I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 163 Use the principal’s email address!

"Don't forget your topic!"

After speaking, without waiting for the little wizard to ask questions, the elegant professor turned around without a trace of doubt and left the podium.

? ? ?

The Sinister Six with question marks on their spare heads in the classroom!

Encounter the dangerous six people in society!

What did the new professor just say?

What is the last assignment?

We are here to go to school!

Isn't it a senior researcher entering some high-end laboratory?

Several young wizards looked at each other.

The confusion in his eyes almost overflowed.

That Professor Wenda, why don't you come back and hear what the homework you just assigned is?

knock! ! !

The homework assigned by Nicolas Flamel to Dumbledore was nothing more than this!

Owen gritted his teeth as if he wanted to eat someone!

At his age, Dumbledore probably couldn't even understand the question of the assignment just now!

He doesn’t even understand: the principle of theoretical exchange in specific experiments and the mechanism that maintains plant (cell) withering.

Percy - they've been learning explanations for a whole year, it would be haunted if they could understand!

Do you think you should drink porridge to eliminate toxins?

Pour out the water and only eat rice?

Alchemical substance replacement is one of the most important techniques of alchemy. Why do those magical alchemical creations, full of magic and beyond imagination of the material world, appear?

That is, alchemists use the principle of substitution to continuously add all the properties of other substances to one.

That’s why creation is so strange.

"Oh! That's right." Just when a group of young wizards were wandering in the realm of Taixu and had not yet landed, Wenda opened the door and came back.

She had a cold fake smile on her face, "Although the project results are due after Christmas, your experimental report can be written now, eh! Submit it at the end of October! Two months is enough to do the experiment!"

After finishing her sentence, she retreated again.

He ignored any of the little wizards present throughout the entire process!

Oh, Owen stood up first, picked up his textbook and ran out.

"Owen, where are you going?" Percy recovered from his confusion for a second and looked at Owen who was also leaving and asked subconsciously.

"I'm going to find the principal!" he said.

"Professor Dumbledore? What are you doing with him?" Percy followed.

"I want to drop out of school!" Owen said firmly: "Hogwarts, haha ​​- it's me who doesn't deserve it! I'm too high!"

"If you're an idiot like me - I'd better transfer to Beauxbatons or Ilvermorny."

After saying that, he quickened his pace and quickly disappeared into the corridor.

Watching Owen's leaving figure and heading upstairs.

Percy's racing heart calmed down slightly.

I felt a little bit of joy in my heart.

That’s it!

You have to report the situation to Professor Dumbledore!

What kind of homework is that? He didn't even understand the question.


No one knows what Dumbledore and Wenda discussed.

That's the truth.

Owen had to miss Care of Magical Creatures on Friday.

I stayed in the library on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

I heard that Hagrid used the hippogriff to lead the charge in the first lesson.

But this time it was no longer Draco who was injured.

But it was Pansy Parkinson who didn't care that Harry was trying to steal the limelight from her young master.

It seems to be quite serious. After all, the little girl's skin and flesh are more tender than Draco's. In the original book, Draco only dislocated his bones, but she suffered a direct fracture, and a large gash was torn open in her arm.

In short, just looking at the appearance, it is very scary!

There was a rush of blood.

Word spread quickly about what happened.

Although Madam Pomfrey only took a minute to heal Pansy's wound, she still clamored to unite the college wizards and write a letter to the Ministry of Magic to expel Hagrid and other nonsense.

But none of this has anything to do with Irving.

Because Dumbledore, after being lectured by Wenda, actually agreed to her teaching methods.

Damn, are you sick? Are you sick?

I heard that our dear Professor Wenda defeated Dumbledore with just one sentence!

She asked: Is it useful for a little wizard to learn alchemy at school?

This question is very difficult to answer, because the answer is useless!

After two years of basic study, they have learned at most a low-level explanation of terms.

As for the results...are you kidding me?

Dumbledore only came up with his alchemical achievements when he was over ninety years old, and Nicolas Flamel has been alive for unknown years. What kind of alchemical achievements do you expect from a sixteen or seventeen-year-old wizard? You think you are the reincarnation of Merlin.

Even if Merlin reincarnates, he can't do it!

It’s not possible unless you are reborn!

So our Professor Wenda borrowed from Donkey Slope and went on to say: Anyway, the little wizard also learned terminology in school before, and now he is learning some advanced terminology, which seems to be not much different from the experimental procedures.

It’s just a long experience, isn’t it?

At least when he goes out to brag, he can pop out some advanced academic words from time to time. The other young wizards at Hogwarts who have graduated from an average high school in this town will still have no problem.

