I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 193 In critical moments, horse people’s treatment methods

"Oh my god!!!"


Watching, the centaurs looked at the ice sculpture that was gradually forming with fear.

His eyes were filled with shock and horror.

Is this the magic that humans can master?

There is no magic here, it is simply a miracle.

Besides, the foal in front of me is still so young - is he fifteen years old?

A question arises in the minds of all the centaurs.

If even such a little pony has such strength. So how powerful are those top human wizards, the legendary Dumbledore?

Isn't he just like the legendary Zeus? King of the gods?

Suddenly, a sense of absurdity spread in their hearts.

Is what we originally insisted on a joke?

In the face of absolute power, what can you do even if you know your destiny?

Do we have the strength to change?

They marvel, they suffer, they are like bound lambs.

Until—on the ground, the boy suddenly fell.

It fell down like a stubborn stone stirring up dust.

It leaves no time to think.


A girl's shrill scream came from the forest.

It was hard to believe that that elf-like girl could show such violent emotions.

She looked at everything in front of her with tears in her eyes, in disbelief.

But, that’s what happened.

Just boy, after a few acres of terrifying ice.

He fell down stunned.

Her mood collapsed instantly.

"Owen!!" Hagrid also came out of his daze.

He wasn't just panicking about whether Owen was hurt.

What frightened him even more was the broken icicle.


The icicles all over the sky reflect countless spots of light.

Then countless monsters roared one after another.

The dark tide surged wildly, and the dead broke out of the frozen earth.

Hysteria attacks all living creatures.


"That is--"

Then a louder roar came.

The centaur on the high wall points to the sky.

I saw a giant silver-white dragon rising into the sky, soaring straight into the sky with an unstoppable momentum.

Its figure flew higher and higher, and grew larger and larger. It only took a few seconds to go from the size of a palm to dozens of feet.

The whole body is like a pearl, reflecting the light.

Against the backdrop of the night, the silver dragon looked like the moon, particularly conspicuous.

It is more crystal clear and gorgeous than the stars.

Then there was another dragon roar: "Roar!"

Flames poured down like a waterfall, like the Milky Way flowing backwards, and the sky was reflected as if it was on fire.

Flames like lava sprinkled on the earth.

Several acres of land instantly went up in flames.


The sounds of collapse and disintegration began to echo in the forest.

Those dark evil creatures were instantly burned by the flames and lost their bodies.

Then, it was reorganized in the flames, and then disintegrated again.

Hagrid stood there, looking at the dragon flying in the sky in shock.

He looks like a hero, and he can stir up tornadoes by waving his wings.

The wind assisted the fire, and the flames burned more violently in an instant.

Even though he was very far away from the fiery red, he could still feel the waves of heat constantly hitting his face.

"Oh my God! That's--that's Bakar."

Hagrid felt that he might never forget the shocking sight in front of him in his lifetime.

A corner of the sky seemed to be torn open, the dark clouds were instantly pierced, and then flames from outside the territory poured down. The apocalyptic scene was like a big hand holding his heart, making it difficult for him to breathe.

"Look! Those monsters, they are scared." A sharp-eyed centaur noticed.

Blocked by magma-like flames in front of them, the group of dead people finally stopped making unnecessary attacks, because there were still living people on the other side of the forest.

Then, a large number of dark creatures began to change direction and flooded into the forest again.

It comes as quickly as it goes, and disappears in the blink of an eye.

————Up to this moment, Hagrid had not yet broken free from the shock.

He didn't react until the giant dragon in the sky shrank again, waving its wings and landing on Owen who was lying on the ground.

Then he ran over with long strides.

Bakar landed on Owen's shoulders.

Touching his neck affectionately, as if trying to wake up its owner.

But the boy didn't respond no matter what he did.

If it had been so naughty in the past, Owen would have grabbed the back of its head and thrown it out.


Hagrid rushed over and picked up Owen.

The child in his arms looked horribly pale.

The blood from the tip of his nose continued to flow out.

The whole person's body temperature is abnormally hot.

His forehead was covered with fine sweat.

"He——" Luna hugged Sirocco and rushed to Hagrid.

She took the head up to Hagrid's waist and looked directly at Owen in his arms.

"We must go back to the castle," Hagrid said.

"The magic is out of control in his body, which is very dangerous."

As an expert on magical creatures.

