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To be honest, Danzō has been dead for 30 years. Such a long time is enough for most people to forget him thoroughly. If it were not because Danzō was the founder of Root, the influence on Root had already penetrated into every aspect, and there would not be such a small number of people.

Jiraiya and Bo Feng Minato have no meaning to play by the title. It’s not worth it for Danzō and Zhang Han to make trouble.

The reason for mentioning Danzō is just to try to gain a little advantage in the negotiation.

I had hoped that Zhang Han would feel a little guilty about killing Danzō. Jiraiya took the opportunity to mention cooperation again, and everything will be much smoother.

Who knew that as soon as the topic was mentioned, he was forced back by the other party, posing a disobedient posture, and directly shocked him.

After a moment of silence, Zhang Han said impatiently, “What is the purpose of your coming here? Just say it.”


Jiraiya scratched her head, negotiating this kind of thing, which was what he was not very good at, especially at the moment he was still facing a stunned man, and he was very anxious.

But the more anxious, the less you know where to start. The total impossible directly tells the other party that we want to braise Root, you can help make a thug …

Jiraiya was sure that he would dare to say this, and it was bound to be greeted by Zhang Han who came out of the door.

After thinking for a long time, I couldn’t think of a suitable vocabulary. Jiraiya simply took out a scroll from her arms and spread it out. She said to Zhang Han, “Let Minato talk to you personally about this matter.”

Zhang Han looked at the unrolled scroll in amazement, which depicted a strange technique. He just recognized this technique, and had taken time to study it.

Hiraishin no Jutsu !

I saw Jiraiya condense a group of Chakra, according to the spell, the next second, I saw Minfeng appear out of thin air in the room.

“Bofeng Minato, I haven’t seen you for so many years, it seems that you have made another breakthrough on Hiraishin no Jutsu!”

As the time and space Ninjutsu of Hokage world’s reputation, Hiraishin no Jutsu does have its merits. As long as there is a spell mark, no matter how far away, it can be transmitted in a flash.

Zhang Han knew this for a long time. What really surprised him was that Jiraiya’s move just now clearly showed that Bo Feng Minato’s technique had already passed the message.

Zhang Han clearly remembers that in the original book, Hiraishin no Jutsu’s technique can only be used as a transmission mark, and it has no other effect. Now it can send text messages!

How dare you believe this?

Through these years of research, Bo Feng Minato has made new breakthroughs. No matter how far away, as long as he left the spell, touch Chakra, he will feel it.

Just now, also because of this principle, when Jiraiya used the Chakra touch technique, the wave Minato, far away from the Hokage Residence, received a signal, and then it moved instantaneously.

It is extremely simple to transmit signals, which is still far away from ‘sending text messages’. But the idea is right, I really want to continue to develop like this, maybe I can really send text messages or even make phone calls with Hiraishin in the future!

“It’s just a simple little app, and you can’t get on the table.” Bo Feng Minato casually humbly sat down beside Jiraiya.

Just sitting down, waiting for Zhang Han to speak, Minato suddenly said resolutely, “Zhang Han, someone will deal with you!”

While speaking, Minato had a smile on his face and looked directly at Zhang Han. It seems to be looking for even a little fear and alertness from that face.

However, Zhang Han is destined to disappoint him!

“Oh? It’s a little good news I heard recently! Come back to Konoha’s the past few days, it’s really boring enough, I wanted to find a guy who didn’t look good, and I had a lesson. Someone jumped out of courting death! “

With a faint smile on Zhang Han’s face, he asked with a little excitement, “How about the strength of the person who wants to deal with me? 10000000 Don’t be too bad, at least let me warm up …”

Ok? This rhythm is wrong!

Wave wind Minato looked dumbfounded, staring at the big cute eyes, almost spitting out an old blood.

It should n’t be you who first asks “Who will deal with me”, and then I will point out Root, and I will make it clear that I also have the mind to root out. With a consistent goal, let ’s happily team up to fight bosses and experience?

Why is it suddenly like this?

The so-called negotiation is nothing more than putting the other party’s difficulties on the surface first, or even exaggerating a bit, and then discussing the transaction on the basis of the other party’s consideration. On the surface, I am helping you solve the problem, but in fact not for their own benefit?

Zhang Han has seen more of this kind of routine, and at a glance saw through the wave of Minato’s trick to get the first blow.

Wave wind Minato has a depression in his heart, and he laughs helplessly 2 times, “To deal with your forces is intertwined in Konoha, the impact is too great, if the two of you really broke out, the whole Konoha will be affected …”

“Is it Root? Do they want to avenge Danzō?”

Without waiting for the wave of Minato to finish talking, Zhang Han immediately reacted. Konoha has a strong force and is not under the control of Hokage, only Root!

“So, what’s your position? Did you come to mediate with me?”

Zhang Han expressionless looked at Bo Feng Minato, he was curious, what kind of attitude Konoha would have towards his return.

“Mediation? No! I’m here to work with you!”

After talking for a few words, Bo Feng Minato can understand it. The guy in front of him is not the 2 stunner in his impression, but the way of doing things is more direct that’s all.

Even on certain issues, Zhang Han is more transparent than what he sees.

“Cooperation? Do you want to dissolve Root?”

Zhang Han suddenly sat up straight, his eyes glowing strangely.

“Not bad!” Bo Feng Minato seriously nodded.

In the original book, Root was once disbanded by Sāndaime Hokage, but that time, Danzō took advantage of the situation to turn Root from light to dark, but he retreated behind the scenes and seriously speaking of which, in fact, was equivalent to no dissolution.

It was not until Danzō was killed by Sasuke, and after the end of the 4th war, that Root was truly disbanded.

This time, judging from the expression of Bo Feng Minato, it must be more than just turning Root from light to dark and continuing to lie on Konoha to suck blood. What he wants is to completely dissolve Root.

But what does this have to do with yourself?

Do you yourself want to deal with Root, Guan Laozi? Where to stay cool!

It stands to reason that the enemy of the enemy can be a friend, but the question is, what is the qualification of Root to be the enemy of Zhang Han?

I’m afraid even Minato must admit this.

“Sorry! I have no interest in the power struggle within you Konoha!”

Zhang Han shook the head, stand up, “If there is nothing else, please leave, I will not leave you to eat!”

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