I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 112 Attacked, but the Minister of Magic

The sun in winter has very short daylight hours.

At about five o'clock in the afternoon, it was already dark outside the castle.

This is of course related to the season, but more importantly, today's weather is too bad.

It snowed heavily all day.

The three brave men of Gryffindor walked together in the mountain forest under the thick snow and the howling wind.

"I don't understand why you two are following here." Ron held his right hand against the wind in front of him and looked sideways behind him. Hannah's Justin was following Harry.

"Owen must have arrived in Hogsmeade," Hannah said firmly. "I haven't seen him all day. If he knew something like this, there's no way he wouldn't come."


What kind of weird logic is this.

Ron stuffed his mouse into his pocket. While you can't help but want to complain, in your heart Irving is just a reckless man who loves to join in the fun?

"Scabbers, don't stick your head out, the wind is going to blow you away!" Ron whispered, and Ron suddenly thought that none of them seemed qualified to evaluate Owen.

"What are you doing with that mouse of yours?" Hermione asked in confusion, holding her clothes tight.

"I have to take it with me." Ron yelled, talking about what happened before: "Did you forget that last week, on Christmas Day, Owen's Sirocco chased Scabbers all day long!"

"It was missing a toe."

"I was in the school hospital that day!" Hermione said with a red face as Feng Xue snatched a bite from her.

"Actually, your rat should exercise. Look at its hair. It's missing a piece here and there, and it's plump all over. If it continues like this, sooner or later, it will get high blood pressure and diabetes." Justin said coldly. After finishing his attack, he glanced at Ron's pocket.

He didn't like Ron that mouse at all.

too ugly.

How could a wizard in the wizarding world keep a rat that is ubiquitous in city sewers as a pet?

This puzzled him.

Hmm - Shilok is still cute, um - Bakar is also handsome.

In addition, he borrowed the Sherlock from Hannah to hug, met the big chipmunk in the corridor, and then threw the Sherlock to let it attack the mouse.

Of course, he didn't know at the time that the rat was Ron's.

"High blood pressure, diabetes?" Ron turned to look at Justin and asked, "What is that?"

"That is."

"Okay." Hermione interrupted the two of them in the snow. She put a beaver fur scarf around her neck (a Christmas gift from Hagrid. It was so big that Hermione could use it as a quilt) and draped it on Luna, who was walking beside her.

"No one cares about your rat, let's go!"

"It will be buried in snow soon."

She regretted going to Hufflepuff to find Owen.

Hermione originally wanted to find a powerful helper, but now so many young wizards have followed her.

Maybe you didn't understand!

We are going to stop an assassination attempt on Dumbledore!

What he is facing is a ferocious, evil, murderous, and beautiful enemy that looks like the moon goddess!

This is not an outing! This is not an outing! !

Hermione complained crazily in her heart.

As the executor of all this and the actual leader of the team, Harry was actually - ahem - a little excited for no reason.

When he used the invisibility cloak to take everyone out of the castle one by one, the excitement became even stronger.

In this cold winter, it is a beautiful thing for everyone to take risks together!

It's just that this adventure is a little bit dangerous.

But it's just that he might lose his life. Didn't he risk his life on that adventure?

What's more, Harry had a hunch that this time would definitely become the most memorable adventure in his life.


On the other side, Dumbledore didn't know that his unlucky students were worried about their lives and ran towards Hogsmeade on a snowy night with the intention of saving him.

Yes, really meeting an important figure from the Ministry of Magic in Hogsmeade.

Minister, Cornelius Fudge.

If he knew, maybe he would be moved, he would definitely deduct twenty points from each of these unlucky children, and then arrange for them to be placed in solitary confinement!

Tonight, meeting Fudge was indeed a surprise.

Originally, Dumbledore planned to stay in school and quietly follow tonight's drama.

However, an urgent letter from the Ministry of Magic was sent to his office at noon, and Fudge asked him to come to the Pig's Head Bar in the evening to talk about Lockhart.

It wasn't until he read the letter that Dumbledore really took Lockhart's matter seriously.

After all, how could the old principal, who had the world in his heart, be blinded by a liar?

He knew that Lockhart's stories were plagiarized from other wizards.

He even knew some of them.

But what he didn't expect was Lockhart's despicable method of permanently erasing other people's memories, and that there would be so many victims.

"Twenty-seven wizards, twenty-seven!!!" On the second floor of the Pig's Head Bar, Fudge's angry shouting hadn't stopped since he saw Dumbledore, "He's better than..."

"The mysterious man is even more hateful."

Cornelius Oswald Fudge, the British Minister for Magic, was a small man who enjoyed retaining power.

He is wearing a pinstriped suit, a bright red tie, a long black cloak, and purple pointed boots. His whole body is full of nobility, but it is a pity that the expression of resentment hides the nobility. , retaining only his cowardice.

