I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 172 Listen! That is the prelude to death!

Nick was still in a daze.

His body suspended in the air turned from red to white, and then became increasingly transparent.

Until it is about to disappear.

Harry looked at the figure floating on the water stains in front of him with dull eyes.

He almost thought that the ghost of Gryffindor was leaving them forever.

Until Nick's thin body solidified again.

He was relieved.

Then he glanced at Owen without leaving any trace.

The horror of this guy once again frightened Harry.

Owen almost talked a ghost to death, which is terrible, you know, Nick has existed in the castle for at least five hundred years.

The 500th anniversary of his death was celebrated only last year.

Sirius, on the other hand, was deep in thought, his lonely figure melting lonely into the darkness where his fingers could not be seen.

He knew that the story of the little devil was not just told to the ghost.

Harry was still too young, and the two red-haired ones, probably Weasley children, weren't too old either.

They could not understand the horror of this story.

It was not only a history filled with conspiracy and betrayal, but also a man-eating demon sealed away.

What's even more frightening is that he actually identifies with the devil in the slightest.

If the original wizards were more united, would the world be a different story?

Suddenly, the dog godfather was startled by the idea that popped into his mind.

His gray eyes tightened slightly.

"This is a joke, a big joke." Gryffindor, who is famous for his bravery, his ghost actually hid his face and wanted to cry.

Just the body of the soul cannot make him really shed tears.

But the sadness on his face could not be stopped.

Although there are no tears on my cheeks, my heart is bleeding.

Then he said in a mechanical, numb tone like an automatic question answering machine: "A creature that is a disaster for ghosts has appeared all over the world."

"What creature?"

Nick did not answer Owen's question directly, but talked about something else in a nonchalant manner: "If ghosts are wizards whose bodies die but their souls remain, then there is a creature in this world whose soul dies but whose body survives."


"Is there such a creature?" Owen looked at him with very surprised eyes.

"Monsters that only exist in Greece. 'Magical creatures' born from death." Nick continued, "Someone has been controlling the news, causing the group of soulless monsters to attack many Muggle villages and lonely wizards in various countries. The Ministry of Magic didn't notice either."

"I originally thought that Sirius, who had escaped from Azkaban, which had been occupied by monsters, would have some latest news, but -"


Quietly drifting towards the door.

The whole ghost exudes an indescribable smell of loneliness.

In front of the dim gatehouse, darkness embraced him happily.

In the air, there was an inexplicable rhythm, the ancient gods were whispering, and the gods cast their gaze.

It's just a celebration of a good man emerging into darkness. Just happy with this

"That's all I know."

He disappeared in front of the bathroom.

Darkness consumed him.

Only a shrill voice could be heard in the weak wind.

I'm a joke.

"Well, he is heartbroken. I wonder if the ghost will dissipate due to the huge mental blow? Or will he despair of this world and choose to go on again?" Owen murmured to himself, and he suddenly found that he seemed to be again There is one more experimental observation object.


"Are you a devil?" George couldn't help shouting.

That's their Gryffindor ghost.

And - the wizards of the past were terrible.

This world is so dark, so dark! black! ! !

Harry also understood it deeply. After Owen's narrating story, his attitude towards Sirius changed slightly.

Owen reveals a secret from five hundred years ago.

It's full of intrigue and intrigue.

What about Sirius?

Maybe it's really the conspiracy called Peter?

But he actually hid in Ron's house in the form of a mouse for more than ten years. This is so incredible. Does such a person really exist in the world?

In order to cover up his sins, he transformed into a mouse and hid for more than ten years. The most precious ten years of his life were all wasted.

Is it really meaningful to live like this?

It can be said that Peter Pettigrew's twisted experience was the main reason why Harry expressed doubts about Sirius and Owen's words.

"How can I be a devil? My dear, I am the president of the Hogwarts Student Union!" Owen raised his eyebrows, "Yes! I didn't do anything today. I just wasted my time with you."

"Okay, I'm going back to my beauty sleep. Goodbye, my stupid Gryffindor!"

After that, he turned around and walked out of Myrtle's bathroom, heading towards the auditorium.

Tonight I was very grateful to Sirius for his sudden intrusion - because they were about to sleep in the Great Hall!


At this moment, the atmosphere in Malfoy Manor, located in Wiltshire, England, is tense.

Narcissa Malfoy stood outside the door of the study, looking sideways inside.

She knew that the letter from her sister would definitely embarrass her husband.

The study is a spacious circular room with very luxurious decoration.

