I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 166 Goodbye Hogwarts, I want to go back to Ming Dynasty!

"Harry, bad news."

Just when Owen was planning to educate Harry Potter, Wood suddenly came over in a hurry from the bell tower.

"Professor McGonagall just informed me that our opponent for the Quidditch match tomorrow will be Hufflepuff!"

"What? Not Slytherins?" Harry replied blankly.

"What? There's a Quidditch match tomorrow?" Hermione replied suddenly.

"What? Quidditch isn't canceled this year?"


The three of them looked at Owen.

"What are you doing? There are so many dementors in the sky that they can eat people. The professor didn't cancel the competition. He's really heartless."

"I'll bet you a galleon, it will be strange if there is no trouble tomorrow!"

"And -" Owen turned to look at Wood, "What's wrong with Hufflepuff? Why are you so unhappy about eating your rice?"

"Hmph - Cedric from your team also went to find Professor Spratt to protest." Behind Wood, a group of Gryffindor Quidditch players arrived. They changed their uniforms and looked at their appearance. It's about training.

The Twins came over, each one put an arm around Owen's neck and said: "Slytherin used the excuse that the players all had a cold and wanted to postpone the game. This is obviously an excuse. They just don't want to play in this kind of weather. The problem is, we have already I have been training with Slytherins for a month now."

Fred pointed at the dark clouds in the sky.

It's been raining heavily in Hogwarts these days.

Perhaps it was Owen's misunderstanding. Ever since the group of dementors entered the vicinity of the castle, the weather in the Scottish Highlands had become quite bad, with frequent storms and violent storms.

This afternoon is a respite from the storm that has lasted for several days.

Just as Fred was speaking, there was a faint sound of thunder and lightning in the sky.

It's obviously going to be a downpour tomorrow.

"You are the president of the student union. You should go to Principal Dumbledore to report this matter!" George said.

"The old principal is so busy that he has no time to care about such trivial matters. Besides, they changed the order of the competition at will, and the professor agreed?"

————Professor Dumbledore, who was having a passionate confrontation with Tom, sneezed heavily.

"Snape agreed." Wood said coldly: "Professor McGonagall, you know, she never favors us on such matters."

"No - I didn't ask you, Teacher Meow. They are going to compete with Hufflepuff. Hasn't anyone asked Professor Sprout? Does she agree?"

"This - I didn't ask." Wood said blankly. Professor Sprout has always had little sense of presence, compared to Professor Flitwick, who was so brilliant last semester, and the annoying Snape.

and Professor McGonagall as Vice-Chancellor.

Professor Sprout of Herbal Medicine is indeed a bit unremarkable.

"Hey! I'm a little grumpy! Without the herbs cultivated by my professor, how can you drink a refreshing drink during the flu season this winter?" Owen suddenly became angry. He looked at Wood's wooden face and continued. : "Go to the Second Greenhouse to apologize to Professor Sprout!"

A strange light flashed in his eyes.

The corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising.

Then he was deeply afraid that his final intention would be seen by Harry and the others - mainly Hermione, so he immediately put on a noble appearance of serving the little wizard.

Said: "As for Quidditch, as long as Professor Sprout doesn't agree, how will tomorrow's game be held? Use your brain!"

"I'm going to find Professor Snape now. Together we can defeat the Slytherin team's conspiracy!"

After that, he hurried towards the castle.

After receiving Owen's reminder, Wood also became interested. As if he had grasped some life-saving straw, he led a group of Gryffindor players toward the second greenhouse with a smile on his face.

As we all know, Professor Sprout has the softest ears. As long as they behave pitifully, she will definitely be on her side.

Confident Wood walked quickly.

Hermione, Harry and Ron on the side also followed.

Rub, rub, rub the Salazar statue.

I, Ron, also have the dignity of being a Gryffindor!

Even if I was put in solitary confinement and died in the potions classroom, I didn't want to wipe Salazar's face again! ! !

As he spoke, he threw the dirty rag to the ground.

Then he walked away.

On the other side, Owen came back around the corner quietly.

He followed Wood all the way to the second greenhouse.

He looked up and saw Cedric was there too.

Hmmmm - there are so many people!

More is better! How wonderful!

If there are more, he can easily lead the sheep!

Owen, who was hiding in the corner, cast an invisibility spell on himself.

Although this spell is not as good as Harry's invisibility cloak, it is still no problem to hide from sight.

Then he carefully walked through the crowd and groped towards the inside of the greenhouse.

"Professor, this is Slytherin's conspiracy!"

"Ah, yes." Gemini helped.

