I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 320 Interception? It was the minister himself who killed him?

Dolores Jane Umbridge was promoted to Senior Undersecretary of Magic last year.

A disgusting pink toad.

Because no one wears a pink frilly coat in the middle of winter.

Except her.

If it weren't for the eye-catching color, Percy wouldn't have noticed there was anyone in the woods.

"I think you are becoming more and more addicted to this position now."

"You seem to have forgotten who you are working for!" Umbridge still had that sharp voice in her mouth, but her tone became colder.

This was different from her previous tone, and Umbridge's character was known to all the wizards in the Ministry of Magic who had come into contact with her.

A typical smiling tiger.

Even though Percy had only been around her a few times, he knew how disgusting this woman was.

She would not speak in such a cold tone. Maybe he had never seen Umbridge angry, but in the ministry, she always smiled while saying all kinds of righteous words. Then coerce you into doing something.

She always puts herself on the moral high ground.

"Shut up! I know what I'm doing." Another voice sounded. Different from the previous one, this voice was deeper. And he's a man.

"Then you'd better bring them here as soon as possible!"

"His patience is running out, and there's that boy!"

"I can't take two people away from Dumbledore at the same time!" The man's voice was a little irritable, "He no longer trusts me, he has seen some suspicions!"

"I need time to regain his trust!"

"Time?" Umbridge sneered. Although Percy didn't see her face, he could imagine that her saggy face was definitely trembling slightly. "You should be lucky that you still have time, because you can still bargain with me here!"

"Shut up, you are disgusting with this skin."

"Huh - maybe you should look for a mirror, I don't know, it turns out you're dressing up."

The two continued to face each other head on.

Percy, on the other hand, had the good sense not to continue listening.

The minister and the deputy minister are quarreling. As a subordinate, what should you do?

Of course, you can run as far as you can!

Are you going to join us as cannon fodder?

Therefore, although he couldn't quite understand what the two people were saying. But Percy turned around and walked away very wisely.

He tightened his steps and tried his best not to make any sound from his feet.

Then a little bit of regression.

He didn't stop until he returned to the path, and even deliberately continued walking in the direction of Hogsmeade.

Such a long distance.

Thinking about it, even if those two people saw him, they wouldn't think he heard anything.

Percy's current location has not yet left the confines of the castle.

In fact, Hogwarts covers a huge area. Outside the castle, you can go to Hagrid's hut, the edge of the Forbidden Forest, or walk through the entire Black Lake, part of the woods in front of the station, the Quidditch pitch, etc. Within the confines of the school.

Within this range, everyone will be suppressed by the ancient magic of Hogwarts Castle and cannot use Apparition. (Except the principal)

This is also the reason why the Ministry of Magic captured and killed many dark wizards during the Battle of Hogsmeade, because although they did not rush into the castle, they were already within the influence of ancient magic.

"What are you doing here?"

The sudden sound startled Percy.

He turned around quickly and saw the Minister of Magic, Barty Crouch, walking from Hogsmeade Village and just entered the main entrance of Hogwarts.

"Minister?" Percy's eyes widened, and he groaned as if something was stuck in his throat. Then he suddenly turned his head and looked towards the woods over there.

It was a vast expanse of white, with no pink in sight.

"Didn't you just-"

"Nothing?" Crouch frowned, and then said seriously, "Did I give you too much time off? The leisurely time made you dizzy!"

"Ho ho!" A toad followed beside the minister.

She first made a quick, short, strange sound, which attracted the attention of the two people around her.

Then he put on a fake smile with a loose face, stared at Percy with bulging eyes and said: "The Ministry of Magic is a little bit not cautious enough in some personnel appointments and dismissals. Why are young people nowadays so lazy? It seems that this is indeed the case." It is closely related to Dumbledore’s overly indulgent education.”

"No, no Mr. Crouch, I—"

"If not, then follow." Crouch said in a tone that left no room for doubt. Then he looked back at Umbridge.

There was a sneer in my heart.

This woman is quite capable and very cooperative in consolidating his power, but she is just too stupid.

They only know how to pander blindly but don’t understand politics at all.

Percy Weasley entered the Department of Magical Law Enforcement directly after graduating from Hogwarts.

What is that place?

In the subordinate Auror Command, the director, Rufus Scrimgeour, is a fool, and the deputy director, Kingsley, is Dumbledore's man through and through.

Almost all the Aurors headed by Moody maintained a good relationship with Dumbledore, and most of them were even his people.

Amelia Bones, Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, is even worse. She almost wears the same trousers as Dumbledore.

And that Scamander, the war hero.

Haha - although Dumbledore is not the Minister of Magic, half of the Ministry of Magic obeys his instructions.

When Amelia Bones recommended this Weasley to be his assistant, he didn't hesitate at all and directly agreed to this exaggerated and extreme promotion.

One intention is to balance the forces of all parties and release a glimmer of goodwill to Dumbledore.

