I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 159 Professor Trelawney, give me a happy word.

Luna didn't raise her head the whole time.

The parchment in her hand, the scratching sound of the quill touching it, kept lingering in Owen's ears.

Owen had never seen Luna look serious one day.

Maybe she only behaves like this when she's writing something?

"That." Owen looked a little embarrassed.

After all, his glory days were generally marked by bad luck for those around him.

What to do if this makes people misunderstand.

If you thought he was a pervert since he was a child, you would really be wronged!

"Did I speak too soon, you" He had stopped telling.

But the quill in Luna's hand did not stop, and even shook out an afterimage.

"Um - I haven't said anything yet, what are you writing?" Owen curiously poked his head over to Luna's long dark golden brown hair and the carrot earrings hanging from her earlobes, and then took a look. What she wrote.


On the yellowed paper, I saw words made up of ink that every Owen knew, but they were put together.

Why is it so strange?

——Title—The hero who saved Hogwarts, Owen Sanchez.

————"He is the best little wizard in the history of Hogwarts." Professor Dumbledore, the principal of Hogwarts, has said this about Owen many times.

————"Yes, although he never follows the rules and is a bit naughty, but sometimes you have to admit that those big people, wizards who have achieved greatness, were a bit naughty when they were children." Filius, Head of Ravenclaw ·Professor Flitwick said.

As this newspaper has suggested on several occasions, Minister for Magic Fudge has an army of fire elves.

He is plotting to overthrow the entire wizarding world.

Yes, that's right, this collective rebellion of dementors was a rebellion against the oppression under Fudge's long-term dark rule.

Of course, this newspaper has never stood on the side of those dark creatures, but this group of terrible dementors, who may attack any good wizard, collectively rioted and attacked innocent little wizards. This is magic. The world will never tolerate it.

Minister of Magic Fudge has an unshirkable responsibility and should resign.

And our hero, Owen Sanchez.

As a lonely, tragic and guardian in the darkness.

Although he lost his parents and experienced darkness when he was young, he has been firmly on the path of resisting Fudge's dark rule throughout his life.

Now the unsung hero finally stands in the sun.

As Principal Dumbledore said: "Those who do not believe that love is more powerful than magic and will never love anyone, I still believe in them, because this does not prevent them from becoming a good person."

Yes, this is the case for Owen Sanchez, the Hogwarts wizard who has ranked first in age for two consecutive years, winner of two House Contribution Awards, defeated Beauxbatons House, president of the Hogwarts Student Union, and the most outstanding student in the history of the school. people.

Even though the Ministry of Magic is in the dark, he is still the legendary hero who saved the little wizards of Hogwarts!

Brother cute!

I cried, where is Meng?

Knock—what’s with this strong “Quiet Quibbler” style!

Well, this is normal, just as normal as Fudge raising a group of fire elves to try to overthrow the wizarding world - what the hell!

Good guy, you didn’t write a single word of what I said when you co-authored it!

What a crap interview!

Just make it up!

Watching the elf girl writing her story, Owen stood up silently, and then patted Colin.

Stop talking, let's go, I feel like we are no longer needed here.


The first divination class in third grade.

Coward - On the other hand, Owen has always been full of inexplicable awe for the mysterious science of divination and Professor Sybill Trelawney.

Thanks to the era of streaming media, various bloggers have broken down Harry Potter and poured it into the audience.

Especially the legend of Professor Trelawney. It is also a favorite among major bloggers, and some even interpret every line Professor Trelawney said.

The result was that all her predictions came true in the end.

Even those casual remarks in class to scare the little wizards of pretending to be crazy came true.

Under the influence of this kind of video.

In Owen's heart, Professor Trelawney is no longer a professor or a prophet. Damn, she just said what she said - Jesus is alive!

It is recommended that the statues of the founders of the four major colleges be removed from the garden. Just put a statue of Professor Trelawney there and offer incense to her.

Seeking talent and advancing to higher education is a trivial matter. I, Professor Trelawney, am directly in charge of cause and effect.

Harry Potter?


The false savior, Harry Potter, went through all kinds of hardships and lost all kinds of relatives and finally defeated the Dark Lord Voldemort.

The real savior, Professor Trelawney, affected cause and effect with his mouth and killed Voldemort directly.

The achievements of saving the world are judged by superiors and superiors.

So what if it's Dumbledore? It's not like I, Professor Trelawney, am playing around with applause. Don't know yet.