"It will be stormy tomorrow. In case something happens to Hufflepuff." Wood continued to defend.

"Ah, that's right!" Gemini continued to help.

"This will definitely affect the future match between you and Ravenclaw. I heard that they have found a mysterious new Seeker. I think Hufflepuff needs time to find out their details."

"Ah! Yes, yes!"

In his ears, Gemini's tone full of strange emphasis made Cedric very uncomfortable, and the gentle smile on his handsome face softened.

Although he didn't want to compete with Gryffindor so soon.

Hufflepuff has always been at the bottom of the academy in Quidditch. Whether it is tactics, personnel or equipment, it is better than Slytherin with the support of the Malfoy family, Gryffindor with talented players, and the troubles that are quite easy to use. Ravenclaw.

Ever since he became captain of the Hufflepuff team, he had always felt that the only way for them to win was to invite Owen to join the team.

No matter where he is.

As long as he appeared on the court, no house would dare to look down upon them, at least Slytherin would never dare to use those usual dirty methods on them.

But no matter how much Professor Sprout invited and persuaded, Irving never showed any interest in this sport.

This made him very confused about how to improve the combat effectiveness of the Hufflepuff team.

Since the rise of Gryffindor in their first year, they have won two consecutive championships.

Cedric understood the difference!

But these words should not come from Wood's mouth, because he obviously looks down on himself and the Hufflepuff team.

Of course, in the last game against Gryffindor, it only took Harry five minutes to catch the Golden Snitch. Others have the capital to be proud of.


That's why he didn't want to mention the game against Gryffindor. He still needed time to prepare some tactics!

"Professor, you should protest to Professor Snape, yes, that's right, it's a protest.

He has no respect for you, or Hufflepuff, at all.

If he can change the order of the teams according to his mood this time, then the next time Slytherin plays against Hufflepuff, they can use the same method and let Hufflepuff and other teams play in the heavy rain first. Then while you are weak, I will designate you to compete with me. "

"If the games are like this, then how can there be any fairness? They can compete with whoever they want? Then I suggest that the Quidditch Cup be awarded directly to Slytherin in the future, so we don't have to work hard to train and compete. "

Wood chattered.

He is articulate, sharp in words and clear in logic. It is completely different from the wood in the past!

Harry on the side looked at his old captain in surprise.

When did he have such good eloquence?

On weekdays, Wood rarely participated in any topics except Quidditch.

Sometimes Harry even thought that Wood's head might be composed of the Snitch, the Quaffle, the Bludger, the ball frame and the bat, and there was no room for anything else.

Listen to what Wood has to say.

Professor Sprout gradually frowned, and the gentle smile on his face gradually faded.

Her body always half-covered the greenhouse door. Just let the little wizards stand in front of her and talk to her.

Wood guessed right. The professor's ears were indeed particularly soft.

She was already thinking of talking to Snape.

"Hey~ You can't see me, you can't see me, please move forward quietly~" Owen, who seemed to be covered with a layer of mirror, reflecting the surrounding scenery and making himself invisible, muttered in his heart, hunched his waist, and tightened his body. Taking cat steps, he groped inside from under Professor Sprout's nose step by step.

"Sure enough, as long as I walk slowly enough, the character warning system will not be triggered, hehe!"

"Huh? It seems like this is the first time I've seen this magical plant!"

Just past the gate.

Behind Professor Sprout, a huge plant blocked his steps.

It was a very tall strange plant, about ten feet tall.

The edges of the grass blades are wavy, and the flowers are bright purple-red in color.

There are two types: unopened buds and bloomed buds.

When unopened, it is oblong and shaped like an ear; when fully bloomed, the center of the flower is hollow and looks like a human mouth.

Three or two flower buds protruded from the colorful red lips.

Quite strange.

"Stop!!! There's a thief!!!"



What a perfect, authentic Daming Beijing dialect!

It almost scared him out of his prototype!

Professor Sprout heard the sound and immediately turned around cautiously. When he turned around, he saw waves rising in the originally empty place behind him.


Without even thinking about it, she knew that that brat Owen had gotten in.

He's already sneaked in four times this week!

"What is this!" Owen, who had the invisibility spell flashing because of panic, had no choice but to break the spell, and then stared at the tree in front of him with a face full of displeasure. ’

"Thief! There is a thief! Catch the thief!!! Di beep beep~~~"

"Wardfa?" Owen's scalp was numb, and the justice ringtone rang in his ears!

"You are the thief, your whole family is a thief! What a garbage weed! (a kind of plant)

Damn it, you can still talk, so just talk!

