I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 132 Planting a seed of doubt


A trace of doubt flashed in Bella's crazy eyes. It seemed like she, a lunatic, had found a fellow patient?

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Stop! Let's skip this question first." Owen squatted in front of the prison door again, holding his head and staring at Bella unscrupulously: "Do you know why you are so nostalgic for Voldemort?"

"Because the UK is such a big place that you can't meet anyone better."

"Shut up, you reptile, how dare you insult the great Dark Lord." Bella yelled at the wild cat whose tail was stepped on, "I'm going to cut out your tongue."

I don't know where she got her strength. He actually wanted to rush over and pinch Owen's neck.

"The great Dark Lord will return, and when he does, you and all his enemies will be crushed and torn to pieces."

"Ahem." Owen moved his butt towards the other side of the iron cage without leaving any trace, to prevent the splashing saliva from hitting his face.

Then he put away his joking expression and put on a confused and cute expression. "Well, if it was crushed, it wouldn't be torn into pieces, ma'am."

"What?" Bella, who was in a state of excitement, didn't react and asked subconsciously.

"I mean, you can't crush someone and tear them into pieces at the same time. Maybe you could try tearing them into pieces and then crushing them?"

"You!" Bella's eyes were like sparks. She stared at Owen and lay on the ground angrily. If it weren't for this fence, if it weren't for the fact that she wouldn't have much strength at all, if she had the roots If it were a magic wand, he might have swooped over and bit Owen's neck off.

"I will kill you. I will. No. I will not let you die easily. I will break every bone of yours, gouge out your eyes, and cut out your tongue."

She was still saying all kinds of cruel things.

But the Dark Lord had already pressed his ears impatiently, "ε=(ο`*))) Oh."

"So, everyone must study hard! Look, this is the consequence of not studying. Even the threatening words are just a few words, like killing you, cutting off your tongue, gouging out your eyes, etc., the illiterate temperament is in your face Come here." Owen said with a heavy face, like an old father looking at his useless old daughter.

"Nothing serious at all."

Then he raised the corner of his mouth and said in a lazy tone mixed with the extreme cold storm: "I said: 'There must be light.' So, you ants in the cage met the light."

He pointed at the fluorescent lights scattered in the corridor.

"The separation between you and me proves your weakness and my strength. Weak person, just accept your fate~"

The magic wand in the Demon King's hand pointed at Bella's head: "Legilimency——"

In an instant, Owen's unbridled feelings flooded into Bella's head, and her most precious memories were opened to him without reservation.

Parents – The Black Family – Hogwarts – Tom Riddle.

Like a god, he can arbitrarily alter and destroy the ups and downs of books in front of him.

However, Owen did not do this.

The reason why he didn't do it was that he had tried before. Forcibly changing the wizard's cognition would not lead to miracles. The twisted soul would not change due to Legilimency or the Imperius Curse.

Without faith from the soul, the fallen dark wizard will never be able to release white magic.

Owen's intrusion was gentler and easier than the Legilimency of ordinary wizards, as if it were some kind of talent in the blood, but after all, it was a violent way to pry open a person's brain.

Tender—but still painful.

Bella let out a scream, and then suddenly the scream turned into choking. Her chest twitched due to the violent struggle, and indistinguishable whimpers continued to escape from her throat.

She raised her head desperately, struggling and resisting with all her strength, as if big hands were holding her neck tightly. She could only maintain her breathing by maintaining this posture.

"Asshole, what are you doing, let her go!!!"

From another cage on the side, the roar of a wild beast suddenly came.

He was a man with a haggard face and a short stature. His facial bones were like a knife and an axe, and the amazing arc made his entire face look very recognizable, like a gloomy wolf.

Always waiting for the opportunity to kill prey.

But unfortunately, he didn't have the patience of the past at this time. He shouted loudly in order to attract the attention of the bastard.

"Avada Kedavra~"

Turning around, a faint green light pierced the sky.

The Demon King's body squatting on the ground turned around coldly, his gray eyes dancing with a beast-like red light.

He held up his left hand with an orchid finger, put his index finger lightly against his lips, and said elegantly: "Shh~~~"

"Be quiet, Mr. Rodolphus," he said to a corpse.

Then he turned to look at Bella again.

At this time, the skinny woman was lying on the ground and convulsing continuously. Her whole body seemed to have been drained of her soul, leaving only a body in the abyss where no sunlight could be seen.

