I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 355 Solving the Trouble

Unscrewable bottle cap.

Being as smart as he was, he naturally figured it out right away. This was because his recent experience of being in a volcano and a snow-capped mountain caused part of the potion in the bottle to escape, the air pressure dropped, and the bottle 'sucked' the cap.

But what you understand is what you understand!

Disgrace is shame, these are two different things!

From the corner of his eye, he could already see that dead girl covering her mouth with both hands, her cheeks raised, but she was still pressing hard.

In this repetition, I finally made myself laugh

Depend on! ! !


Reciting the magic spell silently, Owen exploded the bottle in his hand.

Half of the potion splashed out, and the other half floated in the air.

They are controlled by a levitating spell.

"Damn girl, open your mouth!"

Not waiting for Owen's orders.

The sudden explosion caused the girl to subconsciously move her hands covering her mouth up and cover her eyes instead.


She screamed, opened her mouth slightly, and then the magic potion controlled by the curse came down naturally.

It was so fast that she didn't even taste it.

I felt a coldness sinking into my stomach, and then my head suddenly became a little sluggish. It didn't feel like sleepiness, but more like being in a daze.

And just when the girl's eyes lost their highlights, she stood there in a daze.

Owen had already extended his hand.

As if by magic, he threw the dragon crown on his head into the air.

Lift the backbone of the girl's destiny. The two of them jumped on the back of the silver dragon.

Sad! Hurry and turn into wings!

Scars! Become a compass now!

The soaring dragon took away the girl's cruel past for more than a month.

The howling wind filled her mouth and stung her eyes.

The girl opened them extremely wide.

The young man's hands nervously held the protruding bones on the dragon's back, his expression full of excitement.

With his back against Owen.

The empty underground warehouse of Ionia echoed with her excited screams.

In an unknown amount of time, Owen had no idea how deep he had gone into the underground warehouse.

In short, the way up must be long.

Of course - he could let Sirocco take them to apparate directly, but - just being cool!

Who wouldn't want to be a dragon knight one day?

A few minutes later, the two of them arrived at the entrance of the Ionia warehouse.

Landing smoothly, Owenti's eyes flashed with tears, and the little girl got off the dragon's back.

Riding a dragon is a rare experience.

Ninety percent of wizards have never experienced it.

When this legendary magical creature appears, all the girl's attention is attracted.

That excitement brought her strong positive emotions.

Even after landing, this emotion did not end.


At the entrance of the large warehouse, in the huge courtyard, the girl and her mother were covering their faces, squatting on the ground and crying.

The crying has become dry.

So the sound is not very loud.

But soon even this little dry sob was swallowed up by the louder sounds around him.

That was the wonderful sound made by the wind flowing through the dragon's body.

The sound was like a bagpipe, melodious and tragic, the cold wind that only belongs to the Scottish Highlands, playing in a vast wilderness.

In the wilderness, there is a castle.

Listen to the sound of the boat paddling, step over the steps, knock on the oak door, and a magical magical kingdom is slowly approaching.

Under the setting sun, goblins, goblins, elves, centaurs, weird wizards who can cast spells - they are friends who seem to be preparing to say goodbye and seem to be welcoming.

But whatever the purpose of this feast, it is only for one person.


You are the most precious.

The last note of the organ fell.

Castle in the Scottish Highlands (wind) violently prying women's hair and clothes.

She raised her head silently, a line of tears flowing down her cheeks.

The dazzling colorful halo in her pupils made it difficult for her to open her eyes.

However, the woman still suppressed her eyes widening.

She saw a huge dragon reflected in her gray pupils. The dragon had pearl-colored scales that reflected colorful light under the light, while its tail without light shining on it was a delicate silver color.

The blue eyes are like stars, shining like shooting stars, overflowing with brilliance.

For a moment, she looked a little stunned.

Her thoughts flashed back to her childhood, when her mother told her a magical castle and a story full of heroes in the afternoon sun.

Fantasy story.

Originally, she thought it was just a story like the magical kingdom behind the wardrobe or the legendary adventures in Middle-earth.

But when the dragon's breath lifted the broken hair on her forehead, she realized that the story was not necessarily false. It might lead to another world.

"Mom - Mom! Look, it's a dragon, a dragon!" The little girl with her feet on the ground was like a happy rabbit, jumping and running towards her mother.

There was no trace of pain or fear on her face.

This may have something to do with the tranquilizer that Owen fed her, but more importantly, it may have been brought to her by Bakar.

Owen also stepped on the ground again.

Bakar turned around, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his huge dragon eyes.

Think of it as a tool dragon again!

The giant dragon was very angry, and then its whole body emitted colorful lights and shrunk rapidly. It connected its tail and head, raised its head proudly, and turned into a 'silver crown' that fell on Owen's head.

Maybe - this is Bakar's silent revenge!

On the other side, the woman hugged her daughter.

Looking over her daughter's shoulder, she saw a man wearing a silver dragon crown, long silver hair, and a golden-brown robe. There was a complex emblem embroidered on his right chest. It was shaped like a shield with four animals in the middle, a lion. , eagle, badger and snake, surrounding a large letter "H".

