I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 385 The tiger enters the sheep's den

"Because we still have to make money from them. That's all these people can do. Haha."

Several people in the crowd laughed.

At the same time, the wizard standing in front of Owen also showed a sarcastic expression.

Seeing this, Miss Granger did not hesitate and immediately reached out to hold the hand of the boy next to her, fearing that he would suddenly become violent and take any drastic action.

Although they could not understand Arabic, they could tell from the sarcastic tone and laughter that those people seemed to be laughing at them.

However, to Hermione's expectation, Owen did not take action. He looked directly past the wizard and came to the gate of the mansion in the distance.

A middle-aged wizard came out and hurriedly walked towards them.

The person coming was none other than Nefer's father.

His face looked even uglier than it had been in the morning.

"Thank you for coming." He spoke in English, "Please come in."

The man had a stiff smile on his face. He kept his posture very low and said, "You can have something to eat first and wait in the living room for a while."

The two men he invited entered the mansion.

As for Owen, after he glanced at Merlin in the distance and the group of young wizards with strange tattoos on their bodies, he followed Mr. Tully towards the mansion.

Tsk—a familiar tattoo.

Saw it just now.

Owen chuckled. Looking at the man in front of him, his eyes were full of meaning.

After they walked a certain distance, Mr. Tully said, "It seems that you had a conflict with those little guys?

Miss Granger, you are kinder than I thought.

"I know you have the strength to defeat them, there is no doubt about it.

They—" Mr. Tully's tone paused for a moment, then lowered his head, glanced down at Hermione, and continued: "They are just spoiled children. "

"I'm not angry about this, sir. I've also encountered wizards with very bad personalities." Of course Hermione was referring to the group of Slytherins, but after being cultivated by her for several years, those who dared to challenge her People have become extinct.

Now she meets people of her own age who look down upon her - speaking of it, she even misses them a little.

"I'm just" the little witch looked sideways at Owen beside her.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm surprised you didn't teach them a lesson," Hermione said with a smile.

"After fighting with God, I saw something clearly." Owen held the girl's hand and said flatly, "The essence of God is a cruel beast. It feeds on mediocre people and creates countless idiots just to Eat them, and only a few smart people will have a chance to climb to the top and stand on the back of the god, but he will never end trying to throw you off, and eventually, the god will succeed. There is no other way out.

But there are still people who are fighting against God, and they don’t know why. It’s really stupid. "

Owen said cruelly, "In addition, mediocre people will force those smart people to become like them, and they will not hesitate to use various means to pull them down and step them into the quagmire. It seems that they They can get rid of mediocrity and get rid of the fact of becoming food. They enjoy this.

So why should I get into trouble with a bunch of doomed foods? "

As he said that, the young man suddenly raised his head, a hint of joking flashed through his eyes, and then he said leisurely: "Mr. Tully, do you also want to become mediocre?"

Owen's voice was not loud, but when it reached the ears of the man in front of him, it felt like he had been hit hard.

He turned back slightly tremblingly, finally focusing his rare attention on Owen.

"Be careful! Be careful!" Owen said lazily, "Once you make a decision, you must suffer the consequences."

"You-" Mr. Tully's expression changed in a matter of seconds, from shock to horror to hesitation. But in the end, he returned to his normal state and said with a smile, "Just kidding.

The world is not that cruel. Gods and monsters are all made up in novels. How can such things exist? "

"Yeah - how can there be one!" Owen rubbed his neck, "Who knows, maybe there is."

He said in a joking tone: "But if you really do it, I will really kill you, along with this house and everything you cherish."

At this time, they had arrived in the living room. Without saying anything, Owen sat directly on the sofa, crossed his legs, stood on the armrest of the sofa with one hand, cupped his cheek with his palm, and looked at Mr. Tully with a half-smile.

Silence fell in the living room.

Miss Granger had no idea what was going on.

But she is definitely 100% on Owen's side.

So she sat directly next to Owen and also looked up at Mr. Tully. She didn't say a word, but quietly observed.

"Child, you are too nervous. Maybe you are in a strange place. Maybe you should try Egyptian black tea. It can relieve your tense nerves." He pointed to the tea on the table.

The steaming tea exudes an intoxicating aroma. It makes people want to take a sip.

"Okay! Why not." Owen picked up the tea and handed Hermione a cup along the way.

