I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 312 The Second Game

However, it is meaningless to worry about the strength of the enemy at the moment.

The top priority is to find a way to heal himself from the spellcasting principles of ancient magic given by Dean Brigid.

He finally understood why Dean Brigid said that wizards who became anchors would go crazy and lose their mind.

Just these whispers and nightmares.

Not many people can bear the mental torture alone, not to mention that such torture may last a lifetime.

Death is not the end.

Because the owner of the tangled illusion is the outer god, once the soul dies and enters the tangled illusion, it will be a shame.

If you don't want to become meat, you really have to fight hard.

Thinking about it, Owen couldn't help but rub his forehead. He had obviously slept all day, but his fatigue seemed to have only been relieved a little.

He still felt tired, but not as much.

"Are you okay?" Justin finally saw that something was wrong with Owen.

He has always been full of energy and has never been so sluggish as he is now.

Even during the time when he was studying alchemy, he was not as haggard as he is today after staying up all night.

Besides, he had just gotten up.

"What are you celebrating?" Owen didn't explain much.

There are some things said that do nothing but add to their troubles.

"Cedric," Ernie said, "You don't know it yet, but he won. Just now, he passed the second level for the second time."

"Really?" Owen said with some confusion. It seemed that Professor Sprout should have helped him.

Then, he said nothing more and walked out of the dormitory.

Outside, the Hufflepuff common room was indeed full of people. Little wizards in brown bow ties were holding banners and cheering. Among the crowd was the handsome 'vampire' boy - Cedric.

His cheeks were flushed and he looked very excited.

The little wizards' praise for him did not make him forgetful. When Owen appeared on the stairs, he greeted him warmly.

"Hi, Owen, Professor Sprout has cultivated some new and magical plants. You should really go and see them."

"Really?" Owen nodded towards him.

"By the way, congratulations." He said.

"Professor helped." Cedric smiled shyly. He knew that his strength was not worth mentioning in front of Owen, so he did not show any pride.

But it's also possible that he's used to being humble.

As a Hufflepuff, Cedric's perfect character symbolizes the spirit of Badger House, as he never turns his back on the good of the house.

"Those levels can't be passed simply with the help of professors." Owen said, "You should be proud of yourself."

"Okay, you guys celebrate, I have something to do." Owen's voice was mixed with a hint of exhaustion.

He walked through the hustle and bustle and got into the oak barrel.

"Maybe you should rest for a while, Owen." At this time, Cedric's voice came from behind him: "Don't be too tired."

He said with firm eyes, "You look very tired."

"Yeah." After saying that, Owen's figure disappeared into the oak barrel.

Watching his leaving figure.

Cedric couldn't help but feel worried in his heart.

When he went to see Professor Sprout today, he met the professor discussing things with Professor McGonagall. He heard something and knew that the school seemed to be experiencing some kind of crisis.

He didn't know exactly what it was.

But in the evening Justin told him that the third-year Gryffindor witch named Ginny Weasley had been attacked.

Very few people in the castle knew about it, but it happened that a third-year Hufflepuff wizard was hospitalized that day because his finger was bitten by a certain biting cabbage. He saw it with his own eyes.

Now, he saw Owen's sluggish look again, which confirmed his idea.

The school was indeed being attacked, and Owen definitely knew, even being a participant, that he always did.

Cedric sighed slightly towards the oak barrel. All the little wizards in Hufflepuff couldn't figure out why Owen was sorted into Hufflepuff by the Sorting Hat, but he knew it.

That's because everyone underestimates their Hufflepuffs, even the little wizards in their own academy sometimes underestimate themselves.

They don't do rankings of top students.

Don't brag about it.

Other colleges require students to fight. If you don't get good grades, even the professor won't be able to remember your name. (Professor Slughorn only wants to make friends with outstanding students, and Ron, who is not so outstanding, is always called by the wrong name.)

But at Hufflepuff, you'll never be prejudiced.

As long as you eat well, sleep well, study well and live well, Professor Sprout will be happy.

Even if you go out to fight and make a mistake, the dean will only verbally abuse you. When the matter is over, she will secretly give you a box of coconut ice cream.

So, what kind of students does Hufflepuff cultivate?

Professor Dumbledore once said, "Hufflepuffs don't crave power or fame, they just do the right thing."

Hufflepuff will never betray kindness.

And Owen, although what he did seemed absurd, arrogant and evil, he never did anything wrong. He protected the school, trained the young wizards, and fought the Death Eaters. He gradually drifted away on the right path, and gradually... Most of the little wizards couldn't see his back clearly.

Maybe this is his unique kindness.

Cedric thought so, especially just now, for some reason, when he said the word rest.

You will taste the bitterness of loneliness in the wind.

————On the other side, Owen took heavy steps. Went up the stairs and came to the auditorium.

At a glance, behind the rostrum, the second torch was indeed burning.

The flames of the Hogwarts school flag shine brightly.

