I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 295 The dance is in progress

As more and more little wizards gathered in front of the auditorium, Professor McGonagall's voice rang out, "Warriors, please come here!"

Then, the other little wizards entered first, followed by the warriors and their dance partners. The professor asked them to line up in twos and follow her.

They filed in and headed towards a large round table at the front of the auditorium where the referees were seated. People applauded enthusiastically.

The walls of the auditorium were covered with glittering silver frost, and the ceiling was a starry night sky, hung with hundreds of garlands of mistletoe sprigs and ivy. The four academy tables were gone, replaced by a hundred small tables lit with lanterns, with about ten people sitting at each table.

The warriors went straight to the front of the guest of honor seat. Dumbledore was sitting in the middle, looking at them with a bad expression.

Owen guessed - it must have nothing to do with the Christmas gift he gave today.

The other three principals had different expressions.

Professor Eulali was stunned for a moment when she saw Koyatel and Ron entering the venue side by side, and then a smile appeared on her face.

Beside her, Madame Maxime took off her usual black satin uniform and wore a flowing lilac gown. Her expression also looked excited, but she was not looking at them, but looking at the door of the auditorium, as if waiting for someone to enter. Owen thought it must not be Hagrid.

As for his grandmother, Wenda, she wasn't paying any attention to the dance. She was still wearing the dark green robe and looked like she had just arrived at Hogwarts in a hurry.

She was not at the guest of honor seat either, but stood to one side talking to a few strange wizards.

A few weeks ago, Owen had learned that his grandfather would leave the castle before Christmas. Otherwise, how could he send the "Correspondence" to Dumbledore this Christmas?

Well - just rub salt into the wound.

Ludo Bagman was wearing a bright purple robe tonight with big yellow stars printed on it, and he clapped his hands as enthusiastically as his classmates.

Beside him, Mr. Crouch was absent, and in the fifth seat at the table sat Percy Weasley.

He didn't look good at all.

The dark circles under his eyes were so heavy that he felt like he was going to die suddenly in the next second. When he saw Owen looking at him, Percy suddenly became alert. Then he took out a pocket watch from his chest, pointed at it, and nodded towards himself.

"What is he doing?" Hermione asked curiously.

"That means - find time to talk." Owen explained.

At this time, many floor tiles suddenly rose up behind the guest of honor table, and they were higher than Dumbledore and the others. The principal and guests smiled and retreated to the sides.

The attention of the little wizards was attracted.

Many chairs suddenly appeared on the raised floor tiles, and then a group of little wizards wearing Hogwarts school uniforms walked in from the side door. They were holding various music, headed by our beloved Francis Professor Levy.

"Wingardim Leviosa!"

The wand in the professor's hand gently clicked on the floating floor tiles, and they stabilized immediately.

The little wizards in the orchestra took their seats one by one, and the professor stood in front of them in a tuxedo, with his hands raised high.

From the first note down.

The mistletoe on the ceiling petals sprouts new shoots at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The magnificent, melodious and melodious symphony seemed to slowly push away the clouds, and then suddenly erupted with a rainbow-like momentum, like a violent wind sweeping the earth. The rhythm suddenly accelerated in the middle, and a strong sense of urgency rushed over.

On the violin, the notes danced fast, and the tuba sounded bursts. Owen could even vaguely hear the whistle of the train, driving lonely and mysteriously into the distance on a night of heavy rain.

"It sounds really nice." Miss Granger looked at the little wizards performing the music at the guest table and said, "What's its name?"

"Hedwig Variations," Owen whispered.

In addition to being a dueling master, our Professor Flitwick's other great hobby is classical music.

Every year at the Halloween and Christmas dinners, his Hogwarts orchestra plays a variety of numbers.

Some are works by European classic masters, and some are composed by himself.

Yes, Professor Flitwick is also a musician.

——I just don’t know if he can play cotton.

"Hedwig?" Hermione was stunned. Of course she knew that was the name of Harry's owl.

"That's right, Hedwig," Owen said calmly.

After the song ended, Professor Flitwick didn't even take an intermission and continued to wave the magic spell.

The next song comes on.

After twelve consecutive minutes, the professor's solo dance came to an end.

"Bah bang bang!"

Warm applause broke out in the auditorium, and Dumbledore clapped his hands while inviting the guests to return to their seats.

By this time, the table was already covered with plates.

