left the greenhouse.

He strode to the library, hoping to find a way to identify the "Pretender" from the crowd from the files that Dumbledore brought back.

And this took him several hours.

He didn't leave the library until eight o'clock in the evening, when Mrs. Pince was about to close the library.

Evening - He continued to rummage through his collection.

He also took a lot of books from the large underground warehouse.

Owen didn't know when he fell asleep.

In short, when his chaotic consciousness gradually became clear, it was already the morning of the next day.

New week.

Monday morning is Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Hufflepuff and Slytherin.

Tomorrow afternoon it's Gryffindor and Ravenclaw.

Owen and Hannah came to the classroom early.

Justin is still sleeping in.

There was a lot of noise in the classroom, and it was the usual college conflict.

Several members of Umbridge's patrol team wanted to deduct points from Hufflepuff because they found out a few days ago that their house points suddenly became zero.

But thanks to Owen's presence, they didn't dare to open their mouths, so they could only mock some little Hufflepuff wizards. Lure them into making deliberate mistakes.

Boring trick.

Owen withdrew his gaze, and soon Justin finally arrived in the classroom, breathing heavily.

He has been obsessed with playing chess these past two days and has stayed up late with Ernie for several nights.

And just as Hannah was trying to persuade Ernie, Umbridge walked into the classroom, wearing her black velvet bow, full of ambition.

"Good morning, classmates!"

"Good morning, professor!" everyone drawled.

"Please put away your wand"

None of the little wizards who had been PUAed for months took out their wands at all.

"Please turn to page 34 of "Magical Defense Theory" and read Chapter 3, 'Reasons for Non-Offensive Responses to Magical Attacks'. While reading - please do not talk."

The next second, the sound of turning books was heard in the classroom.

Owen also opened the book in front of him.

He has never opened this book.

Skipping the title page, I glanced at the table of contents.


Chapter 1: Basic Principles of Getting Started

Chapter 2: Common Defense Theory and Its Origins

Chapter 3: Reasons for non-offensive responses to magical attacks

Chapter 15: The wrong counter-jinx

Chapter 34: Non-retaliatory means and negotiation

“Damn—this kind of stuff can be published!”

Owen flipped through a few pages and figured out what the book was about.

The entire book does not teach any defense against the dark arts spells. All it explains are theoretical things, and they are theories of an abstract school, not specific magic theories.

It would be unfair to classify this book as a history book. It should be in the trash can, not here!

"No wonder modern magic continues to decline. It's because of the existence of such garbage books!"

Then he stood up directly.

He threw the textbook in front of him to Hannah.

This thing is not even qualified to enter his pocket.

Think about what books he has in his pockets?

He has magic technology that is enough to cause great changes in the magic world everywhere.

"Mr. Rosier, what do you want to do?" Umbridge stood in front of the teaching desk, looking at Owen with a false smile on her face.

"I'm not feeling well," Owen said with a normal expression, "I'm dizzy and nauseous."

"Oh - really?" Umbridge expressed doubts, but she had no intention of keeping Owen. In fact, although she had experienced setbacks in the previous three months, overall, she was not considered a failure. On the contrary, it was very successful.

Without Irving's involvement, I believe this success would have lasted for a long time.

So she was happy to see Owen leave.

On the other side, Owen had opened the door to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class and left without looking back under the surprised eyes of the little wizards.

In the corridor, Owen walked quickly. He did not return to the dormitory, but left the tower and walked across the suspension bridge to other buildings.

Fourth floor, Professor Alchemy's office.

Owen knocked on the door outside and walked straight in after hearing the permission response from inside.

"How's the research going? It's been three months."

Victor's office was almost the same as the alchemy classroom. There were bottles and jars everywhere, containing all kinds of terrifying animal parts.

It's said to be an office, but it's more like a metal workshop.

After a day of fruitless searching, Owen plans to come to Victor to try his luck.

I found a place to sit down.

In front of him, there was a table filled with parchment scrolls and various magic manipulators. Victor used his special microscope glasses to carefully observe the glass piece in front of him - it should be said that it was the cells on the glass piece.

His questions seemed to have fallen into disuse, and he did not get a response from Victor for a long time.

After more than ten minutes passed, Victor slowly stood up and took off his glasses, "This didn't happen overnight."

His voice sounded very hoarse, his hair was messy and unkempt, his eyes were red and swollen, and his mouth was dry. It was obvious that he had stayed up late for several days.

"The mutated cells are like cancer cells in the wizard's body." He thought for a moment and explained, "These are rules that have been programmed for a long time. It is not easy to reverse them."

"What about [The Pretender]? Have you got the results of your research? It'll be fine if you can distinguish it from the crowd." Owen then asked.

"No, the disguised person has not only invaded the body, but also the soul. You can't tell it from the appearance alone. Maybe you can try the Patronus Charm-"

"Patronus Charm?" Owen raised his eyebrows.

"The patron saint is the power derived from the soul. If a person's soul changes, his patron saint will also change accordingly, or it may not be summoned at all."

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