I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 324 The conspiracy discovered

"Father, I didn't." The boy who was tied to the chair regained his composure, and his actor-level acting skills immediately possessed him.

He screamed, "I didn't, I swear, Father, I was innocent, I just happened to be there, don't send me back to the Dementors."

"The accusation also states," Mr. Crouch shouted, with a cold expression, "Frank Longbottom refused to provide information, so you used the Cruciatus Curse on his wife. You conspired to make the mysterious man come back, and you wanted to restore the time when he was powerful. That kind of violent life. Now I ask the jury to judge the four of them."

"Mother," the boy shouted, and the thin witch next to Crouch sobbed and shook her body back and forth, "Mother, stop him, mother, I didn't do those things, it wasn't me!!!"

His mother cried harder and kept wiping her tears with a handkerchief, but did not speak.

"Now I ask the jury," cried Mr. Crouch, "to raise your hands if you believe, as I do, that these crimes deserve a life sentence in Azkaban."

The wizards on the right side of the dungeon all raised their hands with cruel expressions of victory on their faces.

These eyes naturally fell on the eyes of the trio.

Suddenly Harry felt that the surroundings became a little cold.

He tightened his clothes tightly, and those eyes that were either cruel, excited, or gloating made him very disgusted, or in other words - fearful.

Everyone's eyes were like noisy words, constantly slandering him.

For no apparent reason, a fire suddenly rose in Harry's heart.

He wanted a spell to kill all these guys around him.

"No -" Harry's heart palpitated, but he came back to his senses in just a moment.

Wait - what happened to him.

This is just Dumbley's memory, his memory!

Harry admonished himself, then turned to look at Dumbledore as time passed.

The old principal did not raise his hand. He was one of the few wizards who didn't raise his hand.

He just watched calmly from beginning to end without saying anything.

"No mother, no it wasn't me, it wasn't me, I didn't know, don't send me there, stop him." Barty Crouch Jr. began to scream, echoing in the courtroom.

The dementor slowly walked in again, and the boy's three companions stood up from their chairs silently.

Bellatrix raised her head and shouted to Crouch, "Ha! One day the dark magic will come back. By then, he will know our loyalty, and you will all die!"

Barty Crouch Jr. struggled to escape the Dementors, even as their icy suction began to have an effect on him.

The audience jeered and some stood up.

"I am your son," he shouted to Crouch. "Your son!"

"You are not my son!" Crouch shouted, his eyes suddenly protruding outwards with a ferocious expression.

For the first time, he focused on Barty Crouch Jr. and shouted, "I don't have a son."

The skinny witch took a breath and slumped down on the stool.

She fainted, and Crouch didn't seem to notice.

"Take them away," he roared at the Dementors, spittle flying everywhere. "Take them away and let them rot there."

Little Barty was still struggling.

But it was no use, he was dragged down mercilessly by the dementors.

The moment he was taken out of the trial court, the surrounding scenery became blurry.

Then the trio's eyes suddenly rose, and a squeezing feeling from the water filled their cheeks.

Then, the three of them rolled out of the water like a somersault.

When he came to his senses again, he was already in the principal's office.

Everything became familiar.

Pensieve, cabinet, Sword of Gryffindor and...


"Professor!" The trio stood up quickly.

They just fell down.

"We didn't mean it." Hermione was the first to explain. As a well-known and good student at Hogwarts, she didn't want to destroy her perfect image in the heart of the professor, although that image was already broken.

"Oh! It's okay." Dumbledore had returned at this time.

He leaned on the cabinet next to the pensieve, staring at the water in the basin that was glowing with light.

"Curiosity is what keeps wizards going. That's nothing."

There was no trace of reproach in Dumbledore's voice.

"I think you should know, this pensieve!" Dumbledore said, sitting down again, "Sometimes I feel that there are too many thoughts and memories in my mind, and I need to use it to help sort them out. Pour the memories Go inside the basin and take a good look when you have time. You know, it is easier to see their shapes and the connections between them in this state."

Under the gaze of three people, he took out a glass bottle from his arms.

Then pour the silver liquid inside into the Pensieve.

The Elder Wand stirred, and gradually the water surface reflected the attack that had just occurred.

That was obviously Percy's memory.

Of course, this is not important. What is important is that for some reason, two Umbridges appeared in his memory.

Or two Barty Crouchs.

"What happened?" Ron's eyes widened, "Percy fainted?"

"I think not," Dumbledore said calmly.

"Why are there two Ministers of Magic?" Hermione also looked confused. She didn't see anyone in the woods just now.

"Yes, why?" Dumbledore took over, "This is the key to the matter. It is obvious that this is a conspiracy."

"Someone is pretending to be the Minister of Magic?" Harry also reacted, "Is this possible?"