The ancient magic power on the fingertips pulsed slightly, and the tea caused a wave.

"Taste it," he said.

Hermione took the tea doubtfully, then smelled the fragrance in her hand, and then took a sip.

"It smells so good!" A refreshing smell flooded the taste buds, which was really nostalgic.

And when she was about to take a second sip, a strong, almost tsunami-like dizziness instantly defeated her will.


Hermione stood up suddenly and dropped the teacup in her hand to the ground.

A powerful magic power emerged from her body.

The dizziness made it difficult for her to draw her wand, so she could only try to cast spells without a wand.

As for the large-scale curse, she subconsciously chose which one.

Maybe it's because she's been practicing lately.

——Yuanliu·Extreme cold storm.

Ice crystals spread from her feet in an instant.

The steaming quilt was instantly frozen.

The table in front of him and the sofa beneath him were all pushed by extremely cold ice crystals, or squeaked and swayed due to thermal expansion and contraction.

The sound sounded terrible.

There is an illusion that the earth is shaking.

But - just for a moment.

Whether it is the long time required for the origin of magic to condense, or Miss Granger's current state, it is impossible for her to really release magic.

Like a kite with its string broken, she suddenly fell to the ground.

Then no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't resist the dizziness caused by the potion. His eyes seemed to be stained with glue, and he finally fainted on the floor between the sofa and the table.

"The soul is out of body!"

On the other side, there was also such a dropped teacup at Owen's feet, and the tea followed the cracks in the floor and gathered at Mr. Tully's feet.

He stood sluggishly on the spot, his eyes seemed to be covered with a milky white curtain, his cheeks twitched violently, but he soon returned to normal, and his milky white eyeballs became clear again, but they were smaller than usual. Be sluggish.

At this time - the door on one side of the living room was suddenly pushed open.

"How's it going?" An old voice sounded.

A large group of people came into the room, led by an old man who looked old but was very energetic.

He is about sixty or seventy years old.

Wearing a black suit, his tie was set with a red gemstone, and his leather shoes were polished and spotless.

But those eyes revealed a greedy light that captured people's hearts. Coupled with the wrinkles on his face, they made him look particularly cruel and despicable.

"Very successful, they were completely unprepared." Mr. Tully shook his head, as if to dispel the confusion in his head.

Then he spoke calmly.

"Well done Mr. Manlio." The old man said happily.

Along with this, the people behind him wearing black feather masks all showed excited expressions.

"The ceremony can begin!" Someone said impatiently, and this was quickly echoed by others.

"Steady, steady gentlemen and ladies. Give our high priest some private time."

The old man smiled cruelly, and then ordered the wizard behind him to take Miss Granger away.

"What about the other one?" someone asked at this time.

"It can't be wasted." As he said, another wizard grabbed Owen's collar, "He does have an excellent skin, which is really enviable."

The wizard spoke.

Her clear voice reached everyone's ears gently.

As she spoke, she reached out her hand and gently touched Owen's cheek, her eyes suddenly brightening.

It looked like someone tasting food, and looked extremely evil.

"It also feels great to the touch. Tsk tsk - this one belongs to me. You can choose whatever you want from the outside."

The witch's 'sovereign oath' did not arouse opposition from others. In fact, all people were in a state of spiritual excitement, and in this case, they could tolerate many things.

However, among these people, there were still some who maintained their sanity, such as the old man who led them.

"Are those monsters ready?" He asked a wizard behind him.

The wizard wore some kind of badge on his chest. If Owen opened his eyes, he would definitely recognize it. It was the logo of the Ikull Magical Hospital for the Disabled.

"We have already prepared everything." The corner of the man's mouth curved, "Tomorrow this place will be attacked by monsters, and all the poor little guys will not be spared. In this way - we can still apply for some assistance from the Federation. After all, the arrest Catching those monsters and getting rid of the Muggles involved is no easy task."

"Ha, you are very considerate." The old man smiled cruelly.

"Well, our high priest can't wait any longer."

Everyone turned around.

The group of people re-entered the side door in the living room.

Mr. Tully followed.

The leading wizard noticed this and did not stop him, but showed a pleased expression.

Then he deliberately slowed down and stood shoulder to shoulder with Mr. Tully.

"I know you have grievances, Mr. Manlio." The old guy said contemptuously, "This time we are not just trying to fulfill the high priest's request.

