I! Heaven's Will, Let Teyvat Become The Supreme World

Chapter 434: Creation Authority, Adjusting The God System


Buyer did not leak out the 'cosmic breath', but instead gathered it back. She did not want to have an impact on the universe.

But he didn't expect that the gathered 'cosmic breath' would instantly peel the temple out of the 'main universe' and directly collapse to create a layer of 'space-time'

‘Grass Dragon King’ Apep looked around in shock.

The surrounding space and time has been completely changed, and the surrounding space and time is expanding infinitely.

"King of the Great Merciful Tree!"

Nasida looked at the Great Ci Tree King who gathered the 'cosmic breath' in his hand to form a black sphere the size of a basketball.

What kind of energy body is there in that 'black sphere'? It is a 'small universe' being created, and the small universe corresponds to the time and space where it is at this time.

In other words, the 'black sphere' is the core control authority of this time and space at this time.

She and King Daci Shu are one, so she also understands what her nephew Gao Shen has.

The 'divine wheel' behind King Daci Tree exudes all the 'rules and concepts' and spreads to the 'small universe order' that constructs this infinitely expanding 'time and space'.

Under the influence of the "rule concept", light, energy, stars, nebulae, galaxies appeared in the dark space and time...

The gods of Sumeru stood in the "universe space" at this time, "looking at the "Abandoned Universe Creation" performed by the "Daci Tree" that was very close at hand with great shock.

Kawei's eyes almost bulged out: "What, what!"

Although his strength was also expanding at this time and he had already reached the level of a "superior god" with the power of a star explosion, but when he saw the supreme god of his own pantheon suddenly creating the "universe", his whole body was shocked by this scene. Silly.

Elhaysen also opened his eyes. Huge stars passed very quickly across the front of his field of vision. The shock of his eyes made him freeze in place.

Although I have participated in many big scenes, I am even still experiencing the evolution of the universe myself.

But now that I have seen the supreme power of 'Universe Creation' with my own eyes, even if I think I have read poetry and books, and have my own opinions on many laws and powers, I feel extremely insignificant at this time.

"Although I know that the Supreme God can create the world, seeing it with my own eyes is still unimaginable and incomprehensible~~..."

Tinari came back to his senses and looked around at the constantly being created universe and starry sky: "As expected of His Highness the Great Cishu King, the truly supreme God."

Disiya, Farushan, Nilu, Laila, and many other Sumeru gods witnessed this sudden ‘creation’.

The Daci Tree King is like the "original god" who created a "small universe" and a "time and space" from scratch.

Buyer released all his "rule concepts" into the "small universe", and the "cosmic breath" he possessed continued to expand.

Looking at the black sphere in his hand that was already filled with starlight, Buyer smiled gently.

‘Is this the power of the second-level supreme god to create the world? It is much more powerful than the third-level supreme god. It is like a sky and an earth. '

After understanding tens of thousands of rules and concepts, you can create a 'world' and a 'small universe', a 'small universe' that is completely unique to you. In this small universe, the 'creator' is the veritable 'original' and has the 'authority to create the world'.

Everything in this 'small universe' belongs to one's own power, and one obtains the 'power of the small universe'.

This is another cosmic power that is completely independent of the cosmic power of the 'main universe'.

The ‘Second Level Supreme God’ is the veritable ‘Original God’ and ‘God of Creation’.


The feedback from the universe comes quickly and lasts for thousands of years.

Although it lasted for a long time, to the gods, it seemed like they just slept.

In the expansion of rules, time will not affect the gods. After all, time is also a rule. If it is not intentional, the rules will not collide with the rules. This also leads to the fact that thousands of years have passed in external time. For It's only a short time for the gods.

A thousand years is not even a moment for this new 'big universe'.

However, the light of rules that spread throughout the universe only lasted for a short thirty days.

When the gods of Teyvat recovered from the expansion of power and returned to their "home", "community" and "country", they found that there was a slight change, and it suddenly seemed that a thousand years had passed.

Although in other places in the universe, "a thousand years" change the ocean into a mulberry field.

But not much has changed on the continent of Teyvat.

The 'Tevat Continent' at this time is a veritable 'God Realm'. Ordinary people are extraordinary as soon as they are born, with lifespans of thousands of years. With a little practice, they can live for thousands of years.

Teyvat has changed a lot in this millennium, but for ordinary people, the frequency of changes within a few decades is not too high.

For the place where gods gather, what is so shocking about the changes in the world?

The most obvious one is the star as big as an apple or the size of an egg in the sky of the "Tevat Continent", with a total of one hundred thousand people.

Some of these stars are only as big as a small country on Earth, and some are as big as Jupiter.

All are places where life lives.

The entire 'Tevat Continent' is divided into three layers like a cake.

The lower level is the largest 'Tevat Continent', where more than 70% of ordinary people live.

The second level is the 'God Realm' where most of the gods live.

The third level is the place closest to the 'truth'. Only high-level gods who have mastered all the rules can enter. The main reason is that the 'rules' are too heavy and non-high-level gods cannot bear it.

The third level and the second level (clearly) do not restrict the communication between ordinary people and gods, but most ascended gods prefer to establish their countries on the second level.

In just one thousand years of development, more than 100,000 countries have been established on the Teyvat continent.

Only 'higher gods' are qualified to establish a country.

The lives of ordinary people and ordinary gods have gradually returned to peace during this thousand years.

Ye Heng also finished digesting his own surge in power and slowly opened his eyes.

The golden eyes reflected everything in the 'big universe'.

The moment he opened his eyes, the entire Teyvat universe was cheering, joyful, and worshiping.

.||It’s time to apply. "

"Today's god system is no longer able to match the macrocosm. It's time to make changes."

Ye Heng stretched out his hand and the hexadecahedral 'Heart of Teyvat' appeared in the sky above his palm.

"Start adjusting the god rank system!".

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