But—that being said.

However, it was Irving and the others who suffered.

Just because you can't learn it doesn't mean you don't have to write the homework.

Besides, homework is never about studying, right?


Sunday morning.

The hard-working Hermione Granger trotted into the library,

She originally came to Owen for something.

Of course, stop by and get ready to start the involution mode!

Yesterday, she saw that slacker Owen staying in the library all afternoon.

Sensing the slightest hint of crisis, she ran to the library early this morning at dawn.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she entered the library, Hermione discovered that at the end of the table, the books were several feet high, the eyes were deep-set, and they were wearing makeup. Owen was there yesterday, and Percy, who was sleeping on the table, was still here today!

"Mythril is involved in the binary bipolar quantification mechanism of the toxicity of Ming Dynasty cabbage by replacing or transcribing sulfur-mercury-salinization modifications in the law of unity."

She frowned and walked over, wanting to see what Owen was involving her in.

He picked up a piece of parchment and put it on the table with only a title written on it.

A quick glance.

Her expression froze.

how to say?

——She doesn’t seem to be very good at finishing this sentence?

"What are you writing?"

"Wizard master's thesis." Owen responded in a hoarse voice.

Then he continued to immerse himself in the alchemy achievements of a certain little black wizard.

"???" Hermione was stunned again.

In a daze, she suddenly realized that an infinite extension spell seemed to be cast between herself and Owen.

They are obviously so close, but the distance is getting farther and farther.

The small paper in her arms that briefly described the mass murder of witches in the Middle Ages seemed unworthy of being placed on this table.

"Huh~" As he was speaking, Percy woke up from his sleep in a daze.

He opened his red and swollen eyes, looked at Hermione in confusion, and then said: "Is it dawn?"

"You didn't go back last night?" Hermione looked at him in surprise.

"You should ask, did you go back the night before yesterday?" Percy rubbed his neck, stood up and stretched his body.

Then he sat down again, picked up a thick magic book in his hand, and began to continue excerpting.

The prerequisite for writing the core is that he must first know what the alchemical results of a certain wizard are.

To figure this out, he had to first extract the alchemist's achievements from books introducing the alchemical achievements of ancient wizards.

Then refer to the textbook, first understand the noun explanations in English, and understand what the writing means.

Anyway, it's been two days and he hasn't even completed the first step.

Still copying it!

As for ancient runes?

Haha - to hell with it!

"Where did you write Owen?" Percy asked, lowering his head as he continued to copy.

"We have written the second stage of the experimental procedures."

"What? Have you started writing the steps?" Percy was shocked, and the quill in his hand pierced the parchment due to the sudden force.

"Aren't the experimental procedures due in October? You write that first?"

"What about a brief summary of the alchemy results?" he asked quickly.

"I didn't write it." Owen slowly raised his head, his sore and dark-rimmed eyes looked like a fool, then his dry lips raised slightly, and he said in a short and hoarse tone: "Are you Are you stupid? Are you searching here one by one?"

"Write to the corresponding author of the book you are reading! Write to whoever compiled the life results of those ancient alchemists! Find it by yourself? Summarize it by yourself? You may not be able to compile it next year!"

"Uh - can it be like this?" Percy was stunned and looked at Owen in disbelief.

He suddenly realized that this was indeed a good idea.


“Will they respond to what I write?”

She took the warm black tea handed over by Hermione, which she always carried with her when staying up late at night in the library.

Owen took a sip, moistened his lips and throat with the tea, paused for a moment, and then continued: "So you are a fool."

"Are you stupid! Writing in your own name? Using your principal's email address - ah - not - writing in your name!

The first sentence at the beginning is: Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, recipient of the Order of Merlin First Class, President of the International Federation of Wizards, and Chief Wizard of the Wizengamot, Albus Percival Wulfric. Brian Dumbledore wrote.

Look at this beginning, what little brat would dare not reply to this letter? "

Owen pulled out several letters from the pile of books beside him and placed them in front of Percy.

These were all sent in by Dobby.

"Look, how positive everyone is?"

"This" Percy opened his mouth as big as a fist, "But even if they are pretending to be the principal, how can they be so active?"

"Impersonation?" Owen was like a vicious cat whose tail had been stepped on, baring his teeth and claws, "What kind of impersonation? I asked the principal for instructions, so don't slander anyone!"

"When, weren't you in the library for three days?" Percy, who had also been sitting for three days, was very puzzled.

"Can't I ask for instructions in my heart? Anyway, the old principal and the master of Legilimency will sense it somehow."