The main color scheme is dark green and silver, alongside luxurious furniture, marble fireplaces and gilded mirrors.

Various antique calligraphy, paintings and books are neatly placed on the rows of bookcases, and the desk is filled with a stack of thick newspapers, each of which contains a piece of news about wizards.

A pair of portraits hangs on the wall. They are all male Malfoy family members from past generations. The most unpopular headmaster in Hogwarts history, Phineas Nigellus Black, hangs in the middle.

Directly above the flower board is a precious crystal chandelier.

The fluorescent light shone on Lucius Malfoy's gloomy face.

He looked at the fire in the fireplace and remained silent.

He is in a bad mood now.

It's worry, fear, entanglement, and fear.

Negative emotions are intertwined.

In short, no one in Britain should be more worried about the Death Eaters escaping from Azkaban than Lucius.

Why didn't they die in Azkaban?

Not that long ago.

Lucius received his wife's sister. Bella's letter.

—Oh my God, Bella’s letter.

Do you know how heartbroken he was when he saw that letter?

But when he opened the letter and knew the content of the letter, he immediately relaxed a little.

At least he wasn't allowed to die directly or charge into battle.

The Death Eaters are creating a conspiracy, and he will be an important part. In short, he is still somewhat useful to the Dark Lord now!

Therefore, you can reserve a few days for your life.

"Damn it! Damn it!" Lucius's angry yelling echoed in the huge living room.

There were so many problems with his pain.

Why didn't the Death Eaters let him go? Everyone walks on the road facing the sky?

You just sit in your prison and I will continue to be a rich man and a nobleman.

Why must we break this perfect world?

The longer Lucius stayed in contact with Owen, or Wenda Rosier, the more he discovered that the Dark Lord's tricks were simply children's play, and that Grindelwald's ruling Muggle thoughts were the most powerful. Perfect for the Malfoy family.

Look at the power he has now.

Fudge was about to step down. Owen had written to him early, and Lucius immediately made preparations.

Whether it's Barty Crouch, who may make a comeback, or Rufus Scrimgeour, who is vaguely expected to replace Fudge.

He hedged his bets.

Although his British Wizarding Personal Insurance Company has never been publicized in newspapers, its invisible influence is huge!

Especially in these chaotic times these days.

Their business has grown exponentially, and he just opened a branch in Paris this month.

Two possible candidates are wooing him.

This is something the Malfoy family has never experienced in the past hundred years.

In the previous Ministry of Magic, they did not use money to clear the way, but pitifully took the initiative to seek 'cooperation'.

This time the two major candidates took turns serving him, which was unprecedented.

And the origin of all this can be attributed to the guidance of Owen and Wenda.

After spending a long time with the Death Eaters, that group of lunatics, the assistants around him suddenly became normal. This feeling of being driven by madness was about to end before he could savor it.

This is why Lucius is so troubled.

On the one hand, his body is still engraved with the Dark Lord's symbol, and on the other hand, his soul has long been in the arms of Grindelwald.

"What should be done?" He looked up and asked those portraits, hoping that his ancestors could give him inspiration.

At this moment, a beautiful black long-eared owl suddenly flew in from the window, interrupting his thoughts.

"Damn it!" Lucius yelled in disgust.

Could it be that all the house elves in the family were dead? He actually let the owl fly directly into his study.

Lucius pulled out his wand, prepared to make the reckless owl pay with blood.

But the next second, he suddenly stopped.

He saw the mark on the owl, it was from Hogwarts.

Especially the dazzling symbol of the Three Holy Artifacts.

Immediately, he put away his wand.

He walked over and took down the letter paper from the owl's feet and unfolded it. The handwriting on it was very graceful and elegant, and the wording was very advanced. At first glance, he looked like an upper-class wizard who had received a good aristocratic education.

This made Lucius very comfortable.


The person dealing with me should be an upper-class noble wizard who can write such handwriting!

Why does he always have to hang out with a bunch of street rats who now have to hide in the sewers?

the letter read.

The other party knew that Lucius had recently received a summons from the Death Eaters.

She asked Lucius to cooperate with the other party as much as possible and not to reveal his identity.

After a period of time, the Saint will have a new group of stalkers arrive at his manor. They are all young talents and genius wizards from Europe.

They will be responsible for protecting Him and carrying out the plans of the Saints.

This letter is elegant in diction and gentle in attitude.

Look, this is what it feels like to be organized! Trust that can achieve great things when you have talent!

Look at the Dark Lord again!

