I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 124 The first is Ravenclaw who committed the sin of arrogance (four thousand)

The tops of the moon - sorry, there are no tops, they were all burned.

The moon has a sparse shadow, obscured by dark clouds.

The heavy snow in the sky did not stop there, it was still falling, and gradually the black lake froze again.

The forest that had been burned by the fire was also covered in snow and all traces were covered.

Nothing seems to have changed.

It seems like everything has changed.


In the early morning, the wind was chilly. Constant banging on the windows.

Just listening to this sound makes people tremble.

Regarding the handling of this incident, the school was extremely slow to respond.

There was no announcement about the identity of Witch Lani. The professors neither confirmed nor tried to falsify it, just as if it never happened.

Even Professor Flitwick did not ask Professor Dumbledore to fulfill his promise and clarify everything after the incident, but instead remained silent in acquiescence.

However, the punishment for the few young wizards was quite fast.

Except for Hermione, all little wizards who sneak out of the castle will be deducted 100 points.

and weekly confinement for the remainder of the semester.

In other words, they have to be detained for half a year!

And Hermione.

All penalties above are ×2.

And the school keeps evidence of her crime. If she commits another crime, not even Professor McGonagall can save her, and she will be expelled.

——Expelled from school and left on probation.

The little witch was so surprised by this punishment!

In her words, she was ready to pack her bags and go home.

Even if she wouldn't be imprisoned in Azkaban, she felt that at least she wouldn't be able to go to school.

But in the end--except for the deduction of points and confinement, there seemed to be no more serious punishment that actually threatened her.

However, after being asked by Snape to collect Acromantula materials for a whole week in the clearing where the fire was raging, the little witch was so tired that she almost collapsed, and finally used up the last bit of her ancient strength.

For several days, Owen didn't see her again.

The only time he met Hermione was on the Sunday after the incident. In the afternoon, he bumped into a black girl in the entrance hall.

Hmmmm - she looks a lot like Hermione. Owen almost thought that the evil spirit from the first episode had traveled through time and continued to hunt him down.

Take a closer look at the result, oh! It turns out to be the TV series version of Hermione~ (funny)

In fact, after the witch glanced at him, she ran away at the speed of Bolt's 100-meter sprint.

Later, he heard that it turned out that after a large number of Acromantulas were killed, the corpses were carbonized. Different from ordinary creatures, the corpses of magical creatures were also mixed with magic power. The cleaning spell was difficult to remove. The stupid Hermione didn't know it at first. , so she didn't care about it until she discovered that the magic spell couldn't remove those traces, and she became panicked.

She had been hungry since noon, and waited until dusk in the afternoon before returning to the castle - but she still ran into Owen.

——On the other side, in the intricate corridors of Hogwarts, was a familiar evil creature.

A maggot squirming in a manure pit.

A lowly, disgusting creature that can only live in the sewers.

Peter Pettigrew.

Back again.

In a short period of time, this cowardly guy was once again preparing to change his family, or in other words, to gain negotiating capital for himself.

After he discovered that the souls of the four founders still existed in Hogwarts, he immediately stopped thinking about escaping.

There's nothing more tempting than a cake with a recipe for turning into a wizard as terrifying as You-Know-Who. And he is still a person like Peter Pettigrew. Maybe he has also daydreamed about finding the inheritance of Slytherin.

Even if he can't use it, selling it to someone else or a mysterious person is still a good deal.

So he came back, shamelessly.

Ron was so happy to have found his pet again that he forgot all about his college being deducted 400 points (Granger had 200 points) plus a semester of confinement.

He didn’t know what his expression would be if one day he found out that his rat was actually a bald man and one of the culprits who killed his best friend’s parents.


In the school library, Owen wandered in.

The time now is - he glanced at the watch in the void on his arm, eleven o'clock in the middle of the night.

"Oh! My little swan! Aren't you still asleep?"

With just a casual glance, Owen saw Granger, who had been expelled and placed on probation, struggling on the seat closest to the restricted book area.

Well - she has died in society and has been hiding from the crowd recently

Of course, Hermione!

