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In the living room, the atmosphere is extremely depressed. Everyone held their breath and stared at Zhang Han intently.

“Will it succeed?”

Nara Shikaku and Hyūga Hiashi both clenched their fists and squeezed a sweat in their palms.

For Uchiha Shisui’s strongest Genjutsu, Kotoamatsukami, they are confident.

Most people who have played games understand that the longer the cooling time, the greater the formidable power of the ability. Applied in reality, it is probably the same.

Kotoamatsukami has been used once, with a cooling time of more than ten years, almost equivalent to disposable consumables. This is also the reason why Uchiha Itachi in the original work eventually destroyed Shisui’s left eye.

Such a long CD time is enough to show Kotoamatsukami’s perverted.

If you want to deal with ordinary Shinōbi, Nara Shikaku will certainly not have any worries, but, instead of ordinary Shinōbi sitting in front of you, Konoha’s White Devil’s name is not blown out!

Beside him, Bo Feng Minato and Jiraiya also focused their attention on Zhang Han’s situation, and both of them had sweat on their foreheads.

The people present also knew the truth and used Kotoamatsukami to secretly calculate Zhang Han. If they succeeded, they were all happy. If they failed, they would face the next crazy revenge of the other party.

They must not be nervous!

Especially the wave of Minato, the tension and worry in the heart is more than others.

As a Hokage, how is it possible to endure an uncontrollable great god in the village?

Uchiha Shisui is indeed a good move and Bo Feng Minato is reluctant to take such a good opportunity. If you can really control Zhang Han, for Konoha, it is equivalent to an extra super weapon that is stronger than Kyūbi.

Because of this, when he worked with Zhang Han, he consciously ignored Uchiha Shisui, the most important message, and indirectly pitted the other.

In his mind, if Zhang Han can resist Kotoamatsukami, he will pretend to be unaware and continue to follow the plan, kill Mitokado Homura and dissolve Root.

If you ca n’t stop it, be a Puppet.

As for Mitokado Homura, Minato Minato has made up his mind long ago. Even if he is not beheaded by Zhang Han, after this incident, he will also let him go home to provide for old age.

The abacus is very good, but the problem is that Zhang Han is not a fool and was sold by Bo Feng Minato. How can he continue to cooperate with him?

2 face 3 not to mention the knife, want to take advantage of it? When others are mentally handicapped?


Just then, Tsuna outside couldn’t help but worry, kicked the window and rushed into the living room.

In an instant, except Uchiha Shisui, everyone else’s eyes were attracted to Tsuna.

Seeing that he made such a big movement, Zhang Han was still sitting there like a statue, not moving, and Tsuna was in a hurry, and something must have happened!

“You go die for me! Cry, Benihime! Kamisori!”

Tsuna drew his sword out of the sheath, and slammed it out.

I saw a scarlet Sword Aura flying out of the meniscus, and the target pointedly pointed at Mitokado Homura who was in conflict with Zhang Han. Tsuna is not clear about Uchiha Shisui’s Sharingan, as it should be by rights regards Zhang Han’s strange situation as a ghost made by Mitokado Homura.

It was not long before Tsuna contacted Zanjutsu, and he is still in the stage of blind hacking. However, people can’t stand talent, Reiatsū is high!

I saw that the bloody Sword Aura had just detached from the blade, and immediately rose in the wind, less than half a second, has become a giant Sword Aura of several dozen meters long, directly piercing the roof, dividing the entire room into two.

“Flash Kai!”

Everyone didn’t expect, Zhang Han’s daughter has such a terrible strength. Looking at the formidable power of slashing alone, even the ordinary Kage Level Shinōbi is not its opponent!

Especially Mitokado Homura, who is old, and his strength has dropped from Elite Jōnin to Jōnin. Such a horrible Sword Aura, it is not that he has the strength to compete at all.

When it is time to let it go, the crowd will perform Body Flicker Jutsu, some will exit the door, some will flash to the corner, only Uchiha Shisui, without the order of Mitokado Homura, still standing there, the pupil power seems to accelerate without money Flock to Zhang Han.


Scarlet Sword Aura wiped Uchiha Shisui’s body and flew past.

The whole house, even with the street outside, was cut into two sections by Sword Aura. A huge gully a few meters deep was left on the ground.

Hong long long !

The house could not bear such a violent slash, and collapsed.

“It turns out to be you guys!”

When the dust had cleared, Tsuna eyes shrank and Xiu Mu stared at Uchiha Shisui.

Until now, no one can tell, his father’s strange situation must be related to him.


Before Tsuna waved his sword and cut it again, he saw Minfeng Minato picking out a strangely shaped Kunai and flying over.

Tsuna was shocked, and hurriedly deflected the head of the dragon. He passed Kunai, who shot at his throat.

But at this time, the wave wind Minato body flashed, Hiraishin no Jutsu started immediately, and suddenly moved to the side of Tsuna. The already prepared Rasengan appeared in the palm of the right hand and pressed to Tsuna’s shoulder.

“Chikasumi no Tate!”

In crisis, Tsuna not even think, instinctively erect Zanpakutō, blocking him. Under Reatsū’s urging, a little red awn suddenly bloomed at the end of the handle, quickly turning into a 6-sided bloody shield.


Rasengan frontal strikes On Chikasumi no Tate, the violent chakra brought by high-speed rotation continued to cut the shield.

However, as Urahara Kisuke’s leading defensive skill, how is it so good?

Rasengan cut for half a day, the shield is still as stable as Mount Tai, and there is no sign of breaking.

Wave wind Minato two eyes narrowly, few people can face up against their Rasengan. After all, this thing makes Chakra’s Shape Transformation to the extreme. Even Ninjutsu at the same level, it is difficult to compete with it.

But what is the hell in front of this shield? Surprisingly blocked Rasengan!

“Broken, Benihime!”

Tsuna urged Reiatsū again, and the liberation language blurted out.

I saw Chikasumi no Tate, suddenly resembling a firework, bursting arrows after one after another golden, heading towards the wave wind Minato.

This move was also taught to her by Zhang Han yesterday. With Chikasumi no Tate, one defense and one counterattack complement each other.

The distance between two people is less than half a meter. If it is a normal Shinōbi, I am afraid that even if it reacts, the body will not have time to make evasive actions. But the wave Minato is different, his nerve response is fast, great and famous in the entire ninja world, and he does not need to evade.


Tsuna just saw a flash, wave wind Minato has moved away.

The golden arrow fell into the empty space, with huge inertia, instantly penetrated the wall and flew out. After digging through the neighboring row of houses, the Reiryōku was exhausted and dissipated.

“Hu, call!”

Minato, who returned to her place, gasped violently, and the surprise on her face could not be concealed. A Zhang Han is enough for him to worry, didn’t expect that guy’s daughter is so fierce!

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