Lucius, who felt more and more disgusted with Voldemort, felt hot in his heart. He was ready to welcome him, waiting for the great Grindelwald to save this wizarding world full of mistakes.

With that said, Lucius threw the letter into the fire.

The flames instantly engulfed the letter, and orange-red light reflected on his face.

He was thinking whether to tell the lady about the Death Eaters' plans.

The flames were beating in front of me. There was obviously no wind in the living room, but the flames were rising and shrinking.

Just like Lucius's tangled heart at this moment.

After thinking for a long time, he finally fell into silence looking at the fire.

That Mr. Grindelwald is not in England, if the Dark Lord wants to deal with him.

No, the Malfoy family will never really fall to anyone.

They will only stand gracefully behind the winner.

"Phoebe!" he shouted.

The next second, there was a bang, and a cowardly house elf appeared in the room.

"I'm here, Master." Phoebe said in a sharp voice. It looked at Lucius Malfoy in horror, fearing that the other party would punish it.

"Go and get my dress ready. Hurry up. I'm going to meet with some senior officials from the Ministry of Magic." Lucius paused and continued, "Prepare some gifts, but they don't need to be too expensive."

Lucius, who now controls the entire wizarding insurance business, is extremely tough.

He no longer needs gold galleons to clear the way, because from today on, his name is far beyond that vulgar gold!


for the rest of the time.

The castle fell into silence again.

The hot emotions of the little wizards calmed down.

The professors searched for Sirius all day but found nothing.

There were a few who were hiding in corners, doing things that men and women couldn't suppress their hormones, and were caught by Teacher Mew.

Then - Owen was unlucky.

Teacher Meow said that he was the president of the student union and had the obligation to order the little wizards to correct their bad habits.

Then Owen got another job in his busy schedule.

"What kind of look do you have! Your hair is past your ears! You look like a gangster. Five points will be deducted from Gryffindor. Cut it off for me right now!"

"Is that how you wear school uniforms? Who allowed you to change your skirt to a shorter length without permission! Points deducted! Five points deducted from Slytherin!"

"The student union has checked the dormitory, huh? Why is there garbage in the trash can in your dormitory! The quilt is not folded! There are still things on the table! Points deducted! Five points deducted from Ravenclaw!"

"From now on, no one is allowed to talk when eating in the auditorium! Just eat, blah blah blah!"

"You~ tie your hair up! No shawl hair! Even natural and fluffy hair is not allowed. What are you looking at? Gryffindor wants to deduct points, right?"

"You~ dye my hair back to black! Who asked you to dye my hair back to platinum blonde! Look at you, you are showing signs of extreme danger at such a young age! What does this mean! Why don't you dye it back for me quickly? !”

"You~ what are you looking at! Take the carrots off your ears for me! Replace them with these, iris earrings! I brought them back from Paris, how beautiful they are! Ahem - Ravenclaw plus five points ! Uh-huh - you are the most obedient! Compared to them."

"Hey~ you two! There is no canteen in the school! Ahem - I seem to get a commission, right? Well - these things are good for learning, I give you permission to sell them in the school!"

"Dating is not allowed in school! If you say no, you won't! If you do, please give it to me immediately! If I find out, I will call your parents directly! You will be punished by writing a twenty-inch self-reflection!"

After a week of intensive rectification by Irving.

Hogwarts creatively introduced early reading.

All morning jogging and recess exercises are included!

Eye exercises cannot be skipped in the evening self-study.

In short, just one week later, in the eyes of the little wizards at Hogwarts, Owen was already very close to being a fifth-grade pink toad.

With his nonsense, the conflicts between the four major colleges have been reduced a lot.

Because everyone was greeting him secretly.

Of course, as soon as Owen was excited about giving Hogwarts a bit of a shock, he was nipped in the bud by Teacher Meow!

After that, Professor McGonagall never mentioned letting him manage the little wizard again!

Hahao(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

As for Sirius~~~

Owen has long said that there is a huge magic looking glass in Dumbledore's office, which can see all places in the castle.

I really thought the old principal couldn’t find the dog godfather.


The next day he was invited to the principal's office for tea.

I don’t know what Dumbledore and Sirius talked about!

But from the smile on Harry's face in the past few days, he could tell that it was definitely a good thing.

This guy is already thinking about moving out of the Dursleys this summer.

"Gryffindor defeated Slytherin in the match, and they will win the Quidditch Cup again this year!"


A layer of white clothing has been laid outside the castle.

The wind and snow covered the entire mountains and lakes.

After class, Owen was hurriedly preparing to go back to his dormitory, when he happened to bump into Cedric, the head of the Hufflepuff house, at the corner.