It's for us and for the wizarding world to get rid of a big harm. "

"Big harm?" Mr. Manlio Tully said shortly.

"Humph - how long has that Dumbledore been weighing on us? Sixty or seventy years, right! What next? That Voldemort? He is also a British person. No matter who of them comes to power in the future, can we benefit from it?

What now? It's not like you haven't read the reports about the competition held at Hogwarts, and the naval battle. How old is the witch in front of you, fifteen years old? Sixteen?

She is destined to become a wizard like Dumbledore, or even stronger. In the next hundred years, we, all countries except the United Kingdom, will continue to be led by the British. "

"Is this a good thing?"

"Ha, he just lost his mind by reading. He really thought that the outside world is friendly and peaceful." Someone in the crowd sarcastically laughed, and soon the sarcasm became one after another.

These people were hostile to the Federation.

"Hmph - the Federation would love for the global Ministry of Magic to fall so they can inform the world without any effort."

"There are actually people who believe in Dumbledore's rhetoric about cooperation and prosperity. It's so stupid!"

The old wizard did not participate in the entry, but continued to speak, "Do you think your father, the Minister of Magic, doesn't know about this?"

"He just didn't want to get his hands dirty. He wanted her to die as soon as possible more than all of us. In that case, why not let her death be more valuable?"

The old wizard's gait was light and confident, and the fingertips of his hands trembled slightly as if he was holding onto his destiny.

The eyes are deep and bright, like an endless abyss, from which temptation spreads.

The bewitching voice is not over yet. Soon the magnetic and mellow voice sounded again, "After this matter is over, in addition to our agreement to return your daughter, the high priest will also have another reward."

His tone was smooth and deep, and he gently fell on the man in front of him, "The high priest will extract some of this witch's talent and spirit and give it to Nefil.

Mr. Manlio, do you know what a great reward this is? "

"This means that your Tully family will be able to produce a powerful wizard who can overpower Egypt for a hundred years.

Compared with these, does the life and death of those useless people outside become irrelevant? "

When Mr. Tully heard this, a trace of hesitation flashed across his face. He lowered his head and thought, stirring the air unconsciously with his fingers.

The old wizard seemed to see through his mind and continued: "Mr. Manlio, you are a smart man. You must understand that sometimes for the greater good, we must make some sacrifices. What's more, such necessary sacrifices are still It can reduce the enemy's strength, so why not do it?"

The old man's voice seemed to have a magical power, which made Mr. Tully's heart begin to waver.

Then Mr. Tully took a deep breath and nodded. His decision seemed to become clear at this moment. He raised his head, looked at the old man, and said firmly: "I understand, and I will follow your instructions."

A smile appeared on the corner of the old wizard's mouth, and he knew that this man had been completely convinced by him. He stretched out his hand and shook Mr. Manlio's hand, as if to celebrate their tacit understanding and consensus.

"Welcome, welcome to officially join us - God's Favorite One."

"Beloved by God?" Mr. Tully was stunned. Then a touch of milky white appeared in his eyes, and his cheeks twitched inadvertently.

Faced with the doubts of the person in front of him, the old wizard did not explain anything, but chuckled and took steps forward. Continue along a long and narrow corridor behind the door.

A group of people gathered in the corridor.

There are many rooms on both sides.

The walls are carved with murals.

The road seemed very long and they walked for a long time.

Finally, a downward wooden staircase appeared in front of everyone.

Leading to the invisible depth of the ground.

Everyone didn't stop and walked straight on.

After passing through an oak door, the view suddenly opened up.

A huge basement appeared.

Dark and damp, as if cut off from the outside world. The surrounding stone walls are hard and cold, covered with traces of time and moss.

A few dim lights barely illuminated the space, creating a mysterious and eerie atmosphere.

There was a musty smell in the air that made people feel suffocated. Occasionally, mice scurry around in the corners, making rustling sounds, which adds to the spooky atmosphere of the basement.

In the center of the basement, there was a tall wooden stake stuck on an altar.

The top is engraved with a complex statue without a human figure. The painting style is very abstract. If you don't look carefully, you will just think it is some kind of monster.

The rest of the pillar is covered with ancient runes.

Countless complex patterns of magic rings are intertwined, shining with strange green fluorescence.

And in this fluorescence.