Owen said calmly.

At this time, in the principal's office, Professor Dumbledore, who was comparing Tom's notes, suddenly sneezed.

"Huh? Did he discover the truth?" The old principal looked down at the note and saw that the black ink on it was forming a sentence: Tom Riddle, the successor of Slytherin and the successor of the great white wizard Dumbledore.

He led a team to raid into Grindelwald's headquarters, Nurmengard, in Austria.

And launched a desperate struggle with him.

"It must be that brat Owen, muttering about me again!"

The principal smiled, then leaned down, and went on to create a world for little Tom.

On the other side, Percy still didn't understand how those authors could respond to Owen so actively.

Until Owen opened his mouth to explain: "Nothing, I just said that Hogwarts will hold a celebration of the 1,400th anniversary of the founding of the school. All Hogwarts graduates who have made outstanding contributions will be invited to participate in the celebration. The outstanding Hogwarts Watts will also have his statue erected in the entrance hall.”

"???" Percy's cheek twitched, and then he slowly stretched out his thumb towards him.


It’s really high!

You've finished cumming!

I have never seen you so heartbroken.

For those academic wizards who don't like money, having a statue standing forever in Hogwarts is more glorious than leaving a name in history.

After all, there are many people who have left their names in history, but the statue stands in Hogwarts, and from now on, every young wizard in Britain will remember him.

"If they ask later why the celebration was not held, they will reply saying that the current situation is chaotic and the principal is planning to postpone it for a few years for the sake of the little wizard's safety.

As for how long the delay will be?

Let’s talk about it in 2023! "


Percy's eyes lit up!

The logic is closed.

"W-what are you talking about?" Hermione was confused as she listened.

What letter?

What school anniversary?

What statue?

Why do we all study at Hogwarts, but I feel like we are not in the same world?

"It's nothing. Graduate students are sharing their experiences. You haven't graduated from high school, so don't get involved." Owen lay on the table and continued to think hard about his experimental procedures.

Holding back seven words in one night is more uncomfortable than writing a book.

More importantly, many of his experimental methods can only be calculated theoretically. After all, Professor Sprout only introduced a dozen poisonous biting cabbages and gave them to them for experiments. Do you want to cultivate it?

"Humph!" The little witch suddenly became a little unhappy.

She held her face and looked at the two people who were racking their brains very unhappy.

There is no research or subject that I, Granger, cannot learn!

She is full of confidence and will definitely catch up with Owen this time.

"Pansy was injured by Buckbeak, did you know?" Hermione suddenly changed the subject and talked about something else.

"Well, what next?" Owen responded without raising his head.

"The Slytherins are clamoring for Buckbeak's death. They have even written to the Ministry of Magic's Department for the Regulation of Magical Creatures to complain."


"The Ministry of Magic has replied."

"What did Fudge say?"

"It's not the minister, it's the Director of the Department for the Regulation of Magical Creatures. He wrote a letter to agree. I guess the Slytherins have arrived at Hagrid's hut by now."

"Agreed?" Owen finally raised his head. He somewhat understood why Hermione wanted to tell him this.

"This is really the best news I've heard this year."

"Why are you just saying it now!" He glared at Hermione complainingly and then immediately jumped up from the chair and ran out happily.

"What's wrong with him?" Looking at Owen's retreating back, Percy asked in confusion.

Hermione pursed her lips and sat directly on Owen's seat, "He has been thinking about Buckbeak's meat for more than a day or two. I heard that he was going to use it to make hot pot, a Far Eastern delicacy."

"So he went to snatch the body of the Hippogriff?" Percy couldn't understand, but was shocked.

Is this Hufflepuff?

As expected, they are very different from Gryffindor.

"Haha——" the little witch sneered, then opened the magic book at hand.

Hearing the sound, Percy immediately understood, "The Ministry of Magic didn't reply at all?"

"It's because they haven't had time to write!"


Suddenly, Percy had the illusion that he was old.

Are all today's little wizards so cunning and cunning?

I think back to when I was this old, I was either studying diligently or studying diligently every day.

Never caused trouble.

But now - it seems that Hogwarts has changed since Harry Potter entered the school.

Became violent.

Became cunning.

More energetic!


On the other side, Owen was running towards the outside of Hogwarts.

Walking through the mountains covered with dewy grass.

From a distance, he saw many people surrounding Hagrid's cabin.

One red and one green, the two sides opened up and greeted each other's family members in formal terms.

Poor Hagrid was caught in the middle, with distress written all over his face.

"Hand over the hippogriff."

"You hand it over as soon as you say it? Who do you think you are?"