The young man is like a prince who has never been born in this world.

When those emerald green eyes looked at her, her consciousness short-circuited for a moment.

Magic—oh my God! How wonderful that is.

Just like Narnia, fauns, beavers, dwarves, and dryads have never been there, but they will always live in the hometown of their hearts.

"Why are you here? Where is that stupid black-haired wizard?"

Owen asked.

When his voice reached the woman's ears, she suddenly woke up.

"I don't know. He left here with some people a few days ago."

She spoke intermittently, her head was like a barren page in a book, being blown by someone, and then she unconsciously began to tell what happened these days.

Sirius left with a dozen people and never came back.

He didn't have much food left.

Hopefully Irving can get them out of here and so on.


Hearing the woman's story, Owen felt doubts in his heart.

"So, this holy mist can actually shield the door key?" He thought to himself.

The three of them left this splendid building together.

Return to the square.

There were many people gathered in the square, and they seemed to be discussing something. When he appeared, everyone subconsciously took a step back.

Sure enough - Owen didn't see Sirius.

New discovery! New discovery!

He used the portkey to leave but could not come back. What does this mean?

This shows that Shengxiao only allows people inside to use this method to get out, but does not allow anyone to use the door key to get in.

What is the principle?

It erases the portkey's anchor?

But how is this done?

Suddenly, a great research interest arose in Owen's heart.

I don't know what happened, but since he started using the Portkey to do whatever he wanted, this magic has become a bit overused.

He would not be surprised at all if Voldemort one day broke into Hogwarts through a portkey.

In fact, the spell of the portkey is extremely simple, and the difference between a powerful wizard and an ordinary wizard is just a matter of failure.

The portkey spell cast by Dumbledore lasts for hundreds of years, but an ordinary wizard might last for a few days - or even just a few hours.

In order to prevent abuse, the Ministry of Magic has established a Portkey Office to control this magic.

But the reality is that there are still a large number of unapproved door keys circulating around the world.

But there is no doubt that there has never been a 'breaking spell' for this curse. As long as the anchor point is set, there is no place that the door key cannot go.

But now - the appearance of Sheng Xiao has broken this law. It's no wonder that Owen is excited.

We have to find a way to move that Holy Ghost back to Hogwarts!

There are also some functional buildings here, take them back and study them!

There are also books and magic items in the large underground warehouse in Ionia!

Wait - why do you want to move back? Just occupy this place and set up a branch.

Anyway, the original master of this city is dead.

How cool it is to have a city for nothing!

The more he thought about it, the more feasible it seemed to Owen, with a smile on his face.

The bustling crowd around him didn't speak, but just looked at him in horror.

After brainstorming is complete.

Owen coughed slightly and took out a clock from his pocket.

I found a random wall and embedded the clock in it.

Lines appeared, and in the blink of an eye, a door appeared.

"Get in line." He said calmly, and then opened the door.

His figure crossed space and leaped thousands of miles.

on the other side.

London suburbs.

In Owen's mansion, the door suddenly opened, and then a vague figure walked out.

There is no way - there are only four anchor points for the Clock Portal Key now, the safe houses in Hogwarts and Hogsmeade Village, the safe house in Nicoléme in Paris, and here, the Cottage in London.

The other three places above are impossible for Muggles to enter, mainly to prevent the location from being exposed.

His only destination is here.

"Yeah - sure enough."

After walking out of the door, Owen looked back.

Sure enough, I found that the front was full of white mist.

On the other side, looking from the city of Ionia towards London, one can see a clear view of the room environment.

This end has an extra layer of white mist.

He tried it, but couldn't get it through.

"Is this the power of the Holy Mist?" Owen took out the road stone. The next second, the mist dispersed, and the scenery of Ionia City instantly emerged.

"It's amazing."

With that said, Muggles entered his house in large numbers.

"Well, welcome to London!"

Owen said flatly.

The Muggles looked around curiously.

Through the window, across the lawn and woods in front.

In the distance, they vaguely saw a huge city. That city was really too big.

So far away, they could still see the lights in the city.

It's just getting bright here.

There is an hour time difference between Italy and the UK, coupled with the height of the city of Ionia, this causes the morning to come extra early.


"I'm finally back!"

Among this group of people, there are British people.

When he saw the city in the distance, he immediately burst into tears with excitement.

Although Owen didn't understand how he could tell that was London from an outline. But that didn't stop him from waving his wand to close all the doors to the room. Stop them from getting out of here.

He originally wanted to cast the Forgetting Curse alone and throw it into the big dye vat in London to let it die on its own.

But when I think about it, these people all disappeared in Italy. Their sudden appearance in London may attract the attention of Scotland Yard.

If MI5 (Military Intelligence Five) is provoked, his small villa will definitely be exposed.

Don't underestimate the capabilities of Muggles.

Even if the 'Muggle Expelling Curse' is cast around his villa, when Muggles get close to the place where the spell is cast, they will think of urgent matters and quickly stay away.