He looked at Hermione aside.

He immediately came to a conclusion in his mind.


It is not difficult to pretend to be a person in the wizarding world. Owen also wears a female trumpet all day long to fool people around.

The Illusion Charm can do it.

And Hermione's Polyjuice Potion can do even better.

In addition, he also heard about something called the Metamorphomagus, which can also easily disguise itself as other people.

"Oh my God!" Ron exclaimed, "Barty Crouch is fake now. Where is he really? What do they want to do?"

"Well - what is certain is that the person we are seeing now is real." Dumbledore said flatly, his semicircular eyes flashing with insightful eyes.

"If someone wants to pretend to be Crouch, it must be the person closest to him. The disguise is long-term. That person must at least know Crouch very well. I think we can start the investigation from his subordinates or friends around him." Miss Granger said that she had experience in disguise after all, and drinking the Polyjuice Potion would not make everything okay.

The disguise without acting skills will be exposed in minutes, especially the Aurors.

It was normal for the young wizard not to know about Polyjuice Potion, but the Aurors knew it very well.

After all, during the war years, some people had come up with this trick, pretending to be other people and doing shameful things. Even if they were discovered, they could still blame others.

The Ministry of Magic has a whole range of solutions to such problems.

And Polyjuice Potion can only maintain its shape for an hour. As long as you have more patience, anyone can easily judge it.

Unless someone has a steady supply.

"It's a problem-solving idea."

"Do you suspect it's Barty Crouch Jr.?" Hermione continued, "But isn't he already dead?"

She looked at Ron.

Immediately, Ron immediately said, "Yes, many people have seen his body. And magic has a professional coroner. It is impossible for him to fake death through some drugs and then sneak out."

"Yes, yes, that's right."

Dumbledore frowned slightly and tapped the thoughts in the basin with the tip of his staff.

A human figure immediately rose from the basin. He was a boy of thirteen or fourteen years old. His skin was pale and covered with freckles.

He was a younger version of Barty Crouch Jr., with his legs still standing in the basin.

When he spoke, it was with an echo like Snape's, as if coming from the depths of the stone basin.

"Yes, Professor, I must get all twelve ordinary wizard level examination certificates. My father requires me to do it, so I want to apply for a time turner..." There was pride on his face, and his tone made the three People immediately think of Malfoy.

"He got twelve O.W.L.s?" Hermione, who was very sensitive to academic performance, immediately said. His eyes looked at the figure in the pensieve in disbelief.

"That's right." Dumbledore nodded, "He is a very smart boy and very polite. He has perfect scores in all courses and is the best graduate of Hogwarts after Tom. I originally thought he would work at the Ministry of Magic and inherit his father's legacy..."

"Wow! Another Owen!" Harry exclaimed.

His grades were pretty good, but the twelve O.W.L.s were still too difficult. First of all, Snape would never give him an excellent grade in the Potions class.

"Well - there are still some differences." Dumbledore blinked, "Barty Crouch Jr. can get twelve O.W.L.s because he is capable enough to get twelve O.W.L.s. Owen - yes Because there are only twelve O.W.L. exams.”

"." Harry shut his mouth!

Well - it seems that the world of academic masters is the same as theirs, divided into three levels!

Hearing the sound, Hermione felt an inexplicable sense of pride in her heart, but soon that pride turned into loneliness.

"Then Professor." Harry suddenly hesitated, "I just read the memory of the trial. He is different from the other three Death Eaters. Could it be that he really just appeared in that place by chance... (Lombard) De's family refers to the Death Eaters' torture of Neville's parents.)"

"What do you think?" Dumbledore looked at them.

"Me?" Harry was still hesitating, not sure if he was conquered by Barty Crouch Jr.'s acting skills just now.

"What about you?" He looked at Hermione again.

"I don't know if he is innocent." Hermione shook her head. Inexplicably, she felt that if Owen was here, he must know the truth of the matter.

"I don't think he is," Ron said loudly. "Even if he didn't torture Neville's parents, he must have done other bad things. Death Eaters all do that, so his punishment is very reasonable."

The three people gave different answers, but Dumbledore did not express his opinion.

The silver light in the pensieve illuminated Dumbledore's face, and he looked so old.

"I sometimes think that there is a big problem with our educational philosophy." Dumbledore said slowly. "Only teaching students magic, but not the principles of life, has led to the emergence of so many dark wizards. Especially For the students of Slytherin House, they are all excellent, but this also means that they are more tempted and must be guided carefully..."

Dumbledore is different from other professors. He cares about what his students are thinking. He has always been so.

Especially for those very talented wizards, he hopes to lead them to the right path. He considers this his responsibility.

But it's actually very difficult.