"You also appointed him as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor!" Fudge looked at Dumbledore's still calm face, and a trace of anger quickly flashed in his eyes, "I don't believe it, Dumbledore, I don't believe it!"

This incident brought disgrace to the Ministry of Magic. A British wizard attacked more than twenty-seven wizards from other countries. Why did such an initiative happen during his term of office!

"Don't you know his true identity?"

"Sit down, Connelly." The old principal picked up a cup of scented tea on the table, took a sip and said, "I don't understand why you have such an illusion that I should know everything."

"You are Dumbledore!" Fudge sat next to Dumbledore with heavy steps.

"Huh~" With his eyes fixed on the greatest wizard, Fudge felt an inexplicable pressure.

The pressure made him irritated.

He is obviously the Minister of Magic!

But the first thing the outside world pays attention to is Dumbledore's opinion on this matter.

Although Hogwarts did lose face in foreign countries due to Lockhart's incident, Dumbledore's prestige is still high, and this cannot be slandered by unclear knowledge.

"What should we do now?" he said angrily, his whole figure like an ammunition depot about to explode.

"Follow the law, Connery. I have no better advice than the law." Dumbledore said leisurely, with a firm tone in his calm voice.


Fudge stood up suddenly, "Do you know how many letters the Ministry of Magic has received from victims this week alone?"

"Two hundred and forty-seven letters!!!"

"That damn guy, that Lockhart, the permanent memory erasure magic he used makes it impossible for us to judge whether those who claim to be victims are genuine or just want to extort a sum of gold galleons! "

"And the ordinary wizards who bought his books all went to Flourish and Blotts Bookstore for refunds."

"The Ministry of Magic in other countries also sent us letters of complaint. Do you know what they are?" Fudge angrily took out a pile of letters of different paper materials from his coat pocket.

Without opening it, you know that these letters must come from all over the world.

"What do you mean, in order to protect the rights of wizards in your country, you ask the British Ministry of Magic to compensate those victims!"

"Compensation! Fortunately they can say it out loud!" Fudge's face turned red at a glance.

His whole body was shaking, and he was obviously out of breath!

He had only been Minister for Magic for less than a year and a half! You haven’t made much money yet, so why should you take it out?

The most important thing is that British wizards don't care whether things are right or wrong.

In their opinion, as long as the Minister of Magic dares to take out a Sickle to compensate.

Tomorrow the Daily Prophet will publish his front page headline, Cornelius Fudge - the most humiliating Minister of Magic.


The scent of scented tea filled the room.

Hearing Fudge's angry complaints made Dumbledore truly feel that his former student did not have any political talent.

He was able to become the Minister of Magic only because his biggest rival, Barty Crouch, suddenly revealed that his son was a Death Eater, news that shocked British wizards.

It can be said that he picked up the Minister of Magic for nothing.

It is a compromise after a game between multiple forces.

Fudge himself doesn't have much talent.

If he really had some talent, he wouldn't be stupid enough to try to cover up the news of Voldemort's return.

Because it wouldn't do him much good, and would even bring death threats to himself - from those crazy Death Eaters.

"Connery." There was a look of care behind Dumbledore's half-moon glasses.

After all, Fudge was his student and he had watched him grow up.

Although Lockhart's incident caused quite a stir, it did not cause too serious actual harm to the British wizarding world, it was just a loss of face.

Should I give him a hand or give him a hand?

The old principal said calmly, "You should talk to Barty Cratchit, he will be able to figure it out!"

"Him?" Upon hearing that name, Fudge's hair stood up and he roared like an enraged lion: "Do you want me to beg him? Oh! Merciful Mr. Crouch, You are very resourceful, can you give me an idea?”


"Or do you want to support him on stage and push me down!" Fudge, blinded by the angry lard, frantically told the truth in his heart.

Barty Crouch can be said to be Fudge's taboo.

Although he is no longer qualified to compete with himself for the ministerial position.

But Fudge, who had his first taste of power, was not completely reassured.

Especially the person in front of him, Dumbledore. As long as he is willing, he can support Barty Cratchit's Death Eater son to the throne of Minister of Magic.

Such was the prestige of the greatest wizard.

It’s unattainable and deeply terrifying.

"Connery - I" a flash of disappointment flashed in the eyes of the old principal. As his outstanding student, Fudge had various flaws back then, but they were far from this.

He stood up, trying to calm the frantic student.

Just then, there was a "Boom!"

The huge explosion and the air waves generated easily tore apart the house they were in.

The entire Hog's Head pub roof was wiped away by this spell.

The howling wind from the outside rushed in with a roar.

Wow, my control is so accurate. I feel like I can finish the secret room in just over a hundred or ten chapters.

The next two chapters take off and the secret room ends.

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