I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 303 The traitor in the castle

Invading a person's memory is a serious crime.

Theoretically, only an Inquisition authorized by the Ministry of Magic can cast a Legilimency spell on a person, but since probing memories cannot be evidence-based, no one has ever been sentenced for this matter alone, although it is prohibited by law.

Most of the Death Eaters were also imprisoned in Azkaban for other crimes and multiple crimes.

As for a spell like this that is close to the Unforgivable Curse, Miss Granger has naturally never tried it. She only knew about such a spell from the library's collection of books. Today is the first time she has seen someone cast this spell. Come.

To be honest, the impression was not good, which was in line with her psychological expectations. She could probably guess from Koyatel's body lying on the ground, still convulsing, that invading a person's memory must be accompanied by tremendous pain. .

She could be silent and watch Owen kill those evil wizards, but when he tortured others, she couldn't help but want to speak out. Even if the sound is no match for the cold wind outside.

Thinking about it, Hermione slowly raised her head, like a window with a bed curtain opened. Through the window, you can clearly see that a good soul is being whipped, and the person who is whipping is reflected on the window.

The next moment, water mist appeared on the window sill, and a soft, delicate voice sounded, "You--we just have suspicions. We can't judge whether she is good or bad based on mere guesses."

"That's why I want to check her memory." Owen replied stubbornly.

"Then what's the difference between this and beating someone into submission? If you can casually invade other people's memories based on suspicion, then the police-cha, if you don't like someone, take him back and give him a good beating to make him admit to crimes that are not his. Is that okay too?”

"I think you are changing the concept. The magical world is not the Muggle world. At least after Legilimency, I can 100% confirm whether she is really guilty." Owen argued stubbornly.

When he saw fog on the window sill, he instinctively wanted to reach out and wipe it away.

She just avoided it.

"This is a principle!!!" Miss Granger stared at him with tired, bloodshot, but resolute eyes, "Never give up on principles, because we are sliding into darkness faster than we can imagine."

She said loudly, almost using up all her life's energy.

Then, she took out her wand, cast a levitating spell on Coatl, then hugged her and walked out of the bathroom tiredly.

"Tick-tock--" is the sound of water drops falling on the ground.

I don’t know which compartment it came from.

The silence was broken, and the girl's voice finally came: "Owen——" She called his name for the last time before stepping out of the bathroom.

"You can do better."

After saying that, the door was pushed open and she walked straight out.

Owen fell silent.

He stood there, frowning slightly.

And Ron was also watching Hermione leave.

He stood there blankly, his eyes full of complicated emotions.

Owen didn't say anything, but just walked past him.


That morning, Owen was invited to the principal's office by Dumbledore.

The old principal criticized him again. Said he shouldn't act rashly or something.

But he didn't take any of this seriously. After he handed Koyatel's blood to the old principal, he walked out of the principal's office in disgrace.

He didn't really follow the lessons all morning.

At noon, Irving came to the auditorium late at night, looking dejected and defeated.

He just took time to go to the school medical room. Miss Granger began to lose her temper with him again.

Face him without saying a word.

In the end, he had no choice but to leave first.

When Owen approached, he found that the Gryffindor table was engulfed in a strange atmosphere.

Harry sat on one side of Ron, and on the other side were Justin and George.

It can be inferred from the ugly faces of several people that they just experienced a lot of verbal quarrels.

Harry was quite embarrassed to be caught in the middle. On one side was his good brother, and on the other were many classmates from school. And just in the morning, his good brother acted as a 'traitor' and told important information about the second game. Warriors from other schools.

He admitted this matter personally. When Professor McGonagall rushed to the school nurse's room in a hurry and asked why he and Koyatel appeared in the bathroom on the third floor, Ron said bluntly that he had told the entrance to the game. Coatl.

At this moment, the professors and young wizards (injured) who were watching in the school medical room exploded instantly.

You must know that the second game is about wisdom. The challenge of the secret room is not high. Compared with the first game, the second game is relatively easy. The difficulty is that you have to find the entrance.

And the competition ends one week after January 24th. If the Warriors fail to find the entrance at the deadline, the second game will be directly lost.

Theoretically, from the end of the first game, the second game begins.

The sooner you find the secret room, clear several challenges in the pipes, and get the information about the third game (the underwater map), the higher your score will be.

