I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 393 Awarding of Honors

Owen spent a few days peacefully at the Rozier family manor.

A lot happened during this period.

First, it was his grandmother, who wanted to talk to Merlin several times, but was rejected by the other party.

But Wenda Rozier always has a way.

Owen didn't know how Grandma convinced that guy Merlin.

But in the end, the two communicated normally for dozens of minutes.

And during the dozens of minutes of conversation, the green light around them didn't stop like a flash. Several times, my grandmother lost control of her emotions and wanted to rush over and strangle the other person to death.

Unfortunately, no matter what method was used, it seemed that nothing could be done to Merlin.

Irving doesn't know exactly what happened.

He just saw grandma standing alone in the garden for a long time, several hours, without talking to anyone.

He didn't leave, he just stood there.

It wasn't until night fell when he bravely ran to order food that she came back to her senses.

Unexpectedly, when Wenda saw him, she was stunned and gave him a hug.

Did Owen realize a little bit of family affection?

I don’t know what kind of ecstasy soup Merlin gave her.

But he didn't dare to ask, for fear of getting beaten, so he let it go.

The second thing was that her grandmother announced that she would leave this manor to him.

Well, he succeeded in recovering some of the Rozier family's assets.

But what Owen was more curious about was, what did Merlin say? It couldn't be that the Imperius Curse was used.

The next day, Master Mei ran into a wall when he went to the wine cellar because he didn't know when all the hundreds of barrels of red wine in the wine cellar disappeared.

He laughed and accused his grandmother of being stingy, saying that at least he compensated her by giving her an eternally youthful appearance.

On the other side, Miss Granger has been asking him how to cast the Disapparation spell recently.

Taking advantage of these two days, Owen also started practicing this spell again, and asked her grandmother for some manuals on practicing the Apparition spell, which could be used as a theoretical reference for Hermione.

In fact, Hermione wants to learn magic from Merlin.

That's a living magician!

A figure who stands at the top of wizards.

But Merlin repeatedly said that he didn't know how to recite spells, and that he actually preferred beating people with the holy sword than casting spells.

So there is almost no magic that can be taught to Hermione.

Because most of his magic was the application of ancient magic, he really couldn't teach Hermione anything.

Miss Granger was very disappointed in this regard. She clearly had a treasure in her youth, but she could only look at it.

Is there anything more uncomfortable than this?

Have it?

Any more?

Of course there is! ! !

Soon Hermione got even more uncomfortable news from Wenda.


Compared to the peace in the manor.

The outside world had already caused a huge stir because of the four monsters brought back by Sirius and the information they provided.

The first reaction of the Ministry of Magic in many countries was - are you kidding me?

How could there be such a monster?

Do not believe!

They don't want to know that there is a strange monster that can disguise itself as someone else among the wizards.

How long have they just come out of the aftermath of the [Poseidon War]?

After only a few days of rest and calm, this kind of thing suddenly broke out, which is simply challenging the limits of tolerance in the hearts of all countries.

And the most important point is that after the [War of Poseidon], Aurors from all over the country have devoted themselves to maintaining local order.

Especially with the Italian and Greek extortion, it is really difficult for them to squeeze out the manpower to deal with this matter.

So it has nothing to do with the facts. Even if there is such a monster, they decided to act like an ostrich. Anyway, as long as I don't investigate, there must be no such monster.

Unfortunately, this idea was quickly and ruthlessly exposed.

Sweden - Headquarters of the International Confederation of Wizards.

At a conference, Vice President Babajide Akinbad displayed and had a bloody monster dissected in front of the court, and published the testimonies of four monsters.

This time - when the ostrich idea came to nothing.

Subsequently, under the leadership of the Federation, various European countries took out some of the insufficient Auror team to form the International Wizarding Joint Action Group.

This can be regarded as the prototype of the international wizard peacekeeping force imagined by Dumbledore.

The first massive move of this joint action group was to enter Egypt.

Hundreds of Aurors went into battle, intent on uncovering the monster hiding under that land.

There is no end in sight to this war. Those who do good deeds in later generations will call it [Dark Holy War].

This is the first time in so many years that wizards have united to fight against evil things that threaten their lives, rather than fighting each other. It is worthy of the name [Holy War].

And those monsters have a brand new name, the Federation calls them [Pretenders].

It is appropriate for Shan to pretend to be someone else.

However, official history still refers to this war that lasted for more than ten years as the "First Purge of Wizards".

