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There is a light white halo flowing on the silk thread, one after another weak power is introduced into Soul Body from it, as if to pull his soul back within the body again.

Beside him, Zhang Han’s attention was not at all on those Chakra lines, and a two-eye bead stared straight at Tsuna’s chest.

For his daughter, Zhang Han certainly does not have any wretched thoughts, what really cares is that Tsuna’s chest has no causal chain!

The causal chain is the medium that connects the soul and the body. If the ordinary person loses the causal chain, the only thing is … he (she) is dead!

Of course, this is not true for Zhang Han.

He was born with an independent Soul Body and Fleshy Body, which can not only cultivate the power of soul, but also the power of Cultivation other systems.

It can be said that at the starting point alone, it has surpassed most of the martial artists.

In contrast, Tsuna has no causal chains and can only prove one point.

In her case, like Zhang Han, the soul and fleshy body are completely separated. As for the Chakra lines connecting the soul and the body, it is because of the acquired Culture Ninjutsu.

“Sure enough it is my daughter, born to be Shinigami’s material!”

Under Tsuuna’s increasingly dangerous eyes, Zhang Han looked away and laughed happily.

At the same time, 5 fingers and palm, slashing the Chakra line.

With the break of the Chakra line, Tsuna made a sudden bang, and there was a feeling in the air that she seemed to have lost something.

“You guy, what the hell are you doing?”

Seeing Zhang Han wave off the daughter’s Chakra line, Tsunade suddenly looked ashen blue, and again asked, “Do you know that cutting the Chakra line is equivalent to scrapping Nunajutsu from Cultivation over the years …”

“Know! What about that?”

Zhang Han interrupted the other party’s long speech coldly.

Tsunade was shocked and fell into a stunned state again.


What if Chakra is lost? What about Cultivation Ninjutsu?

With such awesome dad, I am afraid that I have no strength?

Zhang Han casually leaks something nice from his fingers, which can be of great benefit.

even more how is his own daughter?

Even if he is stingy, he will make Tsuna a generation of Powerhouse.

To understand this, Tsunade gradually fell silent.

I still warned myself in my heart not to look at each other 30 years ago. However, in fact, it is still done according to the habits of the past, even in the subconscious, still Zhang Han as Apprentice, there will be that many doubts.

If you put aside these doubts and think in the simplest way, will Zhang Han, as Tsuna’s father, harm her?

The answer is of course no!

So, what else are you worried about?

Zhang Han did not know that at this moment, Tsunade’s mind would pop up with so many ideas. Turned his head and looked at his daughter carefully. After a while, his eyes fell on her left hand.

I saw the left hand exposed outside the sleeve, and the entire palm became a miserable white. Even the nails become thin and long, hook-shaped.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Han couldn’t help but tighten his heart, forcibly lifted the head, and directed at the daughter’s gentle laughed.

“Take off your clothes!”


Tsuna complexion greatly changed, the dissatisfaction in the eyes is getting stronger. The body twisted unnaturally, feeling Zhang Han’s eyes falling on his body, as if full of aggression.

I just stared at the breasts of others and did not say anything, but now it is even more excessive, and I have to undress myself in a large crowd …

This bastard father, has you seen too much meat? !

When he said that, Zhang Han suddenly looked embarrassed, secretly sighed himself too anxious, just thinking about checking the extent of the daughter’s virtual erosion, forgetting that there are outsiders!

I saw that he lifted his right foot and stomped the ground lightly, one after another Reiryōku was transformed into dark Maryokū, spreading along the ground.

In an instant, the surging dark Maryokū constituted a miniature mirrored space, separating Jiraiya from Naruto.

As for Ulquiorra … A Vasto Lorde-level Menos Grande knows the feelings of a fart. It is estimated that in his eyes, a beautiful woman is nothing but a pink skull that’s all.

“Okay, take it off now.” Zhang Han tapped his palm and signaled Tsuna not to be nervous.

“Really take off?”

Tsuna looked towards mother for help, but found helplessly that Tsunade just stood there silently without saying a word.

“Come on, I want to see how bad you are.” Zhang Han urged again, scolded with a cold face, “I’m your father, don’t think about it!”

Hearing this, Tsuna reluctantly untied her belt and took off the white Dead Bull.


Seeing the body under daughter’s death tyrant, Zhang Han couldn’t help sucking in a cold breath.

I saw that most of his body showed a virtual and miserable white, and his left hand and left leg also showed signs of animalism, and he had a semi-osteal tail extending from caudal vertebrae.

What Zhang Han cares most about is that Tsuna’s abdomen already has a thumb-sized hole through which she can see the scene behind her at a glance.

Virtual hole!

“Ah! Tsuna! You …”

Tsunade covered his mouth, and two lines of tears fell from the corner of his eyes.

If it was n’t for the sudden change today, Zhang Han unable to make head or tail of it and he competed for the daughter, causing Tsuna to suddenly run out of Hollowfication. She did n’t know that Tsuna ’s situation had become so serious!

Not only Tsunade, but also Ulquiorra, who has always been indifferent to other things, was shocked by Tsuna’s strange situation!

“How could humans have a virtual constitution? Even more how is Menos Grande above Adjuchas …!”

I saw Ulquiorra staring at the void in Tsuna ’s abdomen and muttered, “Yes! Since she is Zhang Han-sama ’s daughter, as it should be by rights possesses the power of Shinigami … However, Shinigami and Xu should not Is it a naturally hostile relationship? “

At this moment, Ulquiorra felt that the brain cells were a bit insufficient.

No wonder Ulquiorra will be confused, because Zhang Han has never shown Hollow’s Strength in front of him. For this reason, Ulquiorra didn’t even know that Zhang Han within the body once lived with a Vasto Lorde-class Menos Grande.

“Ah! How can I become like this? Mother, am I going to become a monster?”

Tsuna lowered her head, looked at her left hand and left foot, and the small hollow in her abdomen, and then compared with the empty hole under Ulquiorra’s neck. She burst into tears and looked for Tsunade.

“Don’t worry! With me here, I won’t let you do anything!”

Zhang Han stepped forward and rubbed Tsuna’s head with his hands, comfortingly.

At this time, Tsuna did not refuse his father’s kindness, and forehead rubbed lightly in the palm of Zhang Han, nodded.

Zhang Han stuffed Tsuna’s soul back into within the body, took her mother and daughter with Kushina to rediscover a hotel, and settled in Short Book Street for the time being.

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