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The courtyard where Kushina lives is not large, plus there are only 3 houses in the living room. Because it was just a temporary place to stay, when I bought it, I never thought about investing too much.

As Kyūbi no Jinchūriki, Kushina doesn’t need to do tasks to make money, she will have a fixed monthly living cost, enough for her to eat, wear and warm, and still have a balance.

At this point, it is much happier than other Shinōbi.

In the living room, two people snuggled up on the sofa, one talking about his experiences over the years, and the other listening quietly.

At this time, Zhang Han did not conceal anything from Kushina, including the hatred in Soul Society and Aizen, as well as his experience in other worlds, and even a few women, all of them were apparently told freely.

From the very beginning of curiosity and worry, to the later annoyance and anger. Kushina’s mood is like a roller coaster, ups and downs.

So much so that at the end of Zhang Han’s talk, she just sat there silently without saying a word.

“I’d rather you lied to me by telling some nice lies!”

Kushina stared blankly at the other person, her tears seeming to burst from the corner of her eyes.

She had thought that Zhang Han will have other women. After all, Tsunade is a precedent, but what you did n’t expect is that there are so many!

“I am sorry!”

In addition to an apology, Zhang Han couldn’t find a suitable vocabulary.

Kushina didn’t speak anymore, just staring at Zhang Han with tears in her eyes.

The long silence, the suppressed anger and pain finally turned into a helpless sigh.

For this man, she has already gambled for half her life, is there any choice?


Some things, once decided, there is no possibility to look back.

She has no retreat anymore, even if Zhang Han has any more women, brace oneself must continue to gamble.

Abandoning Zhang Han not only means giving up the feelings of two people, but also represents denying your persistence in the first half of your life. The words idiot and fool will all fall on their heads …

The terrible scene made her shudder at all.

Rather than that, it is better to fight with other women to the end!

After all, how can she say that she has known Zhang Han much earlier than other people. With a first-mover advantage, if you don’t hold it firmly, then it is really silly!

I don’t know how long it took, Kushina slowly calmed down, and buried herself in Zhang Han’s arms, dumbly said, “Will you always treat me well?”

“Of course!” Zhang Han replied decisively.

This kind of problem does not need to be considered at all, let alone the hesitation of even one-on-one.

Zhang Han lowered his head, kissed Kushina’s hair, and said in a mocking tone, “And, I still expect you to give me a bunch of sons!”

“You have that many women, what do you expect me to do?”

The sour tone, listening in my ears, seems to have even loosened the root of the tooth …

“It’s not the same! My body comes from this World, and the one who is most likely to give birth to a child is only you … um, maybe, Hinamori is also one!” Zhang Han said with some uncertainty.

Shinigami can have children.

Zhang Han’s soul comes from the previous life, but the first world to traverse is Shinigami World. After all, it’s the soul. Combined with Hinamori to have a little Shinigami, there should be no problem of genetic isolation.

As for Hill and the others, he has no hope …

Zhang Han told Kushina his own guess, and then said, “In fact, for so many years, I only have Tsuuna as a daughter. It is also because of her existence that these inferences were made.”

Hearing Zhang Han’s story, Kushina’s eyes grew brighter.

No matter how many women there are? Do you know what makes a mother more expensive?

No matter how beautiful the other woman looks and how good she is, she is just a vase. When you give birth to Zhang Han, your status will definitely be the tide rises, the boat floats.

In other words, his competitor is actually only Hinamori Momo!

What are you afraid of?

It really doesn’t work, at the worst pull Tsunade to help out!

If you get 2 together, you wo n’t believe in a Hinamori Momo!

The thoughts flashed in my mind, and I passed through all the situations that might be encountered in the future, as well as the ways to deal with them. Kushina then let go of her worries and cleared up her emotions.

It didn’t take long to hear a clatter, Tsunade kicked angrily open the door, walked in, and followed Jiraiya and the others behind him.

As for Ulquiorra who came back early, Reiatsū sensed the situation in the room, did not enter the living room, and consciously stayed outside the courtyard.

Seeing Tsunade rushing towards the living room with a furious imposing manner at this moment, Ulquiorra hurried across a few steps to stop the other party’s path.

“Let Kai!”

Seeing Ulquiorra again, Tsunade suddenly stopped breathing, and his already angry mood was even more irritable. Hands clenched into fists, as if at any time it may break out.

In response, Ulquiorra didn’t care at all, his body was like a rock, and he didn’t move.

“Asshole! Are you a dead man? Get off Kai!”

Tsunade resembled an angry female leopard, shouting at Ulquiorra repeatedly. The sound was so loud that even the dust on the roof tiles was shaken a little.

Ulquiorra stared at each other with cold eyes, and Mo green’s pupils did not carry any emotional color.

fly into a rage out of humiliation?

This kind of emotion only exists for human beings. For Ulquiorra, there is no such thing!

He is like a cold machine, analyzing the world in front of him with absolute reason.

In the eyes of Ulquiorra, there are only two types of threats and no threats. As for Tsunade and Zhang Han, they can’t tell the relationship between them, even if they are understood!

Faced with this kind of ‘inhumane’ guy, Tsunade suddenly felt discouraged. Raised his head slightly, loudly said at the living room, “Zhang Han, get out of me!”

“Ah! Sister Tsunade is here to settle your accounts!”

Kushina put out her tongue mischievously, making a grimace at Zhang Han with a good-looking expression.

“Come when you come, can she still eat me?”

Zhang Han turned over Byakugan, and his face didn’t care.

Dare to treat his daughter like that, he hasn’t settled the accounts with Tsunade yet, the other party has come to trouble first, is this enough?

Since Tsunade wants one-on-one solo, then come on!

Determined, Zhang Han instructed Ulquiorra outside the door, “Let them come in!”

Ulquiorra glanced at Tsunade indifferently, without greeting, and turned directly into the living room.

Tsunade coldly snorted, suffocating his anger, and followed in.

Jiraiya sighed in her heart. I’m afraid it won’t be good to see the situation today.

Entering the living room, and taking a quick look, Tsunade suddenly turned black. I saw Zhang Han holding Kushina in one hand, tilting his 2 legs and sitting on the sofa with carelessness.

The chic and frivolous pretending posture, the stimulating Tsunade 2’s eyes were red, and he wished to throw it up immediately, punching the bastard with a punch.

But when I think of the battle strength of Zhang Han and Ulquiorra, I have to forcibly suppress this urge.

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