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Late at night, Zhang Han didn’t go home, and found a room directly at Xcution’s headquarters, preparing to rest here for one night.

This time the situation is urgent, Zhang Han does not intend to go home. If the souls of Ishida Uryū and Urahara Kisuke were successfully obtained, he would return directly to Hokage world to heal Tsuna.

In the quiet room, Zhang Han was lying on the bed, his body was bathed in the moonlight from the window. Suddenly his heart was ups and downs, and he could not sleep.

Even Sword Meditation, which can’t be beaten every day, has been temporarily abandoned.

The reason for this is not to worry about Urahara Kisuke. Now that the net has been sown, it depends on luck whether the big fish can be caught.

The worst case, but Urahara Kisuke is more cautious, pulling Kurosaki father and son together here. When the time comes, the real tears on both sides are just a battle.

When it comes to fighting, Zhang Han asks that even if they are three, they are not their opponents!

What really annoys him is treating Tsuna’s problems!

After all, after so many years, I only have this daughter, and of course I will be cautious again.

The plan is there, and successful examples are also in front of him, but he is not Urahara Kisuke. I really want to talk about the study of the virtual, but I have read the original book, plus the understanding of the dialogue over the years, with the professional level of Urahara Black Technology Master, the difference is not a little bit.

This is the same as performing an operation. The surgeon’s level is not enough, and even the best auxiliary equipment is in vain.

For a moment, Zhang Han wanted to give up against Urahara Kisuke and take him to Hokage world to treat Tsuna.

But think about it again, that guy has too many thoughts, if he took the opportunity to poison the daughter, he might not even notice it.

If something goes wrong with her daughter, even if you ask him to settle the bill afterwards, what’s the use?

To say 1000, 10000, this matter has to be done by yourself.

“Forget it! Don’t think about it! I still don’t believe it. Urahara Kisuke can do it, but I can’t do it?” Zhang Han turned over again, closing his two eyes and emptying his brain.

It didn’t take long for me to fall asleep.


The next day, early in the morning, Zhang Han got up and washed, came to the bar, and took a bottle of wine. Sit on the sofa, while drinking and drinking, while patiently waiting for the return of Ginjō Kūgo.

Time is waiting, it will always be much longer invisible.

It wasn’t until noon that the 2 bottles of wine had bottomed out before I saw Ginjō Kūgo carrying Ishida Uryū who passed out and took Yukio and Jackie back to the club together.

Three people had messy clothes, several broken bodies on their bodies, and weariness that could not be concealed on their faces. Especially Jackie, blood dyed red shirt on his left shoulder and right thigh, should be injured in the battle.

“Sir, people brought!”

Ginjō Kūgo threw Ishida Uryū at the foot of Zhang Han, turned to sit on the sofa on the other side, and stretched out comfortably.

From yesterday to now, three people took turns monitoring Ishida Uryū. Yukio and Jackie took time to squint for a while. Instead, as the leader, he didn’t close his eyes overnight.

At this moment, I just leaned on the sofa, and I only felt heavy eyelids. If I were not curious about why Zhang Han arrested Ishida Uryū, he was going to sleep first.

“You did good!”

Zhang Han praised the sentence casually, short lower body, right hand pressed against Ishida Uryū’s chest, Reiatsū urged, cut out a small part of the other party’s soul, extracted.

A small part of the soul was taken away, Ishida Uryū in the coma was tightly frowns, and his face was scary and white.

Looking down at the ball with the pale white rays of light in his palm, Zhang Han was dumbfounded. In his mind, the memories of the past flashed like slides.

I still remember that when I first traversed the Soul Society, I was lying in the grove of Rukongai, so I was taken away by Aizen for nearly one third of my soul.

What is the difference between what I am doing now and Aizen?

In a moment of silence, Zhang Han laughed suddenly, “At least, I only took one-fifth of Ishida Uryū’s soul, which is also a conscience …”

After the soul was stored in the storage space, Zhang Han pressed his hand again on Ishida Uryū’s chest, and Reiryōku transformed into the power of Yin-Yang Release, pouring into the other within the body.

Although Yin-Yang Release can not make up for the lack of soul, but it is very helpful to the body. Strength, physical strength, and even lifespan will be strengthened in all directions.

“Take your soul and give you some Yin-Yang Release, and it’s not too bad for you.”

Zhang Han stood up, turned his head towards Ginjō Kūgo, and said, “I have to bother you again and send him back.”

“Is this finished?”

Ginjō Kūgo slightly startedled, suddenly a little discouraged. It took so much effort to co-operate with 3 people, and even Jackie was injured, just to get a little soul for that guy?

I always feel that there is a little bit of proportion between the effort and the reward …

“Well, I need a little blood Quincy’s soul …”

Zhang Han was in a good mood at the moment to get what he wanted and explained the sentence casually.


While speaking, the door opened suddenly in my ear.

Turning around, I opened the door and walked in. It was Riruka and Urahara Kisuke who were looking forward to it!

Zhang Han’s face was quiet, but he was very excited. I thought to myself that I could n’t stop my luck. Not only did I get the soul of Ishida Uryū, but I also successfully tricked Urahara Kisuke!

Everything is just like what Zhang Han thought, Urahara Kisuke holds the boldness of execution stems from superb skill, even if he is suspicious of Riruka suddenly finding himself, he still doesn’t take seriously.

With his strength, even if there is really a conspiracy, there is nothing to be afraid of. It is a little troublesome at best!


When I saw Zhang Han standing on the opposite side for the first time, Urahara Kisuke suddenly felt tight. The right foot of the entrance threshold was frozen in the air, and then he subconsciously retracted it and stood outside the door.

This is not ‘somewhat troublesome’, but should be ‘big troublesome’!

“How? Old friend asked you not to come in and sit down?”

Zhang Han spread his hands and looked at Urahara Kisuke with a smile.

After a while, he had already unfolded Kenbunshoku Haki, and searched the area of ​​several dozen li around, without feeling any other familiar breath.

Since Urahara Kisuke alone is here, it’s easy to handle!

Urahara Kisuke raised his hand to support the brim, and the moment he saw Zhang Han, he had cut off his thoughts of escaping. After all, not everyone has the ability to escape alive in front of the speed of light. Even if they do, they will certainly not be themselves.

Of course, Urahara Kisuke is not worried that Zhang Han really dares to fight against himself. The collision of Captain Rank must be the scene of destroying heaven extinguishing earth.

As long as he persists for a few more minutes, Kurosaki Isśhin, Yõruichi, and even the Vaizādo military gang in Mingmu City will rush to support. When the time comes, who wins and who loses is not necessarily true!

Having figured this out, Urahara Kisuke flashed a flash of light in his eyes and walked into the room.

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