On the other hand, he also had to place some of his people around Dumbledore.

And this young, red-haired boy who is ambitious for power is the best candidate.

These are things that idiot Umbridge cannot see.

After thinking about it, Mr. Crouch did not continue speaking, but walked directly along the path towards Hogwarts.

"Yes sir." Percy was full of doubts, but couldn't express himself. He could only follow closely.

On the way, Umbridge paid special attention to Percy.

This young child, who had just graduated from Hogwarts less than a year ago, was now an assistant to the minister. This speed of promotion made her a little afraid.

For her, if such a person cannot be brought under her command, she can only strangle him in the cradle.

"The Americans are very aggressive this time." She said in a sweet and greasy voice behind Mr. Crouch, "If you ask me, something big did happen at Hogwarts this time. Two students fought, and even It got to the point where they killed each other.

This is Dumbledore's fault. "

"Hmm -" Crouch didn't express any opinion, just snorted softly.

"He has gathered a large number of people in private, Mr. Minister, and he is not willing to listen to your orders."

"What do you want to say?" At this time, Crouch turned to look at her.

What greeted him was Umbridge's signature greasy smirk, "I think he should be punished appropriately."

She didn't say anything to directly fire Dumbledore.

Because of the goblin thing, the current Minister of Magic needs Dumbledore.

"You have to let him see clearly that you are the Minister of Magic and he is not."

"Then what kind of punishment do you think should be given?" Crouch frowned and spoke. Umbridge's words were exactly what he was thinking in his heart. Dumbledore has become worse and worse since the Battle of Hogwarts Village. He was acting 'arrogant and surly', as if Hogwarts was some kind of lawless place, not under the control of the British Ministry of Magic.

Nowadays, many of the things he does are no longer informed to him, nor do they tell him the purpose.

Even some messages are no longer notified synchronously.

How presumptuous!

Although he was wary of Dumbledore's influence, he was the Minister of Magic no matter what.

Indeed - it's time to give him a punishment.

"Since we still need him, then-" Umbridge rolled her eyes, then raised the corners of her mouth, revealing a sinister look, "let him serve as the deputy principal. Regarding the candidate for the principal of Hogwarts, we learned from the Ministry of Magic If we send someone here, I believe we have so many capable people with lofty ideals, and with the cooperation from the ministry, we will be much better than him alone!"

She smiled "hehe", her expression stiff as a weathered sculpture.

And listened to Umbridge's advice.

Crouch did not immediately express his attitude. As a veteran politician, he is much smarter than Fudge.

Theoretically, the Ministry of Magic has no right to participate in the operation of Hogwarts. Whether it is the principal or closing the school, etc., these are all the responsibility of the school board members led by the Twelve Wizards.

The board of directors of the Twelve Wizards is composed of a group of pure-blood wizarding families, such as the Malfoy family, the Smith family, etc.

The Ministry of Magic does not have the right to ask them to make decisions, but he may use some influence to win over them.

Plus recent events.

With the help of others, Umbridge's plan can be said to have a high success rate.

But - to be honest, he didn't want to break up with Dumbledore right now.

After all, Dumbledore is still the 'greatest white wizard', and only that idiot Fudge will keep pressing forward. If he wants to break with Dumbledore, he must be prepared in advance, and his methods must be like thunder. , and defeated Dumbledore completely in one fell swoop.

And come up with a proper and complete plan to deal with the current predicament, so that he can succeed.

Instead of simply pushing Dumbledore away, you would be foolishly facing those problems alone, and finally get tripped up by the problems and fall to pieces. Let the general public see your incompetence, and then meet Dumbledore again. Think of him as a savior.

Isn't this stupid?

Crouch is certainly not that kind of fool.

Umbridge was right in saying that he should take a stand with Dumbledore, but not now.

But Percy, who was listening to the conversation between the two, felt panicked in his heart.

What did he hear?

Mr. Crouch wants to replace Dumbledore?

"The principal has done so much for the school." He said urgently.

Hogwarts without Dumbledore was breached by Voldemort last year.

This is the truth.

"He was the greatest headmaster in the history of Hogwarts. He—"

"Shut up." Umbridge on the side said sternly, the smiley expression on her face made people feel ferocious, "Pay attention to your current status, kid."

"But-" Percy still wanted to defend, but someone didn't give him a chance.

Almost at the moment he spoke, a fatal curse flew from the woods on both sides without any warning.

And his target is the Minister of Magic Barty Crouch.


Percy waved his wand subconsciously, and the magic barrier of silver water waves squeezed out of the air, and then collided with the dark green light, emitting bright fireworks.

Almost instinctive (Bad habits left over from school.)

The moment he resisted the opponent's spell, he waved the spell and threw out a ruthless cutting spell, which hit a big tree in the distance.

The trunk was cut straight in half.

"Yo, not bad, really good."

