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Although Riruka’s explanation is not so perfect, to be honest, even if it is a 2-dimensional world, except for a few people such as Protagonist, few people do things simply for justice.

If your own interests are violated, if you don’t fight back, wouldn’t you want to be scorned? Riruka’s explanation is more convincing.

Ichigo glanced around, and found that depressed, it seemed that everyone except him was very satisfied with Riruka’s explanation.

While speaking, Ishida Uryū woke up hummingly, Ichigo hurried forward to inquire about the attack, and Ishida’s answer was similar to that of Riruka.

In a word, all the bad things were done by Ginjō Kūgo and had nothing to do with Zhang Han. As to whether he came to save people, Ishida himself was not clear.

Pushing the pot to the dead is always the most direct and effective way. Even more how Ginjō Kūgo’s soul was burned to death by Zhang Han, even if he wanted to be reborn in the Soul Society, it was impossible!

As for the part of the lost soul, Ishida Uryū was depressed except for depression.

Everyone is dead, where else to find?

Waiting for the truth, Byakuya, and asking no more, Yõruichi left with Ichigo and the others, with full of doubts.

When Hirako Shinji was about to leave, Zhang Han spoke out and stopped him.

“What else?” Hirako Shinji frowned.

Do n’t look at Vaizādo ’s military force being pushed out of Soul Society more than 100 years ago. Their affection for Soul Society is deeper than expected. Now that Zhang Han and Soul Society are in full swing, Hirako Shinji certainly does not have a good face for him .

“Aizen is dead. Are you going to stay in this world?”

For the hostility of Hirako Shinji, Zhang Han did not take seriously. The reason why he was stopped was because he was deeply touched during this time and wanted to recruit them.

After all, it is the strength above Lieutenant Rank, which is absolutely qualified to be a thug.

“Oh … if you don’t stay here, where else can you go?”

Hirako Shinji was stabbed in the painful spot and could not help but smile bitterly.

Due to Zhang Han’s chaos, the last time he dealt with Aizen, Vaizādo’s military did not have the opportunity to fight side by side with Soul Society. Returning to Soul Society is of course far away.

“Have you not considered other places? For example, my Hueco Mundo!” Zhang Han asked slightly tentatively.

“Are you trying to recruit us?”

Speaking of which, Hirako Shinji understood immediately, and could not help but grin.

In the last ages, there is no doubt that it is the enemy of Shinigami most important. It is easy to say that it is also the former Fifth Division Captain. Even if it is demoted, it is impossible to join Hueco Mundo.

Being with the imaginary, it feels ridiculous to think about it.

Seeing Hirako Shinji’s expression, how could Zhang Han not know what he was thinking. Secretly funny, they have become solitary souls, unbound ghosts who have been pushed out of their homes, and what big tail wolf are they pretending to be?

“Don’t be too busy to refuse, is this also an option? Don’t you consider it for yourself, consider it for your companions!”

Seeing that Hirako Shinji stopped talking, Zhang Han waved his hand and motioned for the other party to hear what he said.

“Furthermore, Void is indeed the enemy of Shinigami, but when did you hear that Menos Grande of Adjuchas level or above actively invaded? Whether it is the invasion of the present world or the Soul Society, should n’t it?”

Hirako Shinji hearing this started slightly.

As Zhang Han said, it is the low-level Gurando Fisshā who invaded this world, and even the Menos Grande of Gillian Class are very few, let alone Adjuchas.

Regardless of whether Aizen ruled Hueco Mundo or Zhang Han, these Gurando Fisshā were completely restocked. They go wherever they want, they can do whatever they want, and they can only admit bad luck if they are killed.

At least Menos Grande above Adjuchas can really get into his eyes. And these Menos Grande have no inferior human intelligence, rarely voluntarily invade this world.

In other words, in the last ages Shinigami has always been the most important enemy, but in Menos Grande’s eyes, he didn’t take the two’s grievances seriously … Isn’t it enough for his piece of land?

This is awkward!

Hirako Shinji’s eyes twitched. Although Zhang Han’s words didn’t make him change his position, at least his prejudice about hypocrisy became much less.

“Either you or Soul Society, regards me as the most dangerous enemy. In fact, as far as I know, there is an enemy stronger than me hidden in the dark.” Zhang Han shifted the topic.

“What does this mean?”

Hirako Shinji’s face was blank, and she secretly slandered. Apart from you demon, who is the enemy of Soul Society?

“Remember the nursery rhyme circulating in the middle of Quincy? The king of Quincy by seal, after 900 years to recover the heartbeat, 90 years to recover the consciousness, and 9 years to recover the power, only 9 days to recover the world!”

Speaking of which, Zhang Han suddenly thought of a post he saw in his previous life, and inexplicably wanted to laugh.

That post spoofly added the second half of Yhwach’s prophecy-after another 9 hours of IQ off-line, 90% of Zhong Sheng’s subordinates were killed by Protagonist in only 9 seconds …

“You are talking about Yhwach who was sealed 1000 years ago?”

Of course, this king of Quincy, Hirako Shinji heard of it. But the time has passed so long that I only listen to a story. Now it seems that it really has something to do when Zhang Han mentions it!

This had to attract his attention.

Zhang Han did not answer directly, but said, “You should know the mother of Kurosaki Ichigo, Kurosaki Shinsaki, is a pure blood Quincy. A powerful pure blood Quincy was killed by a Gurando Fisshā 7 years ago. Is n’t that strange? “

“And, also on that day, Ishida Uryū’s mother also passed away.”

“Well hmph!”

Hirako Shinji snorted and motioned for Zhang Han to continue.

“If I’m right, when Kurosaki was killed in the accident, it happened to hit Yhwach to launch the sacred, and the power of the inside was taken away. And the mother of Ishida Uryū, because it was not pure blood Quincy, could not resist the sacred. No, just be killed. “

“It was also from that day on that the whole world could not find a mixed-race Quincy! Because they all died under the sanctity!”

Seeing the horror on Hirako Shinji’s face, Zhang Han didn’t seem to be attacked enough. He continued, “This happened 7 and a half years ago. Counting time, Yhwach should be more than a year away from resurrection!”

“I’m guessing that if Yhwach comes back to life, the first person who wants to retaliate should be the Soul Society that sealed him back then?”


Hirako Shinji couldn’t help being sucked in a cold breath. Although he didn’t know the specific ability of Yhwach, he could only be sealed 1000 years ago and could not be killed. This alone shows his strength.

If he is really resurrected, for Soul Society, it is no less than a nuclear explosion-level disaster!

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