I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 157 The Dark Knight Rises (6,000)

It's just that - what puzzles Professor Lupine is why his patronus!

Stained with the smell of death.

That child was favored by death?

Professor Lu Ping stared blankly at the divine bird high in the sky.

It was completely different from the aura brought by ordinary patron saints, which was lonely, desolate, determined, and dead.

Like the last dance before the light returns.

As a master of the Patronus Charm, Lupine's understanding of the Patronus Charm far exceeds that of the average person.

As a reflection of the wizard's soul, the patron saint will reflect the current wizard's status in real time.

Except for the dark wizards who split their souls, they could not summon the patron saint.

Almost everyone else can tell the current life status of his master from the patron saint.

He had only experienced this kind of patron saint that contained death in a few old wizards who were cursed and dying.

And almost all of them passed the last moment of their lives in a very short period of time.

Therefore, Professor Lu Ping dared to assert almost instantly.

That kid is probably not going to die soon.

"Qiang Qiang!" The noble divine bird cried.

Visible to the naked eye, there are many burning flames on its wings, which are the flames of the soul.

This ultimate power is the embodiment of Owen's strong willpower.

The flames were like falling into an oil drum. After passing over the group of dementors, they ignited them in an instant!

"Hiss, hiss~~~"

Terrifying screams were heard one after another in the sky.

But in Owen's ears this was the most beautiful symphony.

The music of death!

High in the sky, countless black spots burned into fragments of nothingness.

That scene was magical, spectacular, and even more terrifying!

"Merlin up there! I saw something!" A young wizard fell to the floor of the train compartment and muttered to himself.

His legs were shaking constantly, and the next second, he was holding his head in fear and lying on the ground.

If Owen were here, he would definitely recognize this little Slytherin snake who repeatedly provoked him.

And there are definitely not a few such little wizards!

Last year, especially in the last two months before the holidays, Quidditch and Ravenclaw became more and more popular.

Almost all major college wars broke out in those months!

At that time, there were many young wizards chasing and blocking Owen.

"Is he still human?" This is a common question among all young wizards today.

"He won't hold grudges, if only he remembers last year." A little wizard couldn't say any more.

Because he found that there was no possibility for him except to be beaten.

"Who is he?" This was a freshman this year. He looked blankly at the god-like boy in the rain and murmured.

"Him?" The senior wizards around him looked confused.

Their mouths were all dry. It was obvious that the train had been blown open, and the howling wind kept pouring in.

But they still feel suffocated!

"He could be the heir to Hufflepuff."

"He's - Owen Sanchez!"


"Avada Kedavra!"

Just when Owen was pouring out the dazzling patron saint light crazily.

A dazzling green light, accompanied by a chaotic sound, passed through the rain and headed straight towards him.


Professor Lupine, who witnessed all this, shook his wand rapidly.

Try your best to save him.

A red curse shot out from the tip of his staff like lightning, also penetrating the rainstorm, and its target was the death curse.

"Sanchez Force Field." (Exorcism Field, maybe next time it will be called Grindelwald Force Field.)

A generation of evil spirits, the embodiment of terror, Owen will naturally not wait for others to save him.

Almost the moment he heard the sound, he extinguished the flames of the Patronus Charm.

Turning around, he cast the magical incantation that might be the only one that could deflect the Killing Curse.

A circle of light blue light flashed around him, with some kind of rhythm that looked like gravitational waves.

This spell may not work.

Although he practiced for two and a half years, it was just practice. Could Owen actually find someone to cast the Killing Curse on him, just to test whether the curse was effective?

"Come here quickly!" Another voice came out, almost at the same time as Professor Lupine's voice reminding Owen.

The next moment, the little devil felt a sudden lightness on the soles of his feet.

Then the whole person flew in a certain direction.

And the killing curse, like breaking through glass, easily shattered Professor Lupin's curse, and then passed by Owen's neck.


The curse exploded.

Another burst of smoke and dust rose, but it was quickly extinguished by the rain.



‘Bang bang~’

In the dark night, daylight fell from the sky, like a sharp sword cutting through the darkness.

From train to plain.

From the earth to the sky.

In the vast land.

Countless days, like little suns, suddenly flashed here.

The light gradually extinguished, and countless acquaintances that Owen knew walked out.

Alastor Moody, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Ted Tonks, Arthur Weasley, Professor Filius Flitwick.

Even Professor Snape, whom Owen was quite unhappy with, arrived.

In an instant, the place was filled with members of the Order of the Phoenix.

There were also a steady stream of Aurors arriving one after another.

The scene of coming into the world in daylight is quite spectacular!

