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From meeting to now, Hyūga Neji has always kept a cold face, as if who owes him a few thousand tael of gold. Under the cold eyes of Hyūga Hiashi, Hyūga Neji hugged the cup one fist in the other hand slightly, perfunctoryly saying, “I have seen Zhang Han -sama.”

“What is your attitude?”

Seeing this scene, Hyūga Hiashi suddenly frowned, and was about to get angry. The opposite Zhang Han waved to stop him.

“Now that you have taken your Hyūga Clan, I still owe you a favor. Hyūga Neji can stay here. As for how much he can learn, it depends on his own talent!”

The main reason why Hyūga Neji is allowed to stay is because of Hyuga Hanabi.

Even after reading the original book, Zhang Han did not quite understand why Ōtsutsuki Toneri used Hyuga Hanabi’s Byakugan to conceive Tenseigan, and then chose to marry Hyuga Hinata.

Well, maybe the plot requires them to engage in a three-corner relationship.

After all, only Ōtsutsuki Toneri has opened Tenseigan in the original book, including Kaguya, Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki, Jin Clan, Pu Shi, and so on. None of these Ōtsutsuki bloodline members are the purest members, and no one has opened Tensegan.

Most of them own Byakugan and Rinnegan, but have never demonstrated Tensegan’s ability from beginning to end.

Tenseigan’s ability is no less than that of Rinnegan, and even more so. Even with the Pride of the Ōtsutsuki family, it is impossible to hide such a powerful ability.

This is very strange!

Even the Ōtsutsuki family has no Tensegian outsiders these days. Instead, the family’s descendant Ōtsutsuki Toneri, with Hyuga Hanabi’s Byakugan combined with its own Chakra, successfully evolved Tenseigan.

Even as the ancestor of Ōtsutsuki Toneri, Ōtsutsuki Hamura did not even have Tensegan!

It is really unimaginable!

Zhang Han speculates that there is no direct evolutionary relationship between Tenseigan and Byakugan like Rinnegan and Sharingan.

2 It is very likely that there is a coexistence relationship, no one is higher than others.

In other words, the reason why Tenseigan exists is likely to be derived from the long Bloodline evolution. It may even be that the direction of Byakugan’s evolution has changed, unexpectedly getting Tensegan.

How else to explain, bloodline’s purest ancestor does not have Tensegan, but bloodline’s more and more progeny have?

Through the original work, Zhang Han roughly analyzes two methods for the formation of Tenseigan, one is to countless Byakugan fuse together to form a huge Tenseigan, and the other is to use the Hyakuga family Byakugan combined with the Ōtsutsuki descendant on the moon. Chakra, gave birth to Tenseigan.

If Zhang Han wants to get Tensegan, the most direct way is to wait patiently for Toneri to come to Earth, take Hyuga Hanabi away, wait until Tenseigan is formed, and then pick Momo.

In this case, Hyūga Clan invisible means that even Hyuga Hanabi has lost money.

It is also for this reason that Zhang Han accepted Hyūga Neji with a compensatory attitude. Anyway, during this time, he still has to teach Tsuna and Akame that adding an additional Apprentice is not difficult.

Seeing Zhang Han didn’t care about Hyūga Neji’s attitude, Hyūga Hiashi took a long breath. Turned his head to Hyūga Neji and urged, “Thank you, sir!”

Hyūga Neji bowed unwillingly, “Thank you for your cultivation!”

Zhang Han is very undetectable.

Yesterday, when Hyūga Hiashi learned about the transaction between Bofeng Minato and Zhang Han, he already knew in his heart that even if he was the owner of Hyūga Clan in this matter, he had no say.

But he was asked to give the daughter to others, and he felt a little unhappy.

Hyūga Hiashi thought left and right, coupled with his guilt over his younger brother Hyūga Hizashi, he had the idea of ​​bringing Neji here.

No matter whether the relationship between Zhang Han and Konoha is good or bad, everyone has to admit that this guy is strong, at least at the level of the god of ninja.

Neji will definitely benefit from Zhang Han’s advice, and Elite Jōnin and even Kage Level are not to mention!

On the other hand, Hyūga Neji has been watching with cold eyes, not say a word. Since his father Hyūga Hizashi was the substitute for Hyūga Hiashi, he has always held a hostile attitude towards Zongjia, even with Zhang Han’s eyes, inexplicably hostile.

After sending Hyūga Neji to the side to train, Hyūga Hiashi suddenly bowed to Zhang Han and said in his mouth, “Zhang Han -sama, can I ask you something?”

“Oh? Come and listen!” Zhang Han raised an eyebrow.

I saw Hyūga Hiashi taking 2 eyes from his arms and handed it to Zhang Han, begging, “I don’t know what the adult wants Hinata to do, but if it is because of Byakugan, these 2 should only meet the condition of the adult.”

Hyūga Hiashi is extremely unhappy with Hinata’s character, but in any case, Hinata is also his biological daughter. The thought of one day in the future, Hinata will be pierced by Zhang Han’s eyes, and I can’t accept it.

After thinking hard all night, Hyūga Hiashi came up with a solution that was not the way. Since Zhang Han wants the Byakugan of the Hyūga family, why not just exchange Byakugan for Hinata’s eyes?

Hyūga Hiashi thinks that this method is feasible the more he thinks, the more he sees it.

“What are your demands!”

Zhang Han expression was slightly cold and thought, Laozi wanted Tenseigan. What use is it for you to break Byakugan from the dead?

I was about to send a fire to the other party, but I thought about it. It doesn’t matter if Hinata or not, the key lies in Hyuga Hanabi.

Feeling the dissatisfied tone of Zhang Han, Hyūga Hiashi sighed and hurriedly bowed to explain, “This is just a little request as a father. If the adult does not agree …

Not waiting for Hyūga Hiashi to finish talking, Zhang Han suddenly opened his hand, and the two Byakugan in the palm of the opponent’s palm flew up and fell into his hand.

“Your terms, I promised!”

Zhang Han threw Byakugan into the storage space, turned to Hyūga Neji, and turned his back to Hyūga Hiashi coldly, “If there is nothing, please leave.”

“Thank you for your understanding!”

Hyūga Hiashi put out a long breath, the breeze blew through, and then suddenly found that unconsciously, his back was already soaked with sweat, and now a burst of coldness penetrated into the body through his shirt.

Not daring to stay here, taking steps to quickly leave the grove.

On the other side, Zhang Han stood 2 meters in front of Hyūga Neji and looked at him, thinking secretly, what should I teach?

This is not Zhang Han’s complaint with virtue. He was just pitted by Hyūga Hiashi and turned to teach his nephew.

As a transmigrator pretending to be responsible, since the opening of the golden mouth, accept Hyūga Neji, of course, no longer regret it, and can not allow the other party to shame outside.

He knew that in Konoha no Jūichinin, only Neji died in the end!

The probability of 1 in 22 can be met, the most important thing is that this is still his own initiative to join in courting death, Zhang Han is also speechless!

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