I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 378 The endless crisis!

"What's wrong? Is someone watching me?" Owen asked sideways as he avoided the oncoming wizard.

"It's not you," Bill said. "Didn't you read the latest newspaper?"

"Oh - something happened, I haven't paid much attention to the recent news."

"Look at this." As he said that, Bill took out a brand new newspaper from his arms, a copy of the "Daily Prophet". The headline on the front page was a photo of Miss Granger with a senior Egyptian official. Her expression was plain. Holding the medal, countless flashlights shone on her face, and the surrounding enthusiasm made her dodge a little.

"I'm going to-" Owen exclaimed.

He just glanced around and understood what was going on.

The newspaper said that the famous Hogwarts student, the heir to Gryffindor, the war hero, and the successor of Albus Dumbledore had recently launched a major operation in Egypt, destroying countless dark wizard strongholds and making contributions to the cause of peace in Egypt. Outstanding contribution bala bala.

This is not the point. The point is that even the British newspapers have reported it with such great fanfare. I can’t imagine how the local newspapers will publicize it.

"Phew! Trouble again, Granger."

Dark wizards are a bunch of lunatics. If you expect those guys whose brains have been disturbed by black magic to hide temporarily, you are too naive.

A few Death Eaters dared to sneak attack Dumbledore. You can't call them stupid, because they have no brains at all.

"You know it!" Bill said, "A dark wizard has sneaked into Cairo. You have to be careful no matter what."

"Understood." Owen nodded, "By the way, where are you going?"

"Me?" Bill suddenly looked embarrassed, and continued after a moment, "When I was working at Gringotts, I was responsible for cracking the curse of the pyramid.

The Egyptian witch doctors believe that the mutated flesh may be a curse, and they hope that I can go to support them.

After all, I have been here for so many years, and I still have some face that I can’t erase. "

"By the way, do you have time? Do me a favor."


"Aren't you very accomplished in alchemy and ancient runes? Come and take a look together, maybe we can find some clues."

"Yeah." Of course Owen knew what the mutated flesh and blood was. In short, the power of the outer gods is also a kind of ancient magic, which uses ancient magic to transform organisms, or to stimulate the power of the body itself that belongs to the furnace of life.

He does have a way to curb this change, just like he can help Koatl undo the whispers of the outer gods.

But this affects him greatly, and it is difficult to do so without the blood of the heir.

He couldn't just stab himself when he saw a mutant.

And there was nothing he could do after it had mutated into a bad omen.

But now that he's here, it's okay to go take a look. He hasn't had time to study these things seriously yet.

After all, he doesn't have time recently.

Keep on going, keep on going. It's time to level off.

"Okay - I have nothing to do anyway." Owen nodded.

On the other side, at the opposite end of the street, was a narrow and dark alley.

The buildings here are older than those around them, and they seem to be forgotten corners. When the blazing sunshine is blocked by houses and tarpaulins, the place looks even darker, as if isolated from the world.

Feeling deceived and heartbroken, Naifel hid in a messy alley, covering his mouth and crying.

Tears moistened the eyelashes, falling to the ground like raindrops, splashing loess.

There are many wizards coming and going in this alley. Most of them wore robes of various colors that completely covered their figures.

From the exposed dark arms, it can be determined that these people are mostly wizards from Africa.

Although some wizards noticed the sad look of the little witch in the alley, they did not come forward.

This place is a bit like Knockturn Alley in London. The gathering of wizards is a mixed bag, and no one wants to cause trouble for themselves, especially at this time.

"I caught a big fish."

Suddenly, the wizards around him seemed to have seen some kind of plague, and quickly evaded it.

Soon this messy alley was surrounded by weird wizards wearing light-colored robes with various magical animals embroidered on them.

They are weird because these people wear necklaces or bracelets made of some kind of animal bones on their necks and arms.

There are complex tattoos on the exposed abdomen and arms.

You can tell at a glance that he is not a good person.

"Fainted and fell to the ground!"

The gray curse passed over the crowd and headed straight towards Naifel.

Nefer, who was crying, noticed the coming magic.

Just when there was a sudden surge of people, she noticed something unusual around her.

The moment the spell hit her, Nefil quickly drew out her wand and resisted the attack.

"A couple of times."

More and more dark wizards gathered around.

"Hi - I recognize her - Nefer Tarly, the granddaughter of the Minister for Magic."