Hagrid could easily see how bad Owen's health was at this time.

This kind of out-of-control magic riot usually only occurs in young wizards who are six, seven or eight years old, and they all suffer from severe physical and mental torture before such a situation occurs.

And the next step.

This condition can evolve into what is known as a disease.


Parasitized by the power of darkness, he becomes an obscurant who can lose control at any time.

Hagrid couldn't understand why such a fourteen-year-old wizard could still lose control of his magic, but the reality was that if he didn't intervene, it would be inevitable for Owen to become an Obscurial, and the situation might even get worse.

For example, the magic power is directly out of control and death comes.


After hearing the sound, Luna did not answer.

Her silver eyes stared at Owen heartbrokenly.

There was determination in the eyes that raised the mist slightly.

Being a true Ravenclaw.

She has even more intelligence than Hermione.

For time travel, the speed she can accept and understand is far beyond Owen's imagination.

If they are really in the past and completing a great adventure, then this adventure must have ended in the future.

And her past self had not seen Owen in the castle, or in other words, the professors did not act like they had met Owen.

You know, although the four major deans all criticized Irving.

But it is undeniable that both Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick and Professor Spratt all admit that Owen is the best student they have ever taught.

If something unexpected happened to Irving, it would be impossible for these professors to not perform at all.

Therefore, no matter how hard it was for her to accept, the fact was that Owen had definitely not returned to Hogwarts Castle at this time.

But somewhere else.

After understanding all this, she stretched out her hand to suppress the sadness in her heart, soothing Hagrid's anxious mood and also comforting herself.

And to appease the two little beasts.

Sirocco raised his head and looked at Luna with blue, star-like eyes. He didn't understand why the little witch stopped him from taking his master back to the castle.

But the master trusted her - so - gradually, the golden light on the hair on Sirocco's neck slowly extinguished and returned to normal.

Just a pair of little cat heads still rubbing Owen's cheeks up and down anxiously.

"What's wrong with him?" Just when Hagrid and Luna were worried about Owen's current state.

behind them.

A centaur jumped down from the not-so-high city wall. He had a proud face with high cheekbones and long black hair.

"Hagrid, what's wrong with the little pony?" There was more respect in the centaur's tone. In the magical world, no matter how deep the gap between the two races is.

Strength can always fill these.

And that's the best way to earn respect.

"Margaery?" Hagrid seemed to know the other party, but his tone was not very pleasant.

"He is in serious condition and will need to return to Hogwarts for treatment."

"Maybe we can help you!" Margaret whispered.

A large number of centaurs appeared one after another behind him.

Baine, Firenze and Ronan.

"Centaurs are good at healing!" Firenze approached them and said.

His golden hair was hanging down, and his melancholy eyes were full of respect that could not be ignored.

"Please accept our help!" Ronan also said at this time.

He has always been the representative who is most reluctant to contact humans. Now he has changed his previous attitude.

Hagrid looked at them.

There was an anxious look on his face, and his arms kept urging Luna beside him, hoping that she could lead them out of here as soon as possible.

It's not like he doesn't trust centaurs.

It’s not that he’s being petty.

Hagrid knew that centaurs were a race good at healing.

But the situation at hand cannot be solved by treating the wound. It was hard for him to believe that the civilization of the centaurs could reach the level of healing the Obscurial.

Even in the wizarding world, being a defaulter is a terminal disease.

The Defaulter never lived past the age of twelve.

While Hagrid was waiting anxiously. Luna beside him seemed to have suddenly received a revelation. She felt that there must be something that had a huge influence on Owen on the other side of the centaur wall.

"Maybe we can try," she said.

Hearing the sound, Hagrid looked at her in confusion.

"Aren't centaurs good at healing?" She raised her head and looked at the tall centaurs in front of her.

"Maybe they have a better way."

——Hagrid was stunned.

He knew that with Owen's current state, even Dumbledore had no good solution.

An Obscurial once sought his help, but the young man's ending didn't seem too good.

If the horse people can really find a way.

He maintains a kind of expectation, or a kind of luck.

Finally, he nodded reluctantly.


Hagrid was calling deeply in his heart, hoping that you can bring a miracle!

Then, they followed a group of centaurs, with some uniform gestures and respectful eyes from the centaurs warriors.

Slowly came to a low and secret staircase.

Walk through the stone steps. Step onto that high wall.