There were smiles on the faces of all the young Hogwarts wizards in the Great Hall.

They celebrated lively, talking and laughing.

In between words, they would inexplicably sneer at Ilvermorny. Now they hate this little wizard in the school more than Slytherin.

You can even see the Slytherin wizards showing excited expressions as well.

What's more exciting than a dastardly thief being defeated?

But while they were happy, the Gryffindors couldn't help but feel doubtful.

Where is Miss Granger going?

She is the first to solve the mystery.

Why haven't you passed the level yet?

"Where's Hermione?" After Owen found a place to sit down, Harry and the Geminis immediately gathered over.

"I haven't seen her all day," Harry continued.

"It couldn't have been a sneak attack by the wizards of Ilvermorny," George said.

"They don't have the guts to do that," Fred said.

"She's fine." Just as a few people were chattering incessantly, Owen's slightly tired voice immediately sounded, "I added some demulcent and dreamless sleeping potion to her dinner last night."

He said expressionlessly, "You shouldn't be awake at this time."

"Fuck." Harry cursed, then looked at Owen in shock, "You are really cruel."

"It's because Madam Pomfrey said yesterday that Hermione often stayed up late, so you..." George and Fred had a look of realization on their faces, "No wonder she was so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes before walking to Gryffindor Tower last night. , I thought she was tired after going through so many things!"

"But you"

This was nothing to the Geminis who often sneaked in the little wizard to test new prank tools. They were surprised that Owen only put some Dreamless Sleep Potion.

Too cowardly.

"What if Hermione knew about this?" Harry interjected with lingering fear.

"You know it if you know it. I plan to always keep these two potions in the future and give her a little at dinner every day. If this continues for a period of time, she will probably be able to develop a good habit of going to bed early and getting up late."

"Uh." Harry twitched the corners of his mouth, not commenting on Owen's plan.

Owen saw the dissatisfaction on Harry's face.

Maybe Snape often used potions to scare them.

After all, he had warned Harry more than once to add something to his dinner, maybe veritaserum, maybe some other poison, so that he could test Harry's level of preparation of the antidote. .

This method of first poisoning a student and then letting him brew the antidote is indeed very evil. It's no wonder that Harry is very resistant to his treatment.

"Harry, have you seen Miss Granger today?" Owen asked while eating hot chicken legs.

"Didn't I just say that? I haven't seen her all day." Harry said with some dissatisfaction.

"So, it seems that my treatment plan is very effective, doesn't it?"

Owen suddenly smiled, and then showed a triumphant expression.

"But the dose still needs to be controlled. I probably took too much last night." He took another bite of the chicken leg and said slurredly, "Sleeping too much is not good for your health."


The three of them were speechless for a while.

However, this wonderful atmosphere did not last long, because soon they heard the furious voice of a little witch.

"Owen Sanchez."

She came like a hurricane.

He rushed over blankly, ready to give Owen a preview of domestic violence.

But the boy took his time and grabbed another chicken leg. "I think my treatment plan is still very effective."

He said, “I just didn’t grasp the dosage of the medicine when I took it for the first time.”

"With a few more visits, I'll find the perfect dose."

"???" The little witch was so angry that she was speechless.

She walked around the other end of the long table and sat next to Harry.

Because she doesn't want to wake up tomorrow night!

It's already dinner.

"It seems that Miss Granger doesn't like my treatment plan very much." Owen raised his eyebrows and continued, "You can also choose the second plan."

"What?" The witch put away her fist, then stared at him fiercely and said, give me a reason not to blow your dog's head off.

"I have finished packing up the house in Hogsmeade Village. I will ask Dobby to go to Diagon Alley to help buy some furniture in two days, and then we can move in!"

"." Hermione blushed slightly, then glanced away. Very good, this was a reason she couldn't refute.

“I particularly like the second treatment aspect.”

"I don't like it!" Hermione said loudly, blushing.

On the side, Harry looked dryly at Owen and Hermione who were fighting in front of him.

Maybe there was something wrong with his taste buds, why did the originally sweet pumpkin porridge in his mouth suddenly lose its taste.

He was inexplicably envious.

Whenever he can be with.

Suddenly, for some reason, a red-haired girl popped into Harry's head.

This made him panic instantly, and his eyes looked around him warily.


There must have been too much going on in the Weasley household lately, and he had to deal with redheads every day - yes - that must have been the case.

"Ahem." Harry, who was a little flustered, coughed twice and then said to divert his attention. "By the way, Hermione, when are you going to break through?"

"Me?" After rolling her eyes at Owen to show that he had a good idea, Hermione turned her head and said, "Tonight."

"Uh-you're planning to stay up late again," Owen said.

"It's not all your fault!" Hermione replied angrily, "I wasted a whole day."


Hermione was stunned.

"Take it!" Owen said again.

He handed Hermione the chicken drumstick on his silver platter.


