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Hearing that Akame was not Zhang Han’s woman, Kushina and Tsunade looked at each other in a tacit understanding, and relaxed a little in her heart, and turned Akame to hide in the corner with enthusiasm and murmured.

As a killer, has Akame ever seen such a battle? I just asked blankly and answered one sentence. In 3 words and 2 languages, I shook my acquaintance with Zhang Han.

Seeing a few people get along well, Zhang Han suddenly let go of his heart, pulled a knife to open a space door, walked in, and disappeared in front of everyone in an instant.


In the afternoon, Karakura High School is bathed in golden sunlight, because it is class time, except for the classroom, other places are very quiet, few people come and go.

Zhang Han returned to the first stop of Shinigami World. Instead of going home, he wore a coat hiding Reiatsū and sneaked into the school.

However, he found a circle and wondered if Ishida Uryū was not in the classroom! Even Kurosaki Ichigo, Inoue Orihime and Yasutora Sado of one class did not see the silhouette.

“Did the past few days I leave, what other major event happened to Shinigami World?”

Zhang Han was puzzled, and while taking a break between classes, he used Genjutsu to control a classmate and asked about the situation. Only then did I realize that in the first class in the afternoon, Ichigo and the others sneaked away by urinary escape … just in time with Zhang Han.

“It should be to eliminate Gurando Fisshā who invaded Karakura Town.”

Having read the original book, Zhang Han certainly knows that Ichigo also has a position of Substitute Shinigami. Although he has no salary, he can’t stop people from working with high enthusiasm. Basically, as long as there is a virtual invasion of Karakura Town, he will immediately rush to the scene.

As for Ishida Uryū and the others, it basically belongs to idle pain in the balls. There is nothing to do, so I got a free part-time job and helped the Soul Society work as a white worker.

After leaving the school, Zhang Han immediately urged Kenbunshoku Haki to cover the entire Karakura Town in search of Ishida Uryū. It didn’t take long to realize that several people were returning to school together.

It seems that the work is done, ready to go back to school to get a schoolbag …

This high school life made Zhang Han fiercely envious!

“Huh? Someone ?!”

Just as Zhang Han was about to take back Kenbunshoku and continued to squat at school, he suddenly ‘saw’ that a man followed Ichigo and the others at a moderate pace.

The man has short black shoulder-length hair and a handsome look. He wears a white shirt on the upper body and black suspenders on the lower body. With a book in his hand, his eyes never left the book even while following Ichigo and the others.

“Interesting, who would it be? Who is his goal? Kurosaki Ichigo? Or Ishida Uryū? Or Inoue Orihime?” Zhang Han bent his mouth, and curious rays of light flashed in his eyes.

In Karakura Town, Ichigo is a large light bulb of several thousand watts. Whether it is a decent or a villain, it has intentionally or unintentionally targeted him.

I just don’t know which force this time will be.

When Ichigo and the others talking and laughing returned to school, the tracker suddenly jumped onto a lush tree and borrowed the leaves to hide his body.

Coincidentally, the place the tracker chooses is exactly where Zhang Han is. It’s just that because Zhang Han’s hidden ability is extremely high, even if he is on the same tree, the person doesn’t notice anyone behind him.

The man leaned against the tree trunk, lowered his head, and concentrated on reading. According to past tracking experience, if there were no particularly urgent matters, those people would not come out again until after school.

“Human? Is your goal Kurosaki Ichigo?”

Just when man 2 did n’t hear anything out of the window and wandered in the ocean of knowledge, a gentle inquiry suddenly came from behind, and he was shocked by a shivered, not even think, he quickly rushed forward, even did n’t even look back Thinking of quickly pulling away from the other party.

Zhang Han seemed to have no intention of shooting, and the curiosity in his eyes gradually became clear.

at first He hadn’t noticed that until the man appeared in front of him, he realized that the other party turned out to be human!

In the original book, as a human being and with special ability, except for the original TV Batman, only Furuburingā is left! Comparing the clothes of the other party, a name flashed in Zhang Han’s mind—

Tsukishima Shūkurō!

Speaking of this name, many people are probably not impressed, but when it comes to his ability, perhaps he will suddenly realize it.

Furuburingā, Book of the End! Ability is to insert one’s own existence into the enemy’s past and influence the future by changing history.

For example, if he was slashed with a knife, and then Tsukishima was caught in your past as your father’s memory, even if you are in doubt, you must call him father …!

That’s the ability to be perverted!

Like Tennōhime, Book of the End is also a rule system ability, the difference is that it belongs to the power of the time branch. As for the formable power, the positioning in the original book is relatively vague.

When he is strong, even Yhwach’s changes can be repaired by him in the future. When he is weak, he can’t beat Kuchiki Byakuya.

“At this point in time, has Xcution already begun to act?”

Time has passed too long, Zhang Han is too lazy to recall, only remember that the Furuburingā appeared after Aizen was sealed, the specific time point can not be remembered.

But it doesn’t matter, since it happened, how could it be justified?

Tsukishima Shūkurō rushed out of the tree, stopped at the top of a telephone pole, and looked at Zhang Han cautiously, while silently pulling out the bookmarks sandwiched in the pages of the book.

“who are you?”

While speaking, the Tsukishima Shūkurō right hand shook slightly, and the bookmark suddenly spread to the rays of light, turning into a sword.

“It doesn’t matter who I am, what matters is that when you meet me, you are counted as bad luck!”

Zhang Han remained calm and composed while handling pressing affairs stepped out of the tree and stepped into the air step by step. The leisurely posture seemed not to be fighting, but more like a walk at the door of the school.

“What? Arrogance!”

Tsukishima Shūkurō was furious, brandishing his sword and slashing straight to Zhang Han’s head.

Tsukishima Shūkurō is extremely confident in his abilities. Under normal circumstances, if you do n’t understand Book of the End, it is easy to win. As long as the blade is slightly scratched, the memory will be inserted into the past by him, and the desired result will be obtained.

What he didn’t know was that for Book of the End, Zhang Han had no less end than him. In this case, it would be as difficult as heavenly ascension to want to hurt Zhang Han.

Almost as soon as the blade was about to be cut on the forehead, Zhang Han’s body suddenly burst into a strong rays of light, so Tsukishima almost couldn’t open his eyes.

Following the trajectory of the blade, the rays of light split abruptly, and at the same time, Zhang Han stretched out his right hand like lightning, grabbed the opponent’s neck, and used only force …

Ka-cha !

With just one face-to-face, Tsukishima Shūkurō was torn off his neck, and the dead could not die anymore!

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