Suddenly two wizards rushed out of the forest. They were dressed in black robes, with pointed hoods, and iron masks on their faces. The masks were full of snake-like patterns, with only a thin slit at the mouth.

"Death Eaters?" As an old man in the war years.

Both Barty Crouch and Umbridge recognize the costumes of these two people.

"I didn't expect that Hogwarts doesn't all produce waste now, and there are people like you."

The speaker was a woman.

With a playful and crazy tone.

That voice was very iconic and made people feel familiar.

On the other side, the silent Death Eater was not so 'polite'. He directly raised his hand and cast the killing curse.

The death light shines on the snow, and its green glow is particularly terrifying, as if the god of death is whispering.

Then after a second's pause, the killing curse headed straight towards Barty Crouch.


Mr. Crouch's reaction was not slow. He waved his wand and grabbed the dead wood on the ground to resist the killing curse. He ducked sideways and counterattacked a petrifying curse.

Sawdust flew and made a terrifying sound.

In an instant, the dead wood was torn into pieces by the killing curse.

"Idiot, are you going to kill him?" The woman's voice sounded low. She seemed to be very angry about the killing curse just now.

"Shut up, I have discretion!" The man easily resisted the petrification spell, and then reprimanded him in the same tone.

As he spoke, he ignored the ridicule of his companions and raised his wand upwards. A rising pillar of fire ignited from the tip of the wand, which was five feet high. With a blazing temperature, it shot toward the three areas in front of him like lava. People splashed over.

This is not beyond the confines of Hogwarts.

No one can disapparate.

"Ultimate protection!"

"Iron armor protection!"

Percy and Mr. Crouch flashed their wands at the same time.

The defensive spell was put up almost immediately.

"Fight back! Fight back!" Percy screamed, and he was shouting at Umbridge.

But the other party seemed to be dumbfounded, standing there blankly, the short nine-inch wand in his hand completely turned into a decoration.

She didn't hear Percy at all.

"What are you staring at!" He yelled again. Eyes can spit fire.

Yes, there was indeed fire in his eyes, and the shadow of the lava was in his eyes.

"fight back!"

The sound is louder than ever!

And then, Umbridge came back to her senses.

"Shut up! I'm the deputy minister, it's not your turn to order me!" She raised her wand stiffly and shouted hysterically, "Now, I order you to block them, block them.

Otherwise you will be tried by the Ministry of Magic! "

Her screams and barks made Percy want to turn around and punch the pig in the head.

Did she forget that the minister was right next to her?

But soon, someone came to help him.

It was the Death Eater woman, and she cast several spells, targeting Umbridge.

And what about Umbridge?

He just barely resisted the first attack.

Then he was knocked away by the next series of magic spells.

The huge power of the spell enveloped her, causing her to slide in the snow for a long time!

Finally, he hit a rock, tilted his head, and fainted.

"Fuck!" Percy yelled!

Even he couldn't help but say: What a fucking waste.

As a 'Gryffindor senior' who had experienced the House War for two years in school, he had experienced countless battles.

Although it was only between young wizards, sometimes he would personally lead the team to fight back.

Although he is a bit stubborn, he is also angry.

Umbridge's performance just now was worse than that of the third and fourth grade wizards at Hogwarts!

But fortunately, this kind of pig teammates affecting one's own performance did not last.

Because that's when the Death Eater woman was about to attack them next.

The real fourth-year Hogwarts wizard has arrived!

"Soul Torrent——"


Miss Granger charged up her magic, then jumped up suddenly, relying on the terrain, and the thick magic power poured down like a water column.

At that time, the female Death Eater was about to cast a spell to deal with Percy and the others. Miss Granger's sneak attack did not allow her to cast a spell to resist, so she could only dodge sideways, but everything was too fast.

The magic power, like a water column, was like a sharp sword passing through her left arm.

A corner of the black robe was torn open, and a dark, burnt wound appeared on his sickly white left arm, and the wound was still oozing blood.

"Damn-" the woman yelled.

And Miss Granger's spell is far from over.

Then another group of dark blue light came, and she urgently cast the Iron Armor Curse. But when the two magic spells collided with each other, they made a strange "tearing" corrosive sound, and her iron armor spell was getting darker and darker.

"Corrosion spell?"

The witch is in disbelief?

The Corrosion Curse is one of the black magic spells. It is one of the few spells that can break through the defense of the Iron Armor Curse. This curse has taken away the limbs of countless wizards during the war years. Because of its curse effect, the corroded body limbs cannot Grow back again.

Therefore, it is listed as one of the most evil black arts by the Ministry of Magic.

And now, she could actually see it in a little witch who was in the third and fourth years of Hogwarts.

"Hermione?" Percy was overjoyed.

He suddenly remembered that when he had just left the castle, Hermione and Harry had followed him out.

She must have come out to get some air, and happened upon the attack.

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