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As everyone knows, the development of Akuma no Mi requires a brain hole, and we need to work hard from the extended meaning, combine our own capabilities, and research the ability that suits us.

This point, Zanpakutō also needs!

To be honest, if you look at Urahara Kisuke’s use of Benihime from Zhang Han’s perspective, you can only say a little bit blind! Not at all worthy of his title of black tech bull!

In the original work, Urahara Kisuke took just a few minutes to analyze the composition of Bala’s Spirit Particle, and then used the principle of anti-ghost killing to offset Yamī’s Bala.

Then the problem is coming…

Since Bala can be offset, conversely, Urahara Kisuke as it should be by rights can also use Bala!

In other words, Urahara Kisuke can theoretically simulate any kind of Spirit Particle arrangement through Benihime’s transformation ability!

Whether it is Shinigami or the virtual Spirit Particle, as long as it has been in contact, it can be simulated by him.

If he simulates Zangetsu’s unique high-density Spirit Particle, can he release Getsuga Tenshō?

Can the Ryūjin Jakka of Yamamoto Genryusai be simulated, can it emit a high temperature of several thousand degrees?

Imitating the Spirit Particle arrangement of Ichimaru Gin, can Benihime become Kamishini no Yari?


With Benihime’s transformation capabilities and Urahara Kisuke’s black technology, these brain holes can definitely be turned into reality!

Zhang Han’s Mōrikoe Yorozunōri can be transformed into any Zanpakutō by copying and analyzing. Urahara Kisuke’s Benihime can still use the power of transformation to do this!

This is why he robbed Benihime.

Urahara Kisuke would like to develop Benihime as Zhang Han thought, and dare not say that beyond Yamamoto Genryusai and Unohana Retsu, it is definitely not difficult!

Thinking hard!

However, in the original work, Shikai, which is unable to make head or tail of it, seems to have a lot of tricks, but it is actually useless.

Regarding Urahara Kisuke’s vomiting, Zhang Han only passed it in his mind and immediately left it behind. Anyway, Benihime now belongs to Tsuna, he only needs to give more pointers in this regard, I believe that Tsuna’s talent can definitely develop this kind of transformation.

In the field, Tsuna deflected her body and threatened Sword Aura. Before waiting for her to turn into an offensive, she saw Zhang Han move again.

“Shibari, Benihime!”

Numerous black Reiatsū ropes suddenly spread out in Zanpakutō, one by one like a poisonous snake, spreading rapidly.

When these Reiatsū ropes appeared in front of Tsuna, they immediately overlapped and entangled with each other, turning into a large black net, binding her firmly.

“Damn it! Stop playing!”

Tsuna struggled a few times in the net and gave up. Instead, he sat on the ground, throwing away Zanpakutō like a sulker.

Zhang Han’s face was black and shouted, “Zanpakutō is something that can be tossed casually? Pick up the knife!”

“Hmph! I copied my Benihime without saying hello, and still dare to shout at me … not picking it up!”

Tsuna pursed her lips and looked at Zhang Han in a huff.

“Do you think I will look at your Shikai?” Zhang Han’s face was incredible.

“Is not it?”

Facing Zhang Han’s gaze, Tsuna unable to make head or tail of it’s somewhat guilty, but still stuck in his neck, fighting for his reason.

With his current realm, a trifling Benihime, but it’s just tasteless. The reason I used Benihime to discuss with Tsuna, but I wanted to take this opportunity to show her how to use Benihime, so that she would take fewer detours in the future.

In the eyes of the other party, such behavior turned out to be a bad guy who grabbed her toy …

At this time, Zhang Han really didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

I wondered if I was very good to her and I wanted everything. It was too easy to succeed, but I did n’t know how to cherish it!

Even Benihime said to throw it away, too local!

But another thought, in order to exercise daughter, always throw her into a cruel environment to suffer? He couldn’t bear …

Zhang Han’s face was blue and white, the expression was changing, and sighed sighed slowly. He walked slowly to Tsuna and sat on the ground.

In the role of father, he is also the eldest girl on the sedan chair, and the communication with Tsuna has been cautious and cautious.

The tone was heavy, afraid of hurting her self-esteem, lighter, and afraid she would not understand.

After thinking about it for a long time, I said, “You know, Akame has always envied you. She was trained as a killer from a very young age, and she survived a brutal training that you could not even imagine, but survived tenaciously. . “

“However, you only have a few days, and even without much cultivation, you have the strength to defeat her. And, the longer the time, the greater the gap between you. Up to now, Akame has even considered Rokushiki Full Mastery. Won’t be your opponent … “

Tsuna hugged her knees and stared staringly at the lake. Listening to Zhang Han’s words, somehow, my heart suddenly felt nervous.

“As my daughter, I gave it to you. Of course it is the best. Others want to be envious. They don’t come. In fact, it doesn’t matter if you don’t work hard. No one can bully you as long as I am there.”

Which father did not have the mentality of looking for Jackie Chan and looking for daughter Chengfeng? Zhang Han is no exception. But look at Tsuna’s Cultivation attitude, and then compare the diligent Akame … There is an inexplicable sadness in my heart.

“But don’t you think that, since you have such a good talent, why don’t you work harder?”

Zhang Han did not give up consolingly, “If I were you, I would work harder than everyone else, and then stand on the top of the mountain, looking down on those desperate expressions that I can’t even see from my back! You don’t think this kind of life Is it interesting? “

Listening to Zhang Han, Tsuna was completely dumbfounded.

She never thought about these things. I just think that there is Zhang Han, what I want, without too much effort, the strength is the same every day.

So that there is a kind of subconscious mind, even if the father is just this idea, with her current ascent rate, sooner or later one day will surpass Zhang Han.

But I can think about it, how can a person who is supported walking can surpass the person who supports him?

Recalling Zhang Han’s actions with each other, which moves are not based on Benihime’s release?

This is simply a perfect teaching model. You do n’t have to use your brains. You just need to draw a scoop according to bottle gourd, copy and paste his moves, which is equivalent to several more capabilities!

This kind of hand-to-hand teaching, I didn’t even understand it, but instead angered the other party to copy Zanpakutō Benihime …

Thinking of this, Tsuna felt quite guilty and felt a bit self-willed.

“I am sorry!”

Tsuna lowered her head, sounding like a mosquito. If it weren’t for Zhang Han, he sat next to her and couldn’t hear what she was talking about.

Zhang Han knowingly smiled, secretly relaxed, and finally his mouth wasn’t white.

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