If it was the first game, even if Ron told others the news, it would not have much impact. After all, the first game was about the Warriors' live performance, but the second time was about the order. His treasonous behavior would Directly affects the Warriors' ranking.

In one morning, just one morning, news spread throughout Hogwarts about Ron's collaboration with the enemy and selling out the school.

Although he is young and frivolous! This Coatl may still be his first love, but there must be a standard of right and wrong.

You casually told the secret of the bathroom to Coatl, who is also a warrior. Is this fair to Miss Granger? How long she spent investigating.

Moreover, maybe he said more.

Now there are names like ‘Traitor Weasley’, ‘Red-haired Villain’ and ‘Hogwarts Worm’ in the castle.

No need to guess, this must be the creative work of some Slytherins.

By the time Owen passed through the long table, there were already many young wizards on both sides, with a large badge on their chest.

Whenever a Gryffindor passes in front of them, these people will press their hands hard on their chests, and then the Hogwarts school emblem on the badge will suddenly disappear, and then another line of words will appear, shining green. :

——Ron Smelly Shit

When the writing appears, the wizards who wear it will laugh wildly, especially the Slytherins, their weird laughter is quite loud, and almost every one of them has such a badge.

As more and more people came to the auditorium for dinner at noon, it suddenly seemed that everyone except the little wizard from Gryffindor was wearing such a badge.

They seemed to have Gryffindor surrounded. The crowd all pressed their badges, and in a daze, the dazzling words - Ron Smelly Shit - flashed everywhere around the little lion.

Seeing this, countless young Gryffindor wizards felt blood rush to his face and neck. But when they want to get up and fight with the Slytherins, they are too embarrassed to confront someone because of something they did. In the end, they could only vent their anger on Ron.

"Damn traitor!"

"Yes, originally we were sure of victory because Hermione was here."

"I really feel bad for Hermione. She has been in the library for the past week, searching for information day and night, and finally found some clues. But she was betrayed before she even got started."

"Yes, betraying friends is just like that Peter Pettigrew! Oh! He is an illegal Animagus. According to people, he seems to be a mouse. Look - doesn't a certain traitor like his mouse the most?"

"Sure enough, the stench is the same."

As the whispers around them got worse and worse, finally, the Weasley twins couldn't stand it anymore.

The two of them stood up suddenly and rushed towards Ron. They pushed him to the ground and raised their hands to beat her.

Harry quickly pulled George away, but Fred's fist hit Ron directly in the face.

"Look at what you've done!" he roared, his eyes blazing.

Angelina also came over quickly and grabbed Fred.

"It has completely embarrassed our family." He broke away from Angelina's hand, still yelling and kicking Ron relentlessly.

Harry was anxious. He grabbed George with all his strength, turned his head, and asked the little wizard closest to him for help. And that person happened to be Irving and Justin.

A distraught Owen met Harry's eyes. Immediately he said: "What are you looking at me for?"

"Oh, you're trying to break up the fight, right?"

As he said that, he put his fist against his mouth and coughed a few times, "Ahem - stop, you stop, stop hitting, stop hitting, you can't kill someone like this!"

After that, he took out a long sword from his pocket.

The sword was very long. Owen held it with both hands. He slowly pulled out the sword from small to large and threw it on the ground.

"Bang!" The sound of metal hitting marble was clear and loud.

He waved his hand and said, "Use this!"

"Don't be polite to me!"

"If you break it, it's mine."

Fortunately, after repairing the ancient magic puppets, they kept one of their great swords, otherwise they would really have no weapons at hand.

At the scene, the little wizards were frightened by the ten-foot-long sword. The twins forgot to wave their fists in astonishment.

Just when they were lost in thought, there was a sudden commotion in front of the auditorium door.

Several people looked around and saw Miss Granger walking over.

Of course she also saw the badges on the chests of many Slytherins.

"Want one, Granger?" Pansy suddenly said loudly on the Slytherin table. Surrounded by a group of Slytherin girls, she stood up, raised the badge on her chest high and said, "I have a lot of them."

"Haha. Very funny," Hermione said sarcastically to Pansy Parkinson and the Slytherin girls, who laughed harder than anyone else. "What a wit. Slytherins use all their cleverness." Are you on this?"

Hermione ignored them, those badges only made her feel childish.

The little witch walked straight to the Gryffindor table.

As soon as they sat down, George and Fred said in unison, "I'm sorry."


"It doesn't matter, the puzzle is not completely solved, she just knows the location." Hermione said nonchalantly, and then looked at Owen.