The next second, the two of them were shocked by the scenery inside the high wall.

Hagrid had never thought that the centaurs, who looked crude and backward, could actually create such a magnificent civilization.

Who can believe that this city actually exists in this forest? Although its area is not large and can be seen at a glance, its buildings are magnificent and brilliant.

The entire city was designed almost strictly according to mathematical geometry.

Each building corresponds to a certain planet in the sky, and houses are built in the city according to the rules of the arrangement of the nine planets (the nine planets in the magic world).

They used a temple in the center of the city with red, blue and white as the main color as the sun, and the ring structure spread outwards in circles.

Hagrid noticed that in each circle, the lights of a certain building were brighter than those around them.

He guessed that that should be the current position of the planet represented by that circle.

Of course, except for the temple, the rest of the centaur buildings are very crude and simple.

It is almost made of soil, stone and wood.

Only that temple was incompatible with its surroundings.

Extraordinary double-porticoed large temple, over sixty-five feet (twenty meters) tall.

In terms of style, it clearly belongs to the classical Greek period. It is composed of columns, reliefs, pediments and other decorations that together create a stunning magnificence.

Following a regular path on the floor, he and Luna were brought to the temple in the city by Firenze and Ronan.

A burst of smoke from burning herbs spread outside the temple.

The effect is probably similar to sandalwood or something.

A quiet fragrance spread around, gradually calming down their anxious hearts.

Firenze went to report.

After a long time.

Amid the smoke, a centaur slowly walked out.

He immediately caught the attention of Hagrid and Luna.

Because he was actually wearing clothes.

As we all know, horse people never wear clothes. They think clothes are a kind of restriction, and they are free.

That centaur, the old centaur, was dressed in gray and linen, with strange gemstones around his neck.

He looks very old.

His hair is gray, even the mane on his horse's back is white.

Firenze followed him and whispered something into the old centaur's ear.

After hearing this, the centaur raised his head and looked at Hagrid and Luna with cloudy eyes.

Finally, his eyes stopped on Owen in Hagrid's arms.

An old voice then sounded, "Thank you for saving the heroes of our tribe."

"Fate has allowed me to meet again. The stars have told me that a distinguished guest is coming."

"Don't be polite, hurry up and see if there is any way you can save him." Hagrid said in a rough voice. His brows were furrowed and his eyes were unhappy. He had no time to chat with these unreasonable centaurs.

"Of course, we will find a way." The centaur elder lowered his head, and then approached Hagrid. His old hands were withered and only the bones were left.

There is some kind of gem-like necklace on the index finger.

Then the hands slowly fell on Owen's forehead.

"I can feel that his soul is fragile and chaotic, but-"

"Someone is protecting him." The centaur elder said slowly, "He will be fine."

"Please follow me." After saying that, he slowly turned around, and the horse's hooves, whose limbs were no longer strong, stepped on the marble steps, making a crisp sound, and he walked slowly towards the temple.

Hagrid didn't hesitate, he followed immediately.

The tall temple looks like the Parthenon in Greece.

In other words, it's the same style.

The rectangular temple has a front hall, a main hall and an apse. The entire area is estimated by Anthony to be at least a quarter of a football field. A dozen tall marble pillars support the temple.

The centaur elder led the two human wizards through the front hall and stopped in front of the main hall decorated with reliefs.

"This is a paradise for the horse people's spirit."

Entering the main hall, the centaur elder pointed around and said, with a hint of excitement in his old voice.

"The final destination of all centaurs, where the streams meet the sea."

Hearing the sound, Luna was moved. Although she had no intention of understanding the history of the centaurs, her eyes still passed over the murals.

Carved above her head is a giant star map of the galaxy, which is the map of the world as the centaurs understand it.

The surrounding walls are densely carved with various texts and murals.

"Those are ancient prophecies, and the centaurs have tried their best to preserve every one of them." Firenze said solemnly towards the two human wizards.

For the horse people, the temple is not only a symbol of spirit and will, but also a history book of their tribe.

"There is a prophecy about you coming here." The old man, possibly an elder of the centaur tribe, said with a vicissitude of tone.

"It's just that no one thought that language would be realized in this way."

"Prophecy?" Hagrid snorted. He never believed in that kind of thing. "It's those weird things again, just like Professor Sybill Trelawney. What? Are you using the crystal ball to see the doctor? Of?"