There was just no food on the shiny golden plates, but a small menu was placed in front of everyone. Hermione picked up her menu uncertainly and looked around - there was no waiter. Dumbledore looked at his menu carefully, and then said very clearly to his plate: "Pork chop!" The pork chop appeared immediately. Others at the table suddenly understood and followed suit, ordering their own favorite foods on their plates.

"Humph - the elf's work has doubled again." She said a little unhappy.

"Indeed." Owen agreed. "They obviously have a better way. It can only be said that they are used to being served by others, and they have never thought of other ways. They don't have that kind of consciousness in their heads."

In fact, to achieve such a magical phenomenon, only a small transfer magic is needed.

It's not something very difficult.

Hermione was a little reluctant to eat the food on the plate. She puffed her face angrily with a gloomy expression.

Owen didn't say much, he just picked up the knife and fork and started eating. Since the food has been prepared, there is no reason to waste it. For Hufflepuff, there is only delicious food and magical animals.

The other little wizards also ate happily. Although Professor Flitwick's music was very nice, everyone was starving after taking so long to eat.

And Hermione, after struggling for three or four minutes, she finally chose to give in to this dark oppression in frustration. She understood that things in the castle had to be done step by step, even if she starved herself to death, she was used to the superior wizard. Nor will they realize their mistakes.

"Huh~" She breathed softly, then reservedly, holding her own knife and fork, she began to eat from Owen's plate.

In her words, if you want to trouble others, don't bother so much. Just one dinner plate for two of them.

——Gradually, the atmosphere in the auditorium suddenly became warm, and everyone was chatting happily.

Directly across from them at the table, Hagrid was waving to everyone. He just came in from outside.

He put on that ugly fuzzy brown suit again and looked terrible.

Then, they saw Hagrid quickly turn his attention to the guest of honor.

There, Madame Maxime waved to Hagrid, her opal drink glistening in the candlelight.

The topic naturally shifted to Hagrid, Madame Maxime, and Beauxbatons.

Gabrielle told everyone how Beauxbatons spends Christmas, "At this time of year, our auditorium is filled with ice sculptures of different shapes. They will not melt and look like huge diamond statues. The auditorium was sparkling. By the way, there was also a choir of woodland nymphs, who serenaded us while we were eating, and—"

After more than half an hour, when everything was finished, Dumbledore stood up and asked his classmates to stand up as well.

With a wave of his wand, the tables flew to the wall, leaving an empty space in the middle.

He conjured up a high stage, attached to the right wall, with a drum set, several guitars, a lute, a cello and several organs on it.

At this time, the Weird Sisters rushed onto the stage together, and the audience burst into thunderous applause.

They all had very thick hair and wore black robes that were deliberately torn and torn.

They picked up their respective instruments, and everyone watched them with interest, almost forgetting what they were going to do next.

This is the most famous band in the wizarding world.

Influence covers the entire Europe.

Of course, compared to Muggle bands, the music they composed was only average. Compared to famous bands, such as the most famous legendary band in the UK, the Beatles, they were simply inferior.

However, this level is enough to deal with wizards.

Just then the lanterns at the other tables were extinguished, and the five warriors and their partners stood up.

"It's time to dance!" Everyone is looking forward to it. This is the highlight of the dance.

Miss Granger looked extremely nervous.

She held Owen's hand, a little at a loss.

At this time, it's time for the boys to perform.

You have to take the initiative. It would be embarrassing if you were more nervous than the girls.

He took Hermione's restless hand and walked onto the brightly lit dance floor. He held her waist with his other hand and began to guide her to dance gently.

At this time the music started playing, it was a lyrical tune.

This is to warm up the little wizards.

The two swayed their bodies to the music. They were a little unfamiliar at first, with only basic footwork, but soon they became more and more proficient.

It was as if a tacit understanding had been found.

As the tune gradually became more exciting, the two seemed to be elves in the music. Their simple and graceful dance movements and passionate emotions made people unable to take their eyes away.

Their coordination is impeccable, the piano and the harp sing in perfect harmony.

The dance steps are poetic and picturesque, and every turn and every pitch is as smooth and natural as a carefully designed dance movement.

The figure looks so eye-catching in this light and shadow. So much so that it affects other warriors.

Owen's eyes were locked on Hermione's body, as if he was admiring his own work of art.

Hermione, on the other hand, smiled shyly but happily, as if she had been completely immersed in the sweetness of this love and couldn't extricate herself.