It tastes like the authentic old capital! "Irving also exclaimed in authentic Beijing dialect.

"This is the door plant." Sprout sighed softly, and then walked up to Owen with uncontrollable joy, separating him from the strangely shaped magical plant.

To prevent this magical plant, which has just arrived in the UK, from accidentally leaking water

"Just shipped from Daming."

Then, she shifted her gaze from the plant to Owen, and then said with a hint of warning: "It can tell through the sounds which are human words, which are the sounds of wind, grass, or animals. It can also tell whether people's hearts are good or bad, and who knows who." Having thoughts that are detrimental to others.”

"Normally it makes no sound, but when someone with malicious intentions passes by, it will make a sound."

"???What is the Book of Mountains and Seas? Is there such a thing in Ming Dynasty?"

In my ears, that guy was still calling him a thief.

Owen was like an eggplant beaten by frost, his eyes were filled with a sense of absurdity, and he suddenly had a sense of déjà vu~

Speaking of which, Shilok still has the blood of Zuowu!

The Ming Dynasty didn’t really have the magical animals in the Classic of Mountains and Seas!

What about Yinglong, Taohan, Bi Fang, Baize, Jingwei, Zhulong, Demon Demon and Demon?

Oh my god!

What rubbish Hogwarts, I will drop out of school immediately and go back to my Ming Dynasty to go to school!

At the beginning of school, don’t you give me an iron-eating beast?

Owen, who had begun to act in a small theater in his heart, but in reality his face was filled with grief and anger. He complained bitterly, as if he was denounced for this unfair world: "You~ you went out of your way to find me from thousands of miles away in order to catch me." Such a strange species?"

"Yes!" Professor Sprout stretched out his hand and grabbed Owen Destiny's back, just like he often grabbed Sherlock, grabbing him.

Then he started to push away, and complained at the same time.

"You are not allowed to harm my treasures anymore, at least until after November, when the cabbage sprouts seeds."

"It's too late by then! Professor, I don't want to get zero points in a certain course. My perfect studies cannot have a stain! Oops! Give me another one! Just one, just one! Wow! Woo~" Owen, who was lifted up by Professor Sprout, struggled with his teeth and claws without any personal appearance.

"Humph~ Don't think about it. Once you kill this one, you will come back and ask for another one. Do you think I don't understand?" The professor was very determined.

"No~ I promise this is the last one! Just give me one! I swear, I swear on the reputation of Harry's dog godfather! Please, please, please!!! "

If he hadn't been dragged away now, Irving would have dared to snap in front of so many people on the spot, so quickly! Lying on the ground and rolling around!

"Look at what you look like now. You still have the appearance of the student council president, but they've already seen it all!" The professor hated iron, and she had already thrown Owen out of the greenhouse.

"It's okay!" Owen pinched his throat and jumped up and down, trying to rush in.

"They don't dare to spread rumors."


Having said that, everyone present turned their heads and looked away in perfect agreement.

Except for Hermione, who looked disgusted, no one dared to look at him.

It was as if there were some exquisite murals on the wall, which attracted their eyes and couldn't help themselves.


"Okay, don't scare them anymore." Professor Sprout covered her forehead. There was really nothing she could do about this naughty, smart, and capable student. In the end, she could only use the ultimate weapon against the students.

"Many new species have recently arrived, magical plants that are not British. I am short of an observer here~ If you can-"

"Goodbye!" Owen ran away in the next second.

As for observers, they just lack free labor, and they still have a hard job with a lot of responsibilities, a lot of work, and having to write an observation diary every day.

Only stupid college students who have no place to vent their energy would run away.

He~ Haha, I am working in the laboratory now!

Looking at Owen's quickly escaping back, Professor Sprout smiled, his face as warm as the sunshine shining on the ground after the rain.

This kid!

The professor shook his head and then continued talking to Wood and the others.

Time passed like this.

Early the next morning.

Owen was awakened by the howling wind outside the window and the rumble of thunder in the air.

He just glanced out the window.

Just know not to get out of bed today.

Of course, I don’t want to go to work tomorrow, so I still have to get up at six o’clock.


He got up from the bed and walked out of the bedroom with sleepy eyes.

When he looked up, he saw that Cedric and the others were already dressed, holding their own brooms, and sitting quietly in front of the fireplace in the common room.

There was no fire in the fireplace, and the whole common room was gloomy.

From time to time there was light from lightning shining in.

"Professor Sprout was convinced by Snape?" He breathed and walked over.

"Yes." Cedric replied worriedly: "Professor Snape said that Gryffindor has been preparing for a month to deal with Slytherin. If it were us today, we would have a greater chance of winning. ."