Well - the memory is basically the same as Zhou Mu. Although there are some differences, the growth experience is similar.

You can try it.

With this thought in his mind, the devil waved his magic wand again - "the soul left the body".

The blue light hit the woman without any hindrance.

This time he wanted to leave something behind.

It doesn't require much tampering, just a small psychological hint is enough.

As the magic deepened, more and more memories came towards him.

Owen was not interested in Bella's early memories at all. Looking through those past events, he went straight into deeper levels, anger - Tom - love - Hogwarts - Black - parents - childhood, going deeper step by step. He walked into the deepest darkness of a person.

In the dark fog, a house slowly came from the illusion.

That is No. 12 Grimmauld Place, the ancestral home of the Black family.

The long corridor, with gorgeous wallpaper on the walls and an unknown light shining on the soft carpet, looks like a precious magical creation.

He came to the stairs, and when he walked into the floor, he saw a little black-haired girl hiding at the stairs.

She was probably only four or five years old.

He was sticking his head out and looking towards the place where he came.

Owen followed her line of sight, and there, an elf kept flashing out, carrying countless magic potions in his hand.

In the open room, several women walked back and forth.

There was also a woman's heart-rending scream coming from inside.

That was her mother, Druella Black. She was giving birth to a baby - Bella's sister, Draco's mother: Narcissa Malfoy.

The girl didn't understand what was happening ahead. To her, the miserable scream just made her deeply afraid.

The hand holding the wall turned slightly blue.

Suddenly - just when Owen was about to speak, the little girl turned her head blankly and looked at him with a numb look in her black eyes.

"Huh?" Owen was stunned, and then a sullen smile appeared on his lips, "I still have the strength to resist!"

"But it doesn't matter."

Then he slowly knelt down and whispered softly into the little girl's ear: "Where is your Tom in this disaster?"

"A vortex of deep pain, what can your Tom do for you?"

"Now that you are in prison, what can your Tom do for you?"

"After all, he is not strong enough!"

"No - no." Hearing the sound, the little girl suddenly hugged her head and groaned in pain, like the straw that broke the camel's back.

She yelled, "No, he will come to save me, he will come, definitely."

Panic, helplessness, pain, a four-year-old child's face was full of complex emotional changes, and then she seemed to remember something, and when she looked at Owen, her eyes were no longer numb, as if she recognized him.

"He's not coming, is he?"

"He never loved me, how could he come?" It was like murmuring to herself, or it was the truth that she had known in her heart for a long time, but now it resurfaced with the rolling waves of emotions.

"Yes, he will not come." Owen continued to instill this idea, "Voldemort will not come to save you, and Tom Riddle will not come to save you."

Gentle words tell a cold reality.

This made the little girl finally collapse emotionally.

There was a "boom". Her body exploded into black mist.

Then the ancestral house composed of black mist collapsed.

Countless memories passed quickly past Owen's side like white threads, and the soles of his feet moved lightly, as if he was flying. He was quickly squeezed out by the turbulent flow of memories.


A knocking sound on the fence interrupted Owen's thoughts.

"Although I have no problem with you torturing that woman, if you can, give her a good time."

Hearing the sound, Owen stood up again, glanced at the unconscious Bella, and walked towards the figure.

"What? She almost killed your good brother several times, and you still speak for her?"

Enough - simply planting an idea is enough.

With a devilish smile on his face, Owen's legs were shaking and numb - he was really numb from squatting.

She will be locked up in this dark cage for at least two years.

This is enough time for the seeds he planted to germinate.

‘Once suspicion arises, the crime has been established! ’

Doubts about Voldemort's strength will spread faster than he expected. And when she no longer recognizes Voldemort's overwhelming power, how long can that deformed love last?

Can the transformation of her soul allow her to embrace white magic again?

This is what interests him.

"Although I don't want to admit it, she is my cousin. If possible, I hope she has a decent death, or dies under my wand."

"Are you a young wizard at Hogwarts?" In the cage, the still handsome man asked in a low voice, with strong doubts in his tone: "Slytherin?"

Look at this devil-like child in front of you. He is only thirteen or fourteen years old. How can a little wizard in the third or fourth grade be so evil and master so much black magic!

"Half of a guess, Sirius." Owen walked over gracefully and slowly.

——Mainly wearing slippers, they are a bit slippery after water seepage, so I can’t walk fast.

He pulled open his collar, revealing the brown and black tie under his little suit.

"Hufflepuff, I'm from Hufflepuff House."

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