It’s self-evident who the school president is!

"The main reason is that Harry is too strong. He is in great shape recently!" Justin walked side by side with Owen, Hannah, and Susan. After hearing Cedric sighing in front of him, he couldn't help but sigh.

Harry is indeed gifted at Quidditch!

There is probably no little wizard in the entire Hogwarts who can surpass him.

There might be—he glanced at Owen, but—the guy had absolutely no interest in riding on a broomstick.

"Our match against Ravenclaw - I heard that they found a new Seeker. She is a beautiful girl, very powerful!" Hannah said empathetically.

Slytherin reigned as Quidditch champion for six years.

Gryffindor wins two consecutive championships!

Hufflepuff hasn't won a Quidditch championship in at least ten years.

Although the little wizards in the Badger Court were not very interested in this and didn't seem to care much about it, the more they didn't say it, the more they looked forward to it in their hearts!

She also glanced at Owen.

In Hannah's heart, Owen is probably the only one who can beat Gryffindor.

"That Cho Chang!"

In a daze, Owen seemed to think of the Asian girl.

Yes, Asian girls.

Whether her native country was the Ming Dynasty is open to question. They didn't have a deep relationship with each other, so they didn't ask. He left Hogwarts in the fifth grade in just one week.

When Dumbledore's Army was formed, he was already ready to run away.

Moreover, it is impossible for Hermione and the others to let a Slytherin join Dumbledore's Army. Isn't this funny?

So, where is that girl from? Indonesia? the Philippines? Japan?

Who knows?



"It's okay, kid!" At the corner of the stairs, Owen, who was in a daze, collided with Professor Trelawney.

She looked like she had just come back from the kitchen, and her whole body was covered in the smell of Shirley~

"Huh? Professor Trelawney?" Owen turned around and happened to see the professor with thick glasses and countless chains and beads hanging around his neck. He was so crazy that he couldn't stand still.

"Oh! It's you!" Professor Trelawney glanced at Owen with her big watery eyes, then turned around and left.

"Hey! Professor, don't leave!"

When meeting Harry Potter's only causal weapon, Professor Trelawney, how could Owen let her leave so easily?

"Professor, have you made any predictions recently?"

He held the professor's hand and asked earnestly.

"No children! All the signs have been very blurry recently. I can't see anything clearly." Professor Trelawney used her trademark, vague, low-pitched voice and murmured: "I'm tired. ,child."

"Don't mention it! Professor, you have to have one of death, big dogs, spiders, and black clouds!" Owen followed him and continued to talk, "Professor, I have been having nightmares recently, dreaming that someone is trying to harm me. , do you think this is an omen?"

"No! You should rest early!" Professor Trelawney said impatiently.

She wanted to break free from Owen's hand, but she staggered and would fall down after taking only a few steps. Her freed arm would be lifted up by Owen.

"No, Professor, my dream was real. Look at my Yintang. Look carefully! Are my eyes dull and there is something evil between my eyebrows?" He continued to disgust Terry with a coquettish voice. Professor Lawney.

"You-" Xu was annoyed by Owen.

Professor Trelawney turned her head and stared at him fiercely with her big watery eyes, about to reprimand him.

But when she looked at Owen's teasing eyes, she was suddenly stunned.


If you drink too much.

Maybe, probably, maybe, there are really clear signs on this child's face.

Signs of early death.

Signs of weakness.

Signs of early death.

In short, if Owen was not still standing in front of her alive, she would have doubted whether the child in front of her was an inferi, or if something dead had been resurrected.

This face is full of signs of death!

And, strangely, there are some symptoms that should only appear in babies who died young.

Owen's eyes widened, thinking that this kind of professor who had no fighting ability, no weight in his words, no status in the school, and was an old liar himself, was the one who liked to quarrel with him the most. Hey, looking at them, they didn't even think about coming to Taiwan. It's really interesting.

It's a pity that he can't use this trick on Wenda.

Just as he was in a trance, something suddenly happened. Professor Trelawney seemed to be a different person in front of him. She was leaning against the wall, her body stiff, her eyes unfocused, and her chin drooped.

Owen's heart suddenly thumped - Director Gordon is not here!

I won't trigger her passive skills!

The cold wind blew outside the castle, and Owen could hear a whistling sound in his ears.

In the dark, long and narrow corridor, the atmosphere seemed to have become a little strange.

Professor Trelawney stood in front of him, her body trembling slightly, and her eyes began to move, looking as if she was having an attack.

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