"He is also the follower of the crazy lady who ruined several of our venues some time ago." Another wizard interjected.

"It looks like this is a really big fish!"

The next second, all the dark wizards present showed evil smiles.

Then he approached her step by step.

Then countless spells rushed towards her, as if they were going to drown Nefil.

Naifel is undoubtedly the leading magic genius. Based on her age, she should be a young wizard in the sixth or seventh grade of a magic school.

Normally, it would be difficult for a young wizard of this age to possess powerful combat skills. Can he persist for a while under such a number of spells.

She is so good not only because of her own talent, but also because of her family education.

But - defense always goes wrong, especially when she faced a large number of dark wizards. The other party did not kill her with the intention of capturing her alive, otherwise she would not be able to defend herself under the killing curse.

Soon, a magic spell with a tricky angle clung to the wall and hit her.

Without even wailing, Nefer fell to the ground and fell into coma.

"Hey - we are like this. This little witch is the minister's granddaughter. If the Ministry of Magic allocates some manpower, she will do it."

Among the dark wizards, some still raised doubts.

Is it really okay to kidnap the children of such a big shot?

"Hmph -" the dark wizard who hit Nefel walked over and grabbed the girl's hair, "The Minister of Magic is busy convening a magic conference in Sweden. Besides, after that war, how much pride can this country still have?" Luo?"

"This is a great opportunity for us."

"Yes -" In an instant, a group of dark wizards reached a unified opinion.

This is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

They can extort a large sum of money and flee the country, or - demand something other than money.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were filled with the light of revenge.

They have not forgotten, have not forgotten the girl riding the silver dragon, aloof, looking at them with indifference, as simple as crushing ants.

Revenge - they must take revenge.

This is the main reason why so many of them remain in Cairo.


On the other side, Owen and Bill, who didn't know that a conspiracy was unfolding, were walking one after another on the streets of Cairo. After finding a deserted corner, Bill took him and apparated directly.

The surrounding scenery was spinning.

Owen looked around and found himself in front of an ancient building.

The building in front of you is made of huge stones that are very common in Egypt. Mysterious symbols and embossed patterns shone in the sunlight on the walls.

The building has three floors in total, with wide staircases leading to every corner.

Entering the interior of this building, which may be a hospital, the air is filled with an aromatic smell, which is the smell of essential oils mixed and ground from various spices and medicinal materials.

The walls of the hall are covered with portraits of various wizards. Like St. Mungo's Hospital for the Magical and Invalid, these people are all wizards who have made outstanding contributions to the medical cause.

Bill didn't stop and took him to the second floor.

On the second floor, many witch doctors were walking back and forth. The hurried footsteps announced the panic under the calm.

As one of the countries with the most ancient ruins, Egypt.

Every year, countless wizards are sent here due to curses or black magic attacks for various reasons.

This has also resulted in Egyptian wizards leading the world in the treatment of curses and black magic.

Therapists come here every year for training.

Just now - Owen saw an old wizard walking through the corridor with many young people wearing various robes.

Each of them wears a strange badge on their chest, which should be the symbol of this hospital.


"What's wrong?" Bill looked down at him.

"Oh! It's nothing." Owen shook his head. Unfortunately, ordinary wizards have almost never been exposed to ancient magic, let alone studied it.

It was natural for the Egyptian witch doctors to be helpless.

Find Victor, he might be able to do something. Other than that, Irving really couldn't think of anything else that anyone else could do.

Many wizards passed by in the corridor.

They spoke different languages ​​and were far apart.

There were even some that Owen couldn't even tell which country they were from.

He guessed that it should be a tribal language in an inland country in Africa.

Generally speaking, this ancient language that has been passed down for many years may contain magical powers.

Similar to runes.

So when the dark-skinned wizard, wearing a cloak made of rags of various colors and holding something like a bell in his hand - such a weird shape, walked past him, Owen couldn't help but look more. A few glances.

"The high priest of Voodoo - Raviyu. A legendary witch who possesses incredible magic to drive souls and has a high reputation in Africa."

"What kind of magic is it to drive the soul? Is there such a magic?" Owen's eyebrows were frivolous. What is the soul? So far, European wizards have not figured out the reason. They can only confirm that all living things have souls in the area, and the three indispensable things are Forgiveness is an attack on the soul, and there is no research other than that. Even if there are ghosts that can be seen everywhere, wizards can only vaguely explain that such creatures are the mark of wizards. Are they considered that wizard? Academic There is still controversy in the world.