The little wizards on the train couldn't help but scream.

With every ray of daylight, their screams grew louder.

Until Professor McGonagall appeared here, his cheers reached its peak in an instant!

"Stain!" Evil Ghost Owen was a little unhappy about this.

Because the arrival of these people meant that he could no longer hunt down the bastard who dared to sneak up on him.

After all, Professor McGonagall is not crazy yet!

How could a little wizard be allowed to hunt down a vicious dark wizard?

Although he is not a kind person.

He raised the corners of his mouth with a sneer, and then threw an alchemical creation, a metal ball, from his pocket.

"Are you OK!"

Professor Lupine, who broke out of the quagmire, was the first to rush to Owen's side.

He struggled to hold the little guy in his arms.

He had not yet broken free from the shock of the killing curse just now.

He was really afraid that this young life would disappear in front of him, just as he was shocked when he saw the child's guardian angel.

"It's okay, Professor." Professor Luping's rough hand kept rubbing the back of his head.

To be honest, it was quite uncomfortable and my hands were full of calluses.

And the professor hugged him very hard.

Somewhat coughing - out of breath.

"If you continue to hold me, something will happen."

Hearing the sound, Professor Lupine quickly let go of his hand, but his eyes still looked back and forth on Owen's body. He was relieved after knowing that there was indeed no wound on his body.

"You are still in the mood to be talkative." Professor Luping, whose eyes were lined with wrinkles, was shocked at first, and then said angrily.

At this time, an Auror came over.

It's Rufus Scrimgeour.

He has dark brown hair, thick eyebrows with streaks of gray, and wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses.

Sharp eyes glanced at the scattered dementors in the sky and Owen in front of Lupin.

Then he strode over.

"This child needs the protection of the Ministry of Magic!" he said.

"I think the last thing he needs is the protection of the Ministry of Magic!" Professor Lupine protected Owen behind him, staring directly at Scrimgeour with a weathered face.

He knows these politicians too well.

They talk about protection, but they actually mean imprisonment!

How else would they explain to the public why dementors would attack an innocent Hogwarts wizard out of control?

Of course it starts with coercing and luring the victim.

As long as the victim can give testimony that is beneficial to the Ministry of Magic, then they can silence everyone.

This kind of behavior is not uncommon for him.

"Watch your attitude, sir, this is the right of the Ministry of Magic. We are protecting him!" Scrimgeour said forcefully, and even his hand holding the wand seemed to be planning to directly rob someone.

He must maintain the dignity and authority of the Ministry of Magic.

He recognized this child. He had seen him in Courtroom 10 during the summer vacation. He had been imprisoned in Azkaban for insulting the Minister of Magic and serious violations of the Statute of Secrecy.

In an instant, a plan emerged.

As long as they were the first to accuse the boy of breaking the law, the loyal Azkaban guards would still think he was a criminal.

And they then tricked the child into confessing.

Even if the penalty is waived, it can still alleviate possible public pressure on the Ministry of Magic.

Moreover, he really wanted to protect the child, and he had no selfish motives in this regard.

"What an attitude!"

Just then a roar came from behind Scrimgeour.

"Tell me what attitude!"

"Still, what attitude do you want?"

It's Professor McGonagall.

Owen swore that he had never seen Teacher Mew so angry!

Her square glasses were almost spitting out flames.

"Ministry of Magic~"

"Don't mention the Ministry of Magic, Scrimgeour! This is Hogwarts, and the little wizards at Hogwarts should be dealt with by the professors, not you."

Professor Snape and Professor Flitwick stood side by side behind Professor McGonagall.

The three principals arrived together.

The feeling of oppression is unimaginable to ordinary people and overwhelming.

"Now, I think it's time for both this child and the child on the train to go to the castle. As for what happens next, we'll talk about it, what do you think? Rufus Scrimgeour."

Professor McGonagall has already said this.

What else could Rufus Scrimgeour say?

The majestic professor in front of him was also his teacher when he was young.

The long-term psychological shadow left the former Gryffindor speechless. He could only stand aside and acquiesce, while the professors gathered around and took Owen away.

Cold rain was pouring down.

The incomplete train, dragging its own body with difficulty, began to accelerate.

More than an hour later.

When everyone walked down the marble stairs and entered the castle, everyone was obviously relieved.

Harry finally came to his senses in the arms of everyone.

Owen and Hannah walked to the Hufflepuff table together.

The tempting aroma of food wafted out from the auditorium, and the laughter and laughter inside gave the little wizards a wonderful feeling of returning to the world.

Owen took a deep breath.

Compared with the difficult looks on other people's faces, he seemed to be in much better condition.