Decades later, when wizard historians summarize this glorious history, there is one name that cannot be avoided.

She is destined to go down in history.

Known as the first wizard to discover the conspiracy of the Pretender.


Two days later at the manor——

On the morning of the fourth day, the courtyard suddenly became lively.

It's noisy outside.

A large crowd gathered.

Wuyang Wuyang looked at the hundreds of people.

They set up a huge high platform in the courtyard, and reporters from all walks of life pointed their magic cameras at the gate of the manor.

Waiting for someone to come in.

After being woken up, Owen lay bored in front of the window, looking down.

Among the crowd, he saw several familiar figures.

Luna's father, Xenophilius Lovegood, and Barnabas Guffey, editor-in-chief of the Daily Prophet.

And Professor McGonagall, with a cold face, sat with an equally elderly wizard - Celsus Kunrat, the chief reviewer of the "Alchemy Today" newspaper, an outstanding A master alchemist whose book "The Alchemy of Nature" is known as the greatest alchemical work of the twentieth century.

He is a master who is known as the "Sage" and is famous all over the world.

And this gentleman also dabbles in the art of transfiguration, and is also a master of transfiguration.

Speaking of which, Dumbledore's alchemical achievements have always been limited to discoveries. Although the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon's blood is indeed unprecedented, Dumbledore did not systematically organize and study his discoveries in depth.

As a result, he only discovered a new magic material. Although countless results may be developed based on his discovery in the future, all in all, his discovery did not subversively change the contemporary alchemy world. His work was just tinkering with the system, so he did not win the name of [Sage].

In addition, Owen also discovered several wizards whose costumes were obviously different from other wizards. They should be wizards from South America and South Asia.

He even saw a Japanese wizard dressed in a wizard style, modified kimono

Well - that's nothing.

Hogwarts is still relatively familiar with Japanese wizards. Decades ago, the school’s flying professor was a Japanese wizard.

But--why do so many wizards of all kinds come to his manor?

Is it a gathering of nobles?

What kind of party can Professor McGonagall attend?

Could it be the wedding scene of Dumbledore and his grandfather?

Just when Owen was confused, he saw through the window that the door of the manor was opened, and his grandmother Wenda Rozier walked out of the manor with a smile and held Miss Granger's hand.

Today's Hermione - every part of her body has been carefully dressed.

The clothes were obviously from his grandmother's closet.

It was a completely different style from the dresses he had given Hermione before.

It was a dark blue silk dress. The neck, cuffs, and waist were designed to be very slim, which could highlight the wearer's figure.

On her feet were a pair of black travel boots.

The overall style is elegant and restrained.

Her originally messy hair was tied up and combed into a bun on the back of her head.

On his slender neck is a grapevine-like necklace he bought in Egypt.

There was an awkward and forced smile on the face with exquisite makeup.

“Suck it—” Owen sat on the window sill and took a bite of the apple in his hand, and the juice instantly exploded in his mouth.

While eating the apple, Owen felt doubts in his heart.

When did his grandmother's relationship with Hermione become so good?

Strictly speaking, Wenda Rosier did not believe that Muggle-born wizards were Mudbloods, as the Death Eaters did, and that they were Muggles who poached the power of wizards.

The Saints treat all wizards equally.

But after all, grandma is a wizard from a pure-blood family. She may not persecute Muggle-born wizards, but it is absolutely impossible to be so close to them.

It seemed like something had changed since her conversation with Merlin.

This made Owen even more curious about what Archmage Mei said.

Under Owen's gaze.

Grandma walked out of the manor and handed Hermione's hand to Professor McGonagall under the high platform.

Then Professor McGonagall led Hermione up to the high platform.

"Oh-it turns out to be an awards ceremony."

Lying on the window, Owen could see clearly because he saw Babajide Akinbade, the vice-president of the federation.

A witch beside him was holding a box, which contained seven or eight medals of various kinds - the most dazzling one was of course the green ribbon, engraved with a sword and a wand. Countless names were engraved around the medal, including Arthur, Gao The Order of Merlin, First Class, by Wen Lanstro.

"So grand?"

Owen has a magic looking glass at his disposal.

Through it, everything happening not far away seems to be in front of you.

Professor McGonagall, who was not happy at all, kept communicating with Hermione in a low voice.

Even with Justin's mind, he knew it was definitely not a good thing to say.

They are definitely warnings or something like that, or they will be put in solitary confinement when they return.