Not surprising.

It wasn't just once or twice that she stayed up all night studying.

What's strange is that the seats in Ta Miao's library are actually full.

He just followed the crowd in - in the middle of the night, a young man who got up late and was about to release water suddenly found that his dormitory was empty.

There was no one in the common room. After he got out of the oak barrel, he discovered that a large number of young wizards were walking upstairs in twos and threes.

At first, Owen didn't think about learning at all.

After all, this is the little wizard from Hogwarts! study? Learn shit!

He just thought this group of people were holding some kind of party and didn't even call him! knock! This is looking down on him! It must be severely criticized.

So I followed.

Then what?

Then he saw something!

Eleven o'clock! Hogwarts Library! It was full of people!

What is this concept?

This kind of thing may not have happened since the school was founded more than 1,600 years ago!

This reminded Owen of the postgraduate entrance examination army he had seen in his previous life.

Some libraries that stay up late for reading are even full for weeks on end.

Of course, compared to Neijuan, these little wizards obviously cannot defeat the students of Ming Dynasty.

"Do you know what time it is?" He looked at everyone.

Owen's eyes swept over everyone present


Why are you both here?

Seeing the Weasley twins studying a certain magic book without sleep or food, Owen almost thought he had been hit by a confusion spell.

George raised his head, stared at his eyes with heavy dark circles, and said in an old-fashioned tone: "There is something! You don't believe it even if I tell you."

"You don't understand even if you believe it," said Fred.

"It won't do you any good if you understand," George said.

"They will still be jealous of us." The two said in unison.

"We are going to apply to Professor McGonagall." Suddenly Fred changed the topic and said: "Maybe we are not suitable for Gryffindor!"

"That's right George." George helped: "Smart little wizards like us must be assigned to Ravenclaw Academy!"

"The Sorting Hat is confused."

Looking at the two brothers who were getting more and more excited, Owen's face was filled with black lines, 'Knock! If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have used Lani's identity to cooperate with them.

These two obviously misunderstood something.

But--it's interesting, isn't it? ’

"I personally fully agree with your point of view. The Sorting Hat is indeed an old fool. Hmm - you can try to apply to Professor McGonagall." Someone said with a smile.

In his eyes, the light that wanted to have fun spread out.

I really want to see the expression on Professor McGonagall's face after receiving the twins' application for transfer.

I'm afraid I'll laugh out loud!

Double happiness belongs to——

However, even people with learning difficulties like Gemini are willing to come to the library to study books, which shows that his plan is still successful.

Although there may be some problems, it is still good.

I just don't know how long their enthusiasm will last.

The night passed by.

The cold wind and snow outside the window drifted into the distance with the snowflakes.

The earth began to heat up rapidly.

Time is like a wild horse running wild, and it begins to pass rapidly at a speed that is unimaginable to the little wizards.

In the blink of an eye, spring is approaching.

At the end of March, Dumbledore announced that the school was back to normal.

Quidditch matches also began to take place normally.

Of course, since this year’s semester is coming to an end, the number of competitions and schedules will pose varying degrees of challenges.

Starting in April, Quidditch matches will be held every Saturday and Sunday.

Each team must adjust as quickly as possible to cope with this complicated competition.

And this was troublesome for Harry - he had to stop his plan to explore Godric's treasure and devote all his time to intensive training.

That wooden man Wood is back.

No matter it's windy or raining, the training every afternoon is unbeatable.

Even the open space created by the intense fire has become a training ground for various teams to compete for.

After all, there is only one Quidditch field, but Hogwarts has four Quidditch teams. Having no place to train is a problem.

Harry was the first to realize that they could use the open space burned by the fire to become their exclusive training ground.

Although, the red land had almost recovered in March, the seeds from the forest took root, and soon the greenery spread and covered them. If the flames engraved in their memories hadn't made the little wizards afraid, maybe this would have happened. Someone in the clearing had already had their thoughts in mind.

Of course - Harry's happiness didn't last a few days.

Because a few days later, the Ravenclaw Quidditch team came to the door.