"And Professor Sprout agreed?"


Owen responded, and suddenly he had a new understanding of the professor's soft-eared nature. Yes, she was soft-spoken to everyone!

However, he had no idea about Quidditch anyway.

What does winning or losing have to do with him?

After breakfast, Owen and the others walked out of the castle wearing heavy raincoats.

The cold rain made him shiver, and Hannah and Susan beside him were also shivering.

But even so, it did not dampen their enthusiasm.

Judging by the look on his face, you could tell that Owen was forced to come here.

Hannah dragged him out of the lounge.

Along the way, Owen kept instilling in him the truth about Hufflepuff's honor, and Owen listened tirelessly. In the end, he could only compromise in exchange for Hannah not to tell him about the long history of Hufflepuff, starting from 1,400 years ago. .

The weather outside the castle was blustery and rainy, but in order to watch this game, all the teachers and students of the school came out as usual. They ran across the lawn to the Quidditch pitch, sat on the damp stands, and lowered their heads to resist the strong wind. .

From Owen's point of view, he had no idea.

Is this considered revenge entertainment?

Because you have been depressed for a long time, once you have time to relax, you eat, drink and have fun in revenge?

Owen even saw Professor Trelawney among the professors, and she actually came too.

Instead of staying in that warm classroom and making up predictions that you are about to use?

Speaking of this old liar, her classic black dog death prophecy finally landed on Harry's head.

Under his constant PUA, Harry suffered from severe PTSD.

He really felt that he was walking with death, as if he would be on the leash the next second!

And Harry directly blamed all the blame on the innocent dementors.

For this reason, he has been frantically looking for Professor Lu Ping to start a small stove this month.

I heard that with the Patronus Charm, he could already release a ball of silver light.

Progress can be described as heroic.

This incident tells us two facts. First: Professor Trelawney's predictions are mostly realized by means of crazy long-term PUA on you. When you are suspicious and absent-minded all day long, things will naturally happen easily.

Second, people can indeed unleash certain potential in emergencies. For example, after he fought against the dementors on the train and the dementors attacked the train, the young wizards were particularly enthusiastic about learning the Patronus Charm.

Although not every little wizard can be as gifted as Harry and can cast a decent Patronus in just one month, many little wizards can do this if only the tip of the wand has a silver thread coming out.

Owen was pulled by Hannah and reluctantly walked to the stands.

Justin had already taken a spot for them.

He waved his hand to indicate that he was there.

Several people faced the violent wind and rain and looked up at the field. The Gryffindor and Hufflepuff Quidditch teams began to appear.

Amid the cheers from the audience, Irving could only vaguely see many people walking out of the locker room.

It was very windy and rainy.

So much so that it obscured his sight.

He couldn't see very far.

His ears were filled with the cheers of the little wizards, which made Owen very frightened, because the people around him were shouting blindly, as if he was the only one in the audience and couldn't see anything.

What are you cheering for?

What else is there besides a few confused figures over there?

If I'm not blind, are you all just making up the game scenes in your head?

Then why don't you go to the dormitory to sleep?

The picture in the dream is still in 4K high definition!

Owen was complaining crazily in his heart until Mrs. Hooch blew the whistle and the game officially started!

Blurred red and yellow figures were flying across the court.

The cheers at the scene came one after another. He could neither see anyone nor hear Jordan's explanation.

In short, for him, the main focus of this competition is to look at oil paintings with 800 shortsightedness - his eyes are full of impressions!

Hey~who gets the ball? have no idea!

Who attacks? do not know either!

Who's ahead? Sorry, I can't see the scoreboard clearly!

Red and yellow lights flashed back and forth among the black and gray ink on the scene. This was all Owen could see!

After five minutes, never mind how the game is going.

He's leaving!

The King of Heaven is here, and he is going back to the common room!


A flash of lightning fell from the sky.

Immediately, Owen stopped immediately.

I am the King of Heaven!

Let’s give him some thin noodles!

At the scene, Harry was having more and more difficulty controlling his broom.

The wind is too strong.

They were flying at high speed again, and every time they turned, he had the illusion that he was being thrown out.

And raindrops hit his goggles intensively. If Irving watches the game entirely based on his imagination, then he plays the game entirely based on his imagination!

"Crack!" There was another thunder and lightning.

Mrs. Hooch's whistle sounded with the first lightning.

Harry could only see the outline of Wood in the dense curtain of rain. Wood was gesturing to Harry to come down to the ground.

The whole team splashed down into the mud.

"I called a timeout!" Wood yelled to the players, "Come on, get down there-"·

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