"Eat quickly. After you finish eating, you can go and challenge. You can finish the game in a few dozen minutes. There is no such thing as staying up late."


Hermione refused.

She would never eat anything he offered her again.

Who knows what condiments he might add to it.

However, she may have underestimated Owen's tricks and was "kindly fed" by him.

Miss Granger, who had a look of disgust on her face, was still fed two bowls of sticky pumpkin porridge, a piece of meat pie, and a chicken drumstick.

If he hadn't thought about her running away later, he would have definitely poured down another bowl.

It was a pleasure to feed Miss Granger.

Especially because she was reluctant and stubborn, but had to open her mouth to drink the porridge, which gave people a wonderful sense of accomplishment.

As the food was eaten, her cheeks became rosy again. After being hungry all day, it was normal for her to be a little sallow.

At this time, Owen put down the silver bowl with great satisfaction.

She is too thin.

Years of staying up late and strain have made Hermione much thinner than in the original novel. She may not be called skinny, but she is definitely malnourished.

That is to say, everyone wears thick clothes in winter, and you can't notice it without careful observation, but if it is summer, your thin body has nowhere to hide.

Well - raising fat Miss Granger is also a long-term plan.

Elsewhere, Harry wanted to run away when Owen fed Hermione his first bite of pumpkin porridge.

He was just stopped by Owen.

Then I was forced to eat dog food for twenty minutes.

After Owen handed over the bowl and spoon, Harry finally breathed a sigh of relief.


But before he could get up and leave, he was pulled back by Owen.

"What do you want?"

"Follow me-" As he said that, he pulled Harry and Hermione and ran to the girls' bathroom on the third floor.

Next to the familiar sink.

Owen put his arm around Harry's neck, pointed at the snake pattern on the faucet and said, "Talk to it."

"Huh?" Harry, who was confused, had questions all over his head.

"Snake whisper, just open the door."

"Oh." Harry nodded, although he didn't understand why Owen asked him to do this.

But his basic trust in Owen still made Harry make an immediate decision.

He stared blankly at the snake pattern, trying hard to imagine it as a living snake.

It was not easy, and Harry spent a lot of effort until Owen used Transfiguration to conjure a viper before he entered a certain state.

Then he slowly made a hissing sound from his mouth.

The next second, the dragon's head emits a dazzling white light and begins to spin rapidly. The pool also moved. It slowly rose into the air and then disappeared from the sight of the three people. A very thick water pipe was exposed at the bottom.

The water pipe is five or six feet wide (originally it was not that wide, but was expanded during competition) and can accommodate several people getting in at the same time.

In fact, it didn't look like a water pipe at all. It looked more like a slide. The surface was very smooth and even shiny.

"Here," Hermione said nervously, "does this count as cheating?"

"Not really." Harry and Owen said in unison.

"If I directly gave you the map of the next level inside, that would be called cheating."


"Here you go." As he said that, he took out a horn with a soft rubber tail that would produce sound when pressed.

"Press it and it will speak snake language." Alchemy prop.

You can't carry Harry Potter with you through the game, right?

He handed the trumpet directly to Hermione, and before the little witch could say anything to refuse, he half-pushed her down.

"Come back soon!" Owen's voice echoed in the water pipe, cheerful, as if Hermione was going shopping.

"Owen—" Harry looked at him resentfully from the side.

Why did you call him here when you have such a thing! ! !

"Why are you looking at me?" Owen glanced at Harry, then coughed dryly, "Do you understand the sense of participation? The sense of participation!"

"If Harry Potter didn't open the Chamber of Secrets by speaking in Parselto, it would always feel like something was missing."


Is your cat sick?

Harry roared crazily in his heart, but his face showed worry. He said, "There won't be any danger down there! It looks so dark and narrow."

He looked at the dark hole. It didn't look like it could be easily broken through while shopping.

"There won't be any danger down there!"

"No." Owen waved his hand and said confidently, "It's just some small surprises that will make Hagrid heartbroken. Don't worry, it's normal."

"???" Harry's face suddenly turned pale. Hagrid! ! !

Something that could break his heart? What kind of monster must that be?

"There won't be any sphinx in there," Harry guessed shakily.

"How could it be - it's just a Chimera or something." Owen said half-jokingly.

".You are worse than a sphinx!"

"Don't worry, they are just scattered magical little beasts. They are not dangerous at all."

"Every magical beast selected has been certified by Professor Victor. He is a professional. You don't have to believe Hagrid, but you have to believe Professor Victor." Owen patted Harry on the shoulder and said solemnly .

"But..." Harry wanted to retort.

But before he could continue to speak, the sound of flushing the toilet suddenly came from the bathroom.

The two subconsciously turned their heads to look.

From a certain compartment in the middle, a woman's head slowly stretched out. She said in a disgusting and regretful tone: "Hehehe - the strong man from Durmstrang almost lost his life. Hey - just a few inches away and he can stay with me."

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