I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 120 Charcoal Grilled Acromantula

No wonder the centaurs often complained to him that Aragog and his descendants had taken away a lot of their living space.

"I-I'll go negotiate with them!"

Hagrid noticed the questioning look from Professor McGonagall.

Immediately, he patted his chest and assured: "Don't worry, they are just a group of children. They are probably hungry. They are just passing by the castle."

"Really?" Professor McGonagall said noncommittally.

As soon as she finished speaking, the next scene made her unable to trust Hagrid anymore.

"That's Harry and Ron."

At this time, a group of little wizards had emerged from the forest.

The look of him trying his best to escape immediately attracted the attention of the professors.

"Not good!" The expressions of several professors suddenly changed, and Snape rushed down from the crowd wrapped in black robes.

In the distance, behind Harry, the Acromantulas were all extremely vicious, their huge black claws clicking in a continuous sound.

This is obviously not a friendly greeting.

"Hagrid!!!" Professor McGonagall yelled angrily.

He also rushed down the mountain in panic.

On the other side, Hagrid was also confused. If Harry and the others were buried in the spider's belly before his eyes, then...

He didn't dare to think about it any more.

Hagrid, who was anxious in his heart, jumped up and rushed down the mountainside like a rolling stone.

Hurry up—hurry up! His heart kept shouting.

It's too late, it's too late! !

"No!!! Harry run!"

The mountain-like sound penetrated the wind, snow and stars, and fell into the witch's ears.

"Huh?" Lani tilted her head and happened to see the tidal swarm of dense spiders chasing a few unlucky Hogwarts people.


And Fudge, Minister of Magic



Oh~~~It turns out that the senior official of the Ministry of Magic who Granger attacked just now is the Minister of Magic!

The witch showed a clear expression. Then I silently applauded Miss Granger from the bottom of my heart.

Bang bang bang!

Amazing! sharp!

This second year dared to sneak attack the Minister of Magic, what about the third year?

Further up, only the president of the federation is left!


Miss Lani looked at Principal Dumbledore who was controlling two powerful fires with an inexplicable smile.

Wow~ Old principal, someone is planning to attack you!

Hey (*^▽^*)

The old principal did not see the witch's gaze, but he could see the abnormalities in the forest.

Dumbledore turned around silently, and when he saw Harry and the others, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

These children are really worrying!

They dared to attack the Minister of Magic.

Why! Was it because he was too indulgent towards these children that they became increasingly lawless?

Suddenly the old principal remembered Owen's PUA against him.

Why should he keep in touch with other magic schools?

Hmm - it seems that he really has to talk to other magic school principals in the world about how to manage students.

——I heard that the little wizards in the Ming Dynasty are the most well-behaved, cute and obedient in the world. I don’t know what methods the magic schools there use.

I have to talk to their principal another day.

Principal Dumbledore sighed, and after saying that, he looked up at the red and blue flames above his head, and already had an idea in his mind.

The next moment, both the blue dragon and the orange fire god who trapped it seemed to have been inspired by something. They turned their heads suddenly and looked down at the terrifying monsters with violent eyes.

Then after a long roar, flames fell from the sky like meteorites.

The raging fire instantly enveloped the entire night.

By the way, the curtain used by the witch to cover the sky was also set on fire.

Next, the shocking scene appeared by various coincidences.

Heaven, there was a fire.

"This" the Aurors who were watching were horrified.

Eyeballs are about to pop out.

A raging fire ignited in the Milky Way sky, leaving a black hole as dark as ink after the fire burned.

After a while, snowflakes fell from the black hole.

It seems that the sky is crying.

Or maybe those are the remaining ashes after the sky burned.

Of course, for the Acromantula, what they saw was definitely not the Milky Way, but a ball of bright light and a ball of fire.

Li Huo swooped down.

Along the way, the surrounding bushes were instantly ignited, and countless Acromantulas died tragically.

Under the extremely high temperature, they didn't even make a sound of struggle and turned into ashes.

"Merlin's beard! What kind of magic is this?" Ron, who was still running for his life, was shocked by the blazing fire above his head and his jaw dropped.

He stared blankly at a few meteors passing by.

Then the forest was set on fire.

"Run, Ron!" Harry stretched out his wand, "All curses are over!"

The golden curse flew out, blasting away the flames that raged around them, and then they ran out like crazy!

Finally, after swinging his legs obsessively.

Several people finally arrived at the Black Lake.

There was no hesitation.

Harry took the lead and jumped down, followed by Ron.

Even the petrified Auror and Fudge were forced to jump into the lake to avoid the fierce fire.

The cold lake water constantly stimulated Harry's nerves.

He didn't feel cold, but felt a sharp pain. It's so cold that it hurts deep into the bone marrow.

Then, the pain began to disappear quickly, and suddenly a warm feeling spread from the limbs of his body.

He's going hypothermic.

But even so, he did not dare to climb out of the water.

In the turbidity, he opened his eyes wide, and his eyes were filled with sparkling blue light with distinct colors. Like a Wanhua Mirror!

Just as his consciousness gradually dissipated, the darkness at the bottom of the lake was about to swallow him.

A spell submerged in the water suddenly hit him, and then Harry felt that his body suddenly seemed to become much lighter, even lighter than water.

The next second, he popped his head directly out of the water.

As if being thrown back into the lake

"Cough cough cough~" Several people who returned to the shore coughed violently.

Then another spell hit them, and a strong warm wind blew through their bodies, taking away every moisture from their bodies.

"Cool!" Ron opened his hands and felt his body gradually warming up, as if he had taken a bath!

"Are you okay?" It was Professor Flitwick, who fished the young wizards and people from the Ministry of Magic out of the water.

"It's okay, Professor!" Harry said with lingering fear, looking at the burning Forbidden Forest behind him.

He swore that if Owen hadn't led the team, I, Harry Potter, would never go out on adventures with Hermione Granger again.

Look at the stupid things they do!

Chasing Aurors on a cold day, and then being attacked by Acromantula, sneak-attacking the Minister of Magic, and almost being burned to death!

How much he had experienced in just over an hour!

How many!

Compared to Irving, although that guy always looks out of place, if Irving was present, they would never be so embarrassed.

There is only one day left tomorrow, and it will be over and the update will be resumed the day after tomorrow. ε=(ο`*))) Oh, it’s an exam! When can we pass it?

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