"Do you want to fight?"

"I have long disliked you!"

"Good! Beat him!"


The two houses, which showed their ability to fight without beeping and could not speak a word, were fighting each other in an instant.

A mess of spells flying around.

Various jinxes and black magic defense spells were used together to celebrate the event.

This stunned Owen who came over.

what happened?

He hasn't even started fighting yet, but now they're fighting!

Is it because of uneven distribution of spoils?

"Hey! Don't grab it, that--I want half of Buckbeak's meat!"

Owen was running and shouting as he flew down the mountain path.

His steps were fast, and within ten seconds after the words were heard, the person arrived.

"Have you killed him? Where is the meat?" The little black man's eyes were shining as he kept looking at the pumpkin patch around him.

But there was nothing around except stupid pumpkins and a few squawking crows.

Hagrid's face on the steps of the hut turned dark in a second, his cheeks were swollen, and he was obviously very angry.

"She's alive and well!" Hagrid roared angrily.

Waves of giant sounds penetrated Owen's little head!

"Ah~" A certain glutton suddenly crossed his face.

When he turned away from the faces of Harry and Ron present.

It only took less than a nanosecond for Owen to know that he had been deceived by Hermione and became a resentment.

She probably deceived herself into a prank.

"ε=(ο`*))) Oh. Really, why are you still lying!" Owen, who was discouraged for a second, went from excitement to confusion.

His heavy eyelids and bulging temples all made him feel exhausted.

The aftereffects of staying up late are here.

"I heard that, even Owen supports killing the murderous Hippogriff."

The two sides who stopped fighting fell into a stalemate.

A moment later, someone from Slytherin suddenly shouted.

Then, as if they suddenly found a magic weapon for confrontation, they began to chatter at the Gryffindors.

"Stop making noise!" Owen shouted, his head hurting!

"I'm going to force Lai Lai every day, why didn't you just give that winged beast something to chew on?" He pointed at the Slytherins.

"Knock! My meat! The meat is gone!"

"It's all your fault!!!"

In front of Hagrid's hut, two groups of people had different faces, one was green and the other was white.

But Owen's sentencing was not over yet. He staggered, took a deep breath, and stood firm. Then he scolded: "Everyone is a waste snack, ten points deducted! Ten points deducted for everyone! And you!"

After saying that, he raised his hand and pointed at Gryffindor, "What are you trying to stop me from! You stopped me from having braised pork! Ten points will be deducted from you too! Ten points will be deducted from both of you!"

Having said that, the dejected Owen, like a puppet without his beloved, leaned forward, his hands close to his waist and abdomen, and he swayed forward on his feet relying on the inertia of his body.

He is going home to sleep.

His bed, warm and soft, was calling him with its soft, sweet and broad chest.

On the other side, Slytherin and Gryffindor, who were being scolded by Owen, looked at each other speechlessly.

Who can bear to be deducted 60 to 70 points for no apparent reason?

And most importantly, none of them dared to refute.

Look at the sluggish look on that Hufflepuff Demon King. You can tell with your butt that as long as they dare to speak, they will definitely be beaten!

So for the sake of their own butts - they have no choice but to swallow this breath.

Talk about it later!

In this way, after the two parties glared at each other with hostility for a few times, they led their teams away.

Hagrid, who was at the center of this storm, was not angry because of Owen's rude remarks just now, mainly because he was used to it.

Sometimes he doubted that if he hadn't been watching over this forest, which bastard would have eaten the magical animals in it to the point of becoming endangered.

However, Irving's performance just now gave him a little inspiration.

Is it possible that he is the professor?

Why would he, a professor, be forced to this point by his students?

Think about what would happen to Snape if he encountered this situation?

One day, Harry was boiling a potion, and then the pot suddenly exploded. The strong potion burned a large area of ​​his skin, even caused it to bleed, and was disfigured!

In this case, believe it or not, Snape would still make a cold, sharp sneer, and then command the Academy to send Harry to the infirmary.

The moment the student walked out of the Potions classroom, he added to his trademark taunt, "Five points from Gryffindor for your stupidity."

He will definitely say it.

Snape is that kind of person!

And what about the little wizard?

I was injured, suffered hardship, had points deducted, and had to make up homework!

But even though he was so strict, no young wizard dared to contradict him.

So - do you want to show some of the majesty of a professor?

Hagrid stood on the steps of the wooden house, looking at Owen's leaving figure.

He decided that he had to talk to Professor McGonagall about teaching.

Although he doesn't like Snape's teaching style, Professor McGonagall can still learn from it!

Consistent, coherent

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