I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 155 A megaphone? Hidden line? spy? It’s just idle chess!

Peter Pettigrew, after taking a look at Owen, his first reaction was to run away.

Ahead is Knockturn Alley.

He was very familiar with this road, especially in those dark ages. He had walked here countless times.

He was confident that he would only need to walk two or three street corners. You can completely throw away the boy behind you.

Thinking in his mind, he stepped forward and rushed into the remote alley.

"call out"!

Suddenly, a green death light passed by his cheek, almost touching his face.

The beard on the right side of Peter's face even felt the cold temperature of the curse.

The screams of countless creatures before their death rang in their ears.

"Bang, don't kill me, please, don't kill me."

He fell directly to the ground because his legs were weak. His whole face rushed directly into the muddy ditch on the side of the road.

But his mouth was always full of muddy sewage, and he began to shout in a sharp, hoarse voice.

Behind him, Owen was unhurried. He used magic spells to disperse the rain dripping from his body while holding up a transparent umbrella again.

Then he walked over slowly.

"Run, why don't you run?"

"Oh, maybe you're showing off to me that you have legs?"

Say it, a red magic spell flew out from the fingertips of his right hand and hit Peter's left foot accurately.

Cutting spell.

A very common spell, not even a Defense Against the Dark Arts charm.

Because it has so many counter-curses, any object cut by it can be repaired using a repair spell.

Of course, this spell can also be used on wizards. The repair is possible, but the pain is real.

"Ah!" A shrill scream suddenly sounded, but the sound seemed to be blocked by some invisible wall and did not spread.

"The right fingers are missing, and the left toes are cut off. What a perfect symmetry." The devil pressed forward step by step, his tone colder than the rain.

"Please, please, don't." Peter Pettigrew fell into the mire.

His head looked back at Owen.

His eyes were full of horror and fear.

Owen looked at him with peace of mind.

There was ridicule written all over his face.

That's what this bug is like, being respectful in front of you and taking advantage of you later. No matter how downcast he is now, once he has the ability to bite you back, he will not hesitate.

"Doesn't the smell of earth smell good?" Owen looked at him jokingly, the corners of his mouth suddenly raised.

Immediately, his right leg exerted force, and a whip kick kicked the bug away far away.

Then he stuck his boots out of the umbrella and let the rain wash them away.

"You soiled my boots sir."

"Well, I don't want to continue playing this game anymore," he said.

"Sirius escaped from Azkaban, I thought you should know that!"

"Guess who sent him the news that you were still alive?" The boy had an unstoppable smile on his face.

And in the eyes of Peter Pettigrew.

The boy who looked like a demon from hell was squeezing out a lot of monsters from his shadow, biting and roaring towards him.

As for him, he is just a lone boat in the sea. He will be overturned by the sea water at any time and drowned.

"I" he didn't want to speak, let alone look directly into the eyes of that evil spirit.

But Peter knew better.

Yes, he knew it very well.

This boy had entered Azkaban more than a month ago, and if anyone could tell Sirius the news, it could only be him.

"You're not sincere at all." Owen glanced at Peter's panicked face, and ten thousand ways to torture him flashed through his mind, but he didn't take action.

"Soul out of body!" The bright blue ball of light hit Peter's body, and then he had no time to resist, and his consciousness fell into a mist.


The fog is sharp and cannot be seen in any direction.

rising from all directions.

It was like water mist, completely blocking Peter's sight.

He fled like a headless fly in the fog.

He wants to escape.

But there were no roads in all directions, and he had no idea where to go.

And just when he was confused, suddenly, the mist-like ground appeared with water ripples like a lake, and then stone stairs slowly rose up, and a road with no end suddenly appeared.

Anyone who sees this road can't help but subconsciously walk up it.

Because you have no way out!

And when Peter stepped onto the stone stairs like most normal people.

As he took the first step, an ethereal and unmistakable voice sounded in the void: "Go to Azkaban and rescue Bellatrix Lestrange. You know what to do, Ah." Nymagus, plus a portkey."

"The dementors have been lured out by Sirius, you must go as soon as possible!"

On the wet street corner, Owen watched helplessly as Peter transformed from a human into a beast again.


He didn't expect Bella to be his spy. In fact, Owen never trusted anyone.

Besides, he just cut that kind of abnormal love out of Bella's heart.

As for Bella now, or in the future, whether she is still loyal to Voldemort——

Haha - it's none of his business.

Play chess!

You can't expect every step to be useful.

Placing a chess piece is about an opportunity. Maybe this chess piece will bear good results?