Owen guessed.

On the other side, the Vice President of the International Federation of Wizards, Babajide Akinbad, and his female assistant also appeared on the awards stage.

He first shook hands with Professor McGonagall.

Then he shook hands with Hermione cordially and with a smile on his face.

The next moment, countless flashlights lit up, "clicking, clicking," blinding people's eyes.

In fact, the flashing lights haven't stopped since Hermione walked out of the manor, but they are just more intensive now.

This flash lasted for a minute or two.

Owen had finished eating an apple before it was finally over.

Babajide Akinbade did not present the award immediately, but took out a piece of letter paper from his arms and began to read out Miss Granger's achievements.

From her alchemical book "Ancient Alchemy Revealed" written in collaboration with Owen.

Then to his outstanding performance in the defense of Hogwarts in his third year.

As well as shocking the whole world at the World Cup and winning the Cup of Fire.

Finally, there was the descent of the goddess from the Poseidon War, and the discovery of the [Pretender] conspiracy, etc. Babajide Akinbad rambled on for five or six minutes, using gorgeous language.

It wasn't until the reporters underground became a little impatient and everyone's faces looked bad that he angrily put the paper back into his pocket.

Then in the anticipation of everyone, Hermione began to be awarded the medal.

at this time.

Only then did everyone notice the president's female assistant. There were a lot of medals in the box in her hand.

Many of them they had never seen before.

There are also some, and you can tell just from the style that they are definitely not wizard's medals.

Because several of them turned out to be in the shape of crosses.

Wizards would not use this style.

As expected, the awarding of honors continued.

Only then did everyone realize that most of the medals belonged to the Muggle government.

The first medal awarded by Babajide Akinbade was the British George Cross.

It was a silver cross with a scene of St. George slaying a dragon and the words "Brave and Commendable" engraved on one side, and a portrait of the Queen on the other side.

The second one is the Greek Medal of Honor.

The third one.


The wizards present all looked at Babajide Akinba in surprise.

And some politically sensitive wizards have noticed that a different political trend is blowing.

This is a signal - it is not difficult for wizards to obtain Muggle medals, or it is something that is prohibited by the Ministry of Magic and not tolerated by the wizarding world.

On the contrary, everyone is actually quite proud of it.

Who can be hostile to honor?

Many people, especially pure-blood families, were nobles of the kingdom in the era before the "Secrecy Act" was implemented. The Malfoy family also had the hereditary title of British Viscount.

However, the current British royal family will definitely not recognize the knighthood granted by the previous dynasty.

The Rozier family also holds titles in various kingdoms in France, but no one mentions them now.

But these are personal honors.

As long as individuals do not use magic to force Muggles to issue medals, the Ministry of Magic will not care.

But now - Babajide Akinba awarded a Muggle medal to a wizard in full view of the public.

This obviously has political intentions in it.

But compared to the active wizards, Hermione is more pure.

She was quite happy. She was even happier than she was receiving the Order of Merlin, because it was an honor she could share with her parents.

No matter how great his achievements are in the magical world, he will always be unknown in the Muggle world.

But with the British George Cross, her parents can really do it and be honored.

Babajide Akinbade then continued to award awards, Italian, Egyptian, Greek and so on.

In short, all the countries along the Mediterranean Sea sent me a medal.

There were so many medals that Hermione even felt a little nervous.

She secretly cast the Light As Feather Charm on these medals to feel relaxed.

After all the miscellaneous medals are awarded.

It's finally time for the heavyweight First Class Merlin Medal to appear.

But at this moment, the scene suddenly changed.

Someone broke into the award ceremony.

The security personnel on the side quickly came to the stage to stop it, but were stopped by Hermione.

The man climbed the tower without any obstacles, and then took out the last medal from the box held by the female assistant.

"I really miss it."

The person who came was none other than the great magician Merlin.

At this time, he looked at the medal in his hand.

Looking at the sword and wand, those names, and the Camelot carved on the back.

"The person responsible for making these medals is a little Celtic witch, haha ​​- she especially likes the legend of Camelot and insists on engraving all these names on the medals."

Merlin smiled.

"In the blink of an eye, that was already five or six hundred years ago."

He weighed the medal in his hand. Then he murmured: "Now this has become the only trace of their survival."

"Sir -" Hermione called.

"Oh - I'm a little distracted." Merlin raised his head again and smiled apologetically.