"Of course not. The centaurs tribe that has been passed down for thousands of years has healing methods beyond your imagination. Believe me, this will be a novel journey you have never experienced before."

"Hogwarts has a history of more than a thousand years. Every brick and every classroom contains secrets." Hagrid retorted, then raised his head very proudly.

In his heart, there is only one truly great place.


The greatest magic school in the world!

It was something he could be proud of.

"Hogwarts is also great." The old centaur said calmly, without any change of emotion in his tone.

Then, he slowly stretched out his hand.

Pointing to a sarcophagus in front of him, he slowly spoke.

"Put that kid in!" he said.


Hagrid's face turned dark as he looked at the huge sarcophagus.

I'm asking you to save this child.

I'm not asking you to take care of his funeral!

"Don't worry, it's just quieter there." The centaur elder made an inappropriate joke.

Isn't it quiet?

They are all dead, can we not be quiet?

"Huh~" Hagrid took a deep breath. At this point, he could have some luck. He hoped that the old centaur in front of him could really have a way to save Owen!

With that said, he lifted Bakar out of Owen's arms, and then carefully laid him flat into the sarcophagus.

Then another centaur came over.

In his hand he held a gold goblet.

It contains purple liquid.

"It's a potion made from palm branches and some other herbs."

The centaur elder slowly explained.

"The spiritual world that can summon living beings leads them to the temple of the ancestors of the centaurs. There he will obtain enlightenment and a way to heal his soul." The slightly slow tone of the centaurs elder just aggravated the traces of this period of history. .

He directed Hagrid to help Owen up, then put the wine glass to his mouth and fed Owen the purple liquid.

"Don't worry, I modified the formula a long time ago and added honey to it. It won't be very bitter." The centaur elder blinked and then motioned for Hagrid to retreat.

Several strong horsemen slowly closed the coffin.

The others retreated to either side.

The centaur elder suddenly took out an unknown black herbal powder from the bag he carried.

Then with a wave of his hand, flames appeared in his palm.

He poured the powder of the herb into the rising flames, and instantly the color of the flames changed from brown-red to dark blue, accompanied by a large amount of smoke.

As if guided by some kind of power, the smoke got in through the gaps in the sarcophagus.

Then the surrounding centaurs began to stamp on the ground with serious expressions.

A strange melody began to spread in the hall, and then strange singing came from their mouths.

In a trance, people seem to be transported thousands of years ago, to the land where gods walked on the earth, and the songs of sacrifice were solemn and distant.

Even Hagrid, who didn't trust centaurs at first, was infected at this time.

He frowned and looked at the sarcophagus.

On the other side, Luna crossed her arms as if praying.

But more of it seemed like pleading.

She seemed to be transported back to the night when her mother had an accident.

That day was the darkest day of his life.

Involuntarily, the song her mother often sang to him came out of her mouth.

"The first witchcraft song I sing for you: People often say that good luck comes from heaven to help each other. The giant Ren once sang loudly to warn his lover Lin Demo to be confused. You must remove the dangers you are worried about from your shoulders. Get rid of them all. Don’t worry about other people’s gossip and gossip. You should go on your own journey in life!”

Her voice was gentle and beautiful.

Repeatedly is the mother's whisper.

Gentle and ethereal, with unique vitality.

"The second witch song I sing for you: You have to go on a long journey and have a hard time on the road. You must restrain yourself and behave well. Don't indulge in pleasure and pleasure. The goddess of fate will always bless you, and it is often the one who humiliates yourself. Own!"

"The third witch song I sing for you: When you are swimming across a river and encounter a raging torrent, you are about to be drowned by the river. The Horn and Luther rivers are rolling with whitecaps, and both rivers flow to Hel, the god of death. You must be calm. Don’t mess around, you will reduce the risk and maintain peace.”

This is the song her mother sang to her.

The witch song of Groa from the Norse wizards.

The fourth witch song I sing for you: If you encounter an enemy who has made up his mind, he plans to send you to the gallows. Don't lose your composure in fear and panic, maybe they will change their minds. I give up my resentment towards you at the last moment, all because of your ability to turn enemies into friends. "

"The fifth witch song I sing for you: If you are trapped in prison and shackled, your hands and feet are bound, I have the charm to break the shackles. Just sing a song to your legs, and you The iron chains on your hands will fall apart, and the shackles on your feet will disappear.”

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