The key to the secret chamber is Parseltongue, and no one knows this.

"Is she awake?" Looking at Miss Granger, Owen spoke.

"Wake up." Hermione said as she sat on the bench. Her body was full of the smell of refreshment, the kind of fruity refreshment that he had improved and is now sold by Gemini. "After sleeping all morning, Madam Pomfrey just poured a large bottle of potion into her, and then she woke up."


Afterwards, the two of them started talking in a nonchalant manner.

This is a good start after all, isn't it?

Miss Granger did not address him directly.

But most of the other little wizards on the long table were like eggplants beaten by frost, with their heads lowered and eating lunch indifferently like lonely ghosts. Grant, who was originally the most noisy person in Hogwarts, Fendo, now fell into a kind of silence.

It was as quiet as if he might die at any moment.

"It's not bad, Ginny is missing."

A burst of hurried footsteps and panicked shouts broke the damn tranquility.

"What!" After a moment, the Gemini and Ron stood up, "Ginny is missing?"

The person coming was Colin. He ran over in a panic. When he got closer, he stammered out of breath and said, "I've been looking for her all morning. She didn't go to class. Professor McGonagall was furious. She said no one has ever missed her class."

Colin, who finally recovered after breathing for a long time, stopped speaking intermittently, "I asked her roommates, and they said that Ginny didn't go back to the dormitory last night."

"Damn it!"

As soon as Colin finished speaking, Ron rushed out immediately.

Hermione screamed, and then wanted to run to stop her, but Owen, who had quick eyes and quick hands, grabbed her arm and kept her from walking away.

"Let him go." Owen said coldly, "If he can't see the true face of that woman, he will still be played around by others."

The twins were anxious and wanted to leave the auditorium. However, they were stopped by Owen.

"I remember that I reminded Ron yesterday that Ginny seemed to be in the alchemy workshop in Hogsmeade at that time?"

"That's right!" George and Fred's eyes were wandering, and their thoughts had already flown out of the auditorium.

"Then she should have been kidnapped in Hogsmeade." Owen frowned, "No, Harry told me yesterday that Sirius and the others had strengthened the defense of Hogsmeade. How could they Taking Ginny away under the noses of the professors?"

"Yes." Harry said quickly, "Sirius, Moody, and several Aurors. Even Professor Lupin is also in Hogsmeade, as well as Ludo Bagman, Tonks and the others. Discuss security issues for the second game.”

"Ludo Bagman? What is he doing there?" As the director of the Sports Department of the Ministry of Magic, this kind of matter can be left to the secretary. Look at Barty Crouch, he has not taken care of it at all in the past few months. Regarding the competition, Percy was all busy.

When did he love work so much?

"I don't know, but I saw him and Sirius discussing something. Later I asked, and Sirius said that Ludo was asking him to borrow money." Harry continued.

Several people stood up quickly and divided into two groups. Hermione went to tell the professor about this, while the Geminis were pinned to the school by him and were not allowed to go anywhere. He didn't want to lose the watermelon and pick up the sesame seeds, although it might not matter. use.

As for the others, they went to Hogsmeade Village under his leadership.

Along the way, Harry continued, "Sirius said that Ludo Bagman was addicted to gambling. Although he was once a famous batsman for the Wimbourne Hornets and is now a senior official of the Ministry of Magic, in fact There was no money at all, he lost all his money gambling.”

"The most recent one was the World Cup. He bought the Bulgarian team to win, but lost and lost everything. Debt collectors blocked his home, and he didn't dare to leave the Ministry of Magic at all."

"Oh - that seems to be the case." Owen suddenly remembered that in the original book, George and Fred also bet on him, and the Irish team they bet on won. After the game, Ludo Bagman directly Disappeared, saying nothing about paying the bonus, and even refused to pay back the capital of Gemini, because at that time he was already penniless.

However, this time due to the change in the timeline, Sirius regained his reputation, and they went directly to the Black family's private room. This time, they did not meet Ludo Bagman at all, so the twins did not meet him, and they successfully saved their lives. Possessions.

"Wait!" Suddenly, Owen seemed to remember something.

"Who does he owe money to?"

"Oh! I don't know about that. Anyway, I owe a lot."

"I didn't ask you." Owen touched his chin, "I was talking to myself."

Although he has read the original work, too much time has passed. It has been almost several decades in total. How could he remember such a small thing clearly?