Of course, the two people's dance moves didn't have many tricks. After all, they only studied for a few hours, and Professor McGonagall was not a professional dance teacher, so she only knew so many moves.

So they actually just 'walked' back and forth on the dance floor following a certain set of dance steps.

Among the five warriors, Furong and the others are the ones with the best dancing skills.

That elegant figure makes people wonder if Beauxbatons has dance classes.

Cedric and Qiu are also good at dancing, and it looks like they have been practicing secretly.

Krum was completely distracted, but his partner was enthusiastic and generally seemed okay.

As for Ron

oh! All we can say is that he and Miss Granger easily finished second to last in this dance competition.

But what they win is the sincerity of their feelings.

Among the five pairs of people, they seemed to be the only ones who felt the warmest.

Although the youthful and beautiful dancing posture was not stunning in their eyes, it had a sense of returning to nature. This feeling was particularly strong when there were only one couple among the five pairs of warriors present.

Every movement they make seems to be telling a beautiful story, which makes people moved.

As the music came to an end, Owen and Hermione's dance gradually subsided. They stood in the center of the auditorium, hugging each other tightly, as if enjoying this beautiful moment.

Their eyes met and they spoke their hearts out.

The next second, the music of the Weird Sisters changed its tone, which was like a signal. The warrior dance officially ended, and then many teams of little wizards around them joined in.

Neville and Hannah were dancing nearby—the two moved their bodies slowly, exuding plain beauty.

Harry was dancing with Luna - his dancing could be said to be at the level of performance art. If the girl next to her wasn't Luna, any one of them would have run away in shame.

Owen even felt that it was better for Harry to stand still and wave his hand than to twist his butt that couldn't keep up with the rhythm!

Fortunately, Sirius was not in the auditorium tonight, otherwise his godson would really be pissed to death.

That piece of shit Justin is actually the best dancer among the little wizards. His dancing level even surpasses that of Fleur.

It vaguely reached a certain level of professionalism, which shattered Owen's filter of judging people by appearance. He had to guess that this guy who would go to Eton College if he didn't come to Hogwarts might really be a British aristocrat.

He won't be in the flag bar!

Old London square flag? Did your ancestor enter the Pass with William the Conqueror?

In addition to the little wizard, the professors also joined in.

Dumbledore was waltzing with Madame Maxime. Compared with her, he was a dwarf, and the top of his pointed hat just touched her chin. However, for such a big woman, her dance steps are quite elegant.

Mad-Eye Moody is dancing awkwardly with Professor Sinistra. Thanks to Victor's prosthetic body, Professor Sinistra doesn't have to nervously avoid his prosthetic legs. Because that leg was more flexible than his other intact one.

But when there are more people, their focus is no longer on the Warriors.

Owen and Hermione cuddled together, making no unnecessary movements, just simply spinning around in circles.

The girl was too close, and the tip of his nose was filled with her good smell, which must have been the smell of softener. Miss Granger had a very good figure. She usually wore robes, even if she wore a thin gown in summer, she couldn't tell. But today was different. The delicate skirt clung to her waist. When his hand touched it, the girl would visibly tremble.

She is too shy.

They buried their faces completely in Owen's arms, not daring to look around at all, even if no one was looking at them at this time.

He seemed to be holding a doll.

"You're so beautiful," Owen confided against her ear.

Suddenly, there was a wave of heat in her ears. Suddenly, Miss Granger's cheeks turned redder, her buried head slightly raised, her eyes full of friendship.

It was just Owen's words that suddenly reminded Hermione of something. Something Harry had told her.

Then she suddenly raised the corners of her mouth slightly and said in a lazy and shy tone, "You are also very 'beautiful'."

Her eyes were shining, and there was an unstoppable smile on her face.


Of course Owen knew what she was thinking of.

I feel like this will make her laugh for the rest of her life.

Heaven can see that it's not his fault that he looks like this. This face is a precious legacy left to him by his mother.

"I think you should be described as handsome."

"Actually, it's not bad." Hermione looked at him blankly, "I don't think you look like a 'girl'," she said.

"I don't know what those boys are thinking about."

"Miss Granger!" he shouted suddenly.

Hermione didn't wait for a reaction.

She only felt that she saw the boy in front of her suddenly getting closer.

Then his lips were kissed.


It was an aggressive kiss, different from the gentle one last time.

