Chapter 473: Simulation of the Creation Star Map·World Tree.

Ye Heng returned to the”courtyard”.

During this period of time, the little angels were assisting Mio in traveling quickly in the”Pan-Human History” to record the situation of various civilizations.

The thirteen elves were also monitoring the various universes.

As the thirteen original gods, and also the source points of Kabbalah, their own responsibility is to maintain the growth of the universe, and Kabbalah itself is the truth that regulates the direction of the growth of the universe.

If Ye Heng is the emperor of an empire, and Phanes and Orpheus are the queens, then Tokisaki Kurumi and the others are the imperial envoys, and the little angels are the imperial historians. The major gods are the frontier officials, etc.

Of course, this is just a simple description of the relationship, and the actual situation is not like this.

Ye Heng walked in the fairy-tale city of the courtyard, and the city was deserted.

Ninety-nine percent of the little angels have gone out temporarily, and the little angels who stayed behind are just watching the house.

For thousands of years, although the little angels still look like loli, their actual mental age and wisdom have increased over time. Ye Heng walked to the door of the”Temple of Truth”.

Orpheus and the Red Dragon Emperor did not return with him, but lived directly in the”dimensional gap”.

After so many years of flying, the Red Dragon Emperor has circled the universe and flew to the outer edge of the dimensional gap. Orpheus directly found a plane to sleep.

Compared with the”big universe”, they prefer the”dimensional gap”.

Although the”Temple of Truth” no longer has a dragon guarding the”treasure”, it has a long-eared.

“Elf”. Although she only looks like an elf, she is not an elf in nature.

Before Ye Heng opened his mouth, the other party came forward and said gently

“I felt the changes in the universe, and I knew you had a great time, my husband.”

Ye Heng reached out and grabbed Buyer’s elf ear and said with a little regret

“You guessed wrong, Buyer. I didn’t enjoy myself this time, but it didn’t ruin my mood.”

“It’s just that my strength is too strong. When I go to a weak world to play, I always feel constrained and don’t feel much sense of accomplishment.”

“As much as I like to have fun, I can’t have the fun I want without having some kind of large-scale impact on the world.”

“And it also has to do with people.”

“For example, the pleasure of teasing an ordinary person is different from the pleasure of teasing a single-level foreign god.”

Even the ultimate goal of Ah Ha, the god of fun, is to find fun in the star gods of the same level as himself, or to induce the same level to end.

Buyer was a little surprised, but she didn’t care that Ye Heng rubbed her ears. She was used to it, and being touched by him was something that many sisters could not get.

“So my husband also has a bad mood sometimes? I thought everything in the world would make my husband full of interest.”

Ye Heng retracted his hand and shrugged:”You are making a fuss.”

Buyer naturally took Ye Heng’s arm:”So, is my husband going to start the gift competition this time?”

If there is nothing important, her husband will not go near the Temple of Truth.

“The Temple of Truth is the supreme source of the universe for all the gods in the universe. Only the”Gods above Gods” can enter.

But for my husband, it is just an office.

Anything that happens here and any decision made will be reflected in the whole universe.

It is a place far beyond the”Temple of the Gods”.

And it is not open to the public unless there is a new

“The Maintainer must appear, otherwise no god can enter, of course the thirteen elves, the Thunder Sisters, and Buyer are not included.”

Ye Heng was led by Buyer into the”Temple of Truth” and walked towards the deepest part.

“The light of civilization has covered one-third of the Teyvat universe. This range and breadth of civilization are enough to activate


“It is indeed time to start the Gifting Tournament.”

Accompanied by Ye Heng’s voice, the”Temple of Truth” showed a projection of”pan-human history”, and the”light of civilization” from all over the universe appeared before our eyes.

With the Teyvat universe as the center and the major time and space as the edges, the breath of life and the glory of civilization radiated one-third of the universe.

“The activation of the”cosmic view” requires the”light of civilization” and the intellect of people in countless worlds and countless time and space.

“”Cosmic view” to put it simply is the form of the universe observed by intelligent life from the two aspects of”mystery” and”physics”.

Therefore, the cosmic view gift competition, to put it simply, is to let people in the entire universe recognize a brand-new form of the universe.

This is a gift competition that radiates to countless intelligent life forms. Of course, except for true gods, no one will realize that they have participated in the gift competition. For countless intelligent life forms, this may just be a bizarre dream, daze, strange ideas, and so on.

Buyer’s four-leaf clover-shaped eyes were slightly haloed:”My dear husband, can you tell me, Xumi, is there a simulated star creation map?”

“I am planning to invite the Nordic pantheon to merge the pantheon and try to activate the simulated star creation map.

To be honest, she was very envious of Lei Dianzhen and Lei Yingying who obtained the”simulated star creation map”. However, she did not feel any jealousy or loss. Her husband must have done the right thing.

“However, the reality is a bit complicated, and it has not been realized directly.”

Ye Heng patted Buyer’s hips and teased:”How could I forget you? After all, you are my second wife in my heart.”

Buyer, as the incarnation of the world tree, naturally understood what Ye Heng meant.

Her strength is

“The original god, there are eight” gods above the gods”, well, if you are not strong enough, you dare not call yourself the second wife.

After all, Phanes is also very protective of”order”.

Ye Heng continued:”The merger of Xumi and Northern Europe is a wise choice. Northern Europe has a simulated star creation map, and Xumi also has one, which adds up to two.”

“The”simulated star creation map” of the Norse pantheon is called


“The”simulated star map” of Xumi is called AskrYdrasills, which means”world tree”.”

“Yukshilar” This is the view of the universe observed by the Xumi pantheon and the intelligent civilization that recognized Xumi.

“And you, Boyer, you are”

“The incarnation of the World Tree, so you are born with the ability to control it, but you just have to wait for it to activate.”

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