Ahem - okay~_~ Awesome, let’s stop here first.

In the real classroom, Professor Trelawney's performance was also within Owen's expectations.

She spent half of a class creating a crisis-ridden atmosphere.

Scare everyone with what happened on the Hogwarts Express.

The rest of the time is called randomly.

The first person to be murdered was Neville. Professor Trelawney mentioned his parents for no reason, saying that his parents would fall into a real deep sleep around Christmas.

This made Neville suspicious throughout the class, fearing that his unconscious parents would completely leave him.

Then came Ron, whose eyes were dull.

I heard that he discovered that his mouse was missing this morning.

————Actually, it was lost last night, but he didn’t notice it.

Without the mouse, Ron seemed to have lost his soul. His whole body took on the shape of Peter Pettigrew.

Professor Trelawney took the opportunity to get involved, predicting that someone in their family would leave forever this year.

have to!

As soon as these words came out of his mouth, Ron was shocked.

Then he became as garrulous as Neville.

Owen on the side, who had already put a green mark on Peter Pettigrew's head, his eyelids twitched slightly.

He did plan to wait until Peter Pettigrew came back to do it directly.

Someone is leaving the Weasley family this year

The mice also belong to their family.

No, no? Professor Trelawney doesn’t think Jesus is really alive, does he?

If he really killed Peter Pettigrew, wouldn't that just fulfill her prophecy?

——Knock, where is the werewolf? Why don't you jump out and kill this prophet?

And just as Owen was brainstorming,

She turned her fire back to Harry, who was also disturbed.

"Oh, child!" Professor Trelawney said to Harry in her strange accent: "I see death in your face, child, you hear the whispers of the dead."

"I" Harry was stunned when he came back to his senses, and then felt a little embarrassed. After a moment, he said: "I don't know about Professor, it's just that - you know, the dementors attacked us. At that time, I felt all my happiness They were all disappearing. I seemed to hear a woman screaming, but none of my friends around me heard it. Do you know who that woman is?"

"My dear child, your life must be difficult." The pretending Professor Trelawney was touched by Harry's sincere eyes.

That clear stupidity left the old liar with some queasy conscience.

She seemed to want to comfort Harry who was depressed, but unfortunately she had forgotten how to comfort someone because of her constant obsession with things.

She timidly stretched out her hand to touch Harry's messy hair, but the moment she touched it, she quickly pulled back.

As the most famous savior in the wizarding world.

Everyone knows Harry Potter's background.

Professor Trelawney is no exception.

She quickly thought of who the woman's scream in Harry's mouth might come from: "I think that voice might be your mother, child."

"My mother? You mean, it was Voldemort who killed my mother and her death scream?"

"Don't - don't say that name!" The professor seemed to be greatly frightened. She stepped back in panic and bumped into many crystal balls on the little wizard's table.

She was able to stay at Hogwarts and teach because of Dumbledore's protection.

After all, Voldemort knew who made the prophecy that changed the entire magical world.

To prevent her from being persecuted.

The old principal could only endure Professor Trelawney's torment for so many years. Instead of driving her out of the castle.

Harry said no more, but turned to look at Owen who was watching the show.

He just didn't tell himself about Sirius.

If that murderer is really his godfather.

No matter what he had done, at least in this world, he still had family.

——Aunt Petunia:?

The only daughter of the Evans family, right?

"What are you looking at me for?" Owen leaned on the chair and raised his head lazily, "I've never even heard my mother's screams, and you're still looking at me!"


The classroom fell silent for a moment.

The pain on Harry's face suddenly stopped, and he almost couldn't hold it anymore.

"You have no parents!"

"It's so funny, it's like I have that thing."


In an instant, the pain disappeared from Harry's face.

He often forgets that the boy in front of him is an orphan.

But such a sad thing came out of his mouth, like this.

It's funny.

Harry's expression became unnatural.

Professor Trelawney also turned her attention to the child who looked indifferent.


"Say something nice, when will I take the dog?" Owen interrupted Professor Trelawney who was about to use her prophecy.

Open your mouth and strike first.



Ron and Neville, who were talking attentively, both looked at Owen.

"My dear, you look very healthy." The professor said with an embarrassed look on his face as he held the edge of the table with his mouth twitching.

"My Yintang is turning black~" Ou asked.

"That might be because you didn't wash your face well this morning."

"I'm depressed~"

"Go to bed early tonight."

"I always have nightmares at night~"

"So, go to bed early tonight!"

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