Just hungry.

Simply hungry

The kind that gives a hungry person a stomach ache.

He just ate something casually on the train to fill his stomach, planning to have a big meal at school.

As a result, there was a big battle, and the violent exercise directly drained the energy stored in his body.

Spellcasting is only one part, it's mainly the brain.

As the human body is a large energy consumer, overclocking and thinking about countermeasures during a duel consumes the most energy.

The auditorium was silent.

Everyone was silent.

Owen glanced at the podium.

At least two-thirds of the professors were away.


Probably still in France?

Professor McGonagall - probably protesting against the Ministry of Magic.

Professor Flitwick—should be involved in capturing the non-human wizard who escaped by apparating away.

Yes, that guy is definitely not a human wizard.

Owen is sure.

Damn it, how could someone whose body bones were half blown away still be dragging the remaining body while casting a killing curse on him?

Werewolves don't have this kind of physique either!

Unless it's Wolverine!

As for Professor Snape, he probably followed.

Of course, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Lupine, is not here either.

On the empty podium.

Only one dean was present.

That was Pomona Sprout, Head of Hufflepuff.

Maybe Professor Sprout never dreamed that one day, she would preside over the sorting ceremony.

Of course, it doesn't matter who hosts this year's freshman dinner.

Because the absolute protagonist is sitting at Hufflepuff's long table, eating and drinking in a very imageless way!

Tonight is destined to belong to only one person.

That's Owen Sanchez.

After the dinner, the little wizards did not listen to many of the things Professor Sprout announced.

The new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

The new alchemy professor.

The new Care of Magical Creatures professor.

Until the end of the sorting, Professor Sprout pulled out a parchment scroll from her large, mud-stained robe.

She carefully tore off the wax paint bearing the Hogwarts school emblem and read the contents aloud.

It was a letter from Dumbledore from France.

It is a letter of appointment as principal.

There are only two sentences in the whole article.

There will be no male and female student body presidents this year.

Hufflepuff third-year student Owen Sanchez is appointed President of the Hogwarts Student Union.

In Professor Sprout's excited and pleased tone, Percy was the first to stand up!

He stared blankly at the professor on the rostrum.

Then he looked at Owen who was also confused.

Suddenly, a strong sense of frustration came over me. His face turned pale, he was shaking, and he sat down again lonely.

If the train pulled into Hogsmeade Station without incident, he might still grumble a little.

But now.

In fact, Percy doesn't need to be like this.

Because even if today's attack didn't happen, the principal's authority would not be changed at will by a little wizard.

Then, sporadic applause broke out in the auditorium.

came from the Hufflepuff table.

Then came Gryffindor.

Ron roared excitedly, then stood up and clapped vigorously with both hands. He didn't know that they were because they saw Percy deflated, but because they were sincerely happy that Owen was the president of the student union.

Gradually, the applause became more intensive and louder.

Eventually all the little wizards joined in.

The fierce sound lasted for three minutes, and the applause gradually disappeared until everyone's hands turned red and Professor Sprout waved to stop.

Then, the professor seemed to have something else to say.

But in the end, he didn't say anything. He just frowned and asked the prefects of each college to return to the common room with the young wizards from their respective colleges.

Owen knew that that was what was going to be announced about the Dementors entering Hogwarts.

But now that something like this has happened, I'm afraid Fudge won't even be able to pass Professor McGonagall's test.

Everyone returned to their common rooms in silence, no one spoke.

But everyone worked in unison and made way for the boy who said he didn't care.

Starting today, the four major academies that are not dealing with each other finally have a consensus.

That's it - don't mess with Owen Sanchez.


"Blake, it must be that guy Blake!"

Just as the little wizards at Hogwarts ended their tiring day in their dreams.

In the principal's office.

A group of high-ranking magic officials and professors were facing each other like fire and water.

"He actually dared to attack Harry Potter openly. He is simply crazy!" Fudge identified the dark wizard who attacked Owen as Sirius from the moment he entered the door.

Owen's behavior was naturally to protect his classmates.

As for the dementors.

"I don't care who the dark wizard is now! I just want to ask you, why did the guards of Azkaban attack an innocent little wizard!" Professor McGonagall seemed to be on the edge of a volcano about to erupt, returning from Owen's summer vacation To Hogwarts, then to the arrival of Grindelwald’s female assistant, and now to the train attack.

One after another, Teacher Miao's little sanity has been exhausted.

"They admitted their mistake." A trace of panic flashed in Fudge's eyes, as if he was frightened by Professor McGonagall's aura. "The child you know has entered Azkaban, and there is the fugitive Black next to him. They admit their mistake very easily. normal!"