"I remember, I seem to remember."

Owen kept thinking about it, and suddenly, a flash of inspiration came to him, and the past memories came flooding back. Then he froze, and his expression suddenly changed.


"Damn it, it's a goblin!"

In the next second, the pace of several people accelerated a bit.

They ran quickly from the ridge towards Hogsmeade Village. The snow outside the window was fast and heavy, whistling and slapping their faces. The flying snowflakes have a hypnotic effect, and widening your eyes will only make people confused.

But the blizzard blocked their vision, and they could only see within a dozen (three to four meters) feet.

They have to keep their eyes open.

After a while, the vaguely visible houses in the distance slowly emerged. As they got closer and closer, the houses gradually became clearer.

"The Hog's Head Bar, they're usually in the Hog's Head Bar!"

Harry shouted loudly, fearing that his voice would be obscured by the wind and snow.

Owen understood.

Hog's Head Bar?

He was very familiar with Dumbledore's brother's shop.

In the last battle of Hogsmeade, the Auror headquarters was also the shop that was most severely damaged in the battle. It was full of dark magic, but Aberforth did not apply for a new residence, but slowly lived alone. , it took more than a month to clean up the traces of black magic, and then built the bar again.

Turning around and crossing a dark path, the street lights on both sides of the road were bright. Due to the heavy snowfall, these street lights were not extinguished and instead guided passers-by.

Soon, they arrived at the old housing area.

Far away, there was a dilapidated hut that looked like it might collapse at any moment, with a tattered wooden sign hanging on a rusty bracket on the door.

It is as conspicuous as a beacon in the dark night. Since the shop was relocated, this is the only house that still has people living in it on this small road.

Soon enough, Harry and the others, led directly by Owen, rushed in.

As soon as I entered the door, there was a strong smell of mutton that almost smoked them out.

However, Owen still resisted the smell he hated most, covering his nose with one hand, taking out his wand with the other hand, and looking around.

Unlike the customers at the Three Broomsticks Bar, the Pig Head Bar has many customers who cover their faces tightly, and there are not many customers, so the environment is relatively quiet. At this moment, Owen and his men suddenly broke in, disturbing their leisure time. , everyone looked at him with evil eyes.

"Hi - is it you?" Sirius, Moody, and Professor Lupine were sitting on the chairs next to the bar, holding firewhiskey and talking about something.

In front of them was an old man who looked eccentric, tall and thin, with long gray hair and beard.

"We don't buy alcohol for minors here." As expected, Ludo Bagman was sitting next to Professor Lupin. He didn't order a drink, probably because he had no money, and he just sat there to apologize for his laughter.

"I'm not here to buy wine." Owen smiled coldly.

Then, Harry on the side pointed at Ludo Bagman and shouted, "Catch him! He is the goblin spy!"

The next moment, before the joking smile on the face of a certain wizard with constricted pupils disappeared, his whole body shook violently, and the space began to distort.

"He's going to Disapparate!"

Behind Owen, someone shouted something, and the next moment the wand in his hand cast a purple spell.

On the other side, Moody's hand speed was faster. Almost the next second after Harry finished speaking, he slammed the wooden staff in his hand to the ground, and the same purple curse whizzed past.

The two magic spells directly hit Ludo Bagman, who was already twisting the space.


Ludo Bagman, who was hit by two anti-Apparition spells, was forced out of the space. It was like squeezing out toothpaste and spitting him out.

As for him, he was pushed hard onto the bar counter by the reverse force of space. With the sound of countless glass bottles being smashed, he fell behind the counter.

Aberforth disarmed Ludo Bagman with a spell, and Sirius rushed over and captured him.

Several people blocked him at the counter, Sirius's wand was pressed against his head, his eyes filled with venom.

"We are friends, right?" Ludo Bagman shouted. He was breathing heavily, his chest was rising and falling rapidly, and he had a flattering smile on his face. "I didn't do anything!"

"Where's Ginny!" Harry rushed over, also holding up his wand, staring fiercely at the gray-faced man, who was wet with wine and had his hands raised with a smile on his face. "Where did you take her?"

"What's wrong?" Moody squeezed over, and he really did it subconsciously just now. He had faced this situation of suddenly disapparating and trying to escape too many times. Casting the anti-disapparation spell had almost become a muscle memory in him, but for Ludo Bagman, he had no idea of ​​his culpability.

And he knew Ludo Bagman very well.

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