Ravenclaw captain Roger Davis claimed that Wood's Gryffindor team occupied their ancestral Ravenclaw grounds.

? ? ?

This guy didn’t take the wrong medicine!

After hearing this, the irritable brother Wood almost dunked Davis' head into his neck.

I have seen people tell lies with their eyes open, but I have never seen someone so shameless.

This grass has barely grown two inches. When did it become your ancestral clearing?

In this regard, Davis spoke categorically, and it was Rowena who opened his mouth! What Ravenclaw! Hearing difficult words such as "heir", the Eagles on the side all held their heads high, as if they were the most outstanding house in Hogwarts.

The success of the other three academies is not a concern.

How can a group of mortals understand the wisdom of Ravenclaw!


Looking at their stinky looks, Wood really doesn't understand wisdom. He couldn't hold back his physical wisdom!

Of course, they didn't fight.

Because just when the two sides were arguing, another team happened to come over.

The leader is a tall and handsome boy.

The brown bow tie announced his college.


Yes, the person who came was none other than Cedric Diggory, the new captain of Hufflepuff.

As for why he appeared here, it was entirely because Justin was murmuring because there was no place to practice Quidditch in the academy. Owen heard him, and then someone suddenly remembered that a large open space was created in the forest after being burned!

Then he found Cedric and asked him to train there.

"Oh! Here comes another shameless team that steals things from other colleges." Davis didn't even raise his eyes to knock Cedric, and just opened his mouth and said something weird.

Wood, the listener, was already preparing to give him a blow.

"Huh?" From a distance, Cedric came over. After seeing the other two teams, he was not too surprised. After all, Slytherin had Snape, and they could occupy the Quidditch training ground forever, unless there were other teams. The headmaster of the college lowered his face and went to find Snape, otherwise the biased monster could reserve all the Quidditch training ground time for next year to Slytherin.

So he wasn't surprised when he saw Ravenclaw and Gryffindor.

"What a coincidence?" He walked over with a smile and stretched out his hand to say hello to Davis.

It's a pity that the guy didn't even look at him, and he didn't even have the intention to raise his hand when Cedric extended his hand.

In response, Cedric just smiled awkwardly, but this aroused the disgust of Justin, who came to visit the training. The little guy glared at Davis, then took a step back and ran back to the castle.

"This place is so big!" Davis was unwilling to shake hands with him. Cedric immediately walked towards Wood, and the two shook hands with each other. Then he looked around and said with emotion: "This place is so big." It’s bigger than the Quidditch training ground over there!”

"We can completely separate two venues. As long as we buy a few more competition equipment, our three academies can take turns training. In this case, each academy can train for two days and rest for one day. I think-"

Before he could say anything, Davis on the other side couldn't help but arrogantly intervened: "Separate, why separate? This is the property of Ravenclaw, and you unrelated people are asked to go away -"

"Shut up, Davis! Are you Ravenclaws the only ones in Hogwarts? The forest belongs to everyone! It has been like this for thousands of years. What right do you have to drive us away!" Wood held up the bat and squeezed past, looking up. Zhu Tou stared at Davis with an angry face.

"Why?" Davis seemed to have heard some funny joke, and his expression was even more disdainful. He was not afraid of Wood's cannibalistic eyes at all, and pointed at the Ravenclaw badge on his chest, "I saw it. Really? This is the qualification!"

"If you dare, go find Gryffindor and carve out a territory for you!"

"Oh! I've heard for a long time that the second-year troublemaker witch in your college is the heir of Gryffindor. Why - didn't she get the inheritance?"

"Or - oh!" Davis suddenly showed a sarcastic smile as he said that, and then looked at Cedric, "Legend has it that the big octopus in the Black Lake is Gryffindor's Animagus, then you guys We have to find that little wizard from Hufflepuff, he almost ate the octopus's tentacles."

"Maybe this is why Godric Gryffindor doesn't help you." He looked at Wood again and said: "Because they are incompetent and not good enough!"

four thousand! Thanks to the book friend Ai Jiujiu for the reward.

Thanks to book friend Zinc Cadmium Melting for the tip.

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