But after MI5 compared this group of Italian tourists, they could always figure out the approximate location of his villa from their movement trajectories. Then as long as they kept sending people to test, everyone would think of the urgent need when passing by his house. Shit, isn’t there just three hundred taels of silver left here?

Muggles are not stupid, on the contrary, they are terrifyingly smart.

Sooner or later they will discover the magical world.

Today the government simply has too little information on wizards. That's why he appears passive.

If there is a traitor who reveals all the information about the wizarding world to the government, and with countermeasures, the wizards will even be at a disadvantage. After all, Dumbledore can't stop him from neutering Hogwarts!

"Oh! Sir! Are you on summer vacation? You came home a week late."

The noise in the living room attracted the attention of Dobby, who was cleaning on the second floor.

He comes here every summer to work as a housekeeper. (work)

After the summer vacation, he will do what he wants to do. (get off work)

The happy boy who only works two months a year!

"Dobby!" Owen looked up and saw Dobby, dressed in punk clothing, standing at the top of the stairs, holding a broom that was at least three times his body, looking at the others warily.

"Wait-" He fumbled for a glass bottle from his pocket, then pointed the wand at his temple, picked it up with his finger, pulled out a piece of silver thread of memory, and put it into the bottle.

"Go and inform Principal Dumbledore and give this to him." Owen threw the glass bottle in his hand to Dobby.

"Prepare some toys for this little girl and don't let anyone hurt her."

He glanced around as a warning.

Dozens of people looked frightened. Although it was crowded, one by one they still made way.

That path leads to the front door that has become a portkey.

Owen held the stone and came to the door. He looked back and said, "Don't let them leave the room. As for what will happen next, it depends on the principal's arrangements."

he said softly.

Then he took a step forward and returned to the city of Ionia.


He took off the clock on the wall.

With the disappearing wooden door.

He finally left these troubles to others.

Turning around, he was about to go deeper under the large warehouse. He wanted to know what was behind that door.

But the moment he took a step forward, his expression froze.

He turned around and stared at the sea of ​​clouds on the horizon.

The sea of ​​clouds surged like rushing waves.

Because - Owen suddenly remembered that at this time, some idiot should be on the other side of the clouds, waiting for him to open the door.



Insert the keystone behind that door.

Inject magic again.

The door then slowly opened.

The moment they stepped through the door, they seemed to be walking through a curtain of water, and a faint feeling of moisture spread through their limbs.

"So, you stayed in my cousin's cabin for three or four days?"

"I didn't live in her cabin!"

"Oh! Aren't they all the same?" Owen spread his hands.

In front of the two of them, the precious marble floor disappeared.

Instead there was a dirt road and an endless train track.

There was no trace of the carriages on the tracks.

However, it can be guessed from the broken mountains around and the scattered stones on the railway tracks that fierce battles once took place here.

"Where did that group of people come from?" Owen and Sirius faced each other, heading deeper into the mountain along the railway track.

"Most of them are cruise ships caught in the Charybdis whirlpool in the Strait of Messina (the Strait of Sicily)."

"The Death Eaters captured a lot of people there," he said.

"Many people?" Owen smiled mockingly, "There are at least tens of thousands of people in the Bad Omen Legion. Not to mention whether there is such a thing as a failure rate for the kind of transformation in the square, a conservative estimate is that at least more than 10,000 people have been kidnapped. Walk."

"Such a large-scale massacre of Muggles has not happened for at least hundreds of years! Even for Senior Tom, he only killed a few hundred or more than a thousand people at most. Judging from the inferi in his cave .”

"The Ministry of Magic will find a way. They will find a way to cover this up." Although Sirius was also very angry, the thing had happened, and there had to be a solution.

In ancient times, this kind of dark wizard kidnapped a village or a town. There were only a few people who came back alive in the end. The Ministry of Magic usually dealt with it by erasing the memories of most of the surviving Muggles. . Then let it fend for itself.

Most of these people will become very forgetful in the future because of the powerful forgetting spell cast on Muggles, just like Neville. Neville's memory was erased by his uncle because he witnessed his parents being tortured. That's why you become forgetful.

In the past, such forgetful Muggles would eventually become marginalized people in Muggle society, the kind of people who would die in a corner of the city the next day without anyone mourning them.

As for compensation or ensuring that these poor people have a decent life.

Haha - just a bunch of muggles, the Ministry of Magic doesn't care at all.

"Damn! Do you think this was still three or four hundred years ago?" Owen was a little annoyed. "Just erase the memory and it's fine on a small scale. That's more than 10,000 people, and who knows if there are still people trapped in the maelstrom. Other Muggle cruises.

Dear Joan of Arc, it's almost the 21st century, okay? Can't a wizard open his eyes and see the world?

All Muggle travels are recorded at customs. Where they set off, where they disembarked, and how long the journey took are all traceable. Are you really fooling Muggles into thinking they are idiots?

Believe it or not, there are already at least ten satellites pointing at the Charybdis vortex over the Strait of Messina!

You are so arrogant! When others start to neutralize you, then start learning to respect them. "

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