"Sometimes I really envy you. You can live a happy life. And I -" He stretched out his hand and raised the medal above his head. In the sun, the Royal City of Camelot on the back of the medal shone brightly.

Those purple eyes reflected Hermione's figure, and also reflected the glory of Camelot.

“I am a man who can only watch.

I like stories told by humans, na na - the only time it became a story, it didn't have a happy ending. There are so many failures. "He smiled to himself.

Then he picked up the ribbon and hung the medal around Hermione's neck.

"That's all we can do now."

"Mr. Merlin." Hermione wanted to speak, but she didn't know what to say. She could only hold the medal in her hand, looking at a loss for a moment.

Merlin reached up and ruffled her hair.

The smile never left his face.

"Accept it, but don't believe it." He said, "Just like the boy said, don't believe in Merlin, that will bring misfortune."

"But you have saved countless people, right?" Hermione hesitated and finally said this, "Although I don't know your and Owen's plan, it must be for all of us, right?"

Professor McGonagall on the side looked at the strange wizard in front of her. Although the other person's appearance was very young, those eyes - those eyes told her that the whole person was weathered.

She had only seen eyes like these on one person's face, and that was Dumbledore.

"Yes - it's for everyone - but, well - I'm the kind of person who brings misfortune to others."

He patted Miss Granger on the shoulder, and then said calmly, "I'm sorry, Hermione."

"I am destined to take away your most precious thing."

"Huh?" The little witch looked puzzled.

Merlin did not explain. With a smile, he turned and left the ceremony.

Leaving behind a back full of barriers.

This episode did not attract the attention of many wizards present. The wizard obviously knew Miss Granger, so it was not unreasonable to sell it to others to save face.

Babajide Ajinbade was not Fudge, let alone MacArthur, and would not be angry at others stealing his limelight.

Finally he declared that the title of 'War Hero' belonged to the Union and belonged to the young witch.

This award ceremony came to an end.

Next, comes the main event.

Interview sessions with reporters from various newspapers.

But it was obvious that Miss Granger seemed to have received guidance from an expert - she was able to deal with those reporters with ease.

To sum up, there is either no comment

Or, she didn't care about the reporters' questions at all, and just kept explaining her own opinions, such as the cruelty of the battlefield, the bravery of Aurors, etc.

Once the reporter began to ask about her life experience, Hermione would smile and say that that was not the key to the problem, and then repeat her previous "acceptance speech" in which she thanked Hogwarts.

The main thing is that it is watertight.

This was obviously guided by an expert!

Otherwise, although Hermione is also very smart, there will be so many twists and turns.

It's most likely her grandmother

Owen was puzzled and began to eat breakfast by the window.

After the reporters ended their interviews angrily, representatives from various countries to the federation and celebrities came forward to express their gratitude.

Everyone showed great kindness to the rising star of the future.

After all, judging from the current situation, the witch in front of her is destined to grow into a legendary wizard surpassing Dumbledore.

As for whether she can grow to that height safely.

So what - Dumbledore is still alive!

He is only over a hundred years old. According to the lifespan of a wizard, he is just middle-aged. If he wants to do something shameful, I am afraid he has never seen how fast Dumbledore can cast spells.

Therefore, in the eyes of all the representatives, the girl in front of you is a real and genuine future star. This legendary little witch, who is dubbed "Stargazing Girl", is destined to grow into a great meteor shower that sweeps the world.

The banquet lasted until noon.

However, the officials present did not pay all their attention to Hermione. In fact, one hour after the investiture ceremony, the little witch was free.

In the remaining time, various officials began to negotiate on a small scale. This is also a scene that often occurs in diplomacy. When nothing can be reached at the negotiation table, they will try the dining table.

Owen didn't see Hermione again at lunch. According to his grandmother, she seemed to have been sent back home by Professor McGonagall.

Ah - what a poor Granger, who received a harsh education from Professor McGonagall so early. Thinking about himself - well, he still has more than ten days of happy life.

After lunch, her grandmother also left the manor.

After all, she still holds the position of principal of Durmstrang Magic School. Although he just heard from some federation officials today that it was just a temporary measure and they really couldn't find a better wizard.

In the turbulent magical world, there are not many wizards who have survived the war but have stood firm and risen again.

Well - I don't know how long his grandmother can hold her position. I think there won't be any changes at least this year, otherwise she wouldn't be in a hurry to leave the manor and go to Sweden. (Durmstrang location)

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