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Zhang Han laughed awkwardly, “I’m experimenting with Ninjutsu, it’s okay, you continue Cultivation!”

“What? Is this Ninjutsu?”

Tsuna expression was shocked. Akame had not been in contact with Hokage World’s Cultivation System and could not see the technical content of the Chakra ball. How could she not find it?

In the field of view, the surface of the blown-up tree and the soil below showed fiery-red like lava. At this moment, there is still molten material flowing along the cracks of the soil. The undetectable zi zi sound.

Water, fire, earth, wind and thunder, which element of Ninjutsu will cause the same effect as volcanic crater?

No! not even one!

The nature of 2 kinds of Chakra fuse together, and the result is Kekkei Genkai! More than 3 kinds are Kekkei Tōta, which has appeared so far, only Nìdaime Tsuchikage and Dust Release of Sāndaime Tsuchikage Ōnoki.

This was mentioned when Tsunade taught her Ninjutsu before.

As for the fusion of more than 4 kinds of changes in nature, Shinōbi has never appeared since its birth. After Kaguya is resurrected, it is directly Kekkei Mōra with 7 attribute fuse together.

Although in theory, Kekkei Genkai can be manufactured by fusing basic attributes, few people have succeeded. Even Sāndaime Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, known as the Shinōbi Professor, has mastered all five Chakra property changes, and failed to integrate any kind of Kekkei Genkai!

This shows how difficult it is to obtain Kekkei Genkai by fusing elements!


But now I saw with my own eyes that Zhang Han casually experimented for 2 times, and tinkered with a semi-finished product Lava Release with double attributes!

This was a much more severe blow to Tsuna than Zhang Han gave her Soul Power.

I believe that even if Mother Tsunade is here, it will be hit hard by this scene.

“what happened?”

Seeing Tsuna standing blankly, looking at the dirt at his feet, without a word, Zhang Han couldn’t help but curiously asked.

Tsuna came back to his senses, and untrustworthy asked, “Are you integrating Kekkei Genkai?”

“Oh, you see it!”

Zhang Han’s eyes twitched, and with his current realm and strength, he engaged in a combination of two types of Kekkei Genkai. All accidents can happen, which is really shameful.

In order not to break up his tall image in the daughter ’s heart, Zhang Han thoughts are revolving. He coughed and said eloquently, “It ’s not because your mother and aunt are too weak. I ’m going to integrate Chakra with 7 attributes. , To create something that can offset all Ninjutsu, help them improve the battle strength …… “

“Ah! 7 kinds?”

Before Zhang Han finished his words, he heard Tsuna scream and looked towards him, as if looking at an idiot.

I really thought that boasting would be nonsense without paying taxes?

If Zhang Han said a three-attribute Kekkei Tōta, she could barely believe that because the other party had this ability. But for 3 kinds … Tsuna can only ‘hehe’!

“Did you see the small lake in front of you?” Tsuna asked, pointing at the lake.

“What?” Zhang Han looked awkward, not knowing what she wanted to say.

Tsuna lifted her chin slightly, despised Zhang Han and sneered, “You can stand by the lake and slowly boasting against the reflection in the lake, I won’t bother!”

After finishing his speech, Tsuna carried Zanpakutō and went deep into the woods alone to continue Cultivation. Only Zhang Han, who was traumatized by the heart, was standing by the lake, silently choking …

Is this, despised? !

I also wanted to act as a force in front of the daughter, and by the way, enhance my image of Wei An as a father.

I saw his face blue and white for a while, then he gritted his teeth, and he felt cruel, “hmph! When I really get Gudōdama out, when the time comes to see what you say!”

Thinking about it, Zhang Han sat down cross-legged again, re-refining the two types of Chakra, fire and earth, which were controlled by cautiously, a little slow fusion.

At this time, Zhang Han set up a Formation on the palm of his hand in advance, even if the fusion is unsuccessful, it can limit the scope of the explosion to within half a meter and will not affect other people.

Because there is not much research on Chakra, Zhang Han had to choose from easy to difficult, first fused two kinds of Kekkei Genkai attribute, and then synthesized Kekkei Tōta …… and so on, gradually increase the elements, and finally reached 2 attributes all fuse together effect.

Just like playing online games in the past, several First Level gems are used to synthesize Second Level, and then Second Level gems are used to synthesize Third Level …

This not only saves time and effort, but also has a relatively high fault tolerance rate and a relatively low risk factor.

You know, Gudōdama contains extremely large energy. If it explodes, the formidable power is no less than a ballistic missile. If seven types of attribute Chakra are directly fused as soon as you get started, one is not good, he has nothing to do with himself, and the small woods around him will definitely suffer …

In the palm of my hand, the two elements of fire and earth are constantly colliding and conflicting, and under the huge mental control, slowly and firmly fuse together.

Zhang Han cautiously controls the 2 regiments of Chakra and strives not to make the fusion process too violent. The consuming mind is bigger than expected.

I don’t know how long it took for the two Chakras to become one, turning into a lava-like melt. Through the palm, you can feel the hot temperature.


Zhang Han was delighted, and pressed it on the ground with his backhand.

Nourish, nourish …

Suddenly, the mud under the feet quickly melted into a surprisingly large hole, a sulphur-like smell filled the nose, and the edge of the rock under the mud showed red crystal.

This is definitely the performance of Lava Release!

“It doesn’t look too difficult …” Zhang Han whispered with smug complacency.

If Tsuna is there, it must be a little bit ridiculous.

With the experience of synthesizing Lava Release, Zhang Han continued to test the effect of the fusion of 2 different attributes while hitting iron while hot.

Unconsciously, the sun has gone down.

Successively, similar to the Boil Release of the fusion of fire and water, the Ice Release of the integration of feng shui, the Magnet Release of the integration of the terroir and so on, they were successfully manufactured by him one after another.

Today’s Zhang Han, even if it doesn’t count other abilities, just these kinds of Kekkei Genkai, can also be unhindered in Hokage world walk!

When Tsuna Cultivation was finished and returned to Zhang Han, what he saw was a bunch of multi-colored Chakra, controlled by inexplicable forces, floating around his body.

“This … these all are, Kekkei Genkai ?!”

Tsuna was incredibly stared wide-eyed and shook her head wildly.

“No! Impossible! It must be that I have overdone Cultivation, and I am too tired to have such an illusion! How can a person have so many Kekkei Genkai?”

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