Even in the Muggle world, there are many examples of students going astray, let alone the wizarding world.

Black magic can really subtly change a person's personality.

That is to say, that guy Owen can release black magic as easily as eating and drinking without being affected by it at all.

Maybe it's because he is the leader of the Dark Lord, maybe because this is the heir's 'immunity'?

It seems that Dean Brigid is right, ancient magic is indeed innate.

There was a silence in the office, and silver memories were tumbling like ribbons in the dark water.

"Are you full? Do you need a sandwich?" After a while, Dumbledore suddenly said, "It won't be noon for another hour."

"Professor-" Harry raised his head and looked directly at Dumbledore.

His expression was a little hesitant, as if he had something to hide.

"What's wrong, Harry, do you have something to tell me?"

"Yes, Professor." Harry said, "My scar hurts again, and I dreamed about Voldemort again. He seemed to be in a high tower, with his servants."

"He gave an order to someone to arrest someone."

Harry spoke slowly. Dumbledore's face didn't show much movement. He just listened quietly.

"I think Death Eaters will definitely come to Hogwarts again," he said.

"Oh?" Dumbledore said calmly, "Did you see or hear anything?"

"No, no." Harry shook his head, "I just-"

"I just feel like they will come back, and I don't know why." His green eyes were full of confusion, as if a layer of smoke obscured his sight, "Professor, I. Why can I See these.”

"Sometimes I feel like I have become a different person, and some strange thoughts always pop up in my head for no reason."

Hearing the sound, Dumbledore looked at Harry carefully.

After a while, he slowly said, "I only have a guess, just a guess. It is not completely certain. I think that when Voldemort is close to you, or when he has a particularly strong desire for revenge, When the time comes, your scar will hurt because that failed spell connected you to him."

"This scar connects me to Voldemort?" Harry was startled.

"You should know that this is no ordinary scar," said Dumbledore.

In third grade, Dumbledore confirmed that Harry's scar contained Voldemort's soul.

As they destroyed more and more Horcruxes.

Ravenclaw's diadem, Slytherin's locket, and that notebook.

And he got news about another Horcrux.

It can be said that Dumbledore no longer puts all his thoughts on Voldemort.

What matters now is the alien god hidden in the dark side of the world.

Now he was worried about telling Harry the truth.

Tell him that you must be killed by Voldemort.

This made Dumbledore hesitate several times. He could no longer let another student lose his life in order to redeem a past mistake. He had been thinking about whether there was a way to have the best of both worlds, one that could protect Harry's soul but also A way to let Voldemort kill that part of his soul.

So far, he hasn't come up with any good ideas. Maybe that kid Owen will have some ideas, but——

"Professor, do you think that dream is real?" Harry continued to ask.

"It's possible," said Dumbledore. "It's possible, Harry, that he may be carrying out his evil plans somewhere around the corner."

"What do you think he wants?" Harry frowned and said, "Last year, Owen told me that Voldemort had received help from the evil alien god. He had already recovered his body, what else did he want? What else? Is he afraid of it?"

Suddenly Harry rolled his eyes and said, "Professor, Voldemort doesn't want to waste time with you!"

He suddenly remembered what Owen said many years ago.

What - to be a glorious waiting party

The general meaning is that Voldemort has achieved immortality and Dumbledore is over a hundred years old.

No matter how long the lifespan of a wizard is, it will only last two to three hundred years. If Voldemort finds another opportunity to poison Dumbledore or something.

He can wait until his biggest rival dies before making trouble.

"Oh!" Dumbledore suddenly looked at him curiously, his light blue eyes sparkling.

"Are you going to waste time with me?"

"Ahem - you are many years older than Voldemort." Harry rubbed his head and said tactfully, feeling a little embarrassed.

"No -" Dumbledore smiled slightly, "You don't know him. Tom is not the kind of patient person. Whatever he wants, he has to get it right away. Otherwise, he wouldn't have done it during the first Wizarding War. It’s going to fail so quickly, isn’t it?”

"But - what else does he want?" Ron interjected, "He is so strong. The Daily Prophet said he is the most powerful dark wizard in history. He has killed death, isn't it? ?"

"That's right." Dumbledore turned to look at Ron, a suspicious light flashed behind his semicircular glasses, "What else does he want?"

The old headmaster's eyes fell on Harry's face, or to be precise, his forehead, the scar.

Suddenly, it was like a shooting star passing through the dark night.

He understood something immediately.

Yes—what else could Tom have to worry about?

There are probably only two things in this world that he wants most right now. One is the magic of love in Harry, and the other should be ancient magic.

Suddenly Dumbledore looked at Hermione again.

The corners of his mouth rose involuntarily, and he finally understood why the Goblet of Fire spit out Miss Granger's name.

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