Hermione felt as if her heart had risen to her throat.

Jumping and banging.

She was confused, yet obsessed with it.

Then the enthusiastic response began.

The two of them kissed for an unknown amount of time until the music in their ears slowly stopped. They quickly separated.

"Huh~" Taking a deep breath, Owen smiled slightly and looked at Hermione teasingly.

I need to teach Miss Granger a hard lesson and show her what it means to be a real man.

As for Hermione, she was dazed by the kiss. After it was over, the first thing she did was look around to see if anyone had noticed them.

Fortunately, they were seen.

But not much.

However, there are not a few people who are as bold as them at the dance. When men and women stick together, there will always be sparks of desire.

Because she saw some couples leaving the dance hall holding hands and going into the garden outside.

Miss Granger's confused eyes naturally fell on Owen's eyes.

He also wants to leave here as soon as possible and find a place where no one is around

But before that, you have to take a break, right?

Silently surrounded by several pairs of blazing eyes, the two people left the dance floor and sat on a seat nearby.

"What do you want to drink?" Owen asked the girl next to him.

"Fruit juice!" She lowered her head.

"No problem. I'll get it!" Owen responded, and then took two glasses of butterbeer from the table with drinks not far away.

This is a toffee-flavored beer with a sweet taste. It is the only alcoholic drink allowed to be consumed by underage wizards at Hogwarts.

The degree is very low, and most young wizards won't get drunk even after a few drinks. Unless you add some seasoning to it

Harry commented on it as not being drunk at all.

Maybe he drank Vernon's wine bar secretly at home.

Looking at Owen coming back with two glasses of butterbeer, Hermione instantly understood what he meant.

The mood that had just calmed down became restless again.

Everything was going in the direction that Owen liked to see, until Harry and Luna, Justin and Susan danced away happily.

"Hi! Have you seen Ron?" As Ron's good brother, Harry opened his mouth and read out his favorite name.

Humph - if you two don't get married, it will be difficult to end it!

Owen thought secretly.

"Well -" He looked around, and then saw Ron and Koyatel sitting in a remote chair not far from them.

It seemed that since the Warriors dance ended, the two of them had exited the dance floor.

And the two of them weren't really dancing just now, they were just holding hands and 'walking around', and Ron was the one being walked around.

"Zi Zhen!"

What a sin! Not only Owen, but also Harry, Justin, and even the girls on the side all gave him sympathetic looks. He was really miserable.

He seemed quite restrained. He neither dared to leave nor invited Coatl to continue dancing.

Just sitting there dryly. Like a poor kid in kindergarten waiting for his parents to take him home.

And when he noticed Harry Owen's eyes, he immediately sent them Morse code - eyes, and Harry decoded it: Save me - quick!

All Owen concluded was, "Dad! Help me!"

"Are we?" Miss Granger burst out with kindness and seemed to have some intention to get some of her useless son.

But before she could even take a step forward, someone stopped her. As Ron Weasley, the destined only male protagonist, Harry took the lead and grabbed Hermione's wrist.

Then he sat down on a chair nearby and asked Ou with a smile on his face: "How long do you think he can last?"

"As old as time goes by!" Owen said.

"I also think so."

"Hahaha——" Say it! The two immediately burst into hearty laughter.

Aren't good brothers just for cheating?

Harry even felt a little secretly happy!

If your good brother is also looking for a girl behind your back, then you will have no psychological pressure to trick him.

Speaking of which, that Coatl is really interesting.

Owen glanced at them both.

She was the kind of person who had her purpose written all over her face. She just wanted to get close to Ron. Or the Weasleys, but she herself was not at all reluctant.

Someone should have asked her to do this.

So that's what happened. She was tired of Ron's invitations to dance, but would not allow him to leave or invite other girls.

It's all about torture.

As for Ron - in fact, if the two people really fought, he wouldn't be afraid. Although he would definitely not be able to defeat Koyatel, after four years of torture by Owen, there would always be no problem in escaping.

But the problem is that they don't fight with him at all. Whenever he wants to leave, Koyatel will look at him with a scrutinizing look, which makes Ron shout that he is really nothing - there are obviously people around him. Such a beautiful girl is here, but he just wants to escape. He is simply not human.

After two minutes of despising myself.

He would have the idea of ​​​​escape again, and then he would look at Koyatel again, and then despise himself again, and the cycle continued endlessly.

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