Now - why did a magic that can drive souls suddenly appear?

Is African magic so powerful?

"It's very troublesome to explain." Bill frowned, "I don't know much.

The so-called Voodoo is also called "Voodoo". Originating from west Africa, it is a primitive religion that combines ancestor worship, animism, and spiritualism, somewhat like shamanism.

Voodoo means "god" and "elf". In the local area, a wizard will receive revelation in his sleep, and then the wizard who receives the revelation will go through a complex set of sacrificial rituals to establish a connection with the divine. Once this connection is successfully established, the wizard will have the power to drive the dead. The power of the soul.

In addition, they also have various abilities such as curing diseases, lifting curses, twisting souls, etc. In short, it is a very powerful but quite primitive magic. Wagadu Magic School in Uganda explicitly prohibits students from accessing it. And those who learn this kind of magic, but Africa is too big after all, and there are always some wizards who have never been controlled by the Ministry of Magic and magic schools. "

"." Owen smacked his mouth, "Just listening to you say it makes me feel very evil. And -" he shuddered, "I'm allergic to the word 'god' recently, and I get all over the place when I hear this word. uncomfortable."

"Niang Xipi, won't you be in trouble again?"

"Trouble? What trouble?" Bill looked at him in confusion.

"I told you that you don't understand. Anyway, we'll go in and have a look. You'd better pray that the high priest can do nothing about the mutation." Owen's expression gradually became serious. "If that's the case, this so-called voodoo is just a place. Sect, it doesn’t matter.

If she really has any way, then - she must be finished! "

"?" Bill looked puzzled, "Why do you say that? Isn't it a good thing that she has a way?"

"A good thing? I'm afraid it's a fatal thing!"

"Well - it might be really fatal!" Suddenly a joking, lazy voice sounded behind Owen.

The young man looked stunned, then turned around immediately, and immediately saw a man with a completely different style of painting standing outside a certain room, looking inside.

"Why are you following me!"

"Haha - a good daughter abandons her old father and goes with other strange men - this kind of thing - how can I not come?"

"." Owen gritted his teeth, his eyes glowing green, "Okay - don't say anything, put the money matter aside for now, stand still and let me cut you off first to relieve your anger!"

The magic of transfiguration drove Owen to grab the flower pot in the corridor, and a long sword was immediately transformed. Then he jumped high and vowed to fight the dog head of the person in front of him. "Damn old plum, take my sword - Excalibur!"

Owen is in full swing. Unfortunately, this was of no use to Mr. Mei. He blinked and said with a smile: "Oh - it seems I need to discipline him well."

After saying that, he propped up his cane.

The moment it came into contact with the sword in Owen's hand.

A strange magical power suddenly appeared, and then a certain irritable boy discovered that the world seemed to have become larger to him - no - he had become smaller.

"What's going on? Huh?" Even his voice became more milky and milky.

"I'll punish you to grow up again!" Merlin squatted down and rubbed Owen's face and hair with his hands. "It's much cuter this way."

"You" Owen was a little dazed, "How did you do it? It's impossible!"

He was strange just now.

Illusion is a very common magic.

In addition to the transformation spells commonly used by wizards, illusions can also be cast by the songs of some magical animals such as boggarts, elves, and sirens.

But - illusion, no matter how exquisite the illusion is, no matter how real the appearance it creates, it is still fake, not real.

Just like his dark history when he was a second-grade girl, the appearance was illusory, just like wearing a beautiful girl's clothes. The truth only needs to be discovered if someone touches it.

But Merlin's spell actually changed his body, because his sight really became shorter, which was impossible.

Think about it, you are fighting Voldemort, and a spell turns him back into the little Tom in the orphanage. Even if his magical abilities are not reduced, just this sudden

"Ala ala - do you want to learn?" Merlin said easily, "If you say, Brother Merlin, please teach me, I will teach you."


"Pfft!" Owen hugged Merlin with a quick step, and then his whole body hung on his body like an octopus, "Father--is it you? Foster--teach me--Father!"


Seeing Owen, a man who can bend and bend, Mr. Mei was stunned for a moment, then raised the corner of his mouth, and then laughed seriously, "O(∩_∩)O haha~ It seems that you have touched the true meaning of magic."