"Is that normal?" Professor McGonagall laughed angrily, "There are at least hundreds of little wizards on that train. If they admit their mistake today, they can attack them at will. But what about tomorrow? Might all of us be 'recognized'!" "

"It was just an accident!" Fudge continued to argue.

"No!" At this time, the weak Professor Lupine said, "This is not an accident, but your Ministry of Magic simply does not have the ability to control those dark creatures! They also attacked three other little wizards on the train!"

"And there is no evidence that the attacker was Blake."

"I saw with my own eyes that the killer, with more than half of his body missing and only a skeleton left, was still able to cast a killing curse. This kind of body function is something that even a werewolf doesn't have!"

"And the Ministry of Magic has an unshirkable responsibility for the sudden appearance of an executioner roaming around the UK!"

The frail-looking Professor Lupine made a room full of senior officials from the Ministry of Magic speechless with his impassioned speech.

But Fudge didn't intend to accept Professor Lupin's words. He looked ferocious and almost shouted: "No! That must be Black, it's him, it's definitely him!"

"Watch your attitude, Mr. Remus, I know you were good friends with that murderer!"

"That was before." Professor Lupine interrupted Fudge, a look of tenacity revealed in his tired eyes: "If that person is really Black, I will kill him myself."

"Okay." Professor McGonagall stood up at this time. Behind her square glasses, there was a determined look that no one else had seen. "The tracking of fugitives is naturally done by the Aurors, but I have to say, given that What happened today invalidates the previous agreement between Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic, and not a single dementor can enter the castle."

"You -" Fudge seemed to be choked. He knew he was in the wrong, but, "What if that person sneaks into the castle? Without the dementors, you can't find him."

"Not even with them! Otherwise there would be no prison break." Professor McGonagall showed unprecedented majesty. She may not like the naughty child, but she will never allow anyone to hurt him!

"Keep those monsters away from Hogwarts, or else-"

"We will take necessary measures, including but not limited to directly killing them completely."

"You-" Fudge stared at Professor McGonagall but couldn't say a word.

Yes, this time it's their Ministry's problem.

He couldn't even imagine how the Daily Prophet would report tomorrow morning.

If the public knew that the dementors rioted collectively and attacked the little wizard.

Such public opinion would be disastrous, and he would be more likely to be kicked out of office by an angry public.

There is no time to be at odds with Hogwarts.

"Okay! I promise you. They will not enter the castle." In the end, Fudge compromised.

Then, without stopping for half a second, he led his subordinates and left the office in a hurry.


He promised that Dementors would not enter Hogwarts, but he did not say that he would not keep an eye on them.

That Black, who wants to kill Harry Potter, will definitely come to Hogwarts. If the Ministry of Magic wants to catch the murderer as quickly as possible, it must send dementors to patrol around the castle.

——At night, it is like a permanent black shadow wrapping the earth.

The heavy rain continues.

Just like this night.

From London to the Scottish Highlands.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier.

The pouring rain can make anyone lose their way. Because it has reached the level of blocking the wizard's sight.

But obviously, there are always some people who are calmer and more terrifying than ordinary people.

Hogwarts Owlery.

Heavy rain fell from the tips of Owen's hair. He was squatting on the eaves in a black robe, looking down at the entire castle like a proud eagle.

"Crack" thunder fell.

Following the flash of light, a thin figure appeared immediately.

"Sir, I think it's time for you to go to bed." Dobby returned a metal ball in his hand to Owen.

"Did you find his location?" Without raising his head, Owen put the multifunctional alchemy product that Nick gave him for positioning, notification, and monitoring back into his pocket.

Hannah is right.

He never takes revenge overnight, because he will take revenge on the same day.

That useless idiot who dared to intercept and kill him in the street was simply looking for death.

The wand in Owen's hand once again cast the spell he was most familiar with.

Phantom curse.

"He was seriously injured," Dobby said softly, then pointed to a location not far away, near Hogwarts Castle.

"Ho! It's dark under the light!"

The exquisite magic enveloped Owen's entire body.

Gradually, a new disguise began to replace Owen's current appearance.

It was like a symbol of primitive fear, the dark eyes of the hunter watching indifferently.

"Every hero needs a cloak!" He sneered, and the large black cloak that appeared in his phantom whirred in the heavy rain.

He has never been a good person.

The creed that Owen firmly believes in is - let the enemy who creates fear, Mr. Fear!

And this fear will turn into his wings, taking him through any seemingly insurmountable canyon!

Right - grandpa!

Relevance! Relevance!

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