There was a sneer in his heart, and he held the mouse in his hand again.

Owen was even very generous, kind-hearted, and holy-hearted, and cut off the severed finger in the mud for him.

Haha - someone is coming.

"Hey, what are Owen doing with Scabbers?" Ron and Harry came over together.

"Try the medicine!" Owen casually threw the muddy mouse to Ron.

"Test medicine?"

"I learned a lot of useful magic potions and powerful refreshing potions from Nico Flamel. Look, does that mouse have its energy back?" Owen smiled like a normal child.

"Really?" Ron looked at the mouse in his hand suspiciously.

Needless to say, I feel much better indeed.

Look at its eyes, they are sparkling!


"By the way, Owen, I wrote to you before to ask about Sirius."

After Ron got his mouse, they walked towards Flourish and Blotts Bookstore in the rain.

There their textbooks for the new semester arrived.

"Don't be anxious about this, you will know it soon." Owen said ambiguously.

Patted Harry on the shoulder.

Peter Pettigrew still had a use for him, and now was not the best time to make his crimes known to the public.

There has to be a big fight - someone better be in danger!

He's saving everyone, uh-huh - just like first grade, second grade!

That makes it look perfect, right?


Compared with the second grade, the third grade has many more courses.

Includes two elective courses.

Hogwarts has six elective courses, and ordinary wizards only need to choose two from them to get O.W.Ls certificates.

From a straightforward point of view, for most wizards who do not enter a highly dangerous and professional position like Auror, elective courses are just for collecting credits.

As for Owen, Dumbledore booked his elective courses for him during the summer vacation.

The principal personally set the curriculum for him, which is really caring.

Of course, if you understand the details, you will know that this matter will not be liked by any students (Owen, a bad student, has never been a good student.)

The three courses are.

The Care of Magical Creatures lesson that his grandfather recited from heart to heart.

Ancient runes specifically instructed by Dumbledore.

As well as a course that was originally only available to sixth graders, alchemy.

Everyone else has two majors, especially Harry and Ron. One is Divination just to earn credits, and the other Magical Beasts is just to earn credits.

As for him, Dumbledore directly helped him order three doors.

Among them, ancient runes and alchemy are the most difficult courses at Hogwarts.

This made Owen, who had always been a salty fish, very unhappy.


As he grumbles.

The old principal backhandedly added another course to him - a divination course!

The reason given by the professor is that you are still very energetic!

If you don’t prepare new courses at this time, you still have time to complain to him.

have to!

Owen, who took four elective courses, instantly became the most miserable student in the entire third grade besides Hermione.


Considering the difficulty of the course, he struggled even more than Hermione!

----A few days later.

The last day of August.

The start of school has arrived as scheduled.

At ten o'clock in the morning, he hurried to King's Cross Station

As for why.

"Hi! Here!"

Owen had just passed through the wall when he saw the train gate, and Hannah waved to him happily.

"How was your summer vacation?" Hannah ran towards him and took the suitcase in her hand naturally.

"It's good. Beauxbatons looks prettier than Hogwarts." Well, except for the few days he was in Azkaban, he sent letters to Hannah the rest of the time.

Among them was the matter in France. After all, he had no need to hide it.

"Really?" Envy flashed in her eyes, and she and Owen boarded the train one after another.

"But you must have made a big fuss in Beauxbatons, right!" Hannah knew Owen very well. He went to Azkaban for a few days because of those little French wizards. He would definitely take the opportunity to take revenge when he went to France. of.

There will even be fights that day.

He never takes revenge overnight, because he takes revenge on the same day.

"Do you understand academic exchanges? My purpose is to promote the development of magic between schools. At a small level, it is to let them know that there are people and gods outside the world. At a big level, I am contributing to the future of magic in Europe." Owen He started his daily chattering again.

The chatter didn't stop from the moment I boarded the train until I entered the compartment.

"Without my contribution to the Wizarding World's hundred-year plan, Owen would be nothing! Besides, am I that rude? Why did you say that I was causing trouble in Beauxbatons? Did you see that - uh - no, you were doing this to me? Malicious inherent prejudice, this is personal discrimination, you are discriminating against me."


In the cubicle, the other two little wizards who were idle looked at Owen who walked into the cubicle with smiles on their faces.

came back!

They're all back!

This chatter, how familiar it is!

"Um, why are you all here so early?"

Looking at Justin and Luna who were already sitting in the booth, Owen picked up his empty left watch. It was just ten o'clock - ten fifty-nine!

The train leaves at 11 o'clock, why are you in a hurry?

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