Such an eye-catching scene made Bill, who was right next to Irving, tremble in his face - your relationship is so complicated, and - can you please show some face? There were so many people - everyone around, whether they were witch doctors or patients, looked at him sideways.

They may not understand English, but the look in their eyes still makes people feel on pins and needles.

However - Owen's current appearance - the appearance of a delicate child of four or five years old, whose gender cannot be distinguished from his appearance, and his voice is milky - he has never seen this kind of magic that makes people younger. Is it some kind of transfiguration?

"Um - Owen, who is this?" Bill coughed slightly, and then interrupted the scene of a loving father and a filial son in front of him.

"Him?" Baby Owen jumped off Boss Mei's body, and even his clothes became smaller.

"This is the legendary great magician, King Arthur's teacher, the great pioneer in the magical world, dedicated to the peaceful coexistence of Muggles and wizards, and the suspicious fraudster - Archmage Merlin!"

"Merlin?" Bill's eyelids twitched slightly, with an expression that seemed like you were teasing me, making him believe that the person in front of him was Merlin. It was better to tell him that Owen was actually a girl.

He might still have some confidence in the latter.

However, he did not break the casserole and ask to the end. Since the other party was unwilling to tell, he could not continue to ask. However, the wizards that Owen could get to know should be among the top batch. Maybe this wizard would be a little different. means.

"The first part is normal, but the last one - what do you mean by a suspicious fraudster? Have I ever deceived you?" Boss Mei rubbed Owen's head until his hair exploded.

"Yes! Not only did he cheat, but he also stole my money. I have more than 100,000 Galleons!"

"A hundred thousand?" Archmage Merlin pinched his cheek and said, "I can't imagine that such a lie could come from such a cute face."

Owen, whose cheeks turned red after being pinched by that guy Merlin, still kept his mouth firm and said coldly, "It's not hundreds of thousands, I remembered wrong, it should be seventy-eight to nine hundred thousand, maybe more than one million, I don't remember." Too clear. But it must be no less than two million!"

"Little guy, why are you so greedy for money at such a young age!" Merlin took out the wand of deadwood and waved it in front of Owen, "Girls are indeed more obedient. How about——"

As soon as these words were spoken, the people over there who were trying to blackmail him immediately jumped up and hid far away.

Then he turned around and followed Bill towards the isolation ward.

Hey - isn't it just a little Galleons?

It's like I haven't seen the world before. I don't want it anymore.

A happy life in the future is more important.

move on.

There are fewer and fewer people around.

After pushing open a compartment door, the most terrifying scene in the wizarding world appeared in front of everyone.

This room was obviously cast under an infinite stretching spell, and upon entering, a wailing sound could be heard.

The room was divided into two parts - one side was a cage made of some kind of metal - where the evil omen was bound up with some kind of magic prop fabric, and the other side was an ordinary compartment with about thirty or forty wizards. Is lying on the hospital bed.

Their skin was glowing with black mist, and disgusting granules sprouted from the wounds on their bodies, and they were still spreading. It was estimated that it would not take long for them to completely spread throughout their bodies.

This process is obviously very painful.

It's like something is eating into your body bit by bit.

Ordinary people simply cannot bear such suffering.

"Mr. Weasley." The person who came was a wizard, about thirty or forty years old, with a tired look on his face. But there was energy in his eyes, a situation Owen was very familiar with - it happened when he drank too much pick-me-up.

The body is very tired, but the consciousness is very clear.

She ignored Merlin and Owen beside her and walked directly in front of Bill.

"They all say you are the best curse-breaker."

The top hat was put on first, and the female doctor pulled him quickly into a cubicle.

There were four or five witch doctors surrounding the cubicle, and they looked at Bill with different eyes—either with disdain, expectation, or indifference.

In short, all aspects of life are included in this.

However, Owen did not see the high priest among these people.

She should be in another ward.

On the hospital bed - lay a wizard in his early twenties. His infection was very small. The injured part was his arm, and granulation was only present near his wound.

"These days - we have read almost all the medical books we can find - but - with little success. We can only find some fragments of words in a magical anti-epidemic book about five hundred years ago, but the book only tells us how to prevent The curse spreads, but there is no cure."

"Let me take a look first!" Bill took out his wand and walked over.

Then he began to cast spells on the wounds of the wizard lying on the hospital bed.

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