A witch with a stooped figure stood out in particular.

Mainly the robe she was wearing.

It looks like it is pieced together from countless rags, and it looks unique among this group of well-dressed beasts.

"High Priest, the person has been arrested." The old man at the head stepped forward and said respectfully.

"Put it on the altar." The old priest pretended to be indifferent and said, but his open eyes suddenly shone with light.

After watching the wizard place Miss Granger on the altar, he couldn't wait to step forward.

She stretched out her deadwood-like fingers and caressed Hermione's cheek with nostalgia, as if she was admiring a beloved piece of art.

"Good--very good!" This time, she could no longer suppress the ecstasy in her heart.

His greedy eyes seemed to want to eat Hermione alive.

And that's probably what she's about to do.

The wizards around him stepped aside respectfully.

Mr. Tully, who followed, also quietly retreated behind the crowd.

The old priest glanced at the people around him.

A trace of ridicule flashed across the corner of his mouth inadvertently.

Ah - how can these people understand.

When the young heart beats in one's chest.

When the soul full of talents is used for oneself.

When this destined person recognized by gods and demons became her torso.

Is there anything more pleasurable than this?

She reached out her hand and touched the wooden pole.

Then a most evil prayer was recited.

Chant it over and over again.

A full five minutes passed.

Then, she cut her finger, and the scarlet blood touched Miss Granger's forehead, and then she began to draw complex ancient runes in the air.

The magic patterns were arranged and combined with each other, and gradually a complex and dazzling magic rune appeared in the void.


The standing wooden pole, the statue at the top, and the monster-like figure suddenly spit out an illusory phantom.

It was obvious that the apparition was a young child.

About mid-teens.

This time, he didn't even maintain his human form for a few seconds before he twisted into a silvery sticky substance in the hands of the old priest.

The sticky substance fell from the old priest's hand, and the fingers dripping with blood fell on Hermione's forehead.

The next second.

Hermione on the stone platform suddenly opened her eyes.

"Huh?" The old priest was surprised, and the corner of her eyes quickly glanced at the wizards around her.

I scolded these losers from the bottom of my heart for not being able to handle such a trivial matter.

But——this is not really a surprise.

With her other hand, she took out a short and thick wand, estimated to be only about eight inches, that looked like a fire stick, and pressed it against Miss Granger's neck.

"If you don't want to have your neck cut off, don't resist." The old witch spat out a series of pure English, her voice was low and hoarse, with a creepy evil charm.

"What do you want to do?"

As expected, Hermione did not resist, but lay quietly, staring coldly at the witch in front of her with her brown eyes.

"Don't worry." The old priest chuckled cruelly, "I want to take something from you."


"Soul, memory, talent, body." She said one word at a time.


Hearing the sound, Hermione immediately chose to resist.

But the old priest chanted some strange spell, and the ancient magic made her body seem to be pulled by some kind of force, and it was heavily attached to the stone platform.

The wizards around also took out their wands.

All of them have read newspapers and seen the powerful witch above the sea and under the stars.

Even though she seems to have been restrained at this moment, there is no guarantee that she will not have some back-up plan. What they are doing is something that will make them lose their heads. If she escapes, then they will only be wanted and endlessly hunted. .

So they dare not take it lightly.

"You-" Being restrained, Hermione could only stare straight at the huge wooden pillar in front of her.

Looking at the ferocious monster carvings above.

She soon realized that she had seen this monster-shaped altar before.

In Hogwarts, the final resting place of Ms. Hufflepuff, the altar of the goblins is almost like this.

"What's your relationship with the goblin?" She felt the gravity beneath her body.

Although it was powerful, it did not prevent her from casting spells.

And it’s not like he can’t escape.

Force magic can disrupt it, and for just a brief moment, she can escape.

"Fairy?" The old priest was stunned for a moment, and then said contemptuously, "Everyone gets what they need. They have a lot of good things."

Miss Granger's right hand was filled with magic.

There was still a nervous and angry expression on his face, "Do you know what you are doing? If I die here"

"You don't need to worry about this. The British will swallow the consequences this time."

"Now -" the priest smiled wildly, and the soul output in his hand suddenly increased.

Hermione had no idea what she was doing.

But her head suddenly became dizzy.

And she suddenly became more sensitive to everything around her. In the blur, she